[Chacmool-l] Oct 18, 2011

Chacmool chacmool at ucalgary.ca
Tue Oct 18 14:19:53 MDT 2011

Greetings Chacmoolians,


I hope midterm and deadline season is going well for you all!


Here's a quick update on some upcoming events:


1.      Noon hour

2.      Squash! 

3.      UWO Anthropology Student Journal 2011 - 2012 Call for papers

4.      Open House <- Volunteers Needed!

5.      ASA Lecture

6.      Movie Night


1.      Noon hour

The noon hour lecture this week (Wednesday October 19, 2011) is 'Lessons in
Public Engagement and Landscape Archaeology: The 2011 Pine Coulee Survey
Project", given by Lindsay Amundsen-Meyer a PhD Student in the department.
As usual, it will be in ES 859 from 12:00-13:00. Coffee and snacks will be
provided. We hope to see you there!


2.      Squash!

You may have heard word around the department about something big and
exciting going down... well if that something is about a competitive squash
tournament, it's TRUE! Scheduled (albeit loosely) for the end of March, we
will be getting together for the next 6 months to hash out our frustrations
and build some major (or minor) skills on the court. We will also be having
a TBD competition (with prizes!) right before our bodies are wracked with
the pain of final exams. If you're interested in getting your game on, let
one of the executives know or shoot us an e-mail so we can get a sense for
who is planning on being in attendance. All skill levels are welcome
including those who have never played. It's going to be a lot of fun, so we
hope you'll consider joining us in the months to come!


3.      UWO Anthropology Student Journal 2011 - 2012 Call for papers

Below is a copy of an email sent to the department:

Dear Anthropology Students, 

Are you interested in having a research paper published in a peer-reviewed
student journal?  Totem, The University of Western Ontario Anthropology
Department's student-run peer-reviewed journal, currently welcomes
manuscript submissions from both undergraduate and graduate students for its
20th volume. 


Last year was the first year Totem began publishing online, making student
research in anthropology available to a much wider audience.  We encourage
your participation in the publication of Totem's 20th volume.  This is a
great opportunity to get your research published.

The Call for Papers is open until January 31, 2012 (available to view online
at: http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/totem/call_for_papers.pdf ).  For more information
on article submission, please visit our website (http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/totem)
or contact the editors at totemjournal at gmail.com
Jennifer Morgan & Andrew Wade, Co-editors

Totem: The University of Western Ontario Journal of Anthropology  


4.      Open House <- Volunteers Needed!

Dr. Richard Callaghan is looking for volunteers to help with the open house
on Saturday November 9. Prospective students often find approaching fellow
students very helpful. If you're interested please let us know and we'll
forward on more information! Get some hours towards validating your
co-curricular record!


5.      ASA Lecture


The ASA lecture this week is being given by Barney Reeves (Lifeways of
Canada) and is entitled "Archaeology of Alberta: Yesterday, Today, and
Tomorrow". Coffee and snacks will be provided, we hope to see you there!


6.      Movie night


Come join us for a fun evening of movie watching in ES 859 on October 27th.
Details will be provided later this week! 



Chacmool Archaeology Association



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