[Alta-Logic] Peripatetic talk. Wed 3:30pm ICT 616

Robin Cockett robin at ucalgary.ca
Tue May 8 14:35:29 MDT 2012

Time: 3:30pm, 9th Jan 2012

Place: ICT 616

Speaker:   Johnathan Gallagher

Title:   Rewriting modulo an equivalence relation

Recently, an analysis of the relationship between local confluence and
confluence has produced a very powerful method for proving confluence.
This method, called local decreasingness, subsumes all of the
confluence criteria currently known. Further, it has a very nice
analog for rewriting modulo an equivalence relation.

In this talk, we will discuss rewriting modulo an equivalence
relation. In particular, we will discuss some of the subtleties with
rewriting modulo an equivalence relation. We will see an analog of the
Tait and Martin-Löf procedure for rewriting modulo an equivalence
relation, and we will see its weakness in this setting. Finally, we
will describe the technique of local decreasingness, and why it is a
more suitable technique for proving confluence modulo an equivalence

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