[acc-cca-l] CFP for Sustainable Publishing special issue hosted by The Goose, Imaginations, and Engaged Scholar Journal

Jekanowski, Rachel rjekanowski at mun.ca
Wed Jul 24 09:14:39 MDT 2024


Dear colleagues,

I'm forwarding a call for papers<https://scholars.wlu.ca/thegoose/currentcall.html> that may be of interest to many of you. The editors of The Goose<https://scholars.wlu.ca/thegoose/>, Imaginations <https://imaginationsjournal.ca/> Journal<https://imaginationsjournal.ca/>, and Engaged Scholar Journal<https://esj.usask.ca/index.php/esj> are co-organizing a special issue on sustainable publishing.

This journal issue comes out of conversations about low-carbon research dissemination and publishing practices at a conference panel organized by the editors at the CCA Annual Conference in Toronto, 2023. We seek to bring together scholars, artists, librarians, and practitioners to explore aspects of social and environmental sustainability within scholarly publishing, while experimenting with publishing form. This innovative issue will be platformed across the three open-access journals with a shared table of contents. Our hope is to use this issue, alongside other forums, to build community around more sustainable, equitable, and low-carbon publishing and push for structural changes in the sector.

Submissions are welcome in English and in French and may be submitted to any of the three hosting journals. Questions and inquiries can be directed to Rachel Jekanowski (rjekanowski at mun.ca<mailto:rjekanowski at mun.ca>), Margot Mellet (margot.mellet at umontreal.ca<mailto:margot.mellet at umontreal.ca>), and Brent Ryan Bellamy (brent.ryan.bellamy at gmail.com<mailto:brent.ryan.bellamy at gmail.com>). Poetry inquiries can be directed to The Goose’s Poetry Editor Ariel Gordon (janeday at mymts.net<mailto:janeday at mymts.net>).

Deadline: October 15, 2024

The full bilingual call is attached here as a PDF and can be accessed online at The Goose: https://scholars.wlu.ca/thegoose/currentcall.html

Best regards,

Rachel Jekanowski (The Goose), on behalf of Abigail Fields (The Goose), Brent Ryan Bellamy (Imaginations), Markus Reisenleitner (Imaginations), Margot Mellet (Imaginations), and Lori Bradford (Engaged Scholar Journal)

Rachel W. Jekanowski   (she/her)
Assistant Professor of English
Office AS 332F
School of Arts and Social Science
Memorial University - Grenfell Campus
Corner Brook, NL, Canada
Email: rjekanowski at mun.ca<mailto:rjekanowski at mun.ca>

Office phone: (709) 639-6560

Co-Editor of The Goose: Journal of Arts, Environment, and Culture in Canada<https://scholars.wlu.ca/thegoose/>

Reviews Editor for the Journal of Environmental Media<https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/jem>

We respectfully acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University’s campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups. We also acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province.

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