[acc-cca-l] Fwd: [Air-L] Queer and Trans Worker-Owned Technologies [Online Panel]

Evan Light elight at glendon.yorku.ca
Wed Aug 21 07:04:01 MDT 2024


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Subject:        [Air-L] Queer and Trans Worker-Owned Technologies [Online Panel]
Date:   Wed, 21 Aug 2024 09:59:42 +0000
From:   Rafael Do Nascimento Grohmann via Air-L <air-l at listserv.aoir.org><mailto:air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Reply-To:       Rafael Do Nascimento Grohmann <rafael.grohmann at utoronto.ca><mailto:rafael.grohmann at utoronto.ca>
To:     aoir list <air-l at aoir.org><mailto:air-l at aoir.org>

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to an online panel on Queer and Trans Worker-Owned Technologies, September 17, 10AM EST.

In Argentina and Brazil, queer and trans working people are organizing into cooperatives and collectives in the technology and delivery sectors. In this panel, trans workers from these countries will discuss: what do trans and queer perspectives mean for labour and technology? How can we think about this from/in Latin America? What are queer and trans worker-owned technologies? How can we build self-managed and collective work from trans and queer perspectives? What does it mean to design trans and queer technologies for workers? What do these perspectives mean for the platform economy?

The guest speakers are:
Elena Ficher (Alternativa Laboral Trans/ Trans Work Alternative, a tech co-op from Argentina)
Joaquim Alves (Senoritas Courier, a delivery worker co-op from Brazil)
Veronyka Gimenes (Código Nao Binario/ Non-Binary Code, a tech collective from Brazil)

There will be Portuguese-English translation.

Please register here: https://digilabour-br.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EheififlR4mOZCABkBXhvg

This event is organized by Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-WILL)<https://pwill.eu/><https://pwill.eu/> project - a COST Action, with support of Queer and Trans Research Lab<https://sds.utoronto.ca/qtrl-cohort-2024-25/><https://sds.utoronto.ca/qtrl-cohort-2024-25/> at the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, University of Toronto, + SSHRC through Worker-Owned Intersectional Platforms (WOIP)<https://digilabour.com.br/worker-owned-intersectional-platforms-woip/><https://digilabour.com.br/worker-owned-intersectional-platforms-woip/> project + DigiLabour.<https://youtube.com/digilabour><https://youtube.com/digilabour>

Please join us!




dr. Rafael Grohmann

Assistant Professor of Media Studies

Department of Arts, Culture and Media<https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/acm/rafael-grohmann><https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/acm/rafael-grohmann>

Faculty of Information<https://ischool.utoronto.ca/profile/rafael-grohmann/><https://ischool.utoronto.ca/profile/rafael-grohmann/>

University of Toronto

Leader, DigiLabour<https://digilabour.com.br/><https://digilabour.com.br/>

Founding Editor, Platforms & Society<https://journals.sagepub.com/home/PNS><https://journals.sagepub.com/home/PNS>

Principal Investigator, Worker-Owned Intersectional Platforms (WOIP)<https://digilabour.com.br/worker-owned-intersectional-platforms-woip/><https://digilabour.com.br/worker-owned-intersectional-platforms-woip/>

Researcher, Fairwork<https://fair.work/><https://fair.work/> <https://fair.work/><https://fair.work/>

International Experts Coordinator, Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab<https://pwill.eu/><https://pwill.eu/>
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