[acc-cca-l] EAST/4S 2024 Open Panel - Teaching STS and Critical Science Beyond "The Controversy"

Jeremy Hunsinger jhunsinger at wlu.ca
Wed Jan 10 10:09:57 MST 2024


Beyond "The Controversy": Making and doing within and beyond for positive
Now accepting papers for an open panel on teaching STS and Critical Science
in July in Amsterdam:

Beyond "The Controversy": Making and doing within and beyond for positive

Critical Science and Technology Studies teaching has taught "The
Controversy" as a method for learning about the truths and myths around
science and technology in our world. This panel seeks to go beyond the
controversy model and bring forth papers that discuss the radical,
foundational, and productive modes of STS teaching. How do you engage, for
instance, processual-relational technologies? How do you make your
classroom constructivist or pragmatist? How do you move into producing and
doing in the classroom in a manner consistent with the stories that STS
tells? How do you incorporate alternative narratives, fictums, or
life-worlds into your classrooms? How do we challenge the traditional
classroom models through STS? How do we challenge the bureaucratic
constructs surrounding that classroom and its developments?

We propose a combined panel, uniting papers and discussion into a
productive dialogue. We seek papers and presentations from those who wish
to speak STS to the power of the university/college classroom in the name
of constructive and positive change. We hope to have a panel or two of
papers and then a fishbowl discussion including those presenters and the
audience, discussing and challenging the STS classroom as the locus of
positive transformations spoken of in the CFP.

submit here: https://nomadit.co.uk/conference/easst-4s2024/panel/14256 (you
may have to login or create an acct. in the upper right corner)

Thank you and hope to see you in Amsterdam

Zach McDowell and Jeremy Hunsinger
jeremy hunsinger
Associate Professor
Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University

Fellow Balsillie School of International Affairs



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Wilfrid Laurier is located on traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishnawbe and Haudenosaunee peoples.

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