[Alta-Logic] two talks

Pieter Hofstra hofstrap at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Wed Apr 26 11:22:12 MDT 2006

(Apologies for late notice!)

This week we have two student presentations on topics in category
theory, one by Sean Nichols (today, 2pm, ICT616) and another one by Ning
Tang (Friday, 2pm, ICT616).

1) Sean Nichols:
Title: Categories with Monoidal Structure and the Chu Construction for 
*-Autonomous Categories

Abstract: Given any arbitrary category, the presence of a binary tensor 
operation on that category, and a unit in that category may under 
certain circumstances induce a monoidal structure on the category. I 
discuss how a symmetric monoidal category along with an approprate 
adjoint gives additional operations, which result in a category, termed 
a *-autonomous category, that models Girard's linear logic. Finally, I 
demonstrate the Chu-construction, a method used to generate a 
*-autonomous category.

2) Ning Tang:
Title: Traced Monoidal Categories.
Abstract: TBA.

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