[Chacmool-l] January 2013 Chacmool Newsletter

Chacmool Archaeology Association Chacmool at ucalgary.ca
Mon Jan 14 15:47:40 MST 2013

Hi Everyone!!
Welcome back, we hope you had a relaxing break and the first week of
school wasn’t too much of a shock. There’s a lot here to go through! We
hope to see you at the events.

1.	Lunch time Speaker
2.	Arctic Institute Speaker
3.	Archaeological Society of Alberta Speaker
4.	Artifact Photography Workshop*
5.	Meet and Greet
6.	Canadian Archaeological Associaiton – Undergrad and Graduate
7.	PURE Award
8.	Archaeology Awareness
9.	Volunteer Opportunities
10.	Chacmool Office Hours

1. Archaeology Department Noon Hour Lecture Series
    Speaker: Geoffery McCafferty (University of Calgary)
    Where: Earth Sciences 859
    When: January 16, 2013 from 12:00-1:00 pm
The recent acquisition of a large collection of pre-Columbian objects from
the Glenbow Museum further establishes the Archaeology Department as the
leading Canadian institution of Latin American archaeology.  A collections
management class (ARKY 537) in the Fall of 2012 provided advanced
undergraduate and graduate students with a rare opportunity to work with
museum-quality collections of ceramics and lithics.  The class
concentrated on objects from lower Central America, especially Costa Rica
and Nicaragua, which has been a longstanding research focus in the
department.  Students selected topics for investigation, presented posters
of their research at the recent Chacmool conference, and created an
exhibition of selected objects; an illustrated catalogue of the objects is
currently being published on-line.  I will present some of the highlights
of the museum collection and the research results produced by the museum

2. Arctic Speaker Series
    Speaker: Kenneth Jones (University of Calgary)
    Where: Science B 144
    When: January 16, 2013 at 4:00pm
Foxe Basin: Canada’s “Cartographic Backwater”
The talk will discuss how Foxe Basin was the last part of Canada’s North
to be explored and mapped, despite its relatively southern location
straddling the Arctic Circle.

3. Archaeological Society of Alberta Speaker Series (Every Third Wednesday
of the Month)
     Speaker: Mitch Hedrickson (University of Illinois)
     Where: Earth Sciences 162 (Tom Oliver Room)
     When: January 16, 2013 at 7:30 pm
Industries of Angkor Project: Material Production and the Decline of the
Khmer Empire, Cambodia
The medieval Khmer Empire, based at its capital of Angkor in northern
Cambodia, exerted control across vast parts of mainland Southeast Asia
between the 11th and 13th centuries CE. This expansion was facilitated by
an elaborate transport system connecting to regional centres that provided
access to key economic resources such as metals. Over the past four years,
the Industries of Angkor Project (INDAP) has conducted research at one of
these centres, Preah Khan of Kompong Svay (Preah Khan), the only Angkorian
site with traces of iron production within its enclosure walls. Employing
a range of new multidisciplinary approaches INDAP has documented the
extent and history of fifteen smelting sites within Preah Khan and the
Phnom Dek. In addition to providing the first detailed evidence of
Post-Angkorian activity in Cambodia results question the finality
associated with the collapse of pre-industrial states.

4. Artifact Photography Workshop*
     Facilitator: Mike Moloney
     Where: Earth Sciences 859 and 851
     When: January 22, 2013 at 5:30 – 7:30 pm
This workshop will introduce elementary aspects of basic photography and
photo composition, as well as principles of archaeological photography. In
particular, we will be looking at artifact and site photography. The
workshop will comprise a brief lecture followed by some hands on practice
at both site and artifact photography. We will finish by examining and
critiquing the practice photos.
Please sign up for this workshop as space is limited– Sign up sheet will
be posted outside the Chacmool Office at ES 826 and the workshop is open
to everyone in the Department.

5. Winter Meet and Greet
     Where: Earth Sciences 859
     When: February 1, 2013
Stay tuned for more information on this event! Megan, your social
co-ordiator, is putting together a fabulous event.

6. Canadian Archaeological Association (Looks great on a resume!)
     Contact: Eric Guiry at ejg504 at mun.ca
The CAA is looking for an Undergraduate and Graduate Student
Representatives from the University of Calgary.
“Having a student representative for the CAA-SC from your department will
better facilitate vital communications between the CAA and your students
about emerging opportunities and current events. Depending on a student’s
interest and availability, becoming a representative on the committee
could involve as little as relaying information between the CAA and a
particular department or as much as planning student events at the Annual
CAA Conference.” Please contact Eric directly.

7. Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) Award (Looks great
on a resume!)
     Deadline: February 11, 2013
This is a great way to get some research experience and have it paid for
by the University! http://www.ucalgary.ca/provost/TLFC/awards/undergrad
PURE Award Opportunity: Dr. Julio Mercader is looking for an undergraduate
student to work in the Tropical Archaeological Lab doing Phytolith
Analysis. Please contact Dr. Mercader directly at mercader at ucalgary.ca for
more information.

8. Archaeology Awareness
   Who: YOU
   When: First Tuesday of the Month (Tuesday, February 5th)
Are you tired of being asked “Will you be digging up dinosaurs in
Drumheller?” In a subtle way, we would like to bring archaeology to the
consciousness of non-archaeologists minds. So, on the first Tuesday of
every month we are asking people to wear an archaeologically themed shirt
- this may get people talking or perhaps asking questions. It would be
great if the entire Archaeology Department got in on this!

9. Volunteer Opportunities  (Looks great on a resume!)
Reading Room Volunteers
Contact: Natalie Sawyer at nmsawyer at shaw.ca
This is a great place to get volunteer hours AND study time in at the same
time! It is also a great way to help keep the reading room open as a study
space for fellow students.

Wednesday Lunch Hour Speaker Snack Provider
Contact: Megan MacLean at mhmaclea at ucalgary.ca
During the semester the Archaeology Department hosts a Noon hour lecture
on Wednesdays. The Graduate Students are responsible for organizing the
speakers and Chacmools role is to provide the coffee, tea and snacks.
Chacmool is asking/seeking/begging for individuals to contribute to the
snack portions of this. Bring in your receipts for your snacks (we'll pay
for them) AND you get an hour for U of C Co-curricular Activities!

10. Chacmool Office Hours
Please feel free to drop by and talk archaeology with us! We will be
closed on Stat Holidays and during Reading Week in February.

Mondays 	1:00 - 2:00 pm	Sheila
Tuesdays 	1:00 – 2:00 pm	Mary Lynn
Wednesdays 	1:00 – 2:00 pm 	Colleen
Fridays 	12:00 – 1:00 pm	Megan

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