From hirjif at Wed Jul 3 12:06:32 2024 From: hirjif at (Hirji, Faiza) Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 18:06:32 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?CCA_Student_Travel_Reimbursement_2024_/_Re?= =?utf-8?q?mboursement_des_conf=C3=A9rences_=C3=A9tudiant=2Ee=2Es_de_l?= =?utf-8?b?4oCZQUND?= Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Patricia.Elliott at Tue Jul 2 11:06:02 2024 From: Patricia.Elliott at (Patricia Elliott) Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 17:06:02 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS APPEL AUX SOUMISSIONS - Facts & Frictions/Faits & frictions Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Facts & Frictions is a Canadian-based peer-reviewed journal for journalism studies published by J-Schools Canada/Ecoles-J Canada. Our mission is to promote diversity of discourse on emerging issues and controversies in journalism and journalism education. Facts & Frictions highlights new perspectives and critiques catering to a broad public audience interested in innovations in journalism research, theory, practice, and teaching. Our editorial interests include current issues, changing norms, evolving practices and points of friction in the journalistic field, in the spirit of bridging multiple voices and perspectives in a shared space. Content may be submitted in English or French, on themes related to our editorial mission stated above. Specifically, we seek: 1. Scholarly articles of 5,500-7,000 words excluding references. 2. Research notes of 1,500-2,000 words, excluding references or 10-12 minutes for notes in audio or video formats. 3. Substantive works of journalism addressing journalism and information-related themes. 4. Commentary of 1,000-2,000 words 5. Book reviews of 1,000-1,500 words or 3-5 minutes for A/V versions (not peer-reviewed) Log into the submissions portal at and follow instructions for uploading your abstract, keywords, manuscript and other attachments. For information contact editor at APPEL AUX SOUMISSIONS Faits & frictions est un journal canadien v?rifi? par nos pairs pour les ?tudes journalistiques publi?es par ?coles-J/J-Schools Canada. Notre mission est de promouvoir la diversit? des discours sur les probl?mes ?mergents en journalisme et en ?ducation journalistique. Faits et Frictions souligne de nouvelles perspectives ainsi que des critiques r?pondant aux besoins d?un large public int?ress? dans les innovations en th?orie, en pratique, en ?ducation et en recherche journalistique. Nos int?r?ts ?ditoriaux incluent les probl?matiques actuelles, les normes changeantes, les pratiques ?volutives et les points de friction dans la sph?re journalistique dans le but de rassembler les diff?rentes voix et perspectives dans un espace partag?. Le contenu doit ?tre soumis en anglais ou en fran?ais sur des sujets reli?s ? notre mission ?ditoriale mentionn?e plus haut. Pour ?tre plus sp?cifique, nous recherchons: 1. Articles acad?miques de 5500 ? 7000 mots excluant les r?f?rences bibliographiques. 2. Notes de recherches de 1500 ? 2000 mots excluant les r?f?rences bibliographiques ou 10 ? 12 minutes pour les notes audios ou les formats vid?os. 3. Travaux significatifs portant sur le journalisme et des sujets d?informations relatives. 4. Commentaires de 1000 ? 2000 mots ou 3 ? 5 minutes pour les versions audio/vid?o 5. Critiques de 1000 ? 1500 mots ou 3 ? 5 minutes pour les versions audio/vid?o (non r?vis?es par nos pairs). Connectez-vous au portail de soumissions au et suivez les instructions pour t?l?charger votre sommaire, vos mots-cl?s, votre manuscrit ou tout autre pi?ces jointes. Si vous avez des questions ? propos de la proc?dure de soumission, s?il vous pla?t contacter l??ditrice. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mariane_bourcheix-laporte at Wed Jul 10 11:00:36 2024 From: mariane_bourcheix-laporte at (Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte) Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 17:00:36 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Tonight! Archives in Action: Collectivities and Kinships public plenary Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Apologies for sharing this last minute. If you are in Toronto and interested in audiovisual archives and policy, please consider attending the Archives in Action: Collectivities and Kinships public plenary. Archives in Action Public Plenary July 10, 6 pm ? 8:30 pm Innis Town Hall, Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave, Toronto, ON M5S 1J5 6 - 7 pm: Lobby Reception. Catering provided by Levant Pizza 7 - 8:30pm: Public plenary This is a free and public event, however we do ask interested attendees to please register here Eventbrite Registration link. Details attached. Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte (she/her) PhD Candidate and Instructor School of Communication, Simon Fraser University mbourche at I respectfully acknowledge the x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam), S?wx?w?7mesh ?xwumixw (Squamish), s?l?ilw??ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), q??c??y? (Katzie), k?ik?????m (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen peoples on whose traditional territories our three campuses reside. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: To circulate_ Toronto Symposium Plenary_ Collectivities and Kinships.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 88018 bytes Desc: To circulate_ Toronto Symposium Plenary_ Collectivities and Kinships.pdf URL: From dunja.nesovic at Tue Jul 9 10:39:45 2024 From: dunja.nesovic at (=?windows-1250?Q?Dunja_Ne=9Aovic?=) Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2024 16:39:45 -0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Call for research participants Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear colleagues, A team of researchers at Concordia University is studying how TikTok is shaping dialogue among older and younger LGBTQ+ people. Currently, we are looking for interview participants who meet the following criteria: a) Use TikTok, especially if they participate through the app by posting videos or commenting, liking, and sharing content; b) Are LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, Two Spirit, pansexual, asexual, non-binary, or another diverse gender or sexual identity) c) Are over thirty years old, or see themself as ?older? than the large population of young TikTok users (they must be over 18 to participate). Interviews will take approximately one hour and can be conducted in-person (depending on location), by telephone, or over Zoom. A gift card ($20 CAD or equivalent) will be provided to thank them for their time. To participate, please visit the study website [] and follow the steps to contact the researchers. Below, I am attaching a poster containing all the necessary information, so please feel free to share the call with your networks. Many thanks! All the best, Dunja Ne?ovi? DIGS Lab Coordinator PhD Student, Concordia University [cid:b8b8ed19-5a07-429e-97a0-cd7860876aeb] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image.png Type: image/png Size: 2471064 bytes Desc: image.png URL: From shoang at Mon Jul 22 06:32:28 2024 From: shoang at (Sylvia Hoang) Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 12:32:28 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Communication Studies postings for Fall 2024: CS235 tutorials In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Apologies for cross-posting. *** Contingent on adequate student registration and subject to budgetary funding, the Department of Communication Studies invites applications for tutorial leaders to teach our tutorials in Fall 2024 (deadline July 28 at 11:59pm local time): CS235 Communication Research Methods Tutorials * CS235T2: F 0830-0920 * CS235T3: F 0930-1020 * CS235T6: F 1030-1120 * CS235T8: F 1130-1220 * CS235T1: F 1230-1320 Detailed information is available as posted on Laurier?s Career Opportunities page: Please click on ?View Academic Positions? To find CS postings, please enter ?CS? in the ?Search by Keyword? field. Please apply via online submission. Links Rubrics for Assessment for Contract Teaching Faculty (CTF) Candidates Candidate Application Form (required for each application) Thank you for your consideration. SYLVIA HOANG Office Administration Coordinator Communication Studies & Cultural Studies Faculty of Arts WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3C5 Office: 3-134, Dr. Alvin Woods Building +1 548-889-4854 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rjekanowski at Wed Jul 24 09:14:39 2024 From: rjekanowski at (Jekanowski, Rachel) Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:14:39 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP for Sustainable Publishing special issue hosted by The Goose, Imaginations, and Engaged Scholar Journal Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear colleagues, I'm forwarding a call for papers that may be of interest to many of you. The editors of The Goose, Imaginations Journal, and Engaged Scholar Journal are co-organizing a special issue on sustainable publishing. This journal issue comes out of conversations about low-carbon research dissemination and publishing practices at a conference panel organized by the editors at the CCA Annual Conference in Toronto, 2023. We seek to bring together scholars, artists, librarians, and practitioners to explore aspects of social and environmental sustainability within scholarly publishing, while experimenting with publishing form. This innovative issue will be platformed across the three open-access journals with a shared table of contents. Our hope is to use this issue, alongside other forums, to build community around more sustainable, equitable, and low-carbon publishing and push for structural changes in the sector. Submissions are welcome in English and in French and may be submitted to any of the three hosting journals. Questions and inquiries can be directed to Rachel Jekanowski (rjekanowski at, Margot Mellet (margot.mellet at, and Brent Ryan Bellamy (brent.ryan.bellamy at Poetry inquiries can be directed to The Goose?s Poetry Editor Ariel Gordon (janeday at Deadline: October 15, 2024 The full bilingual call is attached here as a PDF and can be accessed online at The Goose: Best regards, Rachel Jekanowski (The Goose), on behalf of Abigail Fields (The Goose), Brent Ryan Bellamy (Imaginations), Markus Reisenleitner (Imaginations), Margot Mellet (Imaginations), and Lori Bradford (Engaged Scholar Journal) Rachel W. Jekanowski (she/her) Assistant Professor of English Office AS 332F School of Arts and Social Science Memorial University - Grenfell Campus Corner Brook, NL, Canada Email: rjekanowski at Office phone: (709) 639-6560 Co-Editor of The Goose: Journal of Arts, Environment, and Culture in Canada Reviews Editor for the Journal of Environmental Media We respectfully acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University?s campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups. We also acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi?kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Appel_?_propositions-Call_for_Submissions-Engaged_Scholar_Journal_Imaginations_The_Goose.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 291299 bytes Desc: Appel_?_propositions-Call_for_Submissions-Engaged_Scholar_Journal_Imaginations_The_Goose.pdf URL: From Guillaume.Latzko-Toth at Tue Jul 30 10:47:13 2024 From: Guillaume.Latzko-Toth at (Guillaume Latzko-Toth) Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:47:13 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP - CJC Special Issue: Reimagining Canadian Communication Thought Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi, bonjour, It is with great pleasure that we announce this call for papers for a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Communication. Please find the detailed bilingual invitation below. C?est avec grand plaisir que nous lan?ons cet appel ? articles pour un num?ro sp?cial du Canadian Journal of Communication. Veuillez prendre connaissance de l?invitation bilingue d?taill?e ci-dessous. Andrew Herman (Wilfrid Laurier University) & Guillaume Latzko-Toth (Universit? Laval) Guest Editors / ?diteurs invit?s (French version follows) CJC Special Issue Reimagining Canadian Communication Thought It has been almost 25 years since Robert Babe published Canadian Communication Thought: Ten Foundational Writers (Babe, 2000). In his book, Babe attempted to create a canon of ?Canadian Communication Thought? based on a consideration of influences, themes, and conceptual dispositions of ten disparate Canadian scholars and cultural practitioners that, from his perspective, represented a coherent (if heterogenous) approach to communication which was identifiably and distinctively Canadian. For Babe, each of the ten theorists represented a significant departure from the theories of communication and methodologies of empirical research that dominated communication studies in the United States from the mid- to late twentieth century. Positioned outside of yet in close proximity to the US, these scholars developed an approach to communication (and culture) that shared a suite of distinctive intellectual dispositions. First, their work was ?dialectical? in its mode of reasoning and analysis and, as such, foregrounded a critical bearing towards the dynamics of power in media, communication, and culture. Second, this critical, dialectical framework attuned this collective body of work to the focus of critical political economy with concern for the intertwined power of the state and capital(ism). Third, according to Babe, these scholars were overtly concerned with the mediations of everyday life produced by technologies of media and communication. Fourth, such mediations were seen as inextricably linked with the ?ontologies? of identity and community in Canada, ontologies which were also very much rooted in the particularities of the Canadian landscape as well as Canada?s social, political and economic development as a ?counter-revolutionary? settler colony at the periphery of an empire. From Babe?s perspective, it is the articulation and confluence of these characteristics that generated a mode of theorizing about communication that was ?quintessentially Canadian?. Babe?s project of creating a foundational canon of ?Canadian Communication Thought? was certainly ambitious, especially in terms of staging a tableau of such a diverse array of intellectual figures, ranging from Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, Gertrude Robinson, George Grant, and Dallas Smythe to C.B. McPherson, Northrup Frye, Graham Spry, John Grierson, and Irene Spry. But it was also audacious in its determination to find a through line of a ?quintessentially Canadian? mode of conceptualizing communication that united these diverse figures under the common nationalist signifier of ?Canadian Communication Thought?. However one assesses the validity of choosing this particular group of scholars and attempting to fit them within a common framework of interpretation, as the CJC review of the book argued, ?What the book asserts by virtue of its existence is perhaps of as much importance as the claims within it? (Dowler, 2001:570). That is to say, the idea of a coherent intellectual topos that can be named and recognized as ?Canadian Communication Thought? matters as much -if not more- than the particulars of its inhabitants and borders that Babe sought to map. Almost 25 years after the publication of Babe?s book, we propose a special issue of the CJC devoted to the reassessment of, and perhaps more importantly, reimagining of the intellectual project of ?Canadian Communication Thought?. Babe?s project was very much constructed as a backward-looking, historical accounting of the formation of something Babe could delineate as ?Canadian Communication Thought?. With the exception of Gertrude Joch Robinson, all of Babe?s foundational figures made their intellectual careers and mark in the dark heart of the mid-twentieth century and had passed on well before the dawn of the 21st century. As such, the time(s) and place(s) of their Canada is very much different from ours. Moreover, the positionality of Babe's foundational figures was very white, very anglophone, very Upper Canada and Ontario centric, and, with the exception of Gertrude Robinson and Irene Spry, very male. Accordingly, the ?solitudes? of Babe?s canon of ?Canadian Communication Thought? are myriad, and if the concept of ?Canadian Communication Thought? is to have any coherent salience in the 21st century, their hermetic boundaries must be breached by inviting diverse voices from different positionalities into a conversation about what the concept might mean going forward into the future. Accordingly, in this issue we seek article submissions that address one or more of the following questions: 1. Is the continued assertion of the existence of Canadian Communication thought as a coherent intellectual topos still a virtue in the contemporary moment of the near mid-21st century? If so, how would or should we imagine its terrain, and what itineraries of inquiry would be appropriate in mapping it? 2. What makes this intellectual space distinctively ?Canadian?? Is it necessary or sufficient for a scholar or school of thought to be Canadian by nationality, residence, or institutional affiliation? Or is it more appropriate to argue that ?Canadian Communication Thought? is a topos or a territorially emplaced imaginary of theory and analysis that is defined by distinctive conceptual articulations of media, communication, and technology rather than a geographic or national identity? 3. What would a topos of Canadian Communication Thought look like from different positionalities that characterize the multicultural Canadian present?Indigenous, francophone, POC, Black Canadian, South Asian, queer, LGTBQ2S+, and so on? 4. What are the possible articulations of the key theoretical/conceptual paradigms that have emerged and characterized Canadian Communication Thought in the 21st century, including (but certainly not limited to): feminist media and communications studies; materialist medium theory and analysis; post-colonial and decolonial approaches to media, communication, and technology; critical infrastructure studies; critical political economy and policy studies; critical internet studies; media history and media archaeology; and so on? Format and Editorial Priorities This bilingual special issue will gather two types of contributions: 1) full-length research articles (7000-8000 words) that reflect on/problematize epistemic and ontological features of Canadian communication thought and 2) shorter interventions (2500-3000 words) that offer a synthesis of a certain stream of theory or conceptual work, a ?school of thought? or a specific approach that is representative of Canadian communication thought in its diversity. We invite scholars based in Canadian academic institutions and scholars from around the world with an interest in the topic to submit work. Please note that we are especially interested in receiving submissions from Indigenous scholars, emerging scholars and scholars representing visible minorities. We also welcome both English and French-language submissions. Abstracts should be 400 words for an article proposal and 250 words for an intervention proposal; they should include a title, type of submission, and contact information, including a short bio (50 words for each author). Timeline * September 30th, 2024: Deadline for abstract proposal submissions, to be sent to both Special Issue Guest Editors @ Andrew Herman (aherman at and Guillaume Latzko-Toth (guillaume.latzko-toth at * October 1st-November 15th 2024: Review of abstracts and decisions sent to authors. * November 15th, 2024-March 15th, 2025: Development and writing of contributions by authors, including editorial dialogue, where helpful * March 15th, 2025: Final draft contributions DUE * March 15th-June 15th, 2025: Review of contributions. Suggestions for revision communicated to the authors. * September 15th, 2025: Deadline for revised contributions * Summer 2026: Issue published! Num?ro th?matique du CJC R?imaginer la pens?e canadienne en communication Il s'est ?coul? pr?s de 25 ans depuis la publication de l?ouvrage Canadian Communication Thought: Ten Foundational Writers par Robert Babe (Babe, 2000). Dans son livre, Babe a tent? de produire un canon de la ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ? en s?appuyant sur les influences, les th?mes et les appareils conceptuels de dix et praticien.nes culturel.les canadien.nes disparates qui, selon lui, repr?sentaient une approche coh?rente (bien qu?h?t?rog?ne) de la communication, identifiable et distinctement canadienne. Pour Babe, chacun.e des dix th?oricien.nes repr?sentait une divergence significative par rapport aux th?ories de la communication et aux m?thodologies de recherche empirique qui dominaient les ?tudes en communication aux ?tats-Unis du milieu ? la fin du vingti?me si?cle. Situ?s en dehors des ?tats-Unis tout en ?tant en ?troite proximit? avec eux, ces auteurs et autrices ont d?velopp? une approche de la communication (et de la culture) partageant un ensemble de dispositions intellectuelles distinctives. Premi?rement, leur travail ?tait ? dialectique ? dans son mode de raisonnement et d?analyse et, en tant que tel, mettait en avant une attitude critique envers les dynamiques de pouvoir dans les m?dias, la communication et la culture. Deuxi?mement, ce cadre critique et dialectique a permis ? ce travail collectif de s'inscrire dans le cadre de l'?conomie politique critique et de s'int?resser au pouvoir entrelac? de l'?tat et du capital(isme). Troisi?mement, selon Babe, ces chercheurs se pr?occupaient ouvertement des m?diations de la vie quotidienne produites par les technologies des m?dias et de la communication. Quatri?mement, ces m?diations ?taient per?ues comme ?tant inextricablement li?es aux ? ontologies ? de l?identit? et de la communaut? au Canada, ontologies ?galement tr?s ancr?es dans les particularit?s du paysage canadien ainsi que dans le d?veloppement social, politique et ?conomique du Canada en tant que colonie de peuplement ? contre-r?volutionnaire ? ? la p?riph?rie d?un empire. Selon Babe, c?est l?articulation et la confluence de ces caract?ristiques qui ont g?n?r? un mode de th?orisation de la communication ? quintessentiellement canadien ?. Le projet de Babe de cr?er un canon fondamental de la ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ? ?tait assur?ment ambitieux, ne serait-ce qu?en r?unissant un ?ventail si diversifi? de figures intellectuelles, allant de Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, Gertrude Robinson, George Grant et Dallas Smythe ? C.B. McPherson, Northrop Frye, Graham Spry, John Grierson et Irene Spry. Mais il ?tait aussi audacieux dans sa d?termination ? trouver le fil conducteur d?un mode de conceptualisation de la communication ? quintessentiellement canadien ? qui unirait ces figures diverses sous le signifiant nationaliste commun de la ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ?. Peu importe la mani?re dont on ?value la validit? du choix de ce groupe particulier de chercheurs et de la tentative de les int?grer dans un cadre commun d'interpr?tation, comme l'a soutenu la critique du livre dans CJC, ? ce que le livre affirme par son existence est peut-?tre aussi important que les affirmations qu'il contient ? (Dowler, 2001:570). Autrement dit, l'id?e d'un topos intellectuel coh?rent qui peut ?tre nomm? et reconnu comme ? la pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ? importe autant, sinon davantage, que les particularit?s de ses occupants et les fronti?res que Babe cherchait ? dessiner. Pr?s de 25 ans apr?s la publication du livre de Babe, nous proposons un num?ro sp?cial du CJC consacr? ? la r??valuation et, peut-?tre plus important encore, ? la r?imagination du projet intellectuel de la ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ?. Le projet de Babe ?tait essentiellement construit comme une r?trospective historique, un r?cit de la formation de quelque chose que Babe pensait pouvoir identifier comme la ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ?. ? l'exception de Gertrude Joch Robinson, toutes les figures fondatrices choisies par Babe ont effectu? leurs carri?res intellectuelles et marqu? leur ?poque au beau milieu du vingti?me si?cle, et sont d?c?d?es bien avant l'aube du 21e si?cle. De ce fait, le(s) temps et le(s) lieu(x) de leur Canada sont tr?s diff?rents des n?tres. De plus, la positionnalit? des figures fondatrices de Babe ?tait tr?s blanche, tr?s anglophone, tr?s centr?e sur le Haut-Canada et l'Ontario, et, ? l'exception de Gertrude Robinson et d?Irene Spry, tr?s masculine. Par cons?quent, les ? solitudes ? du canon de Babe de la ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ? sont multiples, si bien que pour que le concept de ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ? ait une pertinence au 21e si?cle, ses fronti?res herm?tiques doivent ?tre ?clat?es en invitant des voix diversifi?es ayant diff?rentes positionnalit?s ? participer ? une conversation sur ce que le concept pourrait signifier ? l'avenir. Par cons?quent, dans ce num?ro, nous recherchons des propositions d?articles qui abordent une ou plusieurs des questions suivantes : 1. Quelle est la vertu de l?affirmation r?it?r?e de l'existence de la pens?e communicationnelle canadienne en tant que topos intellectuel coh?rent dans le contexte contemporain du presque milieu du 21e si?cle ? Si oui, comment devrions-nous imaginer son terrain, et quels itin?raires de recherche seraient appropri?s pour le cartographier ? 2. Qu'est-ce qui rend cet espace intellectuel distinctement ? canadien ? ? Est-il n?cessaire ou suffisant qu'un.e chercheur.e ou une ?cole de pens?e soit par nationalit?, r?sidence ou affiliation institutionnelle ? Ou est-il plus appropri? de soutenir que la ? pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ? est un topos ou un imaginaire th?orique et analytique situ?, d?fini par des articulations conceptuelles distinctives des m?dias, de la communication et de la technologie, plut?t que par une identit? g?ographique ou nationale ? 3. ? quoi ressemblerait un topos de la pens?e communicationnelle canadienne vu de diff?rentes positionnalit?s caract?risant le Canada multiculturel contemporain ? autochtone, francophone, personne racis?e, noir.e, sud-asiatique, queer, LGBTQ2S+, etc. ? 4. Quelles sont les articulations possibles des paradigmes th?oriques/conceptuels cl?s qui ont ?merg? et qui ont caract?ris? la pens?e communicationnelle canadienne au 21e si?cle, y compris (entre autres) : les ?tudes f?ministes des m?dias et de la communication ; la th?orie et l'analyse mat?rialistes des m?dias ; les approches postcoloniales et d?coloniales des m?dias, de la communication et de la technologie ; les ?tudes critiques des infrastructures ; l'?conomie politique critique et les ?tudes de politiques ; les ?tudes critiques d'internet ; l'histoire des m?dias et l'arch?ologie des m?dias ; et ainsi de suite ? Format et approche ?ditoriale Ce num?ro sp?cial bilingue rassemblera deux types de contributions : 1) des articles de recherche approfondis (7000-8000 mots) qui r?fl?chissent aux caract?ristiques ?pist?miques et ontologiques de la pens?e communicationnelle canadienne ou les probl?matisent ; et 2) des interventions plus courtes (2500-3000 mots) qui offrent une synth?se d'un courant th?orique ou conceptuel, d'une ? ?cole de pens?e ? ou d'une approche sp?cifique repr?sentative de la diversit? de la pens?e communicationnelle canadienne. Nous invitons les chercheurs bas?s dans des institutions acad?miques canadiennes ainsi que les chercheurs du monde entier int?ress?s par le sujet ? soumettre une contribution. Veuillez noter que nous sommes particuli?rement int?ress?s ? recevoir des soumissions de la part de autochtones, de ? et de repr?sentant les minorit?s visibles. Nous accueillons les soumissions en anglais et en fran?ais. Les r?sum?s doivent comporter 400 mots pour une proposition d'article et 250 mots pour une proposition d'intervention ; ils doivent inclure un titre, le type de contribution et les coordonn?es des, ainsi qu'une courte biographie (50 mots par auteur.e). ?ch?ancier * 30 septembre 2024: Date limite de soumission des r?sum?s, ? envoyer aux deux coordonnateurs du num?ro th?matique : Andrew Herman (aherman at ) et Guillaume Latzko-Toth (guillaume.latzko-toth at * 1er octobre-15 novembre 2024 : ?valuation des propositions et transmission des d?cisions aux auteurs et autrices * 15 novembre 2024-15 mars 2025: d?veloppement et r?daction des contributions par les auteurs et autrices, en dialogue avec l??quipe ?ditoriale au besoin. * 15 mars 2025: Date limite pour la soumission des premi?res versions des contributions * 15 mars-15 juin 2025: ?valuation des contributions et transmission des suggestions de modifications aux auteurs et autrices. * 15 septembre 2025: Date limite pour la remise des versions finales. * ?t? 2026: Publication du num?ro! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From felan.parker at Fri Jul 19 09:33:09 2024 From: felan.parker at (Felan Parker) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 15:33:09 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] TA/instructor postings at St. Mike's, UofToronto Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear colleagues, See below an assortment of TA and contract instructor positions in Book & Media Studies for this coming year. These positions are open to all applicants; you do not need to be affiliated with UofT to apply. Please consider sharing with your grad students and/or applying! All the best, Felan Parker ________________________________ From: Iulia Iarca Sent: 10 July 2024 14:18 Subject: BMS Job Ads 2024-25 Hello everyone, Please find below the links to the recently posted BMS job ads for the upcoming year: * (TA) * (TA) * (TA) * (Instructor) * (Instructor) * (Instructor) Should you have any questions, please let me know. Kind regards, Iulia Iarca Executive Assistant, Office of the Principal & Vice-President University of St Michael?s College in the University of Toronto (416) 926-7148 Odette Hall 128 81 St Mary Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pooley at Thu Aug 1 10:51:49 2024 From: pooley at (Jeff Pooley) Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 09:51:49 -0700 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?OA_special_section_on_=3D=3Futf-8=3FQ=3F?= =?utf-8?q?=3DE2=3D80=3D9CHistory=5F=3F=3Dof_Communication_Studies_across_?= =?utf-8?b?dGhlIEFtZXJpY2Fz4oCd?= Message-ID: <9542ff93-8b86-4b4e-8713-2eea0afd5a27@Spark> [?EXTERNAL] History of Media Studies is pleased to announce an open access Special Section on ?The History of Communication Studies across the Americas,? which features six articles, each of which considers the history of communication studies within and across North and South America. History of Media Studies is a peer-reviewed, scholar-run, diamond OA journal dedicated to scholarship on the history of research, education, and reflective knowledge about media and communication. Special Issue Contents: * ?The History of Communication Studies across the Americas: An Introduction,? by David W. Park, Jefferson Pooley, Peter Simonson, and Esperanza Herrero * ?Coloniality and Resistance: The Revolutionary Moment in Communication Study in the Anglophone Caribbean,? by Nova Gordon-Bell * ?Elizabeth Fox: Intellectual Biography and History of a Field of Study,? by Yamila Heram and Santiago G?ndara * ?Borderline Cases: Crossing Borders in Canadian Communication Studies, 1960s-1980s,? by Michael Darroch * ?Notes for Historicizing the Disintegrated Internationalization of Communication Studies in Latin America,? by Ra?l Fuentes-Navarro * ??Western Communication?: Eurocentrism and Modernity: Marks of the Predominant Theories in the Field,? by Erick R. Torrico Villanueva * ?Media, Intellectual, and Cultural Imperialism Today,? by Afonso Albuquerque History of Media Studies ( is published by, a non-profit, scholar-led OA publisher. The journal is affiliated with (1) the Working Group on the History of Media Studies: and (2) the History of Media Studies Newsletter, which contains updates on the journal, among other relevant news: Questions? Contact us at hms at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dana.cramer at Tue Aug 6 15:41:22 2024 From: dana.cramer at (dana.cramer at Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 17:41:22 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Honourarium Opportunity - Canada's First Youth Internet Governance Forum Message-ID: <93438039-90A9-864E-81A0-D99ABCC50D2D@hxcore.ol> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From donald.matheson at Thu Aug 8 18:34:47 2024 From: donald.matheson at (Donald Matheson) Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 00:34:47 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] call for papers: Decolonising media futures Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Kia ora colleagues. A call for papers for Emerging Media below. Please note the very tight deadline. Call for research and colloquium articles: Decolonising media futures Special issue of Emerging Media Guest editors: Donald Matheson, donald.matheson at Tara Ross, tara.ross at Zita Joyce, zita.joyce at Research articles and colloquium articles are invited for this special issue. Deadline for submissions: 15 September 2024. Media technologies are not neutral, but reflect the societies and cultures in which they arise and are made use of. A key issue for scholarship on emerging media is, then, the extent to which emerging media structures, forms and practices reproduce inequities and biases in society and culture and thereby privilege the interests and perspectives of some groups over others. That issue also has a flip side, that is, the extent to which groups that have been historically marginalised, colonised or disempowered can shape a different media future. These concerns are global ones and raise questions about how large-scale and enduring power imbalances between people can be critiqued or challenged. This special issue will contribute to this project of decolonising communication by drawing together work that explores emerging media in terms of the interests and understandings of those who have been colonised, including systematically oppressed groups, indigenous people and groups who have been structurally excluded from communication. That work may include: - analysis of the challenges and opportunities experienced in decolonising media projects - conceptual work on what emerging media mean in indigenous contexts - critique by indigenous scholars of neo-colonial practices in digital media - data sovereignty projects in the global South - research on the consequences of specific technologies such as AI for decolonisation Original research articles (up to 6000 words): Submission of articles is invited, to be double-blind peer reviewed in addition to the special issue editors. Acceptance will be offered after peer review. Invitations will be made on the basis of excellence rather than a spread of contributions or authors. A special invitation to submit is extended to scholars from the global South, from indigenous scholars or researchers foregrounding the perspectives of those involved in decolonising media. Colloquium articles (up to 3000 words): Articles will be reviewed by the editorial team. Researchers with ongoing work that promises to develop the field or lead to significant findings are invited to submit articles that set out highlights of their research, such as their research goals, the ways they have collaborated with communities or civil society groups, the innovativeness of their approach or is otherwise distinctive. No author processing charges or other payment from authors will be required. The deadline for submissions is 15 September 2024. Please email one of the guest editors if you have any questions. This email may be confidential and subject to legal privilege, it may not reflect the views of the University of Canterbury, and it is not guaranteed to be virus free. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message and any attachments. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sjeppese at Sun Aug 11 09:02:10 2024 From: sjeppese at (Sandra Jeppesen) Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 11:02:10 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Sessional instructor in Visual Media at Lakehead Orillia Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi all, The deadline has been extended and we are seeking applications for the following position. Please encourage any upper-year PhD students to apply. All the best, Sandra Jeppesen Media, Film, and Communications Program, Department of interdisciplinary Studies, Lakehead University Orillia Contract Lecturer Position: MDST 1030 WAO Introduction to Visual Media Date Posted: July 18, 2024 Application Deadline: until filled Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities; Department of Interdisciplinary Studies; Media, Film, and Communications Program Lakehead University, Orillia Campus, invites applications for a Contract Lecturer in the Media, Film, and Communications Program housed within the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. Applications are requested to teach: MDST 1030 WAO ? Introduction to Visual Media (Winter term) (Monday and Wednesday 1:00 ? 2:30 pm) An introduction to the critical analysis of visual media. Topics include: ideologies and issues of power in visual representation with an emphasis on race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, disability and age, from a social justice perspective. Students will analyze new media, photography, advertising, film, video and TV news, as well as intermedia, multimedia and re-mediated visual texts, to investigate visual media in relation to society, culture and the arts. Start Date/Duration: Winter term: January 1 ? April 30, 2025 Please note: This schedule is tentative and subject to change. Instructors should refer to the online timetable prior to the start of classes. Location: Orillia Note: no travel allowance shall be payable NOTE: all courses are delivered on campus unless otherwise noted. Qualifications Preferred: PhD in Media Studies, Communication Studies, or closely related field, with experience teaching at the post-secondary level. Candidates lacking the specific degree qualification, but who possess an appropriate combination of experience and other academic qualifications are also encouraged to apply. Experience with experiential learning and online, hybrid, or alternative modes of delivery is highly desired. Lakehead is a comprehensive university with a reputation for innovative programs and cutting-edge research. Lakehead University Orillia is on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, and Rama First Nation. Lakehead University acknowledges the history that many nations hold in the areas around our campuses and is committed to a relationship with M?tis and Inuit and First Nations peoples. We are located approximately 125 km north of Toronto. Lakehead has approximately 10,000 students and 2,160 faculty and staff. With an emphasis on collaborative learning and independent critical thinking and a multidisciplinary teaching approach, Lakehead offers a variety of degree and diploma programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels through its nine faculties, including Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Health and Behavioural Sciences, Natural Resources Management, Science and Environmental Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities, Graduate Studies, and Faculty of Law. For further information, please visit: For further information, please contact the Program Coordinator, Dr. Alice den Otter adenotte at Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. The electronic application (in the form of one PDF document) should include: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and statement of teaching interests and/or evidence of teaching effectiveness. A completed Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in Canada.pdf form must accompany your package. We encourage applicants with the Right of First Refusal (as outlined in article 19.03.02 of the LUFA/LU Collective Agreement) to indicate their status in their application. Applicants should submit their electronic application to: Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Lakehead University 500 University Ave. Orillia, Ontario L3V 0B9 Attn: Dr. Jennifer Jarman, Chair E-mail: oris at Lakehead University is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals including women, racialized persons, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities and other equity-seeking groups. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. This is in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements. Lakehead University has an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2019-2024 with a goal to recruit and retain a diverse workforce as measured by increasing representation of under-represented groups among applicants, candidates and hires. Experience working with Indigenous or racialized communities, and/or members of other equity-deserving groups is a strong asset. Lived experience or work experience with any of these identities or issues is preferred. We appreciate your interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be notified. Lakehead University is committed to supporting an accessible environment. Applicants requiring accommodation during the interview process should contact the Office of Human Resources at (807) 343.8010 ext. 8334 or human.resources at to make appropriate arrangements. This position is subject to budgetary approval. Sandra Dr Sandra Jeppesen (she/her) Professor, Media, Film, and Communications Media Action Research Group Counter Data Mapping COVID-19 Intersectional Community Communications as Critical EDI Work Research Centre for Sustainable Communities Smart[er] Cities Research Network Recent Journal Article Cartographies of Resistance: Counter-data mapping as the new frontier of digital media activism News Media Performance Crime at the Capitol riots Books The Capitol Riots: Digital Media, Disinformation, and Democracy Under Attack (Routledge, 2022) Transformative Media: Intersectional Technopolitics from Indymedia to #BlackLivesMatter (UBC Press, 2021) Land Acknowledgment Lakehead University Orillia is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg. The Anishinaabeg include the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Pottawatomi nations, collectively known as the Three Fires Confederacy. [] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kmcallis at Fri Aug 16 12:49:37 2024 From: kmcallis at (Kirsten McAllister) Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 18:49:37 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Please circulate the link to the Critical Theories in Communication search advertisement widely to your networks In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] From: Brenda Baldwin Date: Friday, August 16, 2024 at 11:38 AM To: cmns-school (cmns-school at Subject: Please circulate the link to the Critical Theories in Communication search advertisement widely to your networks Dear all, Please circulate the following link to the Critical Theories in Communication search advertisement widely to your networks: The search advertisement will also be circulated on socials by Andrew Ringer. Thank you Andrew! Start date for the new hire is expected to be July 15, 2025. The search committee will begin reviewing applications later this fall. Thank you. Kind regards, Brenda Brenda Baldwin (she/her) Director's Assistant | School of Communication Simon Fraser University | Room K-9681 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6 T: 778-782-3470 | [cid:5c71f171-9c7e-4111-aabd-9f79475cfc60] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-hy4in0ow.png Type: image/png Size: 45194 bytes Desc: Outlook-hy4in0ow.png URL: From elight at Wed Aug 21 07:04:01 2024 From: elight at (Evan Light) Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 09:04:01 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Fwd: [Air-L] Queer and Trans Worker-Owned Technologies [Online Panel] In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Air-L] Queer and Trans Worker-Owned Technologies [Online Panel] Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 09:59:42 +0000 From: Rafael Do Nascimento Grohmann via Air-L Reply-To: Rafael Do Nascimento Grohmann To: aoir list Dear colleagues, I would like to invite you to an online panel on Queer and Trans Worker-Owned Technologies, September 17, 10AM EST. In Argentina and Brazil, queer and trans working people are organizing into cooperatives and collectives in the technology and delivery sectors. In this panel, trans workers from these countries will discuss: what do trans and queer perspectives mean for labour and technology? How can we think about this from/in Latin America? What are queer and trans worker-owned technologies? How can we build self-managed and collective work from trans and queer perspectives? What does it mean to design trans and queer technologies for workers? What do these perspectives mean for the platform economy? The guest speakers are: Elena Ficher (Alternativa Laboral Trans/ Trans Work Alternative, a tech co-op from Argentina) Joaquim Alves (Senoritas Courier, a delivery worker co-op from Brazil) Veronyka Gimenes (C?digo Nao Binario/ Non-Binary Code, a tech collective from Brazil) There will be Portuguese-English translation. Please register here: This event is organized by Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-WILL) project - a COST Action, with support of Queer and Trans Research Lab at the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, University of Toronto, + SSHRC through Worker-Owned Intersectional Platforms (WOIP) project + DigiLabour. Please join us! best, Rafael -- dr. Rafael Grohmann Assistant Professor of Media Studies Department of Arts, Culture and Media Faculty of Information University of Toronto Leader, DigiLabour Founding Editor, Platforms & Society Principal Investigator, Worker-Owned Intersectional Platforms (WOIP) Researcher, Fairwork International Experts Coordinator, Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab _______________________________________________ The Air-L at mailing list is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers Subscribe, change options or unsubscribe at: Join the Association of Internet Researchers: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mstahl at Wed Aug 21 10:45:50 2024 From: mstahl at (Matt Stahl) Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:45:50 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Fwd: Witteveen Fellowship in Law and Humanities: application deadline September 27 References: Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Begin forwarded message: From: Michiel Bot > Subject: Witteveen Fellowship in Law and Humanities: application deadline September 27 Date: August 21, 2024 at 5:34:52 AM EDT To: "aslch at" > Reply-To: aslch at, Michiel Bot > Some people who received this message don't often get email from at Learn why this is important Tilburg Law School (The Netherlands) is accepting applications for this spring?s one-month Witteveen memorial fellowship in Law and Humanities. Application deadline: September 27. The Witteveen Memorial Fellowship in Law and Humanities aims to promote research and teaching on law and rhetoric, narrative, image, performance, sound, and/or culture. The fellowship enables a junior scholar (PhD or postdoc level) to share and develop their research in the field of law and humanities during a residency at Tilburg Law School for one month in February-May. We have a 5000 euro budget to cover travel and accommodation costs. We expect the Fellow to participate actively in the academic life of Tilburg Law School by presenting their research in a research seminar and by teaching a guest class to students. Past Fellows have also introduced film screenings, have organized a reading of their play with students, have read their poetry, and have given a lecture performance, in addition to participating in various research seminars. Scholars who are in the final stages of their PhD research or who obtained their PhD in the field of law and humanities within the last five years are eligible. Please apply via this link: See past fellows here: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rafael-ng at Mon Aug 26 16:35:12 2024 From: rafael-ng at (Rafael Grohmann) Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 19:35:12 -0300 Subject: [acc-cca-l] The Platform Fix, with Niels van Doorn, UofT, Sep 10 [Platforms and Labour Speaker Series] In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <66cd032086029_78612ab15d1bb11863936@ip-10-81-19-90.ec2.internal.mail> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Niels van Doorn, Talk, UofT.png Type: image/png Size: 232015 bytes Desc: not available URL: From alyssek at Mon Aug 26 19:33:53 2024 From: alyssek at (Alysse) Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 18:33:53 -0700 Subject: [acc-cca-l] The Platform Fix, with Niels van Doorn, UofT, Sep 10 [Platforms and Labour Speaker Series] In-Reply-To: <66cd032086029_78612ab15d1bb11863936@ip-10-81-19-90.ec2.internal.mail> References: <66cd032086029_78612ab15d1bb11863936@ip-10-81-19-90.ec2.internal.mail> Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Niels van Doorn, Talk, UofT.png Type: image/png Size: 232015 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dana.cramer at Tue Sep 3 11:51:20 2024 From: dana.cramer at (dana.cramer at Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 13:51:20 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] ACC-CCA Graduate Students Journal CFP Message-ID: <303BEDF2-6B1C-6E43-872D-335A22A35554@hxcore.ol> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From at Tue Sep 3 16:29:01 2024 From: at (Media Fields) Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:29:01 -0700 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: Media Fields Journal Issue 19 - "Archival Elements" Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Call for Papers: Media Fields Journal, Issue 19: Archival Elements Editors: Kelsey Moore and Hannah Garibaldi Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024 In 2008, the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) released its 70th anniversary manifesto reaffirming film?s status as the ?optimal archival storage? of the moving image. ?Don?t throw film away!? they urged, for unlike its digital successors, film elements tangibly embody traces of their own material history alongside a bygone cultural heritage. ?No matter what technologies may emerge,? they write, existing film elements ?connect us to the certainties of the past.? For film archivists, the element is the inert container of audiovisual content subject to archival care and maintenance?the original artifact and source of any material or digital copies to come. Indeed, across scholarly and archival spheres alike, the element has remained the intrinsic foundation of the moving image, its archival preservation, and the theoretical study thereof. Whereas Caroline Frick has considered the ways that ?original? media elements become bound up with notions of authenticity, cultural heritage, and nationhood, scholar-practitioners have increasingly turned to what Giovanna Fossati calls film?s ?archival life,? a term that seeks to discursively address the expanding myriad of physical and digital spaces required in contemporary preservation. How, Fossati posits, might scholars and archivists alike better account for the ways that film and media are at once preserved, historized and politicized by archival processes? In other words, what might be gained from reflecting seriously on how different kinds of media traverse the archival sphere? What happens when a given audiovisual element also becomes an archival one? This issue of Media Fields seeks to build on these conversations by examining how the proliferation and mediation of the archive and its elements is productive. Contemporary archival elements are often integrated into processes involving other forms of media, such as database and metadata development, digitization, interactive and public-facing archival digital interfaces, and larger multimedia collections. We ask: what kinds of political, theoretical, and practical connections arise when thinking about and doing the archive in these different spatial ways ?traditional, alternative, or otherwise?and how might we better place these approaches in discursive conjunction with one another? Further, what are new ways in which theory (archival and otherwise) might intervene and inform archival practice, and historicizing therein? In turn, what does this mean for the (after)lives of the media themselves? The Media Fields Editorial Collective at UC Santa Barbara?s Department of Film and Media Studies welcomes submissions that critically engage the connections between space, media, and archival practice. We seek essays of 1500?2500 words, digital art projects, and interviews from scholars and practitioners alike. Potential submission topics include, but are not limited to: * Preservation: Precarity and decay, fragility, physicality, ontologies of the film and media archive and its objects, broadly construed * Cataloging: Metadata organization, archival etymology, reparative description and taxonomies, hierarchical data structures * Collection management: Power and ethics, restitution and social justice, collections policy, community oversight, institutional and/or community-based funding structures * Memory: Personal, collective, historical and/or cultural memories, archival modes of erasure, loss, and silence * Curation: Accessibility, community engagement, digital interfaces * Provenance: Found footage, orphan films, transnational displacement * Archival space: Traditional institutions, digital databases, garages, basements Past Media Fields issues and submission guidelines may be found at Please email all inquiries and submissions to issue co-editors Kelsey Moore and Hannah Garibaldi at submissions at by October 31, 2024. -- Media Fields Conference | Media Fields Journal | -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Media Fields Issue 19 CFP (PDF).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 200605 bytes Desc: not available URL: From rafael-ng at Wed Sep 4 16:53:14 2024 From: rafael-ng at (Rafael Grohmann) Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2024 19:53:14 -0300 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Postdoctoral Fellow Position, Creative Labour and Critical Futures, University of Toronto In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <66d8e4dae7f14_ff92ac1dbe090f856943@ip-10-81-19-63.ec2.internal.mail> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: