[Alta-Logic] Peripatetic seminar 2nd Feb

Robin Cockett robin at ucalgary.ca
Tue Feb 1 15:08:19 MST 2011

Apologies for lateness of announcement ...

Speaker: Robin Cockett (me)
Time: 3:30pm Wed. 2nd Feb 2011
Place: ICT 616
Title: Categorical semantics for lower complexity


How does one obtain a categorical semantics for PTIME and PSPACE and 
other lower complexity settings?   It turns
out that "polarized" settings and "polarized initial algebras" have a 
crucial role.  These ideas can be used to provide systems in which
programs which "type check" are of guaranteed low complexity  -- so 
called "implicit" complexity settings.  This is the idea behind the Pola
programming language.    The talk, however, will focus on the 
categorical side and develop the key ideas of these settings and give some
models ....

Next week: Gillman Payette

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