[Chacmool-l] Upcoming Events, Need More Help, and Beer

Chacmool chacmool at ucalgary.ca
Wed Nov 4 11:49:25 MST 2009

Greetings Chacmool,


We've overcome some technical difficulties in regards to sending information
out to all members, so hopefully this time there will be no one missing out.
Several things coming our way, so here's a numbered list to keep track of


1)       Chacmool Conference (see attached preliminary program):  We still
need lots of help with the conference during 12-15 November (end of reading
days).  There are signup sheets outside the Chacmool office and a
description of all jobs needing to be filled.   This is not hard work,
folks, and the payback is solid.  Sign up ASAP.  Work one shift and get a
day of conference free; two shifts and the whole conference is free.  Send
an email with the subject line "Volunteer" to chaconf at ucalgary.ca for
further details . . . note that this is NOT chacmool at ucalgary.ca

2)      Chacmool meeting at 5:30 on Thursday, November 5th, at The Den.  Be
there or . . . don't get any free beer.  This is a good time to have a good

3)      Noon hour lecture on Wednesday . . . Great Spanish wine to be
raffled.  It's not too late to get tickets . . . just show up to the noon
hour lecture in ES 859 and purchase yours tomorrow!  Noon hour is on Ancient
Infant and Child Feeding Practices of Ancient Hunter-Gatherers of the Lake
Baikal Region.

4)      Lecture on "2012:  Debunking the Mayan Doomsday 

5)      Field trip to Grotto Canyon pictographs, tentatively planned for
Saturday, November 21st.  If the weather's great, then great.  If it's been
snowing, then we'll be renting snowshoes for the group.  William Swan has
been gracious enough to set this up, so let him know if you wish to attend
and if you need a ride or can provide one:  swanwill at hotmail.com.  It'll be
a short hike followed by some pub time in Calgary . . . you can't afford to
miss an opportunity for exercise like this.

6)      Next Year's Chacmool Conference:  We need some topics to vote on
during the conference this year so that people know what we'll be up to next
year.  If you have an idea for a topic, please let us know at
chacmool at ucalgary.ca.  Once you have a topic in mind, bring it to our
attention for the next steps which we'll help you out with.  In addition to
a topic, you'll need to gather the support of 2 faculty, 5 undergrads to
organize the conference, a list of 10 possible plenary speaker, and 10
possible session topics.  Don't worry, sounds like a lot, but we'll help you
through the process.


Hope to hear from you or see you all soon (Thursday = BEER),


Lance Evans

President, Chacmool Archaeological Association



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