[Chacmool-l] Call for Proposals

Chacmool chacmool at ucalgary.ca
Tue Nov 23 13:52:58 MST 2010

Hello Chacmoolians,


Although the Archaeology in the Public Eye has only been over for a week, it
is already time to start preparing for next years conference.  Being
involved in the organization of this event is one of the most important
things you can do while attending university; it is a great way to get
involved within the department  and meet people outside of classes, it opens
up network opportunities throughout North America, and of course, stands out
on the ol' CV/Resume.  

For those new to Chacmool, the conference is organized entirely by
undergrads, with the help/guidance of a couple faculty members and several
graduate students.  The conference takes almost a full year of planning.
This needs to be started now.  The first step in the process is choosing the
theme of the next Conference. To date, we have not had a theme proposal
submitted.  Here is what a proposal requires in order to be accepted.


1)      Theme - General theme/topic for the conference (can be a catchy
examples from past conferences:

-          Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: The Archaeology of Foodways

-          Archaeology in the Public Eye

-          Archaeology in the new Millennium: Public or Perish

-          Tools of the Trade: Methods, Techniques, and Innovative
Approaches in Archaeology

-          Art for Archaeology's Sake

-          Networks of the Past: Regional Interaction in Archaeology

2)      Description - A paragraph explaining the theme, it's importance to
Archaeology, possible plenary and keynote speakers, possible session topics,
etc -info that  could appear on a call for abstracts

3)      Signatures - A total of 7 people are needed to sign the proposal,
committing their themselves to organizing and planning for the full year. 

-          2 faculty members (professors)

-          2 graduate students

-          3 undergraduate students (one of whom will be the conference
chair (top of the pyramid!).


The undergraduates need to be students who will be around next year (not
graduating and leaving)


If you are interested, would like to see examples from past conferences, or
want to get involved (there are about 12 Executive Committee positions to
fill), swing by the Chacmool Office (ES 826) and talk to one of the us. The
office hours are 
                Mon/Fri -            11 am - 1 pm
                Tues/Thurs -     1-3 pm

This is a great opportunity and experience that should not be overlooked
(especially those planning to continue in Archaeology)!







Chacmool Archaeology Association



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