[Alta-Logic] peripatetic seminar tomorrow

Jonathan Gallagher jdgall84 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 19:46:24 MST 2017

We are pleased to announce that the peripatetic seminar will meet tomorrow
at 11:15 am.

*Location*: ICT 616 at 11:15 am on Friday December 1
*Speaker*: Priyaa Srinivasan
*Title*:  Structures for decoherence

The goal is this talk is to prove the following theorem about decoherence
structures that have been introduced in my earlier talk:
Suppose a compact dagger category $\mathbb{C}$ comes with a compact dagger
subcategory $\mathbb{C}_{Pure}$ and a decoherence structure with
purification, then there is an isomorphism of categories between
CP*[\mathbb{C}_{pure}] between \mathbb{C}.
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