[Alta-Logic] website, seminar time

Kristine Bauer bauerk at ucalgary.ca
Mon Jun 26 15:43:20 MDT 2017

Hi all,

Next year, we are very lucky to have funding to bring about one visitor a month to the Peripatetic seminar.  I’d like to have posters printed for the Peripatetic for the fall, including the names and dates of all of our visitors.  For this it would be nice to have an idea of when the seminar could meet, together with a website where we can offer concrete details like titles and abstracts of the talks as they become available.  Does anyone have access to either of these two websites:



If so, we could use one of these sites to update our seminar series.  If not, we can ask PIMS to host a new site. Unless there another site that I’ve missed?

Second, I would like to pick a meeting time/place for the seminar.  Does anyone have conflicts (yet) at 2pm on Wednesdays?  If not, would you please block off this time?


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