[Alta-Logic] Reminder: Joao Marcos on Gaps and Gluts

Richard Zach rzach at ucalgary.ca
Thu Jul 2 10:36:01 MDT 2020

Dear Cheerful Logicians,

A quick reminder that Joao Marcos is giving the supergroup talk in 
approximately 8.5 hours. The link and password and whatnot (as well as a 
reminder about the talk details) are below.

Link: https://ksu.zoom.us/j/92869066474?pwd=N2M4OU9kNWtDVFIrbFI3djU4OGRsZz09
Meeting ID: 928 6906 6474
Password: Gaps&Gluts

Title: Let gluts and gaps prevail!
Abstract: One of the all time favorite strategies for defining a 
non-classical negation proceeds by considering additional truth-values, 
besides `the True' and `the False', with the intent of using the latter 
to localise the phenomena of negation-inconsistency and 
negation-undeterminedness. From a philosophical standpoint, such an 
approach often translates, with varying degrees of success, into the 
consideration of `gaps' and `gluts', thought of as truth-values on their 
own right. From the perspective of the standard Tarskian 
consequence-theoretic framework, one may claim that the collection of 
truth-values associated to a given logic constitutes hardly anything 
beyond a technical expedient used within the so-called `logical 
matrices' in order to define some convenient notion of entailment.  
Indeed, at the metalogical level, no more than one or two `logical 
values' are needed in order to explicate any given consequence relation 
and the associated one-dimensional `logical theories' that are intended 
to collect the assertions upon which one happens to be interested. In 
this talk I will defend the systematic use of a generalized notion of 
logical consequence that allows for: (i) gappy and glutty reasoning to 
be naturally captured, at the metalogical level; (ii) a two-dimensional 
notion of logical theory, containing both assertions and denials, to be 
explored; (iii) a plurality of inferential mechanisms to cohabit.  
Furthermore, concerning the choice of logical primitives, I will also 
argue that truth-values and judgments about logical consequence are 
advantageously replaced by cognitive attitudes and judgments about 
logical incompatibility.

Yay for logic!

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