From hubner.lena_alexandra at Thu Jan 7 06:28:47 2021 From: hubner.lena_alexandra at (=?UTF-8?Q?Lena_Alexandra_H=C3=BCbner?=) Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 08:28:47 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Fwd=3A_S=C3=A9minaire_axe_4=3A_Les_approch?= =?utf-8?q?es_critiques_en_communication_organisationnelle=2C_22_ja?= =?utf-8?q?nvier_2021=2C_9h30?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour ? toutes et ? tous, Tout d'abord, l'?quipe du CRICIS vous souhaite une bonne ann?e 2021. Notre programmation se poursuit en ce mois de janvier et j'ai le plaisir de vous convier ? la premi?re s?ance de la session d'hiver 2021 intitul?e Les approches critiques en communication organisationnelle qui aura lieu le vendredi 22 janvier 2021 de 9h30 ? 12h30 sur Zoom. ? cette occasion, nous accueillerons Sophie Del Fa, professeure en communication ? l?Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi et Thomas Heller, ma?tre de conf?rences en sciences de l?information et de la communication ? l?Universit? de Lille Haut-de-France. Ce s?minaire, gratuit et ouvert ? toutes et ? tous, aura lieu sur Zoom. Les inscriptions sont possibles jusqu'au 21 janvier 2021 ? 20h en ?crivant ? l'adresse cricis at Pour plus d?informations, consultez l'?v?nement Facebook cr?? ? cette occasion. La description compl?te des interventions se trouve en bas de ce courriel. Pour rester ? l'aff?t de notre programmation, veuillez consulter notre site web. Au plaisir de vous y voir, Lena Alexandra H?bner ?tudiante au doctorat conjoint en communication (UQAM, UdeM, Concordia) Coordonnatrice des activit?s scientifiques du CRICIS Charg?e de cours ? l'?cole des m?dias Les approches critiques en communication organisationnelle, Vendredi, 9h30 ? 12h30 via Zoom Inscriptions: cricis at avant le 21 janvier 2021, 20h Sophie Del Fa: Pour une approche constitutive critique de la communication (et des organisations) Les ?tudes en communication se sont de diff?rentes mani?res int?ress?es par le capitalisme. Que ce soit en consid?rant les m?dias et outils de communication comme un de ses moteurs ou encore dans une perspective d??conomie politique en r?v?lant les m?canismes financiers ? l??uvre. De son c?t?, l?approche constitutive de la communication (connue sous l?acronyme CCO) a peu pens? et/ou consid?r? le capitalisme dans sa conception de la communication et des organisations. Plusieurs invitations se dessinent pour penser la mani?re dont le capitalisme (n?olib?ral) peut ?tre consid?r? comme un participant intrins?quement li? aux pratiques socio-?conomiques qui ? font ? la communication (Kuhn et al., 2017; Mumby, 2019) . ? partir de ces travaux ?mergents nous proposons de r?fl?chir ? la mani?re dont le capitalisme n?olib?ral organise le ? social ? et ce avec une perspective CCO. La pr?misse de d?part est la suivante : la communication est une pratique relationnelle par laquelle plusieurs ?tres ? ontologie variable sont reli?s. ? partir de ce point de d?part, nous questionnons la nature de cette relation en montrant justement que la consid?rer comme ?tant intrins?quement capitaliste/n?olib?rale permet de donner une coloration critique ? l?approche CCO. Nous explorerons donc les potentialit?s critiques de l?approche CCO tant pour la communication que pour l?organisation. Cela am?nera ? une r?flexion sur la mani?re dont cette dimension critique de CCO permet de penser au-del? de l?organisation des formes de r?sistances telles que les mouvements sociaux, les organisations alternatives, etc. Textes d?accompagnement: * Mumby, D.K. (2020). Theorizing Struggle in the Social Factory. Organization Theory, 1, 1-14. * Del Fa, S. (? para?tre). Ce qu??tre anticapitaliste veut dire: une approche constitutive. NPSS, 16(1), 109-143. (accessible sur demande en ?crivant ? l?adresse cricis at [facultatif pour suivre le s?minaire]). Biographie: Sophie Del Fa est professeure en communication ? l?Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi et membre du Groupe de Recherche sur la Communication Organisation (RECOR). Elle est ?galement engag?e en tant que chercheuse au sein du Grand dialogue r?gional pour la transition socio-?cologique au Saguenay?Lac-Saint et militante ? la Coalition Fjord. Thomas Heller: Gouvernementalit? manageriale-communicationnelle : un humanisme contrari?. On peut envisager la critique de la communication organisationnelle selon deux orientations : la premi?re vise ? nourrir une critique du capitalisme (dont l?organisation est un instrument parmi d?autres de son d?veloppement) et la seconde vise ? nourrir une critique de l?organisation (dont le capitalisme est son contexte plus ou moins structurant). Mon travail s?inscrit plut?t dans cette deuxi?me orientation, et ce n?est pas sans cons?quence sur la mani?re d?envisager la critique de la communication, d?s lors aussi que l?on consid?re que cette derni?re est constitutive de l?organisation. Comment faire critique tout en tenant compte de l?imp?ratif organisationnel (fait de contraintes, de divisions, de conflictualit?) ? C?est avec cette question que j?envisage d?introduire la question pos?e des relations entre critique et communication organisationnelle, avant de pr?senter quelques aspects de mes pr?occupations de recherche ; ceux-ci concernent grosso modo la relation entre communication et ce qu?on pourrait appeler la gouvernementalit? manag?riale ; il s?agira, dans une perspective qui doit beaucoup au travail de M. Foucault, de montrer comment il est possible de nouer communication et management contemporain (soit la communication comme objet et cible du pouvoir) et comment, ? travers cette gouvernementalit?-manag?riale, logique de domination et logique d??mancipation peuvent aussi cohabiter. Textes d?accompagnement: * Foucault M. (1978), le sujet et le pouvoir, in Dits et ?crits tome IV texte n?306. * Heller T. (2020), cette obscure clart? qui tombe de la communication, paru dans ?le c?t? obscur de la communication des organisations?, V. Carayol, V. L?pine, L. Morillon (dir.), Maison des sciences de l?homme d?Aquitaine, p. 211-226. * Heller T. (2015), Du pouvoir reconnaissant. Reconnaissance et temporalit? ? l?aune du concept d?assujettissement, in JC Domenget, V. Larroche, M-F. Peyrelong (dir.), reconnaissance et temporalit?s, une approche info-communicationnelle, L?Harmattan, p. 70-90. Biographie: Thomas Heller est ma?tre de conf?rences en sciences de l?information et de la communication ? l?universit? de Lille Haut-de-France et membre du laboratoire GERiiCO. Il est ?galement attach? au groupe Org & Co. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From christopher.young at Thu Jan 7 11:18:56 2021 From: christopher.young at (Christopher Young) Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 18:18:56 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?FW=3A_Bibliographical_and_Book_Studies_in_?= =?utf-8?q?Canada_=7C_=C3=89tudes_du_livre_et_bibliographie_au_Canada_-_JA?= =?utf-8?q?NUARY_25_DEADLINE?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JANUARY 25, 2021 From: Christopher Young Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 1:07 PM Subject: CfP: Bibliographical and Book Studies in Canada | ?tudes du livre et bibliographie au Canada *D?sol? si vous avez d?j? re?u ce message | Apologies for cross-posting* Demande de communications| Call for Papers ?TUDES DU LIBRE ET BIBLIOGRAPHIE AU CANADA | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND BOOK STUDIES IN CANADA Le livre au coeur des relations | Relations of the Book Les organisateurs du Congr?s 2021 et leurs partenaires de l'Universit? de l'Alberta sont d?termin?s ? pr?parer un ?v?nement de qualit? qui offrira une multitude d'opportunit?s de collaboration entre les organisations ainsi que des outils innovants pour reprendre contact avec des amis de longue date. Pour le moment, ils sont en train de d?terminer le meilleur moyen de concr?tiser cet engagement en ces temps de COVID-19. Afin d'?tre en mesure de fournir un large ?ventail de choix, ils explorent pr?sentement les options disponibles, examinant notamment quelques-unes des technologies les plus r?centes. Il est question de faire de cet ?v?nement un ?v?nement sans pr?c?dent et promesse a ?t? faite que le format du Congr?s 2021 (c.-?-d. virtuel, en personne ou ?ventuellement une version hybride) sera d?voil? de fa?on claire et pr?cise avant le premier novembre. Comme la plupart des organisations, la SbC/BSC va de l'avant en pr?sumant que la conf?rence se d?roulera de mani?re virtuelle, pr?voyant des journ?es raccourcies afin de s'adapter aux deux fuseaux horaires et de r?duire la ? fatigue Zoom ?. Nous d?sirons proposer des r?unions d'experts conventionnelles mais ?galement explorer de nouveaux mod?les aussi bien pour les pr?sentations que pour les tables rondes. Nous serons donc heureux de pouvoir discuter des nombreuses options disponibles avec les participants tout au long du processus de planification et nous esp?rons pouvoir offrir un programme ? la fois int?ressant et novateur. The central Congress organizers and their partners at the University of Alberta for Congress 2021 are committed to offering an excellent Congress, with many opportunities for collaborations across societies and new ways to connect with old friends. They are still deciding on how to best deliver on this promise in the context of COVID-19 and are exploring all options, including investigating some of the latest technologies to offer us a range of possibilities. They are talking about making this a groundbreaking event. They promise a clear announcement about the format for Congress 2021 (i.e. virtual, in-person, or hybrid) by November 1st. Like most associations, the BSC/SbC is moving forward on the assumption that it will be a virtual conference, running on shortened days to accommodate both time zones and ZOOM fatigue. We are interested in offering traditional panels, but also in exploring new formats for presentations and new ways of arranging panels, so we will be happy to discuss wide-ranging options with presenters as the planning process unfolds, and hope to offer an exciting and innovative program. ?TUDES DU LIBRE ET BIBLIOGRAPHIE AU CANADA Demande de communications : Le livre au coeur des relations Les 31 mai et premier juin prochains, des chercheurs sp?cialis?s en ?tudes du livre et en bibliographie se r?uniront ? distance pour la Conf?rence virtuelle annuelle de la Soci?t? bibliographique du Canada ? l'occasion du Congr?s des sciences humaines organis? par l'Universit? de l'Alberta ? Edmonton, en Alberta. Nous encourageons une participation pluridisciplinaire afin d'explorer le r?le important que jouent les livres dans les relations entre les personnes, les communaut?s, les cultures et les diff?rentes formes de savoir, introduisant des visions fond?es sur l'int?gration dans le domaine des ?tudes bibliographiques et ?tudes du livre. Pour faire honneur ? Edmonton, notre ville h?te cette ann?e, nous accorderons un int?r?t tout particulier aux soumissions qui mettent l'accent sur le th?me du Congr?s de 2021, ? Relations nordiques ?, ou plus pr?cis?ment en lien avec l'histoire, la litt?rature et la culture du livre chez les Cris, Pieds-Noirs, M?tis, Nakotas, Iroquois, D?n?s, Ojibw?s/Saulteaux/Anishinaabes, Inuits et tant d'autres dont les r?cits, les langues et les cultures continuent d'influencer notre collectivit? si dynamique. Afin d?explorer plus avant ces th?matiques, nous vous invitons ? soumettre des propositions de communications et de tables rondes abordant les sujets suivants : 1. La d?colonisation et l?antiracisme dans les ?tudes bibliographiques et ?tudes du livre pour rem?dier aux iniquit?s quant aux repr?sentations, aux approches et aux genres; 2. L'?volution dans le domaine de l'?dition au sein des divers groupes minoritaires linguistiques, ethniques et culturels au Canada, et les d?fis que doivent relever les chercheurs qui d?sirent documenter ce sujet; 3. L'exploration des approches multiples et diversifi?es de la culture du livre par le biais des ?tudes historiques, litt?raires, culturelles, sociologiques, technologiques et bibliographiques; 4. La mise en lumi?re des histoires des communaut?s diverses de lecteurs, ?crivains, imprimeurs et ?diteurs et les d?fis qui s'y rapportent; 5. La responsabilit? des biblioth?ques, des archives et des mus?es envers les diverses collectivit?s en ce qui a trait ? la pr?servation et ? l?accessibilit? des textes au-del? des livres et des formats d?information traditionnels; 6. Le r?le exerc? par les petites maisons d'?dition canadiennes et les journaux litt?raires universitaires pour faire entendre des voix autrefois ignor?es et pour former les ?crivains et ?diteurs de demain; 7. L?analyse des r?seaux sociaux et des textes num?riques pour permettre de rapprocher les travaux d'?dition, le lectorat et les auteurs au sein du vaste domaine des ?tudes bibliographiques et ?tudes du livre. Veuillez soumettre un r?sum? de 250 mots incluant une courte biographie (avec vos nom et pr?nom, titre professionnel et ?tablissement ou lieu d'affiliation), en fran?ais ou en anglais, au plus tard le 11 janvier 2021 ? proposals at BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND BOOK STUDIES IN CANADA Call for Papers: Relations of the Book On the 31st of May and 1st of June 2021, bibliographical and book studies researchers will gather remotely for the virtual Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, hosted by the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. We encourage multidisciplinary engagement that explores the relations of books in connecting peoples, communities, cultures, and ways of knowing, while forming inclusive visions for bibliographical and book studies. In recognition of our gathering in Edmonton, proposals that address aspects of the history, literature and book culture of the Cree, Blackfoot, M?tis, Nakota Sioux, Iroquois, Dene, Ojibway/ Saulteaux/Anishinaabe, Inuit, and many others whose histories, languages, and cultures continue to influence our vibrant community, or consider the wider Congress theme of Northern Relations, are particularly encouraged. To explore the conference theme, proposals for papers and panels are invited in the following subject areas: 1. the decolonization and anti-racism of bibliographical and book studies to redress gaps in representation, approach and/or genre; 2. the evolution of publishing within the diverse minority linguistic, ethnic, and cultural groups in Canada and the challenges faced by researchers who seek to document this output; 3. explorations of the many diverse approaches to book culture through historical, literary, cultural, sociological, technological, and bibliographical studies; 4. confronting the histories of diverse communities of readers, writers, printers, and publishers; 5. the responsibility of libraries, archives, and museums to diverse communities in the preservation and access of texts beyond the book and traditional knowledge formats; 6. the role played by Canadian small presses and campus literary journals in giving voice to previously unheard voices and as a learning venue for future writers and publishers; and 7. investigations of social media and digital texts to bridge studies of publishing, readerships, and authorship across bibliographical and book studies. Please submit a 250-word abstract proposal and brief biography in English or in French (including your full name, professional designation, institutional affiliation or place) no later than 11 January 2021 to proposals at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: BSC-SbC_CFP_2021.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 280663 bytes Desc: BSC-SbC_CFP_2021.pdf URL: From kirsten_mcallister at Fri Jan 8 09:36:12 2021 From: kirsten_mcallister at (Kirsten McAllister) Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2021 16:36:12 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP Reminder - Migration and the Politics of Fieldwork: Pushing the Disciplinary Borders of Canadian Communication Studies Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Call for Papers -- Working Title: Migration and the Politics of Fieldwork: Pushing the Disciplinary Borders of Canadian Communication Studies Co-editors: Kirsten E. McAllister, Simon Fraser University; Daniel Ahadi, Simon Fraser University; and Ayaka Yoshimizu, University of British Columbia Deadline for Chapter Proposals: January 15, 2021 *** We are seeking proposals for chapters on migration and the politics of fieldwork from Communication and Cultural Studies scholars. For this volume we are particularly interested in proposals that discuss the use of fieldwork as a hermeneutic, self-reflexive methodology to address issues of power in the process of researching migration and migrant communities (Malkki 1995; O?Neill 2010; Pink 2013, 2015; Pratt and Johnson 2014; High 2015; Bloch and Don? 2018, Vannini 2019). With the growing concerns about extractive and exploitative forms of research, the decision to use fieldwork, including ethnography, oral history, community-based research, activist and collaborative media projects, is typically motivated not only by the dearth of information about marginalized subjects like migrants, but also by the aim to challenge disciplinary practices regarding, for example, the purpose of research, whom it benefits, who has the authority to produce knowledge, whose perspectives are privileged and what types of knowledge have the authority of truth in contrast to, for example, what is dismissed as subjective or superstitious. We are also interested in proposals from researchers who have used self-reflexive fieldwork methodologies to develop new approaches to knowledge production like collaborative and creative projects that prioritize relationship-building and the interests of the research community (O?Neill 2010; Pink 2013, 2015; Pratt and Johnson 2014; High 2015; Bloch and Don? 2018, Vannini 2019). In Communication and Cultural Studies, migration is a relatively new area of research in Englishspeaking regions in the Global North, despite early contributions that date back to the 1990s (Naficy 1993; Morely and Robinson 1995; Papastergiadis 2000, 2019; for more recent work see Burman 2010; Hepp et. al. 2013; Croucher et al. 2018; Tsagkroni and Alencar 2019; Smets 2020; Martin 2020). Only over the last five years have Communication departments in North America started posting job advertisements for faculty members with expertise in migration and related fields like Diaspora Studies, Refugee Studies and Border Studies. This does not mean that Communication and Cultural Studies researchers have not examined issues pertaining to migration within or across national borders (see Karim 1998; Jiwani 2005, 2009; Hirji 2006; Murray, Yu and Ahadi 2007; McAllister 2008, 2011; Burman 2010; Jenicek, Wong, Lee 2009; Matsaganis, Katz, and Ball-Rokeach 2011; Houssein 2012; De Shalit, Heynen and van der Meulen 2014; Yu 2018). In Canada, however, the majority of this research has predominantly been framed through terms either like racism and inclusion/exclusion or terms that reflect government policy, like visible minorities, integration, ethnicity and multiculturalism, which are in keeping with the white colonial and nationalist framework of Canadian Communication Studies? roots (Hirji, Jiwani and McAllister 2020). Much of this research also employs etic (rather than emic or hermeneutic) methodologies like textual or discourse analysis or surveys with pre-planned sets of questions focusing on how immigrants and other racialized Canadians are represented in dominant Canadian media or how governments can design policies to best manage them. These studies are typically not centred on the perspectives of racialized migrants and their communities, though there are exceptions (Burman 2010; Yoshimizu 2011; McAllister 2011, 2015; Moldes 2016; Ahadi 2016; McLaughlin and Hennerby 2015; Lynes 2018). This volume will be an opportunity for researchers to discuss their use of ethnography, collaborative projects and activist research -- through the lens of Communication and Cultural Studies -- and what is entailed in working closely with migrants, including the risks and ethical issues as well as how these methodologies offer insights not just into their conditions of existence, whether displacement, structural exclusion, or the hate and fear fuelled by local social media. But in addition, the volume will be an opportunity to consider the ways that fieldwork provides insights into how migrants understand their transnational worlds, their media practices and communication infrastructure; and how their mediascapes transform not just their identities, but regional and transnational spaces while producing new information, socio-political and economic networks (Naficy 1993; Paperstergiadis 2000; Burman 2010; Brand 2012; McAllister 2015). We are also interested in scholars who have turned to autoethnography and literary techniques, which are used more extensively in other disciplines to reflexively write about fieldwork and negotiate the disciplinary power and subjectivity of academic writing and publication (see Moldes 2017). The volume as a whole will pose questions about how the insights of methodologies like ethnography and community-based research differ from what have become established Communication and Cultural Studies methodologies and how they push their disciplinary boundaries (Malkki 1995; O?Neill 2010; Pink 2013, 2015; Pratt and Johnson 2014; High 2015; Bloch and Don? 2018, Vannini 2019). Overall, this volume aims to showcase research from Canadian research institutions that examines Canadian as well as global case studies. We welcome proposals that draw on research regarding diasporic communities, refugees, migrant workers, undocumented migrants, human trafficking, internally displaced people, international students, Indigenous peoples or other groups like the Roma whose territories and traditional movements span national borders or whose land has been appropriated by the state or transnational corporations. We are interested in themes that include but are not restricted to the following areas: ? Diasporic identity, belonging and experiences ? Migrants? communication practices and infrastructure ? The use of community-based media, art and theatre by migrant and diasporic communities ? Communication challenges and strategies of migrants with limited rights, like temporary workers, undocumented migrants, and international students ? Communication challenges and strategies of populations dislocated within nation-states due to political conflict, discrimination, the collapse of local economies and environmental disasters (for example, rural-urban migrants, persecuted religious groups, internally displaced migrants and Indigenous Nations) ? Communication rights, social justice and migration ? Digital platforms and the formation of transnational migrant communities ? How migrants navigate state control, borders, detention and surveillance systems ? Ethics, risks and power dynamics associated with conducting research and collaborations with migrants, refugees, and displaced populations ? The ethical (and political) reasons for using ethnography, extended fieldwork or communitybased research as methodologies ? Positionality, personal engagement, emotional and embodied experience of both researcher and participants ? Performativity in fieldwork and navigating insider/outsider relations ? Community building and questions of reciprocity in community-based research (research, action, implementation, evaluation) ? Reflections on failures in fieldwork ? Challenges of incorporating the voices and representation of migrants in publications Please submit a 500-word proposal (plus references) and a 2-page CV with the contributors full name, institutional affiliation and email by January 15, 2021. Please send proposals to Daniel Ahadi: daniel_ahadi at Prospective contributors will be notified about their proposals by the end of February 2021 and full chapters will be due at the end of June 2021. For inquiries, please contact the co-editors, Kirsten McAllister kmcallis at, Daniel Ahadi daniel_ahadi at and Ayaka Yoshimizu ayaka.yoshimizu at For more about the co-editors please see: Kirsten E. McAllister, Ph.D. Associate Professor | School of Communication Simon Fraser University | K9660 Shrum Science Centre 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 T: 778.782.6917 | E: kmcallis at At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish people of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CFP-Migration and the Politics of Fieldwork- Pushing the Disciplinary Borders of Canadian Communication Studies Dec 2020.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 78944 bytes Desc: CFP-Migration and the Politics of Fieldwork- Pushing the Disciplinary Borders of Canadian Communication Studies Dec 2020.pdf URL: From cordelier.benoit at Fri Jan 8 12:22:06 2021 From: cordelier.benoit at (=?utf-8?B?Q29yZGVsaWVyLCBCZW5vw650?=) Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2021 19:22:06 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?AAC_Acfas_2021_=7C_442_-_Num=C3=A9risation?= =?utf-8?q?_de_la_soci=C3=A9t=C3=A9_et_enjeux_en_sant=C3=A9_Transformation?= =?utf-8?q?_des_espaces=2C_des_processus_et_des_relations?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] < CfC Acfas 2021 | 442 - Digitization of society and health challenges Transformation of spaces, processes and relationships > [cid:image001.png at 01D6E5C9.A3CBD4C0] 442 - Num?risation de la soci?t? et enjeux en sant? Transformation des espaces, des processus et des relations Responsables Benoit Cordelier ? UQAM (Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al) Olivier Galibert ? Universit? de Bourgogne Mercredi 5 mai 2021, Jeudi 6 mai 2021 L?acc?s de plus en plus facile a? de l?information de plus en plus sp?cialis?e, le d?veloppement de technologies aux capacit?s d?int?gration et de mise en r?seau, les attentes croissantes en termes de rapidit?? et d?individualisation des soins sont autant d??l?ments qui soutiennent la transition num?rique du secteur de la sante?. Dans un travail de rationalisation classique des processus de sante?, il s?agit d?int?grer individus et objets techniques dans des ?cosyst?mes de plus en plus vastes et perm?ables. Se posent alors les questions d?optimisation des parcours et proc?dures aid?e par la distribution et le partage des donn?es. Sur un plan technique, nous pouvons nous interroger sur le d?veloppement d?applications et logiciels avec de grandes capacit?s de connexion et mise en r?seau. Sur un plan organisationnel, se pose la question de la transformation des m?tiers et la r?ing?nierie des processus. Sur un plan relationnel, il faut reconna?tre ?galement la transformation des relations dans les trajectoires de sante?. Ces trois aspects convergent dans une red?finition des r?les (personnel soignant, patients-experts, tiers aidant, ...) et attentes des patients et de leurs proches ainsi que des espaces ou? s?articulent ces relations (extension et porosit?? des organisations de sante? par le d?veloppement du Dossier Patient Num?rique et de l?e-sant?, sous l?influence de la t?l?m?decine, du web social, de l?internet des objets, ...). Ce colloque se veut l?occasion de poursuivre des r?flexions, dans une perspective communicationnelle, sur les transformations dans les trajectoires de maladie en termes d?espaces (organisations, communaut?s en ligne), de processus (changement organisationnel, trajectoires de maladie et de soin), comme relationnelles (relation soignant-soigne?, place des tiers-aidants, reconfigurations de l?expertise, ...) en lien avec la num?risation de la soci?t? Pour soumettre une proposition Fichier : word (.doc ou .docx) Titre de la proposition : 140 caract?res maximum, espaces comprises R?sum? de la proposition : 1 500 caract?res maximum, espaces comprises (hors bibliographie) Le r?sum? doit comprendre une introduction mettant en contexte la recherche (probl?matisation et cadre th?orique), un section m?thodologie, une section r?sultats, une section discussion (mettant en ?vidence les apports de la recherche). Veuillez inclure une bibliographie indicative ? la fin du r?sum? Date limite de r?ception des propositions : 10 f?vrier 2021 Retour des ?valuations : 28 f?vrier 2021 Veuillez envoyer les propositions aux deux adresses suivantes simultan?ment : cordelier.benoit at; Olivier.Galibert at Comit? scientifique Sylvie Alemano, Conservatoire National des Arts et M?tiers Chantal Aurousseau, UQAM (Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al) Philippe Bonfils, Universite? de Toulon Jean-Luc Bouillon, Universite? Rennes 2 Alexandre Coutant, UQAM (Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al) Michel Durampart, Universite? de Toulon Sylvie Grosjean, Universit? d?Ottawa Ivan Ivanov, Universite? d'Ottawa Brigitte Juanals, Universit? Aix-Marseille Vale?rie Le?pine, Universit? Paul Val?ry Montpellier 3 Pierre Mignot, Universite? de Toulouse Laurent Morillon, Universite? des Antilles Manon Niquette, Universit? Laval C?line Paganelli, Universit? Paul Val?ry Montpellier 3 Isaac Nahon-Serfaty, Universit? d?Ottawa Dorsaf Omrane, Universite? de Toulouse He?le?ne Romeyer, Universite? de Franche-Comte? Paola Sedda, Universite? de Bourgogne Dates ? retenir Date limite d?envoi des propositions 10 f?vrier 2021 Publications : Le colloque fera l?objet d?une publication d?actes des r?sum?s ?tendus et sera l?occasion du lancement d?un appel ? contribution pour un livre collectif. Un appel ? article pour un dossier dans la revue Questions de communication sera pr?sent?. Soutien aux jeunes conf?renciers europ?ens Vous avez entre 18 et 35 ans, vous ?tes fran?ais ou r?sidez en Wallonie-Bruxelles et pr?sentez une communication au 88e Congr?s de l?Acfas? Vous pouvez faire une demande de soutien financier aupr?s des organismes suivants : * Le Bureau International Jeunesse pour les r?sidents de la Wallonie-Bruxelles * L'Office franco-qu?b?cois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ) pour les ?tudiants fran?ais : consulter l'appel de candidatures pour un appui ? la mobilit? pour des jeunes chercheur-se-s- pr?sentant une communication au congr?s. Tarifs et dates d?inscription Pour en savoir plus sur le 88e Congr?s de l?Acfas, consulter : * la section Informations utiles * le programme pr?liminaire [Visitez] ? Benoit Cordelier Professeur, D?partement de communication sociale et publique Directeur, unit? de programmes en communication publique Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, UQAM T?l?phone : (514) 987-3000, p. 6712 Communiquer Revue de communication sociale et publique - Chaire relations publiques et communication marketing - ComSant?, Centre de recherche sur la communication et la sant? - R?seau d??tudes latino-am?ricaines de Montr?al (R?LAM) - -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 603406 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.png Type: image/png Size: 53832 bytes Desc: image002.png URL: From aep383 at Sun Jan 10 08:19:18 2021 From: aep383 at (Anne Pasek) Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 10:19:18 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] 2021 Low Carbon Methods & Media Lecture Series Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] I?m pleased to announce the 2021 Low Carbon Methods & Media Lecture Series, a set of discussions for the coming semester exploring how climate change not only stands to alter what we study, but also how we do so. Through short and conversational exchanges, the series will explore the prospects for more climate-safe research methods and media practices in the arts, humanities, and social sciences as well as the practical barriers and social and aesthetic norms challenged thereby. As a nod to diminished energies everywhere, the events will run under an hour and have a more conversational tone. Participants can register via the links below. This information is also posted at for ease of sharing. ===== January 18th - 12pm EST - Johan G?rdebo Liftoff Holocene ? Touchdown Anthropocene: Academics reflect on carbon-intensive scholarship in the early 21st century Registration Link: February 9th - 1pm EST - Laura U. Marks, with Stephan Makonin, Alejandro Rodriguez-Silva, and Radek Przedpe?ski Tackling the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media: Research in IT Engineering Registration Link: March 9 - 1pm EST - Radek Przedpe?ski, with Laura U. Marks, Stephan Makonin, and Alejandro Rodriguez-Silva Tackling the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media: The Small File Media Festival Registration Link: April 7 ? 1 pm EST - Cindy Lin Minimal Cloud: A Postcolonial (Low Carbon) Approach to Environmental Data Infrastructure and Computing Registration Link: April 14th ? 11 am EST - Hannah Knox An Autoethnography of Academic Carbon Registration Link: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From LauraHorak at CUNET.CARLETON.CA Mon Jan 11 09:41:50 2021 From: LauraHorak at CUNET.CARLETON.CA (Laura Horak) Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2021 16:41:50 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Do an MA or PhD with the Transgender Media Lab in 2021! Deadline: Feb 1 Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hello, I would be grateful if you could share this announcement with your colleagues, students, and wider networks. The deadline is coming up soon?February 1. These positions are open to students from any country. Join the Transgender Media Lab and Transgender Media Portal project in 2021! Carleton University / University of Ottawa (Ottawa, ON, Canada) Application deadline: February 1, 2021 The Transgender Media Lab (TML) at Carleton University investigates the aesthetic, political, and cultural work of audiovisual media created by transgender, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, and gender-nonconforming filmmakers and artists. As part of that investigation, the lab is building the Transgender Media Portal, a collaborative digital tool that will enable new ways of analyzing these works and their circulation while making information about them available to trans arts communities and the public. This year we have 5 positions for new graduate students! MA: Transgender Media Lab Fellowship (x 2!) We are seeking two MA students to conduct original thesis research on some aspect of transgender, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex and/or gender-nonconforming film- and video-making in Canada or the United States and to contribute to the development of the Transgender Media Portal. Host program: Film Studies at Carleton University. For more info on this position see: MA: Contributor Experience Designer We are seeking an incoming MA student to lead the user experience and interface redesign for the Transgender Media Portal and to manage volunteer contributor outreach and training. We welcome applicants who are applying to these or other degree programs: Communication, Computer Science, Digital Transformation & Innovation, Feminist & Gender Studies, or Information Studies at the University of Ottawa. For more information on this position see: MA: Transgender Digital Privacy and Security Analyst We are seeking an incoming MA student to design and analyze approaches to digital privacy and security for the Transgender Media Portal. Host program: Human-Computer Interaction at Carleton University. For more information on this position see: PhD: Front End Developer & Analyst We are seeking an incoming PhD student to lead front end development and analysis for the Transgender Media Portal. We welcome applicants who are applying to the following or other degree programs: Communication, Computer Science, Digital Transformation & Innovation, Feminist & Gender Studies, or Information Studies at the University of Ottawa, or Communication, Computer Science, Cultural Mediations, or Information Technology at Carleton University. For more information on this position see: These positions are run in collaboration with the Humanities Data Lab at the University of Ottawa and the Security and Privacy Interactions Research Lab at Carleton University. Questions? Feel free to reach out to TML director Laura Horak at laura.horak at FB/Twitter/Instagram: @TransMediaPortl -- Laura Horak (she/her) Director of the Transgender Media Lab and Transgender Media Portal Associate Professor of Film Studies School for Studies of Art and Culture Carleton University | Unceded Algonquin territory This email contains links to content or websites. Always be cautious when clicking on external links or attachments. If in doubt, please forward suspicious emails to phishing at -----End of Disclaimer----- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ggow at Wed Jan 13 11:22:30 2021 From: ggow at (Gordon Gow) Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 11:22:30 -0700 Subject: [acc-cca-l] DIGITAL SYNERGIES SPEAKER SERIES: "Beyond the Finish Line: Images, Evidence, and the History of the Photo-Finish" with Dr. Jonathan Finn Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] The Media and Technology Studies unit at the University of Alberta is pleased to be hosting a webinar with Dr. Jonathan Finn from Wilfred Laurier University who will be talking about his new book. This event is open to the public. "Beyond the Finish Line: Images, Evidence, and the History of the Photo-Finish" In the 1880s, photographers and sports enthusiasts confidently declared the end of dead heats in sporting competition. Reflecting a broader social belief in technology, proponents of the camera stressed that the device could provide definitive proof of who won and who lost. Yet despite this remedy for the inadequate human eye, competitive races between horses, boats, and bicycles ended too close to call a sole champion. More than a century later, when cameras can subdivide the second into ten-thousandths and beyond, athletes continue to cross the finish line in ties. In this discussion, Jonathan Finn shows how innovation was animated by a drive for ever more precise tools and a quest for perfect measurement. As he traces the technological developments inspired by this crusade--from the evolution of the still camera to movie cameras, ultimately leading to complex contemporary photo-finish systems--Finn discusses the social implications of adopting and contesting the photograph as evidence in sport. Jonathan Finn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. His new book, "Beyond the Finish Line: Images, Evidence, and the History of the Photo-Finish" is available from McGill-Queens University Press. Wednesday, January 27, 1-2pm (Mountain) Attendance is free but registration for this event is required. To register visit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gordon A. Gow, PhD Professor, Sociology/Media and Technology Studies Graduate Coordinator, Communications and Technology Graduate Program (MACT) University of Alberta ggow at web: The University of Alberta is located in ???????????? (Amiskwac?w?skahikan) on Treaty 6 territory and the territory of the Papaschase and the M?tis Nation -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From at Wed Jan 13 11:59:03 2021 From: at (ACC-CCA) Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 13:59:03 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Reminder: Deadlines for CCA Prizes 2021 / Rappel: dates butoirs pour les prix de l'ACC 2021 Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear CCA colleagues, This is a reminder that the deadlines for various CCA 2021 Prizes are approaching, please consider submitting your work for one of these: February 1, 2021 - CRTC Prize for Excellence in Policy Research (three prizes for graduate students and postdocs; $2,500, $1,500 and $1000), see details here March 1, 2021 - Mahmoud Eid Graduate Prize for research investigating media, ethics, and the representation of Islam in Canada (graduate students, $500) - CCA Prize for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper - Gertrude J. Robinson Book Prize for the book of the year in communication studies by a Canadian scholar See all details for submitting your application on the CCA website : Please do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions regarding the submission guidelines for those prizes. Kind regards, Ghislain Thibault, CCA Conference Chair and Vice-President ------------------------------ Ch?res coll?gues, chers coll?gues de l'ACC, Ceci est un rappel au sujet des dates butoirs pour les diff?rents prix de l'ACC 2021. Merci de consid?rer soumettre vos travaux pour l?un ou l?autre de ces prix: 1er f?vrier 2021 - Prix d?excellence du CRTC en recherche sur les politiques (trois prix pour ?tudiant.e.s aux cycles sup?rieurs et 2 500$, 1500$ et 1000$), voir ici 1er mars 2021 - Le Prix Mahmoud Eid pour la recherche dans le domaine des m?dias, de l??thique et de la repr?sentation de l?islam au Canada (?tudiant.e.s, 500$) - Le Prix de l?ACC pour le meilleur essai ?tudiant - Le prix Gertrude J. Robinson pour le meilleur livre en communication ?crit par un.e chercheur.e N'h?sitez pas ? nous ?crire si vous avez des questions concernant les directives de soumission pour ces prix. Cordialement, Ghislain Thibault, vice-pr?sident et organisateur du colloque annuel de l'ACC -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mdarroch at Wed Jan 13 12:45:23 2021 From: mdarroch at (Michael Darroch) Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 19:45:23 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Reminder: 15 January deadline: 2 Tenure-track Assistant Professorships in Creative Technologies / School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, York University Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Creative Technologies, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, York University The School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD), York University invites two (2) highly qualified candidates to apply for professorial stream tenure-track appointments in Creative Technologies at the Assistant Professor level, to commence July 1, 2021. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval. The successful applicants will be based at the new York Markham Centre Campus when operational (expected in Fall 2023) and become a member of the first cohort of resident faculty members. Between July 1, 2021 and the opening of the campus, the appointees will assume a combination of teaching responsibilities at York?s Keele campus and contribute to the development of academic and research programming planned for the new Markham Centre Campus. York University?s Markham Centre Campus ( ) offers state-of-the- art facilities to provide innovative job-ready academic programming and research focusing on core themes of technology and entrepreneurship as applied in different contexts, disciplines and professional fields. Building on York University?s academic presence in the City of Markham, the new campus presents a unique opportunity to enhance and innovate programming across the arts, sciences and engineering and to experiment with new experiential education formats and partners that will provide the York Region with excellent undergraduate degree offerings that integrate emerging technologies, entrepreneurship, and civic leadership. Programs are designed to provide transferable 21st-century skills that are at the core of future economic competitiveness and community development in Markham, York Region and across Ontario. Collaboration with York University?s existing research strengths in the core areas of the new campus and dynamic engagement with the area?s businesses and industries will create an innovative, cross-disciplinary research culture for solving complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines. Requirements: A Ph.D. or an M.F.A. with a substantial record of professional experience in the arts and technology, broadly defined; candidates should demonstrate potential for excellence in teaching and curricular development, with a developing record of scholarly research and publication and/or professional practice that emphasizes community engagement. We are particularly interested in candidates who will contribute to the intellectual and cultural diversity of the York community and can engage the communities of Markham and surrounding regions. The successful candidate will be expected to engage in outstanding, innovative, and, as appropriate, externally funded research or research creation at the highest level. We seek two promising artists, teachers, and researchers who are committed to inclusive program development that builds upon the historic strengths in the arts at York to develop a compelling new curriculum at the intersection of the arts, community, and technology for Canada?s next generation of artistic and cultural leaders. One of North America's leading schools for the arts, AMPD offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Cinema and Media Arts, Computational Arts, Dance, Design, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts and Art History, Theatre and Performance Studies. The Markham Centre Campus undergraduate program will engage students in emerging areas of artistic creation and research within a unique learning environment focused on socially responsive technologies, experiential education, collaboration with emerging creative industries, and community-engaged arts practice. This position will begin with a two-year term at York?s Keele campus before moving to the Markham Centre to lead programs in a new building created specifically for the campus there. In the interim, the successful candidates will be affiliated with the departments that best suit their research and teaching interests. Candidates must provide evidence of research excellence of a recognized international calibre as demonstrated in: the research statement; a record of publications (or forthcoming publications) with significant journals in the field; presentations at major conferences; awards and accolades; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing. The position may involve graduate teaching and supervision, as well as undergraduate teaching and the successful candidate must be suitable for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Evidence of excellence in teaching will be provided through: the teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations including in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning; teaching evaluations; and strong letters of reference. York University champions new ways of thinking that drive teaching and research excellence. Through cross-disciplinary programming, innovative course design, diverse experiential learning and a supportive community environment, our students receive the education they need to create big ideas that make an impact on the world. Located in Toronto, York is the third largest university in Canada, with a strong community of 53,000 students, 7,000 faculty and administrative staff, and more than 300,000 alumni. York University has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and to expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Candidates who require accommodation during the selection process are invited to contact Professor Michael Darroch, Chair of the Search Committee, School of the Arts, Media Performance Design at applyampd at York University is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, within its community. The AA Program, which applies to women, members of visible minorities (racialized groups), Aboriginal (Indigenous) people and persons with disabilities, can be found at or by calling the AA line at 416-736- 5713. Applicants wishing to self-identify as part of York University?s Affirmative Action program can do so by downloading, completing and submitting the form found at: All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples in Canada will be given priority. No application will be considered without a completed mandatory Work Status Declaration form which can be found at The deadline for receipt of completed applications is January 15, 2021. A letter of application with an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, three letters of reference and teaching evaluations should be sent to: Professor Michael Darroch, Chair of the Search Committee, School of the Arts, Media Performance Design at applyampd at ----- Michael Darroch, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Academic Associate Professor of Cinema & Media Arts School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design York University, Toronto, Canada mdarroch at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Creative Technologies - School of the Arts Media Performance & Design.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 93402 bytes Desc: Creative Technologies - School of the Arts Media Performance & Design.pdf URL: From charlotteorzel at Fri Jan 15 19:06:27 2021 From: charlotteorzel at (Charlotte Orzel) Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 18:06:27 -0800 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: Modularity and Modification (Media Fields Issue 17) Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] The UC Santa Barbara Media Fields Collective is excited to announce the call for papers for issue 17 of Media Fields: Critical Explorations of Media in Space. Please email submissions to submissions at by May 7, 2021. You can review our submission guidelines at -- Call for Submissions Modularity and Modification Media Fields: Critical Explorations of Media in Space, Issue 17 To move, media must be flexible. Think, for instance, of the remarkably consistent form of the upscale multiplex that has made a home for global blockbuster cinema in China, Mexico, India, Belgium, and Canada alike. Or consider the efforts of communities who have had to salvage, appropriate, and alter telecommunications infrastructure?developing their own technical expertise in the process?in an effort to bring internet connectivity to remote areas neglected by corporate service providers. While distinct, these examples each raise the question of how media flexibility is underpinned by the tension between modularity and modification. Modularity involves the repetition, standardization, and recombination of existing forms: exhibitors use the standard form of the multiplex to signify the ?world-class? status of their up-to-date cinemas, while amateur technicians rely on widely used antennas, wires, and protocols to plug into existing internet infrastructure. Conversely, modification calls on the ability to adapt given materials (including technologies, practices, ideas, and senses of self) to prevailing conditions: theatre chains grapple with issues of urban development, audiences, and taste cultures as they develop new sites in new locales, while communities adapt technology to the resources they have, the landscapes they inhabit, and the histories they share to make their projects work. In these and other examples, media forge the channels along which modular elements can be disseminated and within which opportunities for modification take root. Considering these concepts as an entry point for the study of media in space immediately conjures associations with Michel de Certeau?s opposition between strategy and tactics. If modularity offers the opportunity to expand the ?proper place? of the powerful and extend the imposed terrain on which the subjected must move, modification suggests the potential to rework that terrain along tactical lines. The modularity of communication infrastructures and media forms might suggest narratives of spatial and temporal compression and, in turn, buttress colonial narratives that render distant, foreign spaces more legible, accessible, or profitable for powerful interests. Conversely, the modification of modular media genres, formats, technologies, and environments evokes profuse examples of narratives of localized or regionalized difference, adaptation, resistance, and even refusal. Such associations between modularity, modification, power, and resistance do not hold seamlessly, and are useful only to the extent that they are contextualized and questioned. Media scholarship that engages in this work does not necessarily dispense with familiar associations with these concepts but expose the frictions and counternarratives that arise out of close, critical analysis. Reconsidering these associations raises questions including: What are productive ways of conceptualizing modification without fetishizing neoliberal concepts of ingenuity that displace the responsibilities of media institutions and telecommunications services onto individuals? How might we understand corporate modularity as involving forms of differentiation that enable flows of capital and hegemony? Where can we see the activities of user or audience modification being channeled or controlled by powerful interests? In what ways does modularity emerge from individuals, social groups, and communities rather than being imposed on them? Can we uncover or recover cases that subvert binaries associating modularity with the homogenous, the corporate, and the global and modification with the heterogenous, the individual, and the local? The Media Fields Editorial Collective in the Department of Film and Media at the University of California, Santa Barbara seeks papers that interrogate the imbrication of modularity and modification in spatial practices and imaginaries and put forward thought-provoking examples of how they might be operationalized in the service of today?s media scholarship. Potential paper topics include, but are not limited to: * Technological standards and standardization * Circulating genres and formats * Digital ?modding? * Film and television ?packaging? * Franchises, sequels, spinoffs, ripoffs, and reboots * Platform systems and their users * Communication infrastructures and their nodes -- Mary Michael and Charlotte Orzel Issue Co-Editors Media Fields Journal -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CFP - Modularity & Modification - Media Fields 17.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 58046 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hubner.lena_alexandra at Mon Jan 18 06:38:58 2021 From: hubner.lena_alexandra at (=?UTF-8?Q?Lena_Alexandra_H=C3=BCbner?=) Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 08:38:58 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Fwd=3A_S=C3=A9minaire_axe_4=3A_Les_approch?= =?utf-8?q?es_critiques_en_communication_organisationnelle=2C_22_ja?= =?utf-8?q?nvier_2021=2C_9h30?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour ? toutes et ? tous, Ceci est un rappel cordial. Le cycle de s?minaires se poursuit et j'ai le plaisir de vous convier ? la premi?re s?ance de la session d'hiver 2021 intitul?e Les approches critiques en communication organisationnelle qui aura lieu le vendredi 22 janvier 2021 de 9h30 ? 12h30 sur Zoom. ? cette occasion, nous accueillerons Sophie Del Fa, professeure en communication ? l?Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi et Thomas Heller, ma?tre de conf?rences en sciences de l?information et de la communication ? l?Universit? de Lille Haut-de-France. La s?ance sera anim?e par Diane Riddell, ?tudiante au doctorat et professeure ? temps partiel au d?partement de communication ? l'Universit? d'Ottawa. Ce s?minaire, gratuit et ouvert ? toutes et ? tous, aura lieu sur Zoom. Les inscriptions sont possibles jusqu'au 21 janvier 2021 ? 20h en ?crivant ? l'adresse cricis at Pour plus d?informations, consultez l'?v?nement Facebook cr?? ? cette occasion. Pour rester ? l'aff?t de notre programmation, veuillez consulter notre site web. Au plaisir de vous y voir, Lena Alexandra H?bner ?tudiante au doctorat conjoint en communication (UQAM, UdeM, Concordia) Coordonnatrice des activit?s scientifiques du CRICIS Charg?e de cours ? l'?cole des m?dias Les approches critiques en communication organisationnelle, Vendredi, 22 janvier 2020, 9h30 ? 12h30 via Zoom Inscriptions: cricis at avant le 21 janvier 2021, 20h Sophie Del Fa: Pour une approche constitutive critique de la communication (et des organisations) Les ?tudes en communication se sont de diff?rentes mani?res int?ress?es par le capitalisme. Que ce soit en consid?rant les m?dias et outils de communication comme un de ses moteurs ou encore dans une perspective d??conomie politique en r?v?lant les m?canismes financiers ? l??uvre. De son c?t?, l?approche constitutive de la communication (connue sous l?acronyme CCO) a peu pens? et/ou consid?r? le capitalisme dans sa conception de la communication et des organisations. Plusieurs invitations se dessinent pour penser la mani?re dont le capitalisme (n?olib?ral) peut ?tre consid?r? comme un participant intrins?quement li? aux pratiques socio-?conomiques qui ? font ? la communication (Kuhn et al., 2017; Mumby, 2019) . ? partir de ces travaux ?mergents nous proposons de r?fl?chir ? la mani?re dont le capitalisme n?olib?ral organise le ? social ? et ce avec une perspective CCO. La pr?misse de d?part est la suivante : la communication est une pratique relationnelle par laquelle plusieurs ?tres ? ontologie variable sont reli?s. ? partir de ce point de d?part, nous questionnons la nature de cette relation en montrant justement que la consid?rer comme ?tant intrins?quement capitaliste/n?olib?rale permet de donner une coloration critique ? l?approche CCO. Nous explorerons donc les potentialit?s critiques de l?approche CCO tant pour la communication que pour l?organisation. Cela am?nera ? une r?flexion sur la mani?re dont cette dimension critique de CCO permet de penser au-del? de l?organisation des formes de r?sistances telles que les mouvements sociaux, les organisations alternatives, etc. Textes d?accompagnement: * Mumby, D.K. (2020). Theorizing Struggle in the Social Factory. Organization Theory, 1, 1-14. * Del Fa, S. (? para?tre). Ce qu??tre anticapitaliste veut dire: une approche constitutive. NPSS, 16(1), 109-143. (accessible sur demande en ?crivant ? l?adresse cricis at [facultatif pour suivre le s?minaire]). Biographie: Sophie Del Fa est professeure en communication ? l?Universit? du Qu?bec ? Chicoutimi et membre du Groupe de Recherche sur la Communication Organisation (RECOR). Elle est ?galement engag?e en tant que chercheuse au sein du Grand dialogue r?gional pour la transition socio-?cologique au Saguenay?Lac-Saint et militante ? la Coalition Fjord. Thomas Heller: Gouvernementalit? manageriale-communicationnelle : un humanisme contrari?. On peut envisager la critique de la communication organisationnelle selon deux orientations : la premi?re vise ? nourrir une critique du capitalisme (dont l?organisation est un instrument parmi d?autres de son d?veloppement) et la seconde vise ? nourrir une critique de l?organisation (dont le capitalisme est son contexte plus ou moins structurant). Mon travail s?inscrit plut?t dans cette deuxi?me orientation, et ce n?est pas sans cons?quence sur la mani?re d?envisager la critique de la communication, d?s lors aussi que l?on consid?re que cette derni?re est constitutive de l?organisation. Comment faire critique tout en tenant compte de l?imp?ratif organisationnel (fait de contraintes, de divisions, de conflictualit?) ? C?est avec cette question que j?envisage d?introduire la question pos?e des relations entre critique et communication organisationnelle, avant de pr?senter quelques aspects de mes pr?occupations de recherche ; ceux-ci concernent grosso modo la relation entre communication et ce qu?on pourrait appeler la gouvernementalit? manag?riale ; il s?agira, dans une perspective qui doit beaucoup au travail de M. Foucault, de montrer comment il est possible de nouer communication et management contemporain (soit la communication comme objet et cible du pouvoir) et comment, ? travers cette gouvernementalit?-manag?riale, logique de domination et logique d??mancipation peuvent aussi cohabiter. Textes d?accompagnement: * Foucault M. (1978), le sujet et le pouvoir, in Dits et ?crits tome IV texte n?306. * Heller T. (2020), cette obscure clart? qui tombe de la communication, paru dans ?le c?t? obscur de la communication des organisations?, V. Carayol, V. L?pine, L. Morillon (dir.), Maison des sciences de l?homme d?Aquitaine, p. 211-226. * Heller T. (2015), Du pouvoir reconnaissant. Reconnaissance et temporalit? ? l?aune du concept d?assujettissement, in JC Domenget, V. Larroche, M-F. Peyrelong (dir.), reconnaissance et temporalit?s, une approche info-communicationnelle, L?Harmattan, p. 70-90. Biographie: Thomas Heller est ma?tre de conf?rences en sciences de l?information et de la communication ? l?universit? de Lille Haut-de-France et membre du laboratoire GERiiCO. Il est ?galement attach? au groupe Org & Co. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From celat at Mon Jan 18 08:48:53 2021 From: celat at (CELAT-UQAM) Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 15:48:53 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Conf=C3=A9rence_internationale_Cornelia_Hu?= =?utf-8?q?mmel_-_Habiter_la_ville_au_grand_=C3=A2ge=3A_liens_t=C3=A9nus_e?= =?utf-8?q?t_attachements_discrets?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dans le cadre de la s?rie Les temps qui viennent, le CELAT-UQAM a le plaisir de vous convier ? une conf?rence de Cornelia Hummel, professeure associ?e au D?partement de sociologie et directrice de l?Unit? de sociologie visuelle de l?Institut de recherches sociologiques (IRS) de l?Universit? de Gen?ve. Habiter la ville au grand ?ge : liens t?nus et attachements discrets Le mercredi 27 janvier 2021, de 12h30 ? 14h (Heure de Montr?al) En ligne via Zoom. Inscriptions : celat at R?sum? : Comment les personnes ?g?es habitent-elles la ville ? Comment n?gocient-elles leurs relations ? leur environnement au quotidien ? Habiter, c?est ?tre familiaris? et attach? ? son lieu de vie (Brevigliveri, 2006 ; Hennion, 2004) et c?est cet attachement, par la production et le maintien de liens, que nous nous sommes donn?s pour objectif d??tudier. En nous situant au croisement de la sociologie urbaine et de la sociologie du vieillissement et en adoptant une d?marche photo-participative, nous avons pu mettre au jour des m?diations souvent peu visibles (et peu ?tudi?es) dans ce qui ? se joue ?, au quotidien, entre l?individu vieillissant et la ville, cette derni?re ?tant v?cue ? l??chelle d?un ? chez soi ? de quartier. Bio : Cornelia Hummel est professeure associ?e au D?partement de sociologie et membre de l?Institut de recherches sociologiques (IRS) de l?Universit? de Gen?ve. Depuis 2017, elle est directrice de l?Unit? de sociologie visuelle de l?IRS. Elle est ?galement chercheuse associ?e au Centre interfacultaire de g?rontologie et d??tudes des vuln?rabilit?s (CIGEV) de l?Universit? de Gen?ve. Ses travaux s?inscrivent dans le champ de la sociologie de la vieillesse et du vieillissement. Apr?s avoir ?tudi? les repr?sentations sociales de la vieillesse, son int?r?t s?est tourn? vers la construction sociale de la vieillesse, dans une perspective historique et ?pist?mologique. Ses recherches r?centes sur le vieillissement dans les espaces urbains ainsi que sur le vieillissement dans les institutions carc?rales et sont men?es en partie avec des m?thodes visuelles (photographie). CELAT-UQAM Centre de recherche Cultures-Arts-Soci?t?s Coordinatrice : Estelle Grandbois-Bernard 279, rue Ste-Catherine Est Local DC-2210 Montr?al (Qu?bec) H2X 1L5 514-987-3000 poste 1664 Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @CelatUqam -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From a.mcgillivray at Mon Jan 18 13:16:59 2021 From: a.mcgillivray at (Andrew McGillivray) Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 20:16:59 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Job posting in writing at the University of Winnipeg Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Please see details at link below for a new Term Instructor position posting in Writing at the University of Winnipeg, here: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cordelier.benoit at Tue Jan 19 10:48:28 2021 From: cordelier.benoit at (=?utf-8?B?Q29yZGVsaWVyLCBCZW5vw650?=) Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2021 17:48:28 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] AAA Communication & Organisation - Influence and organizations: cultures, practices and perspectives Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Ch?res et chers coll?gues, Camille Alloing (UQAM), St?phanie Yates (UQAM) et moi-m?me avons le plaisir de vous partager un appel ? articles pour un dossier ? para?tre dans la revue Communication & Organisation sur le th?me de Influence et organisations : cultures, pratiques et mises en perspective Influence and organizations: cultures, practices and perspectives Appel ? article pour le num?ro 60 ? publication pr?vue en D?cembre 2021 R?sum? Les discussions autour de l?influence, qu?elles soient de nature acad?mique ou destin?es aux praticiens, sont domin?es par des travaux en marketing et en psychologie, l?influence ?tant con?ue comme un objet que l?on pourrait th?oriser, analyser, quantifier, manipuler, voire mettre en march?. Le num?ro 60 de Communication & organisation vise ? enrichir le champ conceptuel autour de la notion d?influence par le prisme d?autres notions comme la prescription, la recommandation, les routines et la familiarisation, la confiance, le r?le d'un tiers symbolisant, ou la place de la r?putation. Coordination * Camille Alloing, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (UQAM) * St?phanie Yates, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (UQAM) * Benoit Cordelier, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (UQAM) Calendrier : * Envoi des propositions sous forme de r?sum?s : 1er mars 2021 * Retour aux auteurs de la s?lection des propositions : 15 mars 2021 * Remise de l?article int?gral : 1er juin 2021 * Retour aux auteurs de l??valuation par le comit? de lecture : 30 juillet 2021 * Retour des articles d?finitifs (revus apr?s ?valuation) : septembre 2021 * Publication du num?ro?: d?cembre 2021 Les propositions seront envoy?es ? l?adresse suivante : influence.comorg at Pour plus de d?tails, vous pouvez consulter l?appel en pi?ce-jointe. Nous appr?cierions ?galement que vous puissiez diffuser cet appel le plus largement possible et en particulier aupr?s des coll?gues pouvant y avoir un int?r?t. En attendant le plaisir de vous lire, nous vous souhaitons une bonne semaine, Pour l??quipe de coordination, ? Benoit Cordelier Professeur, D?partement de communication sociale et publique Directeur, unit? de programmes en communication publique Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, UQAM T?l?phone : (514) 987-3000, p. 6712 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: C&O - AAA 60 - Influence et communication[1].pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 168529 bytes Desc: C&O - AAA 60 - Influence et communication[1].pdf URL: From bgirard at Wed Jan 20 05:13:47 2021 From: bgirard at (Bruce Girard) Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 13:13:47 +0100 Subject: [acc-cca-l] 2021 IAMCR award in memory of Stuart Hall Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Applications are now being received for the 2021 IAMCR Prize in Memory of Stuart Hall. Graduate students and early-career scholars of any age and disciplinary background, who are members of IAMCR, are welcome to apply. The deadline for submissions is 30 April but your abstract must first be accepted for IAMCR 2021 by any of our thematic sections and working groups. The deadline to submit abstracts for IAMCR 2021 is 9 February. The Stuart Hall award is for a scholarly paper with an innovative theoretical foundation, combining analytical excellence and an evident engagement with the interventionist, critical attributes that marked Stuart Hall's contribution to the study of media, communication, culture and political science. More information about the award: IAMCR Nairobi 2021 website: -- Bruce Girard Executive Director, IAMCR -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Thu Jan 21 00:57:15 2021 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 07:57:15 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Appel_=C3=A0_contribution=2C_revue_tic=26s?= =?utf-8?q?oci=C3=A9t=C3=A9=2C_Transformations_num=C3=A9riques_et_durables?= =?utf-8?q?_des_mobilit=C3=A9s?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Transformations num?riques et durables des mobilit?s La date limite de soumission des articles est le 30 juin 2021 Signaler ce document Dossier coordonn? par Renan Mouren ? Universit? Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (INSA), membre de la Chaire UNESCO Innovation, Transmission, Edition Num?riques (ITEN) Th?matique La co-?volution entre d?placements, transports et technologies num?riques de l?information et de la communication (TNIC) s?inscrit dans une longue histoire commune (Flichy, 1991, Castells, 1998). Elle a depuis les ann?es 1950 globalis? nos ?changes, r?organis? les communaut?s humaines et fa?onn? les formes spatiales de nos soci?t?s (Virilio, 1977, Ballandier, 2001, Aug?, 2009), une urbanisation massive et globale qui transforme le monde en un vaste espace socio-?conomique ? ?chelle plan?taire (Laborit, 1971, Lussault, 2007). Depuis les ann?es 1990, les ? mobilities studies ? ne se limitent plus ? l?analyse des d?placements, du transport des personnes, des biens mat?riels et immat?riels (donn?es, informations, id?es), mais permettent de repenser l?ensemble du social dans ses principes et ses modalit?s de communication dans l?espace (Urry, 2000, Ascher, 2003). La ? mobilit? ?, informationnelle ou physique, est alors appr?hend?e comme une disposition gr?ce ? laquelle individus et soci?t?s construisent leurs relations avec leurs espaces de vie, mais aussi comme un capital, facteur de discrimination et d?exclusion. Dans la perspective des objectifs du ? d?veloppement durable ? (Nations Unies, 2015), les villes et les territoires renouvellent ? de mani?re in?gale et non sans controverses ? leurs modalit?s d?innovation, d?usage et d?appropriation sociale des TNIC, afin d?accompagner ? l??chelle globale comme aux divers ?chelons locaux une dynamique de transformation des mobilit?s : am?lioration de l?intermodalit?, optimisation des flux, innovation sociale, diminution d??mission de CO2 et des risques li?s aux ?nergies fossiles (Tafidis et Al. 2017), modification des comportements, encouragement des mobilit?s dites ? actives ? ou ? douces ?, mais ?galement ? d?mobilit? ? (Damon, 2014), s?dentarit?, travail ? distance, etc. Port?s par cette dynamique, de nombreux mod?les ?conomico-institutionnels l?gitiment l?usage argumentaire de modernisation num?rique des mobilit?s depuis un imaginaire d?mat?rialis? et son id?al de fluidit?. Ces mod?les d?terminent un type de r?alit? qui tend ? invisibiliser les ? immobilit?s ? ? inverse du m?me ? (Flonneau, Guigiueno, 2009) depuis lesquelles s??l?vent co-extensivement nos mobilit?s1 : emprises, extraction et transformation de mati?res premi?res, production d??nergie, construction et entretien des infrastructures, des hubs et des r?seaux etc. La coh?rence de ce syst?me technique (Gille, 1978), ?voluant par hybridations multiples et diff?renci?es entre TNIC, mobilit?s communicationnelles et immobilit?s infrastructurelles, demande alors ? ?tre analys?e et orient?e, au prisme de sa capacit? ? int?grer les finalit?s sociales, politiques et environnementales qui sont au c?ur d??quilibres ?mergents dans les territoires et exig?es par la ? durabilit? ?. Cette capacit? d?int?gration, nomm?e ? intelligence ? (ISO TC 268), devient une condition n?cessaire de r?-articulation coh?rente entre ?volution des mobilit?s et transformation des immobilit?s. Elle soul?ve d?importants enjeux en termes de politiques publiques, d?innovation sociale et technologique, de normes et standards mais aussi de gouvernance. Compte tenu de la complexit? des contextes urbains et territoriaux, des organisations humaines, de leurs variations dans l?espace et le temps, de la diversit? des d?sirs et des besoins sociaux de communication, il n?existe pas de r?ponse simple et universelle au d?ploiement de mobilit?s durables et intelligentes, tant sur le plan des services que des infrastructures. Si les mobilit?s ont longtemps ?t? synonymes de globalisation, dans quelle mesure et selon quels modes les TNIC peuvent-elles aujourd?hui contribuer ? inscrire nos communications, mat?rielles et immat?rielles, dans la singularit? des localisations concr?tes qui les organisent ? L?analyse critique de l?innovation, l?usage, l?appropriation sociale des technologies num?riques, des discours politiques et normatifs pour des transformations ? durables ? et ? intelligentes ? des Mobilit?s, peut s??laborer ? partir des perspectives ci-apr?s propos?es, sans toutefois ?tre exhaustives : Mod?les ?conomiques et politiques publiques De nouveaux mod?les ?conomiques s?affrontent, par exemple l??conomie de la possession contre l??conomie du partage ou de la fonctionnalit? (Rifkin, 2000) : mobilit?s partag?es, co-voiturage, auto-partage, free-floating etc. L?id?al de d?sinterm?diation ou de coop?rativisme, initialement port? par ces mod?les, est progressivement ?clips? par des ph?nom?nes de re-concentration monopolistique, de d?stabilisation du march?, d?envahissement de l?espace public et de ses infrastructures locales, dont les soci?t?s Nord-Am?ricaine Uber et Chinoise Alibaba sont embl?matiques. Ces nouveaux entrants et leurs services num?riques OMO (? Online merge Offline ?), bouleversent certains ?quilibres, induisent des effets de bord inattendus (Courmont, 2018, Erhardt 2019), comme par exemple l?envahissement des routes inadapt?es. Comment les politiques publiques anticipent et accompagnent dans l?int?r?t g?n?ral ces nouvelles mobilit?s, les articulent ? des politiques de r?glementation plus restrictives sans pour autant provoquer de r?ticences de la part des usager.?re.s ? Dans la mesure o? davantage de choix se pr?sentent aux usager.?re.s (multimodalit?), comment les autorit?s organisatrices r?gulent ces effets de balancier entre substitution et addition (effet rebond) ? Quels types de m?diations num?riques sont d?ploy?es pour accompagner ces transformations, tenir compte des besoins des habitants ou modifier les comportements ? De quelle nature sont les nouveaux rapports de force qui apparaissent au sein des partenariats territoriaux publics/priv?s/populations ? Risquent-il d?affaiblir la capacit? des villes ? ma?triser leurs transformations socio-technologiques (Castells, 1998) et ?cologiques ? Innovation sociale Les niveaux d?investissement dans les grandes villes restent sans commune mesure avec les villes moyennes, les territoires p?riurbains, ruraux pour lesquels l?absence d?une masse critique d?utilisateurs n?encourage gu?re les acteurs ?conomiques ? s?implanter (Graham, 2001). C?est pourtant en p?riph?rie que les besoins en mobilit? et les enjeux sociaux sont les plus importants : acc?s ? l?emploi et aux services, distances et temps de parcours qui accentuent la pr?carisation de certaines populations (Aguilera, 2016, Eloi, 2013, Raoul, Casteigts, 2011). Quelles dynamiques de transformation num?rique des mobilit?s pouvons-nous observer dans ces territoires : co-voiturage, commerce itin?rant, transports ? la demande, revalorisation des petites gares, r?appropriation de technologies ouvertes, de communs num?riques et des mod?les autogestionnaires (Scholtz, 2017, Compaign, 2019) ? Comment ces dispositifs contribuent-ils ? redistribuer le local et transformer nos conditions d?habitabilit? du territoire ? Gouvernance de la donn?e Les nouveaux acteur.rice.s comme les nouveaux mod?les ?conomiques complexifient la gouvernance de la donn?e relative aux mobilit?s communicationnelles et aux immobilit?s infrastructurelles. Cette gouvernance se heurte en aval aux inqui?tudes des utilisateur.rice.s en ce qui concerne leur vie priv?e (la valeur marchande de leurs donn?es transforme leur exp?rience v?cue en transactions commerciales), mais se heurte ?galement en amont ? la r?ticence des acteur.rice.s ? mutualiser leurs donn?es respectives, renfor?ant les effets de silo et freinant le d?groupage num?rique, pratiques pourtant essentielles ? int?grer un r?seau unifi? des mobilit?s et mettre en ?uvre l?intermodalit?. Dans ce contexte quels mod?les de gouvernance des donn?es ?mergent, susceptibles d?assurer confiance et interconnaissance entre acteurs, mais aussi s?curit? et souverainet? sur les donn?es territoriales de mobilit?s ? Standards et normes L?articulation intelligente et durable de l?intermodalit? repose en grande partie sur la capacit? d?int?grer des donn?es h?t?rog?nes provenant de sources, d?acteurs et de territoires diff?rents. Cette capacit? se cristallise aujourd?hui sur la notion de ? MaaS ? (Mobility as a Service) qui tente d?inscrire les mobilit?s dans une dynamique plus g?n?rale de d?groupage num?rique : logiciel, mat?riel et infrastructurel (Jittrapirom, 2017, Henscher, 2017). Le MaaS vise ? unifier, agr?ger toutes les informations de mobilit? au sein d?une m?me plateforme de donn?es2, afin de soutenir la diffusion de l?information, la coordination de la d?cision, la gestion des actions et l?exploitation des modalit?s de d?placement. Cens? assurer l?interaction ?tre humain-machine dans l?espace de mobilit?, le MaaS place l?usager.?re au c?ur du choix (?l?ments de m?diation, ou de compr?hension concernant sa mobilit?), mais permettrait ?galement aux autorit?s organisatrices d?influencer les comportements des usagers.?re.s en accord avec certaines politiques publiques. La politique de d?groupage num?rique sur laquelle repose la promesse du MaaS peut-elle conduire ? une forme de lib?ralisation du march? de la donn?e de mobilit? et, in fine, ? une reconcentration monopolistique de sa gestion ? Les travaux men?s au sein des instances internationales de normalisation (IEEE, ISO-IEC JTC1 / WG11, ISO TC268) offrent-ils des pistes de mod?les communs de donn?es de mobilit?s (Katsumi, Fox, 2019, Dang, Hoang, 2017) susceptibles d?assurer ? la fois interop?rabilit? entre acteurs et territoires mais aussi un contr?le d?mocratique sur les donn?es? Innovations technologiques et transformations De nouveaux g?ants du num?rique ou startups sp?cialis?es, ?mergent aux c?t?s des autorit?s publiques et des acteur.rice.s historiques (r?gies de transports, constructeurs d?infrastructures, ?nerg?ticiens, fabricants d?automobiles etc.). Face ? cette concurrence, les acteur.rice.s historiques sont conduits ? transformer leurs m?tiers (Miyata, 2018), ?voluer par exemple vers des ? entreprises de plateforme3 ?, int?grer les m?dias ?mergents (Internet des Objets, 5G, m?thodes d?Intelligence Artificielle, ou encore BlockChains) et conserver ainsi leur place dans une g?ostrat?gie globale des mobilit?s. Quelles formes prennent ces partenariats entre acteurs de mobilit?s et d?infrastructures immobiles, quelles opportunit?s offrent-elles, quelles menaces font-elles peser, sont-elles sources de d?s?quilibres ? Ces continuums d?acteur.rice.s (Latour, 2005) seront-il en capacit? de transformer un syst?me technique afin de l?adapter aux contextes territoriaux, l?inscrire dans des modes de gouvernance diff?renci?s (Akrich, Callon, Latour, 2006) et tisser ainsi des communications durables entre d?veloppement social et espaces de vie ? L??clairage SIC de la th?matique ?tudi?e, pourra se faire ? travers l?analyse des m?diations num?riques, des architectures socio-techniques, de leurs usages, de leurs modalit?s d?appropriation, des pratiques communicationnelles et culturelles, mais aussi des discours politiques, entrepreneuriaux et normatifs. Les auteurs et autrices sont invit?s ? orienter leurs r?flexions dans ce sens. Les contributions doivent ?tre soumises en fran?ais. Les textes doivent comprendre entre 40 000 et 50 000 caract?res espaces compris. Les auteur.rice.s sont invit?.e.s ? respecter les consignes concernant la mise en forme du texte (consignes disponibles sur le site de la revue, ? la page Les manuscrits feront l?objet de deux ?valuations selon la proc?dure d??valuation ? l?aveugle. La date limite de soumission des articles est le 30 juin 2021 Les propositions d?articles sont ? envoyer ? Renan Mouren (rmouren at qui coordonne ce num?ro th?matique. Renan Mouren est ma?tre de conf?rences contractuel en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l?Universit? Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (INSA), membre de la Chaire UNESCO Innovation, Transmission, Edition Num?riques (ITEN), chercheur associ? aux laboratoires DEVISU (UPHF) et PARAGRAPHE (Universit? Paris8), membre des commissions nationale ? Villes Territoires Durables et Intelligents ? (ISO TC268) et europ?enne ? Sustainable and Smart Cities and Communities ? (CEN TC465) Bibliographie Akrich,M., Callon.,M., Latour, B., (2006), Sociologie de la traduction : textes fondateurs, Mines ParisTech, les Presses, ? Sciences sociales ? Asher, F., Godard, F., (2003) Modernit? : la nouvelle carte du temps, ?ditions de l'Aube/DATAR Asher, F., Allemand, S., Levy, J., (2005) Les Sens du mouvement. Modernit? et mobilit?s, ?ditions Belin Aug?, M., (2009), Pour une anthropologie de la mobilit?, Payot & Rivages Ballandier, G.(2001), Le grand syst?me, Paris, Fayard. Bourdin, A. (dir.) Mobilit? et modernit?, Cahiers internationaux de sociologie 2005/1 (n? 118), Presses Universitaires de France Castells, E.(1998), L'?re de l'information. Vol. 1, La Soci?t? en r?seaux, Paris, Fayard Compain, G. (2019). Des plateformes autog?r?es comme alternatives au capitalisme de plateformes?: Le cas des Plateformes en Communs. Courmont, A.(2018), Platform, big data and the reshaping of urban government: The effects of Waze on traffic regulation policies. Revue fran?aise de sociologie, vol. 59(3), 423-449. Damon, J.(2014), La d?mobilit? : travailler, vivre autrement. In. Dominique Reyni? ?d., Innovation politique 2014 (pp. 247-275), Presses Universitaires de France. Dang, T., Hoang, D. (2016), Data Mobility as a Service, IEEE 36th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW) DOI: Erhardt, G. & Al.(2019), Do transportation network companies decrease or increase congestion?, Science Advances, Vol. 5, no. 5 Flichy, P., (1991), Une histoire de la communication moderne ? Espace public et vie priv?e, La D?couverte Flonneau, M., Guigiueno, V., (2009), De l'histoire des transports ? l'histoire de la mobilit? ? Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR) Graham, S., Marvin, S., (2001), Splintering Urbanism, Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition, Routledge Jittrapirom, P (et Al), (2017), Mobility as a Service: A critical review of definitions, assessments of schemes, and key challenges, Urban Planning, vol. 2, Smart Cities ? Infrastructure and Information, pp. 13-25. DOI : https://10.17645/up.v2i2.931 Hensher, D, (2017), Future bus transport contracts under a mobility as a service (MaaS) regime in the digital age: Are they likely to change?, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 98 DOI : Katsumi, M., Fox, M., (2019), An Ontology-Based Standard for Transportation Planning. JOWO Laborit, H., (1971), L?homme et la ville, Flammarion Latour, B. (2005), Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network-theory, Oxford University Press Lussault, M., (2007), L?homme spatial, Seuil Miyata, H. (2018), Digital Transformation of Automobile and Mobility Service, IEEE, International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT). DOI: https://10.1109/FPT.2018.00012 Pitron, J. La guerre des m?taux rares: La face cach?e de la transition ?nerg?tique et num?rique, Les Liens qui Lib?rent. Rifkin, J.(2000), The Age Of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, Where All of Life is a Paid-For Experience, Putnam Publishing Group. Scholz, T.(2017), Le coop?rativisme de plateforme ? 10 principes contre l?ub?risation et le business de l??conomie du partage, FYP Editions Tafidis, P., (2017), Exploring the impact of ICT on urban mobility in heterogenic regions, Transportation Research Procedia 27, 309?316 Urry, J.(2000). Sociology Beyond Societies : Mobilities for the Twenty-first Century. Psychology Press. Urry, J.(2007), Mobilities, Polity Press Normes et standards ISO TC268 Villes Territoires Durables et Communaut?s Intelligentes ISO/IEC JTC1 WG11 / WD 5087-3, Smart City / Information technology ? City data model ? Part 3: Service level concepts -Transportation planning URL : ISO TC204/AG 1 Syst?mes de Transports Intelligents / Donn?es massives et intelligence artificielle URL : Rapports : Aguilera, A., Baptiste, H., Feildel, B., Huyghe, M., MOBITER: MOBILITE ET DYNAMIQUE DES TERRITOIRES RURAUX (RAPPORT FINAL PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE). URL : Bundesministerium f?r Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), ACATECH (2018), Vernetzen, bewegen, transportieren. Auf dem Weg zu einem intelligenten Mobilit?tsraum URL : Commission des Communaut?s Europ?ennes (2018), Plan d?action pour le d?ploiement de syst?mes de transport intelligents en Europe, rapport final URL : Commission Europ?enne, (2019), Le pacte vert pour l'Europe, Communication de la Commission au Parlement Europ?en, au Conseil Europ?en, au Conseil, au Comit? ?conomique et Social Europ?en, au Comit? des R?gions. URL : Eloi,L. (Dir), (2013), Vers l??galit? des territoires, Dynamiques, mesures, politiques URL : Parlement Europ?en (2017), Rapport sur une strat?gie europ?enne pour une mobilit? ? faible taux d??missions, URL : Raoul, E., M. Casteigts, (2011), Rapport sur la mobilit? et les transports dans les territoires ruraux, minist?re de l?Ecologie du D?veloppement Durable, des Transports et du Logement, minist?re de l?Int?rieur, Paris URL : Notes 1 Loin d?aller de soi, ce discours sur les TNIC contribue par exemple ? v?hiculer un ? Green by IT ? qui se contente encore trop souvent de d?localiser la pollution (Pitron, 2018). 2 Interaction des syst?mes, disponibilit? des flottes de mat?riel, ?tat des infrastructures, r?servation, paiement, harmonisation des horaires, recommandation de parcours, analyse et optimisation des flux, des lieux d?interconnexion, hubs et p?les d??changes. 3 Une architecture socio-technique, centralis?e ou d?centralis?e, qui double num?riquement un champ social, afin d?y apparier informations, relations, biens ou services. En organisant la mise en relation entre offre et demande, une plateforme supporte un mod?le d'affaire et en structure l'?cosyst?me. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bgirard at Thu Jan 21 04:48:47 2021 From: bgirard at (Bruce Girard) Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 12:48:47 +0100 Subject: [acc-cca-l] 2021 Urban Communication Research Grant Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Applications are now being received for the 2021 Urban Communication Research Grant offered by the International Association for Media and Communication Research -IAMCR- and the Urban Communication Foundation. The grant is worth USD 1,750 and supports communication and media research that advances understanding of the growing complexity of the urban environment. The grant is awarded each year at the annual IAMCR Conference, which will be hosted online by the United States International University-Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, July 11-15, 2021. Grant winners are expected to participate in the conference and present a paper related to urban communication. They must also report to IAMCR and the UCF on the progress of their research at the following year's conference, and submit a paper for this conference. The deadline to apply is 30 April 2021. Applicants must be current members of IAMCR. More information on the IAMCR website | //////||||||\\\\\\//////||||||\\\\\\//////||||||\\\\\\ Reminder: 9 February is the deadline to submit proposals for IAMCR 2021 | | //////||||||\\\\\\//////||||||\\\\\\//////||||||\\\\\\ -- Bruce Girard Executive Director, IAMCR -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From coutant.alexandre at Thu Jan 21 08:22:14 2021 From: coutant.alexandre at (Coutant, Alexandre) Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:22:14 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?TR_=3A_appel_=E0_articles_n=B0_58_?= =?windows-1252?q?=C9tudes_de_communication_=AB_Influenceurs_et_Influenceu?= =?windows-1252?q?ses_sant=E9_=3A_les_r=E9cits_et_les_savoirs_du_corps_sur?= =?windows-1252?q?_les_r=E9seaux_sociaux_=BB_coordonn=E9_par_Nataly_Botero?= =?windows-1252?q?=2C_Myriam_Hern=E1ndez_et_Paola_Sedda?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, Je me permets de diffuser cet appel ? article pouvant int?resser certain.e.s d'entre-vous. En vous souhaitant une bonne journ?e, Alexandre -- Alexandre Coutant Professeur D?partement de communication sociale et publique Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al T?l. : 514 987-3000 poste 6717 Directeur, Centre de recherche sur la communication et la sant? Laboratoire sur la communication et le num?rique Chaire de relations publiques et communication marketing ________________________________ Ch?res et chers coll?gues, Queridos colegas, Dear Colleagues, [Versi?n en espa?ol abajo ? English version below] Vous trouverez ci-dessous l'appel ? articles pour la revue ?tudes de communication, dont la 58e livraison, coordonn?e par Nataly Botero (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne), Myriam Hern?ndez (GERiiCO/CEDITEC, Universit? de Lille) et Paola Sedda (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne), portera sur ? Influenceurs et Influenceuses sant? : les r?cits et les savoirs du corps sur les r?seaux sociaux ?. Nous vous serions reconnaissants de diffuser cet appel le plus largement possible. A continuaci?n figura el llamado a articulos para la revista ?tudes de communication, cuyo n?mero 58, coordinado por Nataly Botero (CIMEOS, Universidad de Borgo?a), Myriam Hern?ndez (GERiiCO/CEDITEC, Universidad de Lille) y Paola Sedda (CIMEOS, Universidad de Borgo?a), se centrar? en ? Influenciadores e influenciadoras en salud: Relatos y saberes del cuerpo en redes sociales ?. Le agradecer?amos que difundiera este llamamiento lo m?s ampliamente posible. Nuestras disculpas por cualquier recepci?n m?ltiple. Que est?s bien. Muy cordialmente, Please find below the final call for articles for the journal ?tudes de communication. The 58th issue, coordinated by Nataly Botero (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne), Myriam Hern?ndez (GERiiCO/CEDITEC, Universit? de Lille) et Paola Sedda (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne), is related to "Health influencers:Narrative and body knowledge on social networks". English proposals are welcome. We would be very grateful if you could broadly circulate this call for articles. Apologies for cross-posting. Take care of yourselves. Best regards, APPEL ? ARTICLES : Revue ?tude de communication n? 58 Site web de la revue : ? Influenceurs et Influenceuses sant? : les r?cits et les savoirs du corps sur les r?seaux sociaux ? Dossier coordonn? par : Nataly Botero (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne) Myriam Hern?ndez (GERiiCO/CEDITEC, Universit? de Lille) Paola Sedda (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne) Dans une p?riode de prolif?ration de contenus num?riques portant sur la sant?, le bien-?tre et lelifestyle, ce num?ro d??tudes de communication explorera les pratiques info-communicationnelles d?exposition de soi en ligne (Denou?l & Granjon, 2010) mettant en avant une sp?cificit? physique ou un positionnement dans le domaine scientifique et m?dical li? ? des pathologies ou ? des controverses sanitaires. Ni? et mis ? distance par les processus de virtualisation, le corps retrouve une place centrale pr?cis?ment ? partir de ses reproductions ? m?di?es ? (Dufr?ne, 2002) par les dispositifs num?riques o? s?inscrivent les ? techniques de soi ? (Foucault, 2001/2012). Les r?cits autour de la diversit? corporelle, aliment?s ? la fois par la mise en sc?ne de soi sur les r?seaux sociaux et ses reprises m?diatiques, peuvent ?galement ?tre impuls?s par un al?a de la vie, un d?sir de retourner le rapport de genre, de transformer, de resignifier ou de rendre son corps performant (? travers une activit? physique ou th?rapeutique). Qu?elles soient stigmatisantes (Goffman, 1963/2015) ou valorisantes, ces sp?cificit?s font l?objet de nouvelles strat?gies de mise en visibilit? (Voirol, 2005) et de construction communautaire. Par leur pr?sence et leur production symbolique en ligne, des acteurs pluriels, patients, professionnels, usagers des r?seaux sociaux, peuvent s?engager dans la publication d?images, de connaissances et de croyances autour du corps susceptibles de sensibiliser et influencer des vastes communaut?s d?internautes. Ces pratiques d?influence impliquent une modification des processus cognitifs, ?motionnels et comportementaux d?autres individus ou groupes (Mucchi Faina, 1996). D?s les ann?es 1940, les recherches de Paul Lazarsfeld ont d?montr? que si les effets des m?dias s?av?raient faibles, les figures de leaders d?opinion faisaient preuve d?une forte capacit? ? orienter les avis et les comportements de leur entourage (Katz & Lazarsfeld, 2008). Actuellement, les espaces publics num?riques constituent les nouvelles ar?nes de d?ploiement d?une forme d?influence qui repose sur la construction dialogique de l?identit? en ligne et la ma?trise du regard d?autrui. En ?largissant les modes de mise en visibilit? du v?cu du corps et des connaissances acquises, ce mouvement peut ?galement s?inscrire dans une logique de d?nonciation des normes sociales impliquant une lutte pour la reconnaissance des identit?s m?pris?es (Fraser, 2005/2011 ; Honneth, 2008). Toutefois, mesur?es ? partir de m?triques algorithmiques de performance, les dynamiques de la reconnaissance en ligne peuvent aboutir ? des cons?quences paradoxales. Les pratiques de pr?sentation de soi passent en effet souvent par une d?marche d?individualisation (Le Bart, 2008) pr?tendant se d?tacher des structures collectives de la reconnaissance sociale et impliquant l?adh?sion ? une pens?e lib?rale. Ainsi, la c?l?bration du je comme ?tant un ?tre modulable et optimisable encourage une logique de marchandisation de soi et de son r?cit biographique (Illouz, 2006). L?influence exerc?e par ces nouveaux acteurs est ?galement d?termin?e par les effets d?amplification et de m?diatisation de leurs profils dans d?autres espaces num?riques. Les plateformes agissent ainsi comme une caisse de r?sonance sortant ces contenus de leur niche et les pr?sentant au grand public, ? travers des ph?nom?nes de reprise, de dialogisme et de distorsion. Si leur cadrage se caract?rise souvent par un traitement valorisant la lutte pour la visibilit?, il peut rapidement migrer vers une vision m?taphorique de la maladie (Sontag, 2009) et une instrumentalisation de ces r?cits, en d?ployant un registre sensationnaliste. En produisant une continuit? visuelle et symbolique, les ?diteurs et les profils d?influenceurs et influenceuses co?crivent un discours qui livre aux communaut?s en ligne un id?al dans lequel se projeter. Des observations pr?liminaires sur ces pratiques indiquent que le genre (Bereni et al., 2008) est un axe fort dans l??laboration des r?cits. Les premiers travaux en sciences de l?information et de la communication portant sur le genre ont montr? comment les magazines f?minins et la publicit? ont v?hicul? des repr?sentations de la femme de fa?on ? promouvoir des pratiques de consommation et plus largement, un id?al de la femme (Dardigna, 1978), tout en pr?servant la logique de la domination masculine (Bourdieu, 1998). Ainsi, l?exposition du corps mise en ?uvre par les influenceurs et influenceuses peut ?tre r?v?latrice de la tension entre la volont? de publiciser une maladie et/ou un corps diff?rent tout en essayant de se conformer ? un type de beaut? normalis?. Par ailleurs, cette exposition peut ?galement s?articuler avec les travaux qui interrogent les techniques de beaut? (Ghigi, 2016), ceux portant sur le processus d?empowerment des femmes dans sa dimension politique, ?mancipatrice (Bacqu? & Biewener, 2013) et d?autoformation sur la maladie (Danjou, 2019). D?j? fortement exploit?e dans le domaine du marketing, la figure d?? influenceur/influenceuse? reste pourtant faiblement probl?matis?e dans les SIC. Cette discipline s?est pourtant int?ress?e aux dispositifs socio-techniques comme les blogs et les forums de sant? (Akrich & M?adel, 2009 ; Lamy, 2017), ? la m?diatisation des r?cits des malades (Lafon & Pailliart, 2007) et ? la construction des savoirs exp?rientiels (Simon et al., 2019). L?originalit? de ce dossier se trouve alors dans l'articulation entre des pratiques individualis?es (dont le profil num?rique en est le corollaire) et des strat?gies de mise ? profit des communaut?s dans le domaine de la sant?. Comprenant ? la fois des acteurs professionnels et des trajectoires de professionnalisation, la cat?gorie d?? influenceur/influenceuse sant? ? constitue un objet en tension que le pr?sent dossier essaie de construire et de questionner. Les propositions pourront s?inscrire dans les quatre axes suivants : 1. Politiques d?exposition de la diff?rence corporelle : tensions entre la dimension politique de l?exposition du corps et les logiques marchandes. 2. Reprise m?diatique et circulation des discours num?riques : reprise et reformulation de la parole des internautes par des m?dias et des plateformes d??dition de contenu. 3. Genre et influence num?rique : renforcement ou questionnement des rapports de genre, repr?sentations de l'empowerment des patients et patientes. 4. L?influence en ligne des professionnels de sant? : d?ploiement des r?seaux d?influence par les praticiens de sant? participant ? la construction de controverses et de contre-discours en ligne. Comit? de lecture Lorena Antezana (Universit? du Chili, Chili) Isabelle Bazet (CERTOP, Universit? de Toulouse 2) Alexandre Coutant (Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Canada) Jean-Philippe De Oliveira (GRESEC, Universit? Grenoble Alpes) Olivier Galibert (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne) Thomas Heller (GERIICO, Universit? de Lille) Virginie Julliard (CELSA, Universit? Panth?on-Sorbonne) Pina Lalli (Universit? de Bologne, Italie) Aur?lia Lamy (GERIICO, Universit? de Lille) Aur?lie Olivesi (ELICO, Universit? Lyon 1) Caroline Ollivier-Yaniv (CEDITEC, Universit? Paris-Est Cr?teil) Philippe Ricaud (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne Sandrine Roginsky (Universit? Catholique de Louvain, Belgique) S?lection des propositions La s?lection des propositions de contribution se fait en deux temps : * sur la base d?un r?sum? de 1 500 ? 2 000 mots qui pr?sentera les objectifs, l?argumentation et l?originalit? de la proposition ainsi que quelques orientations bibliographiques, * pour les r?sum?s retenus, une seconde ?valuation sera r?alis?e sur la base des articles d?finitifs. Les instructions aux auteurs, ? respecter scrupuleusement, sont disponibles sur le site de la revue : L??valuation sera assur?e de mani?re anonyme par au moins deux lecteurs du comit?. L?envoi des r?sum?s au format Word (.docx) ou OpenDocument (.odt) se fait au plus tard le 31 mars 2021 aux trois adresses suivantes : * nataly.botero at * myriam-paz.hernandez-orellana at * paola.sedda at Les propositions d?articles et les articles d?finitifs d?une longueur de 35 000 ? 40 000 signes (espaces, notes de bas de page et bibliographie compris) peuvent ?tre soumis en fran?ais, en portugais ou en anglais. Les articles d?finitifs sont publi?s en fran?ais pour la version papier du num?ro de la revue, et en anglais, et fran?ais pour la version ?lectronique. Aucun engagement de publication ne peut ?tre pris avant la lecture du texte complet. Calendrier 31 mars 2021 : soumission des r?sum?s pour ?valuation 30 avril 2021 : notification de l?acceptation ou du refus 6 septembre 2021 : remise de la version compl?te des articles 6 d?cembre 2021 : r?ception des versions d?finitives des articles Juin 2022 : publication du dossier dans le num?ro 58 d??tudes de Communication Appel ? articles pour la rubrique Varias ?tudes de communication lance un appel ? articles permanent pour sa rubrique Varias. Toutes les propositions dans les diff?rents domaines de la recherche en SIC sont les bienvenues. Les consignes de r?daction sont disponibles sur le site de la revue : Bibliographie indicative Akrich, M. et M?adel, C. (2009). Les ?changes entre patients sur internet. La Presse m?dicale, 38(10), 1484-1493. Bacqu?, M-H. et Biewener C. (2013). L?empowerment, une pratique ?mancipatrice. La D?couverte. Bereni, L., Chauvin, S., Jaunait, A. et Revillard, A. (2008). Introduction aux Gender Studies. Manuel des ?tudes sur le genre. De Boeck. Bourdieu, P. (1998). La domination masculine. Seuil. Danjou, S. (2019). Autoformation et empowerment des femmes ayant un lupus. Sp?cificit?s, 14(3), 27-40. Dardigna, A-M. (1978). La presse ? f?minine ?. Fonction id?ologique. Maspero. Denou?l, J. et Granjon, F. (2010). Exposition de soi et reconnaissance de singularit?s subjectives sur les sites de r?seaux sociaux. Sociologie, 1(1), 25-43. Dufr?ne, B. (2002). La place du corps dans les sciences de l'information et de la communication.Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication, 3(1), 39-47. Foucault M. (2012). Les techniques de soi. In Dits et ?crits II (p. 1602-1632). Gallimard. (Premi?re ?dition 2001). Fraser, N. (2011). Qu'est-ce que la justice sociale ? Reconnaissance et redistribution. La D?couverte. (Premi?re ?dition 2005) Ghigi, R. (2016), Beaut?. In Rennes, J., Encyclop?die critique du genre (p. 77-86). La D?couverte. Goffman, E. (2015). Stigmate. Les usages sociaux des handicaps. Minuit. (Premi?re ?dition 1963) Honneth, A. (2008). La lutte pour la reconnaissance. Cerf. Illouz, E. (2006). Les sentiments du capitalisme. Seuil. Katz, E. et Lazarsfeld, P.F. (2008). Influence personnelle. Ce que les gens font des m?dias.Armand Colin, Ina. Lafon, B. et Pailliart, I. (?d.) (2007). Malades et maladies dans l?espace public. Questions de communications, 11, 7-15. Lamy, A. (2017). Mise en cause de l?autorit? m?dicale et l?gitimation du discours d?exp?rience sur les forums de discussion en ligne. Quaderni, 93(2), 43-52. Le Bart, C. (2008). L?individualisation. Presses des Sciences Po. Mucchi Faina, A. (1996). L?influenza sociale. Il Mulino. Simon, E., Arborio, S., Halloy A. et Hejoaka, F. (2019), Les savoirs exp?rientiels en sant?. Fondements ?pist?mologiques et enjeux identitaires. Questions de communication, s?rie actes, 40. Sontag, S. (2009). La maladie comme m?taphore. Christian Bourgeois. (Premi?re ?dition 1977) Voirol, O. (2005). Les luttes pour la visibilit?. Esquisse d?une probl?matique. R?seaux, 129-130(1-2), 89-121. LLAMADO A ARTICULOS: Revista ?tude de communication n? 58 Sitio web de la revista: ? Influenciadores e influenciadoras en salud: Relatos y saberes del cuerpo en redes sociales ? Numero coordinado por: Nataly Botero (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne) Myriam Hern?ndez (GERiiCO/CEDITEC, Universit? de Lille) Paola Sedda (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne) En un per?odo de proliferaci?n de contenidos digitales sobre la salud, el bienestar y el lifestyle, este n?mero de Etudes de communication explorar? las pr?cticas infocomunicacionales de la exposici?n de s? en l?nea (Danou?l & Granjon, 2010) de personas que ponen en evidencia una particularidad f?sica o un posicionamiento cient?fico y m?dico vinculados a patolog?as o a controversias sanitarias. El cuerpo ha sido negado y puesto a distancia por los procesos de virtualizaci?n, sin embargo, encuentra un lugar central a partir de dichas producciones ?mediadas? (Dufr?ne, 2002) por los dispositivos digitales donde se insccrivent las ?t?cnicas de s?? (Foucault, 2001/2012). Los relatos sobre la diversidad corporal, doblemente alimentados por la puesta en escena de s? en redes sociales y por su tratamiento medi?tico, pueden ser impulsados por contingencias de la vida, por el deseo de invertir las relaciones de g?nero, de transformar, resignificar y hacer que el cuerpo logre un rendimiento id?neo (a trav?s de la actividad f?sica o terap?utica). Que estas particularidades sean estigmatisantes (Goffman, 1963/2015) o valorizantes, ellas son el centro de nuevas estrategias de visibilidad (Voirol, 2005) y de construcci?n de comunidades digitales. Gracias a su presencia y su producci?n simb?lica en l?nea, diversos actores como pacientes, profesionales y usuarios de redes sociales pueden tomar parte en la publicaci?n de im?genes, de conocimientos y de creencias sobre el cuerpo pudiendo, al mismo tiempo, sensibilizar e influenciar grandes comunidades de internautas. Estas pr?cticas de influencia implican una modificaci?n de procesos cognitivos, emocionales y comportamentales a nivel personal o grupal (Mucchi Faina, 1996). Desde los a?os 40, las investigaciones de Paul Lazarsfeld demostraron que, si bien los efectos directos de los medios de comunicaci?n pod?an ser d?biles, las figuras de l?deres de opini?n ten?an la capacidad de orientar los gustos y los comportamientos de las personas de su entorno (Katz & Lazarsfeld, 2008). Actualmente, los espacios p?blicos digitales constituyen las nuevas arenas de despliegue de una forma de influencia que se apoya sobre la construcci?n dial?gica de la identidad en l?nea y sobre el manejo de la opini?n de los dem?s. Ampliando los modos de puesta en visibilidad de las vivencias del cuerpo y de los conocimientos sobre ?l adquiridos, esta din?mica puede igualmente inscribirse en una l?gica de denunciaci?n de normas sociales implicando la lucha por el reconocimiento de identidades despreciadas (Fraser, 2005/2011; Honneth, 2008). Sin embargo, medidas a partir de m?tricas algor?tmicas de eficacia y de rentabilidad, las din?micas del reconocimiento en l?nea pueden desembocar en consecuencias parad?jicas. La presentaci?n de s? se impregna a menudo de l?gicas de individualizaci?n (Le Bart, 2008) que pretenden desprenderse de estructuras colectivas de reconocimiento social y que implican la adhesi?n a un pensamiento liberal. De este modo, la celebraci?n del yo como una entidad modulable y optimizable, fomenta la mercantilizaci?n de s? y de su relato biogr?fico (Illouz, 2006). La influencia que ejercen estos nuevos actores esta igualmente determinada por los efectos de amplificaci?n y de mediatizaci?n de sus perfiles en otros espacios digitales. Las plataformas en l?nea funcionan como cajas de resonancia que sacan estos contenidos de su nicho para presentarlos a p?blicos m?s amplios, gracias a operaciones de recuperaci?n, de dialogismo y de distorsi?n. Si a menudo el encuadre se caracteriza por un tratamiento que valoriza la lucha por la visibilidad, ?ste puede r?pidamente cambiar hacia una visi?n metaf?rica de la enfermedad (Sontag, 2009) y una instrumentalizaci?n de tales relatos a trav?s un registro sensacionalista. Al producir una continuidad visual y simb?lica, los editores de contenido y los perfiles de influenciadores e influenciadoras coescriben un discurso que ofrece un ideal en el cual las comunidades digitales pueden proyectarse. Observaciones preliminares sobre estas pr?cticas indican que el g?nero (Bereni et al., 2008) constituye un eje importante en la elaboraci?n de dichos relatos. Las primeras investigaciones sobre g?nero en ciencias de la informaci?n y de la comunicaci?n demostraron que las revistas femeninas y la publicidad fueron vectores de representaciones de la mujer que promov?an el consumo y, m?s ampliamente, un ideal de mujer (Dardigna, 1978) que preservaba la l?gica de dominaci?n masculina (Bourdieu, 1998). As?, la exposici?n del cuerpo efectuada por influenciadores e influenciadoras puede ser reveladora de la tensi?n entre la voluntad de hacer p?blica una enfermedad y/o un cuerpo diferente mientras se intenta conformarse a un tipo normalizado de belleza. Asimismo, esta exposici?n puede articularse a las reflexiones que interrogan les t?cnicas de belleza (Ghigi, 2016) y los procesos de empoderamiento de las mujeres, en sus dimensiones pol?ticas y emancipadoras (Bacqu? & Biewener, 2013), as? como en su dimensi?n de autoformaci?n frente a la enfermedad (Danjou, 2019) Fuertemente trabajada y explotada por el marketing, la figura de ?influenciador e influenciadora? han sido poco problematizadas por las ciencias de la comunicaci?n. No obstante, esta disciplina ha trabajado sobre dispositivos socio-t?cnicos como los blogs y los foros sobre salud (Akrich & M?adel, 2009; Lamy 2017), sobre la mediatizaci?n de los relatos de pacientes (Lafon & Pailliart, 2007) y sobre la construcci?n de saberes experienciales (Simon & Arborio, 2019). La originalidad de este dossier se encuentra en la articulaci?n de pr?cticas individualizadas (siendo su corolario el perfil en redes sociales) y de estrategias de aprovechamiento de comunidades digitales en materia de salud. Abarcando al mismo tiempo actores profesionales y trayectorias de profesionalizaci?n, la categor?a ?influenciador e influenciadora en salud? constituye un objeto en tensi?n que este numero de revista desea construir e interrogar. Las proposiciones podr?n inscribirse en los siguientes cuatro ejes: 1. Pol?ticas de exposici?n de la diferencia corporal: tensiones entre la dimensi?n pol?tica de la exposici?n del cuerpo y las l?gicas del mercado. 2. Cobertura m?diatica y circulaci?n de discursos digitales: tratamiento y reformulaci?n del discurso de internautas por los medios de comunicaci?n y las plataformas de edici?n de contenido. 3. G?nero e influencia digital: reforzamiento o cuestionamiento de las relaciones de g?nero, las representaciones del empoderamiento de las y los pacientes. 4. Influencia en l?nea de los profesionales de la salud: despliegue de redes de influencia por parte de los profesionales de la salud que participan a la construcci?n de controversias y de contra-discursos en l?nea. Comit? de lectura (en preparaci?n) Lorena Antezana (Universit? du Chili, Chili) Isabelle Bazet (CERTOP, Universit? de Toulouse 2) Alexandre Coutant (Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Canada) Jean-Philippe De Oliveira (GRESEC, Universit? Grenoble Alpes) Olivier Galibert (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne) Thomas Heller (GERIICO, Universit? de Lille) Virginie Julliard (CELSA, Universit? Panth?on-Sorbonne) Pina Lalli (Universit? de Bologne, Italie) Aur?lia Lamy (GERIICO, Universit? de Lille) Aur?lie Olivesi (ELICO, Universit? Lyon 1) Caroline Ollivier-Yaniv (CEDITEC, Universit? Paris-Est Cr?teil) Philippe Ricaud (CIMEOS, Universit? de Bourgogne Sandrine Roginsky (Universit? Catholique de Louvain, Belgique) (a confirmar) Selecci?n de propuestas La selecci?n de propuestas de art?culos se realiza en dos tiempos: * Sobre la base de un resumen de 1500 a 2000 palabras donde se presentar?n los objetivos, la argumentaci?n y la originalidad de la propuesta asi como algunas orientaciones bibliogr?ficas. * Luego, los res?menes retenidos ser?n sometidos a una segunda evaluaci?n, esta vez a partir del art?culo definitivo presentado. Las instrucciones a los autores se encuentran disponibles en el sitio de la revista (en franc?s): La evaluaci?n ser? realizada de manera an?nima por al menos dos miembros del comit? de lectura. El env?o de los res?menes deber? realizarse a m?s tardar para el 31 de marzo de 2021, en formato word (.doc) u OpenDocument (.odt) y debe enviarse a los tres mails siguientes : * nataly.botero at * myriam-paz.hernandez-orellana at * paola.sedda at Las proposiciones de art?culos y los art?culos definitivos de un m?ximo de 35.000 a 40.000 caracteres (esto incluye : espacios, notas al pie de p?gina y bibliograf?a), pueden ser presentados en franc?s o en ingl?s. Ning?n compromiso de publicaci?n se realizar? sin haber le?do previamente el texto completo. Calendario - 31 de marzo 2021 : env?o de res?menes - 30 de abril 2021 : anuncio de aceptaci?n o de rechazo - 6 de septiembre 2021 : env?o de los art?culos completos - 6 de diciembre 2021 : recepci?n de los art?culos (versi?n definitiva) - Junio 2022 : publicaci?n del monogr?fico en n?mero 58 de ?tudes de Communication Llamado a art?culos para la r?brica Varias ?tudes de communication hace un llamado a art?culos permanente para su r?brica Varias. Todas las proposiciones dentro de las diferentes ?reas de investigaci?n en SIC son bienvenidas. Las instrucciones para la redacci?n est?n disponibles en el sitio de la revista : Bibliograf?a indicativa Akrich, M. et M?adel, C. (2009). Les ?changes entre patients sur internet. La Presse m?dicale, 38(10), 1484-1493. Bacqu?, M-H. et Biewener C. (2013). L?empowerment, une pratique ?mancipatrice. La D?couverte. Bereni, L., Chauvin, S., Jaunait, A. et Revillard, A. (2008). Introduction aux Gender Studies. Manuel des ?tudes sur le genre. De Boeck. Bourdieu, P. (1998). La domination masculine. Seuil. Danjou, S. (2019). Autoformation et empowerment des femmes ayant un lupus. Sp?cificit?s, 14(3), 27-40. Dardigna, A-M. (1978). La presse ? f?minine ?. Fonction id?ologique. Maspero. Denou?l, J. et Granjon, F. (2010). Exposition de soi et reconnaissance de singularit?s subjectives sur les sites de r?seaux sociaux. Sociologie, 1(1), 25-43. Dufr?ne, B. (2002). La place du corps dans les sciences de l'information et de la communication.Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication, 3(1), 39-47. Foucault M. (2012). Les techniques de soi. In Dits et ?crits II (p. 1602-1632). Gallimard. (Premi?re ?dition 2001). Fraser, N. (2011). Qu'est-ce que la justice sociale ? Reconnaissance et redistribution. La D?couverte. (Premi?re ?dition 2005) Ghigi, R. (2016), Beaut?. In Rennes, J., Encyclop?die critique du genre (p. 77-86). La D?couverte. Goffman, E. (2015). Stigmate. Les usages sociaux des handicaps. Minuit. (Premi?re ?dition 1963) Honneth, A. (2008). La lutte pour la reconnaissance. Cerf. Illouz, E. (2006). Les sentiments du capitalisme. Seuil. Katz, E. et Lazarsfeld, P.F. (2008). Influence personnelle. Ce que les gens font des m?dias.Armand Colin, Ina. Lafon, B. et Pailliart, I. (?d.) (2007). Malades et maladies dans l?espace public. Questions de communications, 11, 7-15. Lamy, A. (2017). Mise en cause de l?autorit? m?dicale et l?gitimation du discours d?exp?rience sur les forums de discussion en ligne. Quaderni, 93(2), 43-52. Le Bart, C. (2008). L?individualisation. Presses des Sciences Po. Mucchi Faina, A. (1996). L?influenza sociale. Il Mulino. Simon, E., Arborio, S., Halloy A. et Hejoaka, F. (2019), Les savoirs exp?rientiels en sant?. Fondements ?pist?mologiques et enjeux identitaires. Questions de communication, s?rie actes, 40. Sontag, S. (2009). La maladie comme m?taphore. Christian Bourgeois. (Premi?re ?dition 1977) Voirol, O. (2005). Les luttes pour la visibilit?. Esquisse d?une probl?matique. R?seaux, 129-130(1-2), 89-121. CALL FOR PAPERS: Journal ?tude de communication n?58 Website: "Health influencers: Narrative and body knowledge on social networks" Coordination: Nataly Botero (CIMEOS, University of Burgundy) Myriam Hern?ndez (GERiiCO/CEDITEC, University of Lille) Paola Sedda (CIMEOS, University of Burgundy) In a period of proliferation of digital content on health, well-being and lifestyle, this issue of?tudes de Communication will explore the info-communication practices of online self-exposure (Denou?l & Granjon, 2010) highlighting a physical specificity or a positioning in the scientific and medical field related to pathologies or health controversies. Denied and distanced by the processes of virtualisation, the body regains a central place precisely from its reproductions "mediated" (Dufr?ne, 2002) by digital devices in which the ?techniques of the self? are transposed (Foucault, 2001/2012). The digital narrative around bodily diversity, fed both by the staging of oneself on social networks and by its media coverage, can also be driven by a life event, a desire to turn gender relations upside down, to transform, resignify or make one's body perform (through physical or therapeutic activity). Whether they are stigmatising (Goffman, 1963/2015) or valorising, these specificities are the subject of new strategies of visibility (Voirol, 2005) and community construction. Through their presence and symbolic production online, diverse actors, patients, professionals, users of social networks, can engage in the publication of images, knowledge and beliefs around the body likely to raise awareness and influence vast communities of Internet users. These influencing practices involve modifying the cognitive, emotional and behavioural processes of other individuals or groups (Mucchi Faina, 1996). As early as the 1940s, Paul Lazarsfeld's research showed that although the effects of the media were weak, opinion leaders showed a strong capacity to influence the opinions and behaviour of those around them (Katz & Lazarsfeld, 2008). At present, digital public spaces are the new arenas for the deployment of a form of influence that relies on the dialogical construction of online identity and the control of the gaze of others. By broadening the ways in which the experience of the body and acquired knowledge are made visible, this movement can also be part of a logic of denunciation of social norms involving a struggle for the recognition of despised identities (Fraser, 2005/2011; Honneth, 2008). However, measured using algorithmic performance metrics, the dynamics of online recognition can lead to paradoxical consequences. Indeed, self-presentation practices often involve an individualisation process (Le Bart, 2008) that claims to be detached from the collective structures of social recognition and implies adherence to a liberal way of thinking. Thus, the celebration of the 'I' as a being that can be modulated and optimised encourages a logic of commodification of the self and its biographical narrative (Illouz, 2006). The influence exerted by these new actors is also determined by the amplification and mediatisation effects of their profiles in other digital spaces. The platforms thus act as a sounding board taking this content out of its niche and presenting it to the general public through the phenomena of adaptation, dialogue and distortion. If their framing is often characterised by a treatment that enhances the struggle for visibility, it can quickly migrate towards a metaphorical vision of the pathology (Sontag, 2009) and an instrumentalization of these narratives, by deploying a sensationalist register. By producing a visual and symbolic continuity, publishers and profiles of influencers co-write a discourse that provides online communities with an ideal onto which to project themselves. Preliminary observations of these practices indicate that gender (Bereni & al., 2008) is strongly connected to the development of narratives. Early work in information and communication science on gender showed how women's magazines and advertising conveyed representations of women in ways that promoted consumer practices and, more broadly, an ideal of women (Dardigna, 1978), while preserving the logic of masculine domination (Bourdieu, 1998). Thus, the exposure of the body implemented by male and female influencers may reveal the tension between the desire to publicise a different disease and/or body while trying to conform to a normalised type of beauty). Furthermore, this exposure can also be articulated with studies which question beauty techniques (Ghigi, 2016) and those on the process of women's empowerment in its political, emancipatory (Bacqu? & Biewener, 2013) and self-training dimension (Danjou, 2019). The figure of the "influencer ", which is already highly exploited in the marketing field, is nevertheless still weakly problematised in information and communication sciences. This discipline has nevertheless taken an interest in socio-technical devices such as blogs and health forums (Akrich & M?adel, 2009; Lamy, 2017), the mediatisation of patients' stories (Lafon & Pailliart, 2007) and the construction of experiential knowledge (Simon & Arborio, 2019). The originality of this issue lies in the articulation between individualised practices (of which the digital profile is the corollary) and strategies for making the most of communities in the field of health. Comprising both professional players and professionalisation trajectories, the category of "health influencer " is an intriguing topic which will be analyzed closely in this issue. Proposals can be submitted in the following four areas: 1. Politics of exposure of bodily difference: tensions between the political dimension of the exposure of the body and market logics. 2. Media resumption and circulation of digital discourse: resumption and reformulation of the voice of Internet users by media and content editing platforms. 3. Gender and digital influence: reinforcement or questioning of gender relations, representations of patient empowerment. 4. Online influence of health professionals: deployment of networks of influence by health practitioners involved in the construction of online controversies and counter-discourse. Scientific Committee (to be completed) Lorena Antezana, (University of Chili) Isabelle Bazet (CERTOP, University of Toulouse) Alexandre Coutant (Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Canada) Jean-Philippe De Oliveira, (GRESEC, University of Grenoble Alpes) Olivier Galibert (CIMEOS, University of Burgundy) Thomas Heller (GERiiCO, University of Lille) Virginie Julliard (CELSA, University of Panth?on-Sorbonne) Pina Lalli (University of Bologna, Italy) Aur?lia Lamy (GERiiCO, University of Lille) Aur?lie Olivesi (ELICO, University of Lyon 1) Caroline Ollivier-Yaniv (CEDITEC, University of Paris-Est) Philippe Ricaud (CIMEOS, University of Burgundy) Sandrine Roginsky (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium) (to be confirmed) Review Process All submissions will go through at two-part review process: * submission of a 1500?2000-word abstract which should include a presentation of objectives and principle arguments, explain the originality of the paper and provide key bibliographical references; * for selected abstracts, a second evaluation will be carried on completed articles. Instructions to authors are available on the journal's website: Proposals will be peer-reviewed according to a double-blind reviewing process. Abstracts should be sent by 31 March 2021 in Word (.docx) or OpenDocument (.odt) format to the following three email addresses: * nataly.botero at * myriam-paz.hernandez-orellana at ; * paola.sedda at Paper proposals and final papers (35,000 characters including spaces, footnotes and bibliography) may be submitted in English and in French. No commitment to publication can be made until the full text has been read. Important dates: * March 31, 2021: Abstract submission deadline * April 30, 2021: Notification of acceptance/ refusal * September 6, 2021: Preliminary version of article due * December 6, 2021: Final version of accepted article due * June 2022: Publication date of issue 58 of ?tudes de communication (paper and digital) Inidcative Bibliography Akrich, M. et M?adel, C. (2009). Les ?changes entre patients sur internet. La Presse m?dicale, 38(10), 1484-1493. Bacqu?, M-H. et Biewener C. (2013). L?empowerment, une pratique ?mancipatrice. La D?couverte. Bereni, L., Chauvin, S., Jaunait, A. et Revillard, A. (2008). Introduction aux Gender Studies. Manuel des ?tudes sur le genre. De Boeck. Bourdieu, P. (1998). La domination masculine. Seuil. Danjou, S. (2019). Autoformation et empowerment des femmes ayant un lupus. Sp?cificit?s, 14(3), 27-40. Dardigna, A-M. (1978). La presse ? f?minine ?. Fonction id?ologique. Maspero. Denou?l, J. et Granjon, F. (2010). Exposition de soi et reconnaissance de singularit?s subjectives sur les sites de r?seaux sociaux. Sociologie, 1(1), 25-43. Dufr?ne, B. (2002). La place du corps dans les sciences de l'information et de la communication.Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication, 3(1), 39-47. Foucault M. (2012). Les techniques de soi. In Dits et ?crits II (p. 1602-1632). Gallimard. (Premi?re ?dition 2001). Fraser, N. (2011). Qu'est-ce que la justice sociale ? Reconnaissance et redistribution. La D?couverte. (Premi?re ?dition 2005) Ghigi, R. (2016), Beaut?. In Rennes, J., Encyclop?die critique du genre (p. 77-86). La D?couverte. Goffman, E. (2015). Stigmate. Les usages sociaux des handicaps. Minuit. (Premi?re ?dition 1963) Honneth, A. (2008). La lutte pour la reconnaissance. Cerf. Illouz, E. (2006). Les sentiments du capitalisme. Seuil. Katz, E. et Lazarsfeld, P.F. (2008). Influence personnelle. Ce que les gens font des m?dias.Armand Colin, Ina. Lafon, B. et Pailliart, I. (?d.) (2007). Malades et maladies dans l?espace public. Questions de communications, 11, 7-15. Lamy, A. (2017). Mise en cause de l?autorit? m?dicale et l?gitimation du discours d?exp?rience sur les forums de discussion en ligne. Quaderni, 93(2), 43-52. Le Bart, C. (2008). L?individualisation. Presses des Sciences Po. Mucchi Faina, A. (1996). L?influenza sociale. Il Mulino. Simon, E., Arborio, S., Halloy A. et Hejoaka, F. (2019), Les savoirs exp?rientiels en sant?. Fondements ?pist?mologiques et enjeux identitaires. Questions de communication, s?rie actes, 40. Sontag, S. (2009). La maladie comme m?taphore. Christian Bourgeois. (Premi?re ?dition 1977) Voirol, O. (2005). Les luttes pour la visibilit?. Esquisse d?une probl?matique. R?seaux, 129-130(1-2), 89-121. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From henry.svec at Thu Jan 21 10:14:36 2021 From: henry.svec at (Henry Adam Svec) Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 17:14:36 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Black And Free with Naila Keleta-Mae, Jan. 27 Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Greetings, The Department of Communication Arts at the University of Waterloo is delighted to announce an upcoming virtual Communication Speaks! event in Dr. Naila Keleta-Mae's research-creation presentation, Black And Free. We invite all to attend, and we especially encourage you to spread the word to your students and colleagues. WHAT: Black And Free WHEN: Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 7 PM to 8 PM Eastern WHERE: Online MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION: Eventbrite Dr. Naila Keleta-Mae's areas of research and teaching expertise are race, gender and performance. This presentation of research findings will include performances of excerpts from her plays that explore, in process and production, what Black theatre can do in the 21st Century. [cid:38c02bcf-1b40-41c9-a5d8-4813660255fd] Dr. Naila Keleta-Mae's current artistic and research project Black And Free is funded by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts and the University of Waterloo. Artwork Designed by Sahra Soudi & Syrus Marcus Ware ? Sent on behalf of the Department of Communication Arts @UWaterloo Henry Adam Svec, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Communication Arts University of Waterloo New Book: Life Is Like Canadian Football and Other Authentic Folk Songs -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 9.04.48 AM.png Type: image/png Size: 2566267 bytes Desc: Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 9.04.48 AM.png URL: From cetepper at Thu Jan 21 16:04:14 2021 From: cetepper at (Charles Tepperman) Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 23:04:14 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Tenure-Track position: Open Discipline - Indigenous Focus, University of Calgary Message-ID: <> Assistant Professor, Open Discipline - Indigenous Focus, Faculty of Arts Job ID: 22079 Updated: Today Location: Main Campus To apply visit: Position Description The Faculty of Arts at the University of Calgary, in partnership with the International Indigenous Studies Program, is seeking applicants for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of assistant professor for an anticipated start date of July 1, 2021. This is an open disciplinary search, meaning any candidate from the social sciences, humanities, or fine arts with a research program/creative practice and teaching expertise centering Indigenous peoples is encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will join one of the departments or schools in the Faculty of Arts and will divide their teaching and service activities between the International Indigenous Studies Program and their home unit. In general, the successful candidate will establish and maintain an active research program or creative practice that centers around, or is driven by, Indigenous peoples. The successful candidate must conduct research informed by Indigenous methodologies, which may include community-driven research and/or research/creative practice in dialogue with Indigenous knowledges and intellectual traditions. The successful candidate must demonstrate competency in Indigenous pedagogies and working with Indigenous learners. They will teach and supervise at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and provide service to the International Indigenous Studies program, the home department, and potentially the wider community. The successful candidate will hold a PhD, or terminal degree in their field. Candidates who can demonstrate they are near completion of their program will be considered; however preference will be given to a candidate with a completed degree. The appointee's research agenda may be disciplinary or inter-disciplinary, with a Canadian and/or international focus. The successful candidate must provide evidence of a record of, or clear potential for, excellence in: * Research or research creation with a focus centering Indigenous peoples or Indigeneity * Teaching and student mentorship * Working with Indigenous learners and content * Engagement with, or connections to, Indigenous community Evidence should include publications in high quality peer-reviewed journals/venues or a record of completed and presented research creation, success with, or potential for, securing competitive funding, and proof of teaching effectiveness. A record of engagement with Indigenous communities, organizations and/or institutions may include non-peer reviewed reports or briefs, presentations, formal partnerships, research relationship documents or outputs from community-engaged/driven projects, or membership in the community. Interested individuals are encouraged to apply online via the 'Apply Now' link. Indigenous and equity seeking candidates are invited to self-identify. Please be aware that the application allows for only four attachments. Your four application attachments should be organized to contain the following (which may require you to merge documents): * A letter of interest detailing how and why you meet the requirements of the position * An up-to-date curriculum vitae * For applicants in the social sciences or humanities, no more than two samples of scholarly writing * For applicants in the fine arts, a sample portfolio including five works accompanied by descriptions of the work, titles, dates created, mediums, and sizes. Please reach out to the Director of the International Indigenous Studies Program for file transfer specifications * A statement of teaching philosophy and a teaching dossier (which must, at minimum, include two sample syllabi, summaries of the quantitative and qualitative results of two sets of course evaluations, and evidence of teaching experience with Indigenous content or learners) * Clear evidence of the applicant?s engagement with, or connections to, an Indigenous community Applicants should also arrange to have three confidential letters of reference submitted directly to the selection committee at: Ms. Hoai Dang, Administrative Assistant for the International Indigenous Studies Program University of Calgary Faculty of Arts Hoai.dang at For questions about the posting, please direct your inquiries to: Dr. Daniel Voth, Director International Indigenous Studies Program Search Committee Chair University of Calgary Faculty of Arts Email: indg.director at The selection committee will begin reviewing applications on February 25, 2021, and will continue until the position is filled. It is likely interviews will be virtual. The International Indigenous Studies program is a self-governing interdisciplinary program that centers on the experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada and internationally. The program focuses on various aspects of Indigenous perspectives related to art, culture, ways of knowing, languages, economies, politics, and community structures, and attracts students from across the university ( The program is housed administratively in the Department of Political Science, and possesses its own Director, staff, affiliated faculty, and governance structure. The University of Calgary is engaged in a consultative process with knowledge keepers, Elders, and leaders of the Treaty #7 peoples, the M?tis Nation, and academics and university administrators. This ongoing process has resulted in the development of an Indigenous Strategy, ii?taa?poh?to?p ? Together in a Good Way ? intended to guide the university?s relationship with the Indigenous peoples in whose territory the university resides. The Indigenous Strategy identifies the International Indigenous Studies program as a source of strength in the effort to transform and decolonize the way teaching, learning, and research occur on campus. This search is one part of the initiative to deepen and strengthen Indigenous focused research, teaching and learning on and off campus. The University of Calgary has launched an institution-wide Indigenous Strategy in line with the foundational goals of Eyes High, committing to creating a rich, vibrant, and culturally competent campus that welcomes and supports Indigenous Peoples, encourages Indigenous community partnerships, is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives in all that we do. The University of Calgary recognizes that a diverse staff/faculty benefits and enriches the work, learning and research experiences of the entire campus and greater community. We are committed to removing barriers that have been historically encountered by some people in our society. We strive to recruit individuals who will further enhance our diversity and will support their academic and professional success while they are here. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. In this connection, at the time of your application, please answer the following question: Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? (Yes/No) Additional Information To learn more about academic opportunities at the University of Calgary and all we have to offer, view our Academic Careers website. For more information about the Faculty of Arts visit Careers in the Faculty of Arts. About the University of Calgary The University of Calgary is Canada?s leading next-generation university ? a living, growing and youthful institution that embraces change and opportunity with a can-do attitude. Located in the nation?s most enterprising city, the university is making tremendous progress on its Eyes High journey to be recognized as one of Canada?s top five research universities, grounded in innovative learning and teaching and fully integrated with the community it both serves and leads. The University of Calgary inspires and supports discovery, creativity and innovation across all disciplines. For more information, visit The University of Calgary is situated on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot and the people of the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta, which includes the Siksika, the Piikuni, the Kainai, the Tsuut?ina and the Stoney Nakoda First Nations, including Chiniki, Bearspaw and Wesley First Nation. The City of Calgary is also home to M?tis Nation of Alberta, Region III. About Calgary, Alberta Calgary is one of the world's cleanest cities and has been named one of the world's most livable cities for years. Calgary is a city of leaders - in business, community, philanthropy and volunteerism. Calgarians benefit from a growing number of world-class dining and cultural events and enjoy more days of sunshine per year than any other major Canadian city. Calgary is less than an hour's drive from the majestic Rocky Mountains and boasts the most extensive urban pathway and bikeway network in North America. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bgirard at Fri Jan 22 04:05:56 2021 From: bgirard at (Bruce Girard) Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 12:05:56 +0100 Subject: [acc-cca-l] IAMCR call for Audiovisual Work at Nairobi online 2021 conference In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Flow 34 - Call for Proposals for Audiovisual Work at the International Association for Media and Communication Research -IAMCR- Nairobi online 2021 conference IAMCR calls for academic audio and/or visual work to be presented at the IAMCR Nairobi conference, which will be held online from 11 to 15 July, 2021. With this call, IAMCR aims to stimulate the use of a broader range of modes for the communication of academic knowledge, complementing conference papers and oral presentations with audio and/or visual work. In particular, we seek podcasts and videos that integrate academic and aesthetic dimensions, and that use sound and/or image creatively to communicate academic knowledge. This implies that we will not select audio/visual work that merely consists of recorded lectures. We call for audio/visual work with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, but shorter contributions are also welcomed. Proposals for presentation of audio/visual work will consist out of two documents, namely an abstract and a (basic) script. The abstract describes the research communicated by the audio/visual work (its research question, theoretical framework, methodology, research design and corpus, ?), while the script provides a chronological description of the form of the audio/visual work. Each document has a maximum length of 500 words. Submissions of proposals for audio/visual work will follow the regular time table for submitting proposals to the IAMCR conference. This means that abstracts must be submitted before 9 February 2021 at 23.59 UTC. Submissions of proposals for audio/visual work will follow the regular timetable for submitting proposals to the IAMCR conference. This means that abstracts must be submitted before 9 February 2021 at 23.59 UTC. The combined abstract and script should be submitted at The Flow 34 evaluation team (Nico Carpentier, Denize Araujo, Manish Verma, Willemien Sanders, Miguel Vicente Mari?o and Sibo Chen) will review the submitted proposals, announcing their decisions by 15 March 2021. The audio/visual work itself will then need to be submitted by 7 June 2021. Examples of earlier audio/visual work, presented at IAMCR conferences (in an earlier Flow34 or in a Visual Culture Working Group panel), are: ? Bodega Memories by Arlene Fernandez (University of Pennsylvania,; ? Audiovisual Reflections: Self Territory, by Carmen Gaona Pisonero, Ana Sede?o-Valdell?s and Concha Mateos Mart?n (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and ? The Cabinet of Lost Memories, by Aysu Arsoy (EMU, IAMCR Nairobi 2021 - -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From diane.dechief at Sat Jan 23 18:51:43 2021 From: diane.dechief at (Diane Dechief, Dr.) Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 01:51:43 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Teaching Stream position at the McGill Writing Centre Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] The McGill University School of Continuing Studies (SCS) invites applications for the position of full-time, continuing Faculty Lecturer at the McGill Writing Centre (MWC). Since its inception in 2011, the MWC has expanded its credit and non-credit courses in academic and professional writing, and the unit has grown to include a scholarly communication program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and a one-to-one tutorial service. As McGill?s central resource for academic, scholarly, and professional communication, the MWC is seeking a highly qualified individual who is committed to teaching and supporting our plans for strategic growth and innovation. We are interested in receiving applications from candidates who have a background in Writing Studies and a specialization in at least one or both of the following areas: Rhetoric and Composition; English for Academic Purposes. Teaching excellence, expertise in fostering active learning and inclusive environments, and experience in coordinating multi-section writing courses are strongly sought qualities, as are teaching digital writing technologies or writing in the disciplines, and online/remotely. This is a full-time, ranked academic, non-tenure-track position with an initial appointment of two (2) years, reporting directly to the MWC Director. Hiring is dependent upon final budgetary approval. The desired start date is June 1, 2021. To learn more and submit your application in Workday (McGill's HR system), please click here for the English version. The French version of the posting is available here. Applications received by February 24, 2021 will be given priority consideration. Questions to Dr. Yvonne Hung, Interim Director at the McGill Writing Centre: yvonne.hung at All the best, Diane Dechief, PhD | Faculty Lecturer in Science Communication and Digital Writing | McGill Writing Centre | diane.dechief at | 514 398-3320 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From saskia.kowalchuk at Mon Jan 25 09:15:31 2021 From: saskia.kowalchuk at (Saskia Kowalchuk) Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:15:31 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Call for Submissions- Digital Immaterialities Graduate Conference Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Call For Submissions: Concordia University?s Media Studies Graduate Conference A virtual conference on the theme of Digital (Im)materialities May 25-29th 2021 Submission deadline February 20th, 2021 As the pandemic continues to rage, we approach one year of conducting much of our lives: personal, professional, academic, online. This transition has proven in turns frustrating, alienating, and humorous but, more saliently, it has highlighted a myriad of questions and challenges in the realm of communications and media studies. Given these considerations, our conference encourages a self-reflexive approach which takes advantage of the unique affordances of virtual gathering and challenges the notion of the virtual as ahistorical and non-spatial: a global conference for a moment of global crisis. This year has not only seen the mainstreaming of such platforms as Zoom and TikTok, but has reiterated the importance of longstanding lines of inquiry of Queer and Disability studies scholars whose work attends to the importance of digital community and accessibility. By bracketing the ?im? in immaterialities, we hope to emphasize the dual nature of digitally mediated life during the pandemic: both the ephemeral and the durable; absence and presence. Though these aspects are inherent to virtual existence, they are highlighted during moments of crisis. While this conference is presented by the Communication Studies department, we wish to foster scholarship which bridges fields of study and provokes diverse ways of thinking through seemingly discipline-specific questions. As such, we hope to offer an arena for graduate scholars, research-creators, and artists to critically engage with the issues of the moment, offer solutions and connect with fellow thinkers to both mourn what has been lost during the pandemic and to celebrate the unique possibility for reimagining the status quo. Accepting Submissions related, but not limited, to: * Communications infrastructure * Speculative futures * Indigenous Futurism * Afrofuturism * Media archaeology and digital archivism * Cyborg feminisms * Critical disability studies and digital accessibility * Queer digital intimacies * Game studies, communities, and ephemeral gathering * Critical Platform Studies Submissions may endeavour to answer questions such as: * How has the current climate of crisis mediated the relationship between the Public and Science? * In a time when leisure, games, and playing together have been necessarily discouraged in the name of public health, how have our experiences and understandings of these phenomena changed or adapted? * What are the effects of changing the scale of digital gatherings and communities we witnessed this year? How does one reconcile senses of presence and togetherness with absence, immateriality, and isolation? * As our homes became sites of multiple aspects of our lives, how has the relationship with the body changed? * How has this transition shifted the way we produce our sense of self? * How have media narratives of ?crisis? and ?unprecedented times? gathered to political regimes around the globe? * How has this language of ?crisis? been utilized by governments and various powerful actors and to what end? * To what extent has speaking of the past year as ?unprecedented? erases and steers away from the coverage of and conversation surrounding historical and structural events and power dynamics? * How has the perception of space changed and is being mediated differently now that most aspects of our lives take place online? * How do we think through the ongoing and increasing inequalities both of access and of potential? On the one hand, the growth of e-tailers such as Amazon, and on the other hand, the ways in which the digital divide became salient as students in many places and contexts could not attend their online schooling. * What are the implications of the move of most activities into datafiable digital spaces, considering the surveillance and data-driven economy? * With most of our lives taking place online, how do we interpret the importance of policies such the GDPR in the EU and recent PIPEDA propositions in Canada? * Considering the cultural industries in Quebec, Canada and across the globe, how has the different media and lockdown policies facilitated the survival and growth of certain industries while oblitaring others? * How has the industry of digital transition created dependency and became mandatory with the lockdown policies around the globe? How has this forced digitization impacted the various industries, fields, communities, associations? * How can we mediate and reimagine our increasingly digital world through gaming? How might gaming explore alternative futures? * How does differing power dynamics between subjects, such as but not limited to race, gender, sexuality, disability etc. affect the way we mediate and reimagine our world? Presentations may take the form of: * Short talks (5-8 minutes), * Long talks (15-20 minutes), * Project demonstrations (8-10 minutes), * Workshops (60-90 minutes, with at least one facilitator; may be discussion- or technology-based), * Media Gallery (stand-alone media artifacts: visuals of up to five images or gifs, audio or video works under five minutes) for a digital gallery hosted on the conference website, * Performances (time frame is flexible; please include details in your proposal). Requirements for the Application: * Presentation must be Zoom compatible (we will consider alternate formats with thorough logistical specifications that are coordinated and provided by the presenter). Please note that we do not have funding to allocate to additional technical needs. * 250 word abstract (text (PDF), audio (mp3), or video (mp4); optional short media excerpts of two (2) minutes or less (mp3 or mp4); up to three (3) images (PNG, JPG, or GIF) * Application may be in English or French, however presentations will require English transcripts provided by the presenter How to apply? Please submit your proposals through our online form linked below by February 20, 2021. Requested information includes: * Name * Most recent institutional affiliation * Level of Study * Presentation format (i.e. short talk, workshop, poster, video) * Project title * 250 word abstract or audio (mp3), or video (mp4) of two minutes or less summarizing your proposal * Status of project (completed, in-progress, idea stage) * Language of Presentation; English transcript must accompany second language presentations * Email address you can be contacted at * Your accessibility needs (if not addressed by our accessibility statement) Fill out the submission form Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by late March 2021. Visit our website Follow our socials: Facebook Digital Im-materialities Conference 2021 Twitter @mediastudyconf Instagram @digitalimmaterialities Contact us by email if you have questions, comments, or concerns that you need addressed Accessibility Statement- As mentioned in the description of the annual conference Digital (Im)materialities, the digital format of the conference allows us to rethink what it means to create an accessible academic space of gathering. Following the recommendations and tenets advocated by the critical disability activist group Sins Invalid, we aim at thinking about the ways in which we can make our conference accessible from the design stages and every step of the way with an iterative mechanism in place. As accessibility policies are something that must be adaptive and require both planning and retroaction, we will document the ways in which we make our event accessible. We are constantly in a state of learning and dialogue so feel free to email us at any point for suggestions on how to make our conference more accessible. Our aim is to share what we learn through trial and error and along this journey to make accessible to the broad public ways in which accessibility can be part of the designs of any social gatherings or event; as well as to lessen the burden of voicing and explaining accessibility needs from people with disability who want to present, participate or attend our conference. The resources and considerations we will undertake will be accessible on our website under the rubric: Thinking accessibility every step of the way. With this statement we are not positioning ourselves as experts, on the contrary, our attempt at making this conference as accessible as possible should be taken as a testimony of the feasibility of such parameters. On accessibility at the Call for submission stage of the conference: * To overcome certain structural hindrances often present in the call for submissions for academic conferences, we accept different formats for the application. You may apply for submission using three different formats: a 250 word abstract (PDF), a short two (2)-minute video (mp4) or a short two (2)-minute audio (mp3). * The form to submit your project will include a space to specify accessibility needs we may not have thought of. * All of our documentations and website will use a dyslexic friendly font such as Verdana, Tahoma, Century Gothic, Trebuchet, Calibri, Open Sans. * We will provide closed-captioning as well as translation (specifically for presentations that are in other languages than English) and transcripts of the live discussions. * We are thrilled to have the opportunity to host a conference that has the potential for global reach which is why we will accept presentations in other languages as long as the presenter provides an English transcript of their work. * Lastly, the conference will be on zoom which has a maximum capacity but will also be live-streamed on Youtube to allow more people to attend. Saskia Kowalchuk, B.A. (she/her) Media Studies Master's Student Academic Co-chair, Digital (Im)materialities Conference Department of Communication Studies Concordia University Montreal, QC, Canada saskia.kowalchuk at [cid:d97aa8ec-944b-4721-b5dd-4a740c9cb28e] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-dd0vzmbg.png Type: image/png Size: 232302 bytes Desc: Outlook-dd0vzmbg.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CfP-EN- Digital (Im)materialities Conference.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 675122 bytes Desc: CfP-EN- Digital (Im)materialities Conference.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CfP- FR- Digital (im)materialities 2021.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 693178 bytes Desc: CfP- FR- Digital (im)materialities 2021.pdf URL: From at Mon Jan 25 13:49:34 2021 From: at (ACC-CCA) Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 15:49:34 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?CRTC_Prizes=3A_deadline_extended_to_Feb=2E?= =?utf-8?q?_15_2021_/_Date_limite_repouss=C3=A9e_au_15_f=C3=A9vrier?= =?utf-8?q?_2021_pour_les_prix_CRTC?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce that the 2021 CRTC Prizes for Excellence in Policy Research deadline has been pushed to February 15, 2021 (three prizes for graduate students and postdocs; $2,500, $1,500 and $1000). See all details here. We look forward to receiving your applications. Ghislain Thibault, CCA Conference Chair and Vice-President ------------------------------ Bonjour, Il nous fait plaisir de vous informer que la date butoir pour les prix du CRTC 2021 a ?t? repouss?e au 15 f?vrier 2021. Il s'agit des Prix d?excellence du CRTC en recherche sur les politiques (trois prix pour ?tudiant.e.s aux cycles sup?rieurs et postdoctorant.e.s 2 500$, 1500$ et 1000$), voir tous les d?tails ici Au plaisir de lire vos dossiers, Ghislain Thibault, vice-pr?sident et organisateur du colloque annuel de l'ACC -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rob.heynen at Tue Jan 26 08:22:20 2021 From: rob.heynen at (Rob Heynen) Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 10:22:20 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Job posting, Critical Social Media/PR, Assistant or Associate Prof., York University Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi all, Please circulate widely the job call below in the Dept. of Communication Studies at York University. Note that the posting is open to candidates at either the Assistant or Associate Professor rank. best, Rob Position Rank: Full Time Professorial Stream - Assistant/Associate Professor Discipline/Field: Critical and Social Justice Approaches to Social Media and/or Public Relations Home Faculty: Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Home Department/Area/Division: Communication Studies Affiliation/Union: YUFA Position Start Date: July 1, 2021 The Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University invites highly qualified candidates to apply for a professorial stream tenure-track appointment in Critical and Social Justice Approaches to Social Media and/or Public Relations at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, to commence July 1, 2021. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval. The successful applicant will be based at the new York Markham Centre Campus when operational (expected in Fall 2023) and become a member of the first cohort of resident faculty members. Between July 1, 2021 and the opening of the campus, the appointee will assume a combination of teaching responsibilities at York?s Keele campus and contribute to the development of academic and research programming planned for the new Markham Centre Campus. York University?s Markham Centre Campus ( ) offers state-of-the-art facilities to provide innovative job-ready academic programming and research focussing on core themes of technology and entrepreneurship as applied in different contexts, disciplines and professional fields. Building on York University?s academic presence in the City of Markham, the new campus will help fulfil future labour market and civic leadership needs by providing transferable 21st century skills that are at the core of future economic competitiveness and community development in Markham, York Region and across Ontario. Collaboration with York University?s existing research strengths in the core areas of the new campus and dynamic engagement with the area?s businesses, industries, and communities will create an innovative, cross-disciplinary, and social justice-oriented research culture for solving complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines. A PhD in Communication Studies or a related discipline is required, with a demonstrated record of excellence (or promise of excellence for junior applicants) in research and in teaching. Applicants should have a clearly articulated program of research (which can include research creation, professional practice, or community-based research) and specialize in one or more of the following areas: social media affordances & their impacts on public communication; critical digital methods; advocacy and social change through social media and/or public relations; social media and social justice oriented public relations campaigns; platform, infrastructure, and software studies; community-based research and social media; BIPOC, gender, and/or disability related biases in social media and public relations. Experience in Experiential Education, including placement programs, is an asset, as is social media and/or public relations experience (in community, NGO, activist, and/or industry contexts). The successful candidate will be expected to engage in outstanding, innovative, and, as appropriate, externally funded research at the highest level. Candidates must provide evidence of research excellence (or promise of excellence) of a recognized international calibre as demonstrated in: the research statement; a record of publications (or forthcoming publications) with significant journals in the field; presentations at major conferences; awards and accolades; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing. Evidence of excellence (or promise of excellence) in teaching will be provided through: the teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations including in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning; teaching evaluations; and strong letters of reference. The position will involve graduate teaching and supervision as well as undergraduate teaching, and the successful candidate must be suitable for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. York University champions new ways of thinking that drive teaching and research excellence. Through cross-disciplinary programming, innovative course design, diverse experiential learning and a supportive community environment, our students receive the education they need to create big ideas that make an impact on the world. Located in Toronto, York is the third largest university in Canada, with a strong community of 53,000 students, 7,000 faculty and administrative staff, and more than 300,000 alumni. York University has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and to expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Candidates who require accommodation during the selection process are invited to contact Chair of the Search Committee at comnsrch at York University is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, within its community. The AA Program, which applies to women, members of visible minorities (racialized groups), Indigenous people and persons with disabilities, can be found at or by calling the AA line at 416-736-5713. Applicants wishing to self-identify as part of York University?s Affirmative Action program can do so by downloading, completing and submitting the form found at: All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous Peoples in Canada will be given priority. No application will be considered without a completed mandatory Work Status Declaration form which can be found at The deadline for receipt of completed applications is March 8, 2021. Application, including a cover letter, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, teaching evaluations and three confidential letters of reference, may be uploaded to beginning on January 22, 2021. Questions may be directed to Professor Robert Heynen, Chair of the Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Email: comnsrch at Posting End Date: March 8, 2021 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From inahonse at Tue Jan 26 09:30:09 2021 From: inahonse at (Isaac Nahon-Serfaty) Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:30:09 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Notre_premi=E8re_conf=E9rence_en_co?= =?windows-1252?q?mmunication/Lecture_in_comm_series=2E_Jan=2E_28_-_5_to_6?= =?windows-1252?q?_pm?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] RAPPEL/REMINDER Jeudi/Thursday Jan. 28, 5 pm. Les conf?rences en COMMUNICATION lecture series. Inscriptions/Register here : [cid:a6f1cbc1-3c7e-4800-adb0-4929e0250fdb] ________________________________ From: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty Sent: January 15, 2021 9:24 AM Subject: Notre premi?re conf?rence en communication/Lecture in comm series. Jan. 28 - 5 to 6 pm Bonjour/Good morning, Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer la premi?re rencontre des Conf?rences en communication qui aura lieu via Zoom le jeudi 28 janvier de 17h00 ? 18h00. Il s'agit d'une initiative de notre coll?gue Meredith Rocchi, du comit? de communication strat?gique de notre d?partement et de l?Association des ?tudiant(e)s dipl?m?(e)s en communication (merci ? Jennifer Dumoulin pour son aide dans l'organisation de la conf?rence). L?objectif principal de cette initiative est de faire connaitre la recherche que nous faisons dans notre d?partement, y compris les travaux de nos ?tudiant(e)s au doctorat. The first event of the Communication lecture series will take place on Thursday, January 28 from 5 to 6 pm via Zoom as part of InterCOMM 2021, the graduate students research and professional forum. Each one-hour session will include one lecture in French and one in English (about 20 minutes each) with time for Q&A. Vous devez vous inscrire ici/Please, register here: Les conf?rences en COMMUNICATION Lectures series Jeudi/Thursday Jan. 28, 2021, 17h00 ? 18h00/5-6 pm Perspectives on communication and data literacy: a research program (lecture in English) Meredith Rocchi, Assistant Professor/Professeure adjointe. Communication, uOttawa. Modern technology has provided unprecedented access to data, and opportunities for communicating that data with others. This data promotes evidence-based decision-making, but also serves as means to spread misinformation. It is becomingly increasingly important for individuals to have basic data literacy skills in order to identify good and bad representations of data in their everyday lives. Despite the importance of data literacy, however, currently in Canada, these outcomes are not included in the vast majority of humanities and social sciences undergraduate program curricula. This program of research aims to identify best practices for data literacy education with the goal of promoting student motivation and reduced anxiety for students. Le kitsch dans la communication publique : biologie, esth?tique et strat?gie (conf?rence en fran?ais) Isaac Nahon-Serfaty, Professeur agr?g?/Associate Professor. Communication, uOttawa Le kitsch est en m?me temps la cat?gorie oppos?e et compl?mentaire du visuellement grotesque dans le paysage actuel de la communication publique. La relation dialectique entre le kitsch et le grotesque est une manifestation de la ? transparence d?formative?. (Nahon-Serfaty, 2019). A) La biologie : notre objet d??tude est la nature et le ? naturel ? compris comme le non-humain. B) L?esth?tique : nous voulons d??tudier l'?conomie des ?motions dans l??cosyst?me communicationnel actuel. C) La strat?gie : situer le visuellement kitsch dans le champ de bataille de la communication publique afin de mettre en ?vidence le r?le du sensible et des sensations dans la formation des id?es, des perceptions, des opinions, des attitudes et m?me des comportements des gens. Cordially, Isaac -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CommLecturesJan282021.png Type: image/png Size: 464670 bytes Desc: CommLecturesJan282021.png URL: From m.flisfeder at Thu Jan 28 14:59:41 2021 From: m.flisfeder at (Matthew Flisfeder) Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 21:59:41 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: What does the algorithm want? Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Matthew Flisfeder Subject: CFP: What does the algorithm want? Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 21:59:41 +0000 Size: 56280 URL: From chris.russill at Fri Jan 29 06:28:58 2021 From: chris.russill at (Chris Russill) Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 08:28:58 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CJC Playlists! Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear Colleagues, The Canadian Journal of Communication is pleased to announce our new initiative, CJC Playlists! CJC Playlists are curated collections of articles that are drawn from the journal's open access archive. We are inviting scholars to develop playlists around a topic, theme, or keyword of their choosing, and to introduce their collection as a constellation of work that speaks in some way to our present moment. We hope to encourage a sense of historicity, inventive new alignments for scholarship, and have a little fun in the process. You can access our first playlists here: Melissa Aronczyk, Promotional Culture Rianka Singh, Curating Care Please find a full list of our published and forthcoming playlists here! If you are interested in curating a playlist, please be in touch with Chris Russill, Editor, Canadian Journal of Communication, at editor at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From inahonse at Thu Jan 28 14:49:37 2021 From: inahonse at (Isaac Nahon-Serfaty) Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 21:49:37 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Notre_premi=E8re_conf=E9rence_en_co?= =?windows-1252?q?mmunication/Lecture_in_comm_series=2E_Jan=2E_28_-_5_to_6?= =?windows-1252?q?_pm?= In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Un petit rappel/a quick reminder: Notre premi?re conf?rence de la s?rie/Our first Lecture in Communicationn series at 5 pm. Connect here: Link: Meeting ID: 871 7335 2498 Passcode: 6135625238 ________________________________ From: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty Sent: January 26, 2021 11:30 AM Subject: Re: Notre premi?re conf?rence en communication/Lecture in comm series. Jan. 28 - 5 to 6 pm RAPPEL/REMINDER Jeudi/Thursday Jan. 28, 5 pm. Les conf?rences en COMMUNICATION lecture series. Inscriptions/Register here : [cid:a6f1cbc1-3c7e-4800-adb0-4929e0250fdb] ________________________________ From: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty Sent: January 15, 2021 9:24 AM Subject: Notre premi?re conf?rence en communication/Lecture in comm series. Jan. 28 - 5 to 6 pm Bonjour/Good morning, Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer la premi?re rencontre des Conf?rences en communication qui aura lieu via Zoom le jeudi 28 janvier de 17h00 ? 18h00. Il s'agit d'une initiative de notre coll?gue Meredith Rocchi, du comit? de communication strat?gique de notre d?partement et de l?Association des ?tudiant(e)s dipl?m?(e)s en communication (merci ? Jennifer Dumoulin pour son aide dans l'organisation de la conf?rence). L?objectif principal de cette initiative est de faire connaitre la recherche que nous faisons dans notre d?partement, y compris les travaux de nos ?tudiant(e)s au doctorat. The first event of the Communication lecture series will take place on Thursday, January 28 from 5 to 6 pm via Zoom as part of InterCOMM 2021, the graduate students research and professional forum. Each one-hour session will include one lecture in French and one in English (about 20 minutes each) with time for Q&A. Vous devez vous inscrire ici/Please, register here: Les conf?rences en COMMUNICATION Lectures series Jeudi/Thursday Jan. 28, 2021, 17h00 ? 18h00/5-6 pm Perspectives on communication and data literacy: a research program (lecture in English) Meredith Rocchi, Assistant Professor/Professeure adjointe. Communication, uOttawa. Modern technology has provided unprecedented access to data, and opportunities for communicating that data with others. This data promotes evidence-based decision-making, but also serves as means to spread misinformation. It is becomingly increasingly important for individuals to have basic data literacy skills in order to identify good and bad representations of data in their everyday lives. Despite the importance of data literacy, however, currently in Canada, these outcomes are not included in the vast majority of humanities and social sciences undergraduate program curricula. This program of research aims to identify best practices for data literacy education with the goal of promoting student motivation and reduced anxiety for students. Le kitsch dans la communication publique : biologie, esth?tique et strat?gie (conf?rence en fran?ais) Isaac Nahon-Serfaty, Professeur agr?g?/Associate Professor. Communication, uOttawa Le kitsch est en m?me temps la cat?gorie oppos?e et compl?mentaire du visuellement grotesque dans le paysage actuel de la communication publique. La relation dialectique entre le kitsch et le grotesque est une manifestation de la ? transparence d?formative?. (Nahon-Serfaty, 2019). A) La biologie : notre objet d??tude est la nature et le ? naturel ? compris comme le non-humain. B) L?esth?tique : nous voulons d??tudier l'?conomie des ?motions dans l??cosyst?me communicationnel actuel. C) La strat?gie : situer le visuellement kitsch dans le champ de bataille de la communication publique afin de mettre en ?vidence le r?le du sensible et des sensations dans la formation des id?es, des perceptions, des opinions, des attitudes et m?me des comportements des gens. Cordially, Isaac -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CommLecturesJan282021.png Type: image/png Size: 464670 bytes Desc: CommLecturesJan282021.png URL: From manuel.puppis at Mon Feb 1 06:57:27 2021 From: manuel.puppis at (PUPPIS Manuel) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2021 13:57:27 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Rappel=3A_Professeur-e_=28permanent-e=29_e?= =?utf-8?q?n_Sciences_de_la_communication_et_des_m=C3=A9dias_=C3=A0_l?= =?utf-8?q?=E2=80=99Universit=C3=A9_de_Fribourg_=28Suisse=29_/_Reminder=3A?= =?utf-8?q?_Professor_=28tenured=29_in_Communication_Studies_at_the_Univer?= =?utf-8?q?sity_of_Fribourg_=28Switzerland=29?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] English version below RAPPEL : Postulez jusqu?au 1 Mars 2021 / Professeur-e (permanent-e) en Sciences de la communication et des m?dias ? l?Universit? de Fribourg (Suisse) ***************************************************************************************** La Facult? des Sciences ?conomiques et Sociales et du Management de l?Universit? de Fribourg (Suisse) lance un appel ? candidatures pour un poste de Professeur-e (permanent-e) en Sciences de la communication et des m?dias ? plein-temps. Le poste est affect? au D?partement des Sciences de la Communication et des M?dias DCM et comprend un poste de Doctorant-e enti?rement financ?. L?entr?e en fonction est pr?vue d?but 2022. Le poste n?cessite une sp?cialisation dans les probl?mes de communication et de m?dias au niveau individuel (micro) d'un point de vue socio-scientifique. Cela comprend, sans s'y limiter, des domaines de recherche tels que la r?ception, l?utilisation et les effets des m?dias et/ou les ?tudes d?audience et/ou le contenu des m?dias et des communications en ligne. En outre, les candidat-e-s devraient ?tre en mesure de contribuer ? l?enseignement dans d?autres domaines au niveau du Bachelor, par exemple la recherche en journalisme ou l??conomie et la gestion des m?dias. Enfin, ils devraient ?galement prendre en compte la transformation num?rique de la communication et des m?dias dans leurs activit?s de recherche et d?enseignement actuelles et/ou futures. Les candidat-e-s doivent ?tre titulaires d?un doctorat en ?tudes de la communication ou d?une discipline ?troitement li?e (avec une exp?rience av?r?e dans les m?dias et la communication). Un solide dossier de publication (y compris des articles ?valu?s par des pairs dans des revues internationales) ainsi qu?une exp?rience d?enseignement ?valu?e positivement dans la sp?cialisation requise sont exig?s. De l?exp?rience en obtention de subventions de recherche concurrentielles de tiers est souhaitable. De plus, les candidats doivent poss?der une exp?rience universitaire internationale et de solides comp?tences en m?thodes de recherche empirique en sciences sociales (quantitatives et/ou qualitatives). La charge d?enseignement est de 6 ? 7 heures par semaine et comprend des enseignements dans le Bachelor en ? Sciences de la Communication et des M?dias ? et le Master bilingue fran?ais/anglais ? Business Communication ?. Ce poste requiert une tr?s bonne ma?trise du fran?ais et de l?anglais. Les langues administratives de l?Universit? de Fribourg sont l?allemand et le fran?ais. Une connaissance passive de l?allemand est attendue ? moyen terme. Le salaire est comp?titif. L?Universit? de Fribourg offre des chances ?gales aux femmes et aux hommes et vise ? atteindre l??quilibre entre les sexes. Les candidat-e-s doivent soumettre leur dossier de candidature complet sous format PDF (un seul fichier) comprenant * une lettre explicative d?crivant leur motivation ainsi que leurs qualifications pour le poste ; * un curriculum vitae comprenant les listes de publications, de conf?rences publiques, d?exp?riences d?enseignement, de fonds de recherche obtenus, et de responsabilit?s administratives exerc?es ; * des ?valuations d?enseignement ; * un programme de recherche d?une page ; * la philosophie d?enseignement d?une page ; * une d?claration d'une page sur le travail institutionnel / service universitaire effectu? dans les ?tablissements pr?c?dents ; * les noms de trois r?f?rences professionnelles ; * trois articles r?cemment publi?s, ? para?tre ou en cours de r?vision par courrier ?lectronique au d?canat (decanat-ses at et ? Nad?ge Rives (nadege.rives at, secr?taire au DCM, jusqu?au 1 Mars 2021. REMINDER: Please apply until 1st of March 2021 / Professor (tenured) in Communication Studies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) ***************************************************************************************** The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) invites applications for the full-time position of Professor (tenured) in Communication Studies. The professorship is with the Department of Communication and Media Research DCM and comes with one fully funded PhD position. The appointment begins in early 2022. The position requires a specialization in individual (micro-level) issues of communication and media research from a social scientific perspective. This includes but is not limited to research fields like media exposure, media use and media effects and/or audience studies and/or media and online communication content. Moreover, candidates should be able to contribute to teaching in other areas on the Bachelor level, for instance journalism research or media economics and media management. Finally, they should also take the digital transformation of communication and media into account in their current and/or future research and teaching activities. Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in communication studies or a closely related discipline (with proven experience in media and communication). They need a strong publication record (including peer-reviewed articles in international journals) as well as positively evaluated teaching experience in the required specialization. Experience in acquiring competitive third-party research grants is desirable. Moreover, candidates should have some international academic experience and sound skills in (quantitative and/or qualitative) social scientific research methods. The teaching load is 6-7 hours per week and includes courses in the French-language Bachelor program ?Sciences de la communication et des medias? as well as in the bilingual French/English Master program ?Business Communication?. The position thus requires proficiency in French and English. Administrative languages at the University of Fribourg are German and French. A passive knowledge of German is expected in the medium term. The salary is competitive. The University of Fribourg provides equal opportunities for women and men and aims at achieving gender balance. Candidates should send their complete application in a single PDF file that includes * a cover letter describing their motivation and qualification for the position; * a CV including lists of publications, presentations, teaching experience, research grants, and academic service; * teaching evaluations; * a one-page statement on research interests; * a one-page statement on teaching philosophy; * a one-page statement on institutional work/academic service at previous institutions; * the names of three professional references; * three papers recently published, forthcoming or under revision to the dean?s office (decanat-ses at and to Ms. Nad?ge Rives (nadege.rives at, administration secretary at the DCM, until 1st of March 2021. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ddi_lab at Mon Feb 1 16:45:22 2021 From: ddi_lab at (Digital Democracies Institute) Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2021 23:45:22 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Left and Right, or Being who/where you are - Performances! Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear all Please see below for information about a fascinating, innovative and challenging interactive performance from our colleagues at the Brown Arts Initiative, details of which are below. The Beyond Verification research team from the Digital Democracies Institute has been involved with the preparation, and we are really excited to see the results, and hope you can join. Please feel free to share the information to anyone in your network. Description In this time of intense divisions, a left partisan and a right partisan speaking with each other seems like an impossible conversation - or, at least, a conversation that is impossible to have meaningfully on certain so-called ?hot-button? topics and complex realities, such as the COVID-19 pandemic or immigration. This devised, interactive online multimedia performance stages scenes that feature such conversations ? performed by both human actors and bots. The human and machinic actors play different characters that embody, complicate, and deconstruct different types of performative, prescribed political identities on the left-right spectrum (approached with a US-focus but through a transnational lens). These political identities are shown to be not static or unalterable, rather, the result of relational, performative processes that occur over time and with technology. Theatrically playing with(in) these processes, Left and Right aims to call forth more capacious ways of being - and being political. Presented by Brown Arts Initiative. Free and open to the public. Registration required. Website: Performance Dates & Registration Feb 10, 7pm EST Feb 11, 7pm EST Feb 12, 7pm EST Feb 13, 12pm EST Feb 14, 12pm EST Please note: Participants will need Chrome and a laptop or desktop to be able to access the performance (no mobile or iPad access possible). For the best experience, we also recommend the use of headphones throughout the performance. Credits Concept & Directing: Ioana B. Jucan Text: Patrick Elizalde, Andra Jurj, Marcela Mancino, Fabiola Petri, Ioana B. Jucan, Melody Devries Actors: Marcela Mancino, Patrick Elizalde, Andra Jurj, Fabiola Petri Digital Design and Development: Tong Wu, Nuntinee Tansrisakul & Yuguang Zhang Theatrical Design: Marcela Mancino Bot Design: Roopa Vasudevan Bot Concept: Roopa Vasudevan, Anthony Burton Choreography: Adriana Barza Sound Design: Peter Bussigel Production Manager: Madeline Greenberg Dramaturgy: Melody Devries Performance Consultants: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Alex Juhasz, and the Beyond Verification Team associated with the Digital Democracies Institute (SFU) Amy Harris Communications & Research Coordinator | Digital Democracies Institute | School of Communication Simon Fraser University | TASC 2 Room 7807 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 | Website | Facebook | Twitter At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded Traditional Coast Salish Lands of the s?l?ilw??ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), k?ik?????m (Kwikwetlem), S?wx?w?7mesh ?xwumixw (Squamish) and x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ggow at Thu Feb 4 13:33:04 2021 From: ggow at (Gordon Gow) Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 13:33:04 -0700 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?A_Playful_Mind=3A_Marshall_McLuhan?= =?utf-8?q?=E2=80=99s_Life=2C_Legacy_and_Laws=2C_with_Paolo_Granta?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hello CCA members, I'm pleased to announce a Feb. 24 Digital Synergies event to mark the 110th anniversary of the birth of Herbert Marshall McLuhan in Edmonton. The event is open to all and registration information is at the bottom of this email. Digital Synergies at the University of Alberta presents A Playful Mind: Marshall McLuhan?s Life, Legacy, and Laws Paolo Granata, University of Toronto February 24 - 12:00-1:00pm (Mountain) This year marks the 110 anniversary of the birth of Marshall McLuhan, who was born in Edmonton in 1911. In the late 1960s, McLuhan was called the "Oracle of the Electronic Age" as a member of the Toronto School of Communication. He later spawned the field of media ecology studies and was anointed Wired magazine's patron saint in the 1990s. He is perhaps the most quoted, analyzed, and misunderstood scholar of the last century and many of his probes on the social impact of communications technology endure to this day. He was certainly an unconventional and provocative thinker, and most importantly he was gifted with extraordinary intellectual playfulness. This webinar will touch on the life and legacy of Marshall McLuhan by playing with his Laws of Media (1988), a critical framework to analyze any medium, technology or human innovation. In a highly interactive setting, McLuhan Centenary Fellow, Prof. Paolo Granata, will engage the audience to stimulate cooperative, innovative, and creative thinking skills, allowing participants to cultivate awareness and critical understanding of the implications of contemporary digital media platforms, from Twitch to TikTok, from Discord to Clubhouse. Paolo Granata (University of Toronto) is an innovator, and a cross-disciplinary media scholar. Nurtured by the century-old tradition of the University of Bologna, his research and teaching interests lie broadly in the area of media ecology, semiotics, print culture, and visual studies. He is the founder and director of the University of Toronto?s Media Ethics Lab, a research hub that studies the ways that digital media practices and emerging technologies are marked by ethical issues and decisive political, societal, and cultural questions. When: Feb 24, 2021 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) You must register in advance for this event: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gordon A. Gow, PhD Professor, Sociology/Media & Technology Studies Graduate Coordinator, Communications and Technology Graduate Program (MACT) Adjunct Professor, Peter Lougheed Leadership College University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada The University of Alberta is located in ???????????? (Amiskwac?w?skahikan) on Treaty 6 territory and the territory of the Papaschase and the M?tis Nation -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ben_scholl at Fri Feb 5 12:09:46 2021 From: ben_scholl at (Ben Scholl) Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 19:09:46 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] [Call for Proposals] SFU CMNS Graduate Student Conference 2021 Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Hello Everyone, I hope your new year is off to a safe and healthy start! I?m honoured to be contacting you, on behalf of the Simon Fraser University School of Communications Graduate Student Caucus, to announce this year?s Graduate Student Conference, and to share with you our call for proposals (see attached). This year?s conference will be held virtually on Zoom. The conference will take place on May 7th, 2021. Our conference theme is: Resilience in Crises and Crisis We want to encourage discussion and debate around the topic of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic, overdose crisis, crisis of the university, economic crisis, crisis of truth, and looming threat to life of the Anthropocene have been at the fore this past year. Our aim is to bring student research and art together to facilitate a timely conversation about the field of communication and media studies amidst these calamities. We encourage authors and artists to consider resilience, in their fields/art, in light of these present moments of crisis; and to question the resilience of crisis itself. Has crisis become ordinary? If so, how do recovery and opportunity present themselves or are possibilities in a state of deferral? We ask that you submit proposals for papers and works of art by March 1st. You will be notified of acceptance by April 1st. Please submit all questions and proposals, including either the phrase ?CMNS GSC-21 Question? or ?CMNS GSC-21 Submission? in the subject-line, to: Conference Chair Ben Scholl | PhD Student Simon Fraser University | School of Communications ben_scholl at | Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon and look forward meeting you virtually in May! Kind Regards, Ben Scholl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CMNS-GSC-2021 - Call for Proposals.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 80024 bytes Desc: CMNS-GSC-2021 - Call for Proposals.pdf URL: From helene.bourdeloie at Fri Feb 5 15:14:12 2021 From: helene.bourdeloie at (=?utf-8?Q?Helene_BOURDELO=C4=B0E?=) Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 23:14:12 +0100 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Colloque_=22Les_technologies_num=C3=A9riqu?= =?utf-8?q?es_et_la_mort=22__12_f=C3=A9vrier_2021_/_8h30_=E2=80=93_15h45_?= =?utf-8?b?KE1vbnRyw6lhbCkgLyAxNGgzMCDigJMgMjFoNDUgKFBhcmlzKQ==?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, Le colloque "Les technologies num?riques et la mort? se tiendra en ligne (aucune inscription requise, la page sera actualis?e une fois la diffusion commenc?e: le vendredi 12 f?vrier 2021, 8h30 ? 15h45 (Montr?al) / 14h30 ? 21h45 (Paris). Programme: [] COLLOQUE LES TECHNOLOGIES NUM?RIQUES ET LA MORT Vendredi le 12 f?vrier 2021 [En ligne] Aucune inscription requise [] Colloque Les technologies num?riques et la mort - 12 f?vrier 2021 [En ligne] La revue Fronti?res est ravie de vous convier au colloque en ligne Les technologies num?riques et la mort qui se tiendra le 12 f?vrier 2021 de 8h30 (Montr?al) / 14h30 (Paris) ? 15h45 (Montr?al) / 21h45 (Paris). Nous vous invitons ? consulter la page de l??v?nement pour prendre connaissance du programme et assister au colloque. * NOUVEAUT? * Deux nouvelles pages ont fait leur apparition sur le site de Fronti?res! [] BR?VES SUR LA MORT Nous publions dans cette rubrique de courts textes de r?flexion ou des r?cits d?exp?rience choisis par la r?daction pour apporter un ?clairage compl?mentaire sur des th?mes qui ont ?t? abord?s dans des num?ros de la revue Fronti?res. La br?ve de Genevi?re Dionne, Accompagner, malgr? la COVID-19, une personne qui a demand? l?aide m?dicale ? mourir, inaugure cette nouvelle section du site. COVID-19 Cette page rassemble toutes les publications et contributions d'int?r?t partag?es par Fronti?res en lien avec la COVID-19. Visitez-les d?s maintenant! COMPTES RENDUS Voici les derniers comptes rendus mis en ligne sur le site de Fronti?res! [] VOIR TOUS LES COMPTES RENDUS L'?quipe de la revue Fronti?res [Facebook] Facebook [Twitter] Twitter [Site web] Site web This email was sent to helene.bourdeloie at why did I get this? unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences Fronti?res ? 320, rue Sainte-Catherine Est ? Pavillon J.-A. De S?ve, local DS-4215 ? Montreal, Qc H2X 1L7 ? Canada [Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp] ?- H?l?ne Bourdeloie Ma?tre de conf?rences en sciences de l'information et de la communication / Associate professor - Information & Communication Sciences Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord LabSIC Skype: Helene.bourdeloie -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Catherine.B.Cote at Mon Feb 8 11:41:15 2021 From: Catherine.B.Cote at (=?windows-1258?Q?Catherine_C=F4t=E9?=) Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 18:41:15 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Appel de communications SQSP 2021 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] [cid:image003.jpg at 01D6FE20.100A3000]Appel ? communications 58e Congr?s annuel de la Soci?t? qu?b?coise de science politique Diviser pour mieux r?gner : un retour en force ? En ligne | 17-21 mai 2021 Atelier La participation politique ? l??re du num?rique Le comportement politique des citoyens a beaucoup chang? au cours des derni?res d?cennies, et plus encore au cours des derni?res ann?es. Depuis les ann?es 1960, on avait d?j? pu constater une lente ?rosion des rep?res politiques habituels : baisse de la participation ?lectorale, d?saffection partisane, perte de confiance envers les institutions et repr?sentants politiques. Or, avec l??re num?rique, nous assistons ? de nouveaux comportements politiques : alors m?me que de plus en plus de sources d?information sont accessibles, il y a une polarisation de l?opinion politique. Le commentaire et l?opinion sont souvent plus consult?s que les sources d?information et l?infox, commun?ment appel?e ? fake news ?, r?ussit ? se faufiler et ? se r?pandre ? une vitesse vertigineuse. Ce ph?nom?ne est d?ailleurs d?autant plus troublant qu?il correspond ? une p?riode o? les citoyens n?ont jamais ?t? aussi ?duqu?s et inform?s. Il y a quelques ann?es, on misait sur le journalisme citoyen et on croyait que les r?seaux sociaux allaient permettre une plus grande implication politique, voire m?me remplacer les partis. Du printemps arabe au mouvement #MeToo, de nombreux espoirs ?taient permis. Or, si on constate une augmentation de l?offre informationnelle de qualit? sur les plateformes num?riques des m?dias, elle c?toie toutefois les chroniques et les blogues d?humeur qui se sont multipli?s (ainsi que les commentaires haineux des Internautes) et qui sont souvent relay?s en boucle ? cause des algorithmes, contribuant ? renforcer les attitudes pr?existantes plut?t qu?? encourager l?ouverture et l?esprit critique. Certains croient d?ailleurs que cela fait en sorte que toute une partie de la sph?re publique ?chappe ainsi ? la population, son attention ?tant toujours concentr?e sur les m?mes ?l?ments. D?ailleurs, la structure ?conomique des m?dias sociaux en fait sourciller plus d?un depuis le scandale de Cambridge Analytica quant ? l?utilisation d?tourn?e de donn?es personnelles afin d?envoyer des publicit?s cibl?es ? des client?les ?lectorales. La vie politique a ?galement beaucoup chang? au cours des derni?res ann?es. La pr?sence sur les r?seaux sociaux est maintenant au c?ur des pr?occupations des partis politiques qui s?y adaptent tant bien que mal et qui doivent d?ployer de nouvelles strat?gies pour rejoindre les nouvelles g?n?rations. L?information circule ?galement beaucoup plus rapidement et toujours en continu, les temps de r?action sont ainsi ?court?s et la gestion de ? crise ? devient presque quotidienne. Lors des campagnes ?lectorales, on scrute le pass? Internet des candidats pour trouver des phrases malheureuses ou des faux pas qui ne passent pas ou ne passent plus. Ce ne sont donc pas toujours des conditions pour encourager la participation ? la vie politique. C?est donc sur ces th?mes que nous sollicitons vos propositions de communication : * Nouvelles formes de participation citoyenne et d?engagement politique * Comportement politique des g?n?rations Y et Z * Polarisation et chambres d??cho dans les r?seaux sociaux * Contenu num?rique des grands m?dias * Propagande et campagnes publicitaires cibl?es * Adaptation et nouvelles strat?gies de communication des partis * Usage des donn?es num?riques ? des fins de marketing politique * Infox/Infausses et manipulation de l?information Les contributions doivent ?tre envoy?es ? catherine.b.cote at avant le 1er mars 2021. Responsable de l?atelier : Catherine C?t?, Professeure agr?g?e, ?cole de politique appliqu?e, Universit? de Sherbrooke -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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Name: Appel de communications - La participation politique ? l??re du num?rique .pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 192191 bytes Desc: Appel de communications - La participation politique ? l??re du num?rique .pdf URL: From helene.bourdeloie at Wed Feb 10 01:51:54 2021 From: helene.bourdeloie at (=?utf-8?Q?Helene_BOURDELO=C4=B0E?=) Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 09:51:54 +0100 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Identit=C3=A9s_Nationales_et_M=C3=A9dias?= =?utf-8?q?=3A_JE_le_28_mai_2021_+_appel_=C3=A0_contributions_pour_la_revu?= =?utf-8?q?e_SOCIAL_COHESION_AND_DEVELOPMENT?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, Vous trouverez ci-dessous et en PJ un appel pour une journ?e d??tudes (1) et un appel ? articles (2) (en anglais) pour la revue SOCIAL COHESION AND DEVELOPMENT. (1) Journ?e d??tudes: Identit?s nationales et m?dias : conscience nationale dans les soci?t?s contemporaines (? l?occasion des 200 ans d?existence de la Gr?ce moderne) 28 mai 2021 R?pondre ? l'appel: 31 mars 2021 Les Universit?s de Bucarest, Panteion d?Ath?nes (EURCECOM), Paris Descartes (Phil?pol), Haute-Alsace, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, les Comit?s de Recherche Sociologie de la Communication de l?AIS et Socio-anthropologie Politique de l?AISLF et l?AMOPA-Gr?ce, organisent une Journ?e d??tudes sur le th?me Identit?s Nationales et M?dias : conscience nationale dans les soci?t?s contemporaines le 28 mai 2021 ? la Fondation Hell?nique ? Paris (si besoin l??v?nement s?organisera en ligne). Les identit?s collectives (comme le sont les identit?s nationales) sont objet de n?gociations et red?finitions, en mouvement continu (aussi bien pour ce qui concerne les discours ? priv?s ? que les discours publics ? politiques ou m?diatiques). L?identit? grecque moderne est issue (comme d?autres identit?s nationales) des th?ories romantiques du 19e si?cle qui ont abouti ? la cr?ation d??tats nationaux ; on constate le r?gne d?identit?s nationales pendant les deux derniers si?cles dans le monde entier ainsi que leur importance dans la mise en place des ? fronti?res ? dans les soci?t?s actuelles. ?tant donn? que les m?dias jouent un r?le ?l?mentaire dans l?enjeu des repr?sentations sociales dans le monde (donnant sens ? la ?r?alit? sociale? -entre autres par la diffusion s?lective de symboles consomm?s dans la vie quotidienne), l?image des identit?s nationales dans les narrations m?diatiques s?av?re ?tre d?un grand int?r?t pour l?approche des identit?s ? tout sp?cialement des identit?s nationales - dans notre monde : comment les individus et les peuples se d?finissent ? Quels th?mes sont consid?r?s ? importants ? pour la d?finition et la pr?sentation du soi dans les soci?t?s dites ? postmodernes ? ? Dans quelle mesure les ? autres ? sont consid?r?s importants et qui sont-ils (dans le cadre des discours ? h?g?moniques ?)? La recherche sur les identit?s nationales est li?e aux r?cits m?diatiques et aux repr?sentations (images et arguments) qui en sont reproduites (cr?ant ? avec d?autres institutions comme par ex. les institutions ?ducatives ou religieuses - le sentiment d?appartenance ? une communaut?) puisqu?ils offrent symboles et mod?les communs aux populations, rendant l?identification nationale en une ? partie d?terminante ? de la vie quotidienne, rapprochant les distances dues au temps ou ? l?espace et indiquant l??v?nement consid?r? ? remarquable ? dans la sph?re de la perception commune de tous les jours. La journ?e d??tudes invite des recherches relatives ? la formation des identit?s dans la soci?t? actuelle, tout sp?cialement dans le cadre des discours m?diatiques. Comment les consciences (nationale, religieuse - ou autres qui peuvent para?tre d?importance) sont-elles d?finies et par quels crit?res on se diff?rencie des ? autres ? dans le cadre culturel mondial contemporain ? La langue officielle de la journ?e d??tudes est le fran?ais et les r?sum?s des propositions doivent parvenir jusqu?au 31 mars 2021 ? l?adresse : cconstantopoulou at ----------------------------- (2) Call for contributions for the thematic issue on: Media Narratives on Contemporary Identities : SOCIAL COHESION AND DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL ( Collective identities (such as national identities) are an object of continuous process, negotiation and redefinition (in the field of private as well as in the field of public discourses ? like media narratives). Nowadays, Media play a crucial role giving meaning to current ideas and diffusing perceptive images of the ongoing social reality (through concrete symbolical forms). Thus, the sociological study of identities needs to observe the (mass and social) media narratives and the social representations (images and arguments) which are reproduced by them creating a ?feeling of community?. This ?feeling of community? is important because it determines the constitution and the symbolization of significant social links (the foundation of ?being together? in any society). Common symbols (such as the national ones) are converted to a part of everyday life for the audiences, bridging distances in time and space and reporting ?reality? in the sphere of everyday perception. In times of globalization and of social and economic uncertainty (due to the economic crisis, the refugee and migration problems, the construction of supranational entities or the deconstruction of the existing socialist systems etc.), the contemporary societies redefine world borders and identities. Two centuries after the creation of the so called ?romantic nations? (among which modern Greece), how the contemporary media reflect nations and the world? Are ?national? identities still important or solidarities among people follow different (such as religious, technological or simply ?monetary?) inspirations of ?being together? (of ?belonging? to a specific community)? How the contemporary ?identities? are shaped and how are they ?reported? by the contemporary media? This volume intends to investigate ongoing media (either electronic or digital) narratives describing the contemporary meaning of ?significant? identities (such as national identities for instance); references can be made to any shaping of identity given as considerable by current ?news? and ?narrations? (concerning either modern Greece or Europe and the World). It invites research approaches on definitions of identities in the postmodern society, especially in the media discourse. How national (but also religious and other) proclamations of ?being together? are disseminated by different media and which are the main criteria used by the contemporary societies in order to justify present separations due to different identities? Proposals should be made in English according to the SOCIAL COHESION AND DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL instructions (; research works on Contemporary Identities in the Media Narratives should be original and not exceed 6.000 words including endnotes and references along with a short CV including affiliation, recent publications and current mailing address. Notes must figure at the end of the text together with the Bibliographical References (not a Bibliography in general) in Harvard System. Interested parties should send their papers not later than June 30th 2021 to the Special Issue Editor, Prof. Christiana Constantopoulou, cconstantopoulou at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Argumentaire Journ?e d? ?tudes sur les Identit?s Contemporaines.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 192531 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Call for Contributions on National Identitites Thematic Issue SCAD.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 182702 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From monica.henderson at Mon Feb 15 07:40:48 2021 From: monica.henderson at (Monica Henderson) Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 14:40:48 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: Ursula Franklin Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear CCA community, I am writing on behalf of the University of Toronto?s McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology working group, Reprising the Real World of Technology, to invite you to contribute to our special essay series honouring Dr. Ursula M. Franklin, an interdisciplinary icon for critical technology studies. Dr. Franklin, apart from being a distinguished physicist and media theorist, was the first-ever woman to be named University Professor at UofT. This happened in 1984, with her remarkable CBC Massey Lecture, ?The Real World of Technology,? occurring five years later in 1989. The theme of our special essay series, ?What would Ursula Franklin say?? asks scholars, professionals, and creatives alike to consider how Dr. Franklin?s prescient ideas might be applied to today?s digitized and datafied society. We welcome all of you ? scholars (faculty, independents, and graduate students) and professionals ? to contribute a piece which grapples with Dr. Franklin?s lectures and/or writings as applied to your own topic ? what does the real world of technology look like in infrastructure studies, environmental media, big data, social media, or even dating apps? Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions. We also encourage you to share the CFP with your own networks. View the CFP here: Warmly, Monica Jean Henderson Ph.D. student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto CCA Anglophone PhD Representative, 2019-2021 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hubner.lena_alexandra at Tue Feb 16 06:46:41 2021 From: hubner.lena_alexandra at (=?UTF-8?Q?Lena_Alexandra_H=C3=BCbner?=) Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 08:46:41 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Lancement_de_la_s=C3=A9rie_de_s=C3=A9minai?= =?utf-8?b?cmVzIMKrR2VucmUocykgZXQgbcOpdGhvZGVzwrsgY28tb3JnYW5pc8Op?= =?utf-8?q?e_par_le_CRICIS_et_le_LabSIC?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour ? toutes et ? tous, J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue d'une s?rie de trois s?minaires intitul?e Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM). Cette s?rie de s?minaires est co-organis?e par le LabSIC (Laboratoire des Sciences de l?information et de la communication, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) et le CRICIS (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t?, Qu?bec, Canada). Voici un aper?u de la programmation: 12 mars 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : D?construire le genre et d?autres rapports de minoration en ?tudes t?l?visuelles * Sarah L?cossais : ?Du genre ? l??cran : m?thodologies crois?es pour analyser les repr?sentations des rapports sociaux de genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es fran?aises? * St?fany Boisvert : ?Enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles? 9 avril 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : ?tudier la migration : de l?ethnographie ? la recherche collaborative * Claire Cosquer : ?Conditions ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques d?une ethnographie de migrant.e.s blanc.he.s? * Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau : ?Recherche collaborative et approches f?ministes : apports et tensions de la recherche par, pour et avec les femmes? 21 mai 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : M?thodologies et d?colonisation : enjeux, d?bats et outils * Sandeep Bakshi : ?Queeritude d?coloniale. Quels objets, quelles possibilit?s ?? * Na?ma Hamrouni : ?Ignorance ?pist?mique, vuln?rabilit? et participation? Vous trouverez le descriptif complet et les r?sum?s des interventions ci-bas. L?ensemble des s?minaires aura lieu sur Zoom. Ils sont gratuits et ouverts ? toutes et ? tous. L?inscription est requise en ?crivant ? cricis at (SVP mentionnez le nom et la date du ou des s?minaire(s) au(x)quel(s) vous voulez participer). Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site web. Au plaisir, Lena Alexandra H?bner ?tudiante au doctorat conjoint en communication (UQAM, UdeM, Concordia) Coordonnatrice des activit?s scientifiques du CRICIS Charg?e de cours ? l'?cole des m?dias Genre(s) et m?thodes Co-organis? par le LabSIC (Laboratoire des Sciences de l?information et de la communication, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) et le CRICIS (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t?, Qu?bec, Canada), le s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM) s?attache ? ?tudier les questions f?ministes, intersectionnelles et de genre(s) en termes de m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies. Concept transdisciplinaire fluide et non fig?, le genre ? ou les genres, pour ?chapper ? un fonctionnement social binaire ? a fait l?objet de travaux qui, en proposant un d?centrement radical, ont transform? le paysage des sciences sociales et humaines tout au long du XXe si?cle. Ce s?minaire a pour objectif de proposer un espace pour discuter des apports de ces ?tudes ? la pratique scientifique. Nous y discutons des fa?ons de faire de la recherche lorsqu?on travaille sur le(s) genre(s), de ses / leurs articulations avec d?autres formes de minoration, et du pouvoir critique de cet outil pour d?sessentialiser le monde social. Cherchant ? soustraire la r?flexion ? la pens?e universaliste, nous y d?centrons les regards pour aborder les questions de luttes, de r?sistances, ? l?exemple de celles de corps racis?s qui subissent diff?rents rapports de domination. Nous r?fl?chissons ? la fa?on dont sont op?r?s les d?centrements des concepts et aux d?marches mises en ?uvre pour d?construire les normes dominantes sur les identit?s de genre, les sexualit?s et d?autres rapports de pouvoir comme la classe ou la race. Pluriels, les questionnements portent sur la capacit? ? penser le positionnement de la chercheuse ou du chercheur, son engagement, sa subjectivit?, le d?voilement de biais en termes de production ou d?interpr?tation de donn?es, la r?flexivit? sur ces biais en tant que ressources heuristiques, ?pist?miques ou politiques, les questions ?thiques soulev?es par des objets per?us comme impurs, ou encore l?historiographie ou l?analyse du caract?re genr? d?un objet ou d?un dispositif d?enqu?te? Il s?av?re pertinent de mettre au jour et d?analyser les fa?ons dont le(s) genre(s) ? ainsi que les concepts qui lui / leur sont rattach?(s) ? sont travaill?s et reconstruits par le terrain? Enfin, cet espace de dialogue a aussi pour vocation d?interroger la possible singularit? des m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies des approches par le genre et des ?tudes f?ministes et intersectionnelles. Ce s?minaire met en lumi?re des travaux s?inscrivant dans les champs des m?dias et de la communication, et plus largement en sciences humaines et sociales (sociologie, histoire, anthropologie, sciences politiques ou philosophie?). Programmation 12 mars 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : D?construire le genre et d?autres rapports de minoration en ?tudes t?l?visuelles ?Du genre ? l??cran : m?thodologies crois?es pour analyser les repr?sentations des rapports sociaux de genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es fran?aises? Sarah L?cossais Afin d?interroger les dynamiques de repr?sentation du genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es, je propose de travailler aussi bien sur les contenus (analyse de corpus) qu?? partir d?entretiens avec des sc?naristes. Apr?s avoir rappel? ce qui m?a amen?e ? enqu?ter sur les objets longtemps m?pris?s que sont les s?ries fran?aises, je pr?senterai donc dans cette communication les enjeux de l?articulation de ces deux m?thodologies et le d?veloppement d?une approche f?ministe des politiques des repr?sentations (Hall, 2008). En termes th?oriques, mes recherches s?appuient ainsi sur une conception du genre comme performance it?rative (Butler, 2006) dont la repr?sentation est la construction (de Lauretis, 2007). Les s?ries peuvent alors ?tre entendues comme ? territoires du genre ? (L?cossais, 2020), via une relecture de Butler, de Lauretis, Foucault et Hall. ?Enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles? St?fany Boisvert Cette communication proposera une r?flexion sur le potentiel de la th?orie queer pour le renouvellement des ?tudes de genre (gender studies) portant sur la t?l?vision. L?approche queer est ici d?finie comme une approche fondamentalement critique et anti-essentialiste qui vise ? questionner, d?naturaliser, subvertir et probl?matiser les savoirs normatifs ainsi que les conceptions fixes et binaires des identit?s et sexualit?s (Sullivan 2003 ; Chambers 2009 ; Joyrich, 2014). Partant de cette d?finition, je montrerai comment l?approche des queer television studies permet de surmonter un ?cueil encore fr?quent, soit celui d?une lecture ? binaire ? des repr?sentations t?l?visuelles, tout en mobilisant plus concr?tement une approche intersectionnelle. Afin de r?fl?chir au potentiel d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles, je ferai r?f?rence ? certains de mes r?cents projets de recherche, lesquels avaient pour objectif d?analyser les repr?sentations de personnages non-binaires et trans dans certaines s?ries t?l?vis?es r?centes, mais aussi de mieux comprendre les m?canismes de r?ception reli?s ? l?inclusion de personnages LGBTQ+ dans des fictions t?l?visuelles. Ces recherches permettront ainsi d?aborder les enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques reli?s ? la mobilisation des queer studies, que ce soit dans le cadre d?une analyse qualitative de contenu ou d?une ethnographie en ligne. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. 9 avril 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : ?tudier la migration ? de l?ethnographie ? la recherche collaborative ?Conditions ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques d?une ethnographie de migrant.e.s blanc.he.s? Claire Cosquer Je reviendrai dans cette communication des conditions ?thiques et ?pist?mologiques de l?ethnographie des migrations fran?aises ? Abu Dhabi (?mirats arabes unis). Cette ethnographie analysait en particulier la position de ces migrant.e.s dans les rapports sociaux de race, en l?appr?hendant par le concept de blanchit?. La communication explorera les avantages et les tensions m?thodologiques associ?s ? l?usage de l?entretien biographique et de l?observation non-d?clar?e, en prenant au s?rieux leur sp?cificit? et leur plus-value ?pist?mologique respectives, mais ?galement en nuan?ant leur opposition terme ? terme. J?y r?fl?chis ? l?indissociabilit? des choix ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques, en ce qu?il n?est pas de parti pris ?thique qui n?ait de cons?quence ?pist?mologique, et inversement. ?Recherche collaborative et approches f?ministes : apports et tensions de la recherche par, pour et avec les femmes? Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau Dans le cadre du s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes organis? par le CRICIS et le LabSIC, je propose d?aborder les enjeux m?thodologiques et ?thiques qui caract?risent la recherche collaborative f?ministe men?e par, pour et avec les femmes. Ces enjeux concernent l?ensemble des ?tapes de la recherche; de la d?finition des objectifs, ? la diffusion des r?sultats, en passant par la construction des outils de collecte et l?analyse des donn?es. Au c?ur de cette communication, je m?attarderai aux d?fis li?s ? l?importance de reconnaitre et de valoriser les diff?rents types de savoirs, ? la n?cessit? d?identifier et de nommer les relations de pouvoir et ? l?engagement visant ? s?assurer que les apports et retomb?es de la recherche collaborative f?ministe profitent ? toutes les actrices de la d?marche. ? travers quelques exemples de projets de recherche, j?illustrerai de plus les enjeux sp?cifiques qui caract?risent la recherche collaborative avec les femmes immigrantes et r?fugi?es. Si cette communication propose des pistes de r?flexion sur la posture de la personne chercheuse, elle s?int?resse aussi aux principales actrices de la recherche collaborative f?ministe : les professionnel.lle.s des groupes partenaires, les intervenant.e.s et les femmes elles-m?mes, actrices au c?ur de ces d?marches. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. 21 mai 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : M?thodologies et d?colonisation : enjeux, d?bats et outils ?Queeritude d?coloniale. Quels objets, quelles possibilit?s ?? Sandeep Bakshi Visant ? ouvrir le champ d?colonial et les ?tudes queer aux possibilit?s d?une lecture crois?e, cette pr?sentation prend appui sur deux th?ories, deux analytiques v?ritables d??tudes critiques ?uvrant pour la transformation des relations sociales tout en relevant l?absence d?articulation d?un cadre de queeritude d?coloniale. Il convient de souligner que les deux outils th?oriques ne peuvent s?ignorer pendant longtemps car m?me si les deux champs de recherche demeurent rigoureusement disciplinaires, voire disciplin?s, les possibilit?s de croisement restent souvent nombreuses et mal exploit?es. Situant les questions sur le positionnement ?thique de la recherche et les objets de recherche dans le cadre ?pist?mologique, l?exemple phare de cette pr?sentation tend vers une analyse g?o-culturelle, aspirant ? formuler une critique du mouvement queer indien domin? par l??lite et la langue anglaise ? une des six langues imp?riales dans le monde, selon les ?tudes d?coloniales. En se d?centrant de la langue anglaise, cette recherche amende l??quilibre des pratiques culturelles queer indiennes de fa?on ? renouveler la probl?matique queer dans la r?gion. Cette approche interdisciplinaire embrasse ? la fois les grilles de lecture ?tablies par les th?ories queer et d?coloniales dans le but de proposer des outils pour une critique d?coloniale des ?nonciations transnationales de queeritude. ?Ignorance ?pist?mique, vuln?rabilit? et participation? Na?ma Hamrouni Plus d?informations ? venir. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From at Wed Feb 17 16:10:35 2021 From: at (ACC-CCA) Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 18:10:35 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?=28Last=29_Call_for_Applications_for_CCA?= =?utf-8?q?=E2=80=99s_Graduate_Students_prizes_=23policyresearch_?= =?utf-8?q?=23islamandthemedia_=23outstanding_-_=28Dernier=29_Rappe?= =?utf-8?q?l_=3A_les_prix_de_l=27ACC_pour_les_=C3=A9tudiants_et_?= =?utf-8?q?=C3=A9tudiantes_aux_cycles_sup=C3=A9rieurs?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear CCA Colleagues, Please pass along this information to graduate students in your departments who may not be registered to this list, we are still seeking applicants for our various graduate students prizes! Dear CCA Graduate Students, if you are registered to this list, this might be for you! All deadlines : March 1st, 2021 ? Graduate Students working in Policy Research: three prizes The CRTC awards three prizes for excellent work in policy research ($2,500, doctoral, $1,500, master?s, and $1000, postdoc). The winners will have their conferences fees paid; their work will be featured on the CRTC website in both French and English and you will receive a one year International Institute of Communications Future Leaders Network membership ?! To apply, please submit a 6000-8000 words paper. There is still time to write: we are extending the deadline (one last time) to March 1st 2021 ?Graduate Students working in Media Studies with an interest for the representation of Islam and ethics We are seeking candidates for the Mahmoud Eid Graduate Prize for research investigating media, ethics, and the representation of Islam in Canada ($500). This prize includes the publication (a publication indeed!) of the winning paper in the Global Media Journal ? Canadian Edition?!! To apply, please submit a 6000-8000 words paper. The deadline is March 1st 2021. ?Graduate Students whose proposals were accepted for CCA 2021 : Consider submitting your paper for our Outstanding Essay Prize The CCA awards $750 for the best student essay. But that's not all, it's also a fantastic line in your CV, as an outstanding emerging scholar ?!!! To apply, please submit a 6000 to 8000 words paper (and your paper for CCA will be ready, how about that?). All details can be found here: Thanks everyone, please share widely and locally, Ghislain Thibault, CCA Conference Chair ---------------------------------------- Chers et ch?res coll?gues de l'ACC, Merci de nous aider ? transmettre cette information aux ?tudiants et ?tudiantes de cycles sup?rieurs de vos d?partements qui ne sont peut-?tre pas inscrits sur cette liste, nous souhaitons solliciter des candidatures pour nos diff?rents prix ?tudiants ! Chers ?tudiants et ch?res ?tudiantes aux cycles sup?rieurs, Si vous ?tes inscrit ou inscrite sur cette liste, cela pourrait ?tre pour vous! Toutes les dates limites: 1er mars 2021 ? Prix d'excellence CRTC en recherche sur les politiques: trois prix Le CRTC d?cerne trois prix d'excellence pour les travaux en recherche sur les politiques (2 500 $ au doctorat, 1 500 $ ? la ma?trise et 1 000 $ au postdoctorat). Les gagnants et gagnantes n'auront pas ? payer leurs frais pour le colloque 2021; leurs travaux seront publi?s sur le site Web du CRTC en fran?ais et en anglais et vous recevrez une adh?sion d'un an au R?seau des futurs leaders de l'Institut international des communications ?! Pour soumettre votre candidature, vous devez soumettre un article de 6000 ? 8000 mots. Il est encore temps d'?crire: nous reportons (une derni?re fois) le d?lai au 1er mars 2021 ! ?Prix pour une recherche aux cycles sup?rieurs en ?tudes des m?dias avec un int?r?t pour la repr?sentation de l'islam et de l'?thique Nous recherchons des candidats pour le prix Mahmoud Eid pour un travail de recherche sur les m?dias, l'?thique et la repr?sentation de l'islam au Canada (500 $). Ce prix comprend la publication (oui, une publication!) de l'article gagnant dans le Global Media Journal - Canadian Edition? !! Pour postuler, veuillez soumettre un article de 6000 ? 8000 mots. La date limite est le 1er mars 2021. ??tudiants et ?tudiantes aux cycles sup?rieurs dont la proposition a ?t? accept?e pour l'ACC 2021: Pensez ? soumettre votre article pour notre prix du meilleur article L'ACC d?cerne 750 $ pour le meilleur article ?tudiant, et une ligne fantastique dans votre CV : chercheur(e) ?mergent (e) exceptionnel(le) ? !!! Pour postuler, veuillez soumettre un article de 6000 ? 8000 mots (et votre papier pour l'ACC sera d?j? pr?t, pensez-y). Tous les d?tails peuvent ?tre trouv?s ici: Merci tout le monde, et svp partagez dans vos r?seaux locaux, Ghislain Thibault, organisateur de la conf?rence de l'ACC -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hoomann at Thu Feb 18 15:53:14 2021 From: hoomann at (Niloofar Hooman) Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 17:53:14 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] ACC mailing list Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] To whom it may concern, I'd like to add to the list for receiving calls for the papers, conferences and any other events. Best, Niloofar Niloofar Hooaman (she/her/hers) Ph.D. student, Communication, New Media & Cultural Studies Department of Communication Studies & Multimedia McMaster University, Hamilton, ON -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From celat at Thu Feb 18 21:38:41 2021 From: celat at (CELAT-UQAM) Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 04:38:41 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Projection_et_Le=C3=A7on_de_cin=C3=A9ma_av?= =?utf-8?q?ec_Gentille_Assih_-_25_f=C3=A9vrier_2021?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] labdoc et CELAT-UQAM pr?sentent : Se rencontrer ? la cam?ra, le?on de cin?ma de Gentille Assih, en dialogue avec Viva Paci, ouverte ? toutes et tous, 25 f?vrier 2021, 14h-16h Le labdoc et le CELAT-UQAM vous convient ? une le?on de cin?ma avec Gentille Assih, documentariste d?origine togolaise, r?alisatrice des films Itchombi (2009), Akp?ma (2010), Le rite, la folle et moi (2012) et Sortir de l?ombre (2020). La rencontre sera pr?c?d?e par une projection en ligne du dernier film de la r?alisatrice, Sortir de l?ombre, produit et distribu? par l?ONF. Gentille Assih, form?e d?abord en cin?ma entre l?Afrique et l?Europe, est ensuite dipl?m?e de la ma?trise en Cin?ma et images en mouvement de l?Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al. Ses films abordent diff?rentes questions sociales en s?int?ressant particuli?rement aux univers intimes des femmes et des hommes vers qui elle pointe sa cam?ra. Confrontant les tabous, ses films sont empreints d?une sensibilit? qui exprime une grande confiance en l?humanit?, un d?sir de la rencontre, un go?t de la beaut?. Salu? par la critique ? sa sortie ? l?automne 2020, Sortir de l?ombre partage la parole de femmes inspirantes qui ont repris le pouvoir sur leur vie apr?s avoir subi de la violence conjugale. Loin des pr?jug?s, le film t?moigne du formidable sentiment de puissance que permettent la fin de l?isolement et l?acceptation de soi. Une plong?e lumineuse au c?ur d?une qu?te de gu?rison personnelle, ces rencontres mises en film sont d?une humanit? universelle. La projection en ligne de Sortir de l?ombre, gratuite, se fera du 22 au 25 f?vrier 2021 : La le?on de cin?ma de Gentille Assih, ? Se rencontrer ? la cam?ra ?, en dialogue avec Viva Paci, ouverte ? toutes et tous, se tiendra le 25 f?vrier 2021, de 14h ? 16h : Info labdoc Info CELAT-UQAM Twitter: @CelatUqam -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From daniel.pare at Mon Feb 22 06:08:45 2021 From: daniel.pare at (=?utf-8?B?RGFuaWVsIFBhcsOp?=) Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:08:45 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] TPRC49 September 2021 Call for Papers References: Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] CfP: TPRC49: Policy Research Conference on Communications, Information and the Internet, September 24-25, American University College of Law, Washington DC Please consider submitting your research to TPRC49, the leading academic policy conference for communications, information, and internet on Sept 24-25 in Wash, DC. We accept abstracts for papers, panels, and posters on critical policy issues. Selected papers presented at TPRC are published in top information policy journals and are presented to policy makers on the Hill. Let your students know that we offer a Student Paper Contest for a $1000 cash award and travel stipend. Our event is a great place to advance papers for publication in top journals, gain visibility to policymakers, and network with policy scholars. Check out the Call for Papers Abstracts are due March 31; student papers for contest, April 30. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates. The call for papers is also attached in the PDF. Feel free to share with others. Thanks for your interest. Daniel J. Par?, Ph.D., Associate Professor / Professeur agr?g? Department of Communication, School of Information Studies (?SIS), and Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) Graduate Program Co-ordinator, ISSP University of Ottawa / Universit? d?Ottawa 55 Laurier Ave East, Rm 10154, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5, Canada Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext/poste: 2052 Fax: (613) 562-5854 Twitter: @DJ_Pare English Language Book Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Communication -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Call for Papers TPRC49 (Sept 2021).pdf[69].pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 142463 bytes Desc: Call for Papers TPRC49 (Sept 2021).pdf[69].pdf URL: From saskia.kowalchuk at Mon Feb 22 08:03:00 2021 From: saskia.kowalchuk at (Saskia Kowalchuk) Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 15:03:00 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?=E2=8F=B0_DEADLINE_EXTENDED-_Digital_=28Im?= =?utf-8?q?=29materialities_Graduate_Conference_=E2=8F=B0?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] [cid:3ff56a18-1752-4c18-87dd-3180254b19b9] Please note that the application deadline for the Digital (Im)materialities Graduate Conference organized by Concordia's first-year Media Studies Master's cohort has been extended to Friday February 26th. To apply, visit our website Saskia Kowalchuk, B.A. (she/her) Media Studies Master's Student Academic Co-chair, Digital (Im)materialities Conference Department of Communication Studies Concordia University Montreal, QC, Canada saskia.kowalchuk at [cid:e68aec5c-c1fe-42c1-b70a-847d5a01d01c] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: cfp-extension2-01.png Type: image/png Size: 972305 bytes Desc: cfp-extension2-01.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-lq3kougt.png Type: image/png Size: 232302 bytes Desc: Outlook-lq3kougt.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CfP-EN- Digital (Im)materialities Conference.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 675122 bytes Desc: CfP-EN- Digital (Im)materialities Conference.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CfP- FR- Digital (im)materialities 2021.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 693178 bytes Desc: CfP- FR- Digital (im)materialities 2021.pdf URL: From george.eric at Tue Feb 23 07:00:57 2021 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 14:00:57 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] FW: UBC Okanagan 12 month lecturer in Cultural Studies Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] See details below for a 12 month Lecturer position in Cultural Studies at UBC Okanagan. The Department of English and Cultural Studies at UBC?s Okanagan campus invites applications for a Lecturer in Cultural Studies whose research focuses on intersectionality and media. The successful candidate will be appointed for 12 months. The expected start date is September 1, 2021. Lecturer positions are appointments without review (i.e., non-tenure track) with the possibility of renewal for successive terms, subject to availability of funding and demonstration of excellence in teaching in accordance with the Collective Agreement between UBC and the UBC Faculty Association. We seek an individual to teach the following courses in our undergraduate Cultural Studies program in the Winter and Summer terms. The teaching load would be seven courses per year. Multiple sections of CULT 100 (Media and Popular Cultures in Global Context) per Winter term. Please refer to the calendar description CULT 325 (Media and the Politics of Identity) in the first Winter term One course in summer term - either CULT 100 or CULT 325. The successful candidate must have a PhD in Cultural Studies or a cognate field, evidence of an active research profile in media studies, and prior university teaching experience. (ABDs will be considered only with scheduled defense date). Applications must include a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy/interests, and evidence of teaching effectiveness (which might include a teaching portfolio, student evaluations, peer teaching reviews, professional development of teaching, teaching awards and nominations). Candidates must include the names of three references. Inquiries can be sent to Dr. Michael Treschow, English and Cultural Studies Department Chair, at Michael.treschow at Applications must be received no later than March 15, 2021. This position is subject to final budgetary approval. Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. See this link to apply: Dr. Daniel Keyes [him, he, his] Department of English and Cultural Studies FCCS, UBC Okanagan 1148 Research Road Kelowna, BC Unceded Sylix Territory Canada V1V 1V7 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kconwa2 at Thu Feb 25 11:56:32 2021 From: kconwa2 at (Kyle Conway) Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 18:56:32 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Programme_de_double_dipl=F4me_entre?= =?windows-1252?q?_uOttawa_et_UCLouvain_/_Dual_degree_program_between_uOtt?= =?windows-1252?q?awa_and_UCLouvain?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, hello, The University of Ottawa communication department, in conjunction with the Universit? catholique de Louvain, offers a dual degree program in communication, and we're currently recruiting students. I'll paste the full recruitment message below, including links to two Zoom info sessions for those who are interested. If you have fourth-year students who are keen to gain an international experience (and two master's degree -- one from Canada, one from Belgium), would you mind passing this along to them? Merci -- Kyle ENGLISH FOLLOWS Songez-vous ? faire une ma?trise en communication? Cherchez-vous une exp?rience internationale? L?Universit? d?Ottawa, conjointement avec l?Universit? catholique de Louvain ? Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), vous propose un programme de double dipl?me menant ? une ma?trise ?s arts (MA) en communication de l?uOttawa et ? un Master en communication multilingue de l?UCLouvain. Les ?tudiant.e.s qui participent ? ce programme ont l?occasion de: d?velopper leurs comp?tences linguistiques; faire un stage dans une entreprise europ?enne; et faire des recherches approfondies en r?digeant un m?moire sur un sujet qui les int?resse. Le D?partement de communication de l?Universit? d?Ottawa est en train de recruter des ?tudiant.e.s pour la cohorte qui commencera en automne 2021. Si ce programme vous int?resse, il y aura deux s?ances d?information, le 8 mars et le 11 mars (voir en bas). Pour de plus amples renseignements, vous pouvez aussi visiter le site du programme: Vous pouvez ?galement contacter le coordonnateur du programme, le Prof. Kyle Conway (kconwa2 at QUOI? S?ances d?information ? propos du programme de double dipl?me de deuxi?me cycle dirig? conjointement par l?Universit? d?Ottawa et l?Universit? catholique de Louvain. Les s?ances seront bilingues. QUAND? (1) le 8 mars, 10h00 (heure normale de l?est) et (2) le 11 mars, 15h00 (heure normale de l?est) O?? Par Zoom. Il faut pr?alablement r?server une place: 8 mars ? 10h00: 11 mars ? 15h00: ???? Are you thinking of doing a master?s degree in communication? Are you looking for an international experience? The University of Ottawa, in conjunction with the Universit? catholique de Louvain (in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), offers a dual degree program leading to a master of arts (MA) in communication from uOttawa and a master?s in multilingual communication from UCLouvain. Students who participate in this program have the opportunity to: develop their language skills; intern in a European workplace; and perform in-depth research by writing a major research paper on a topic of their choice. The Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa is currently recruiting students for the cohort that will begin in Fall 2021. If you are interested in learning more, there will be two information sessions, March 8 and March 11 (see below). For more information, you can also consult the program?s website: You can also contact the program coordinator, Prof. Kyle Conway (kconwa2 at WHAT? Information sessions about the dual degree master?s program run by the University of Ottawa and the Universit? catholique de Louvain. The sessions will be in English and French. WHEN? (1) March 8, 10:00am (EST) and (2) March 11, 3:00pm (EST) WHERE? By Zoom. You must reserve a place: March 8, 10:00am: March 11, 3:00pm: -- Kyle Conway (il/lui | he/him) Professeur agr?g? | Associate professor D?partement de communication | Department of Communication Universit? d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa Pavillon Desmarais, 11e ?tage | Desmarais Building, 11th Floor 55, av. Laurier est | Laurier Ave. East Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Wed Mar 3 18:23:54 2021 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2021 01:23:54 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?=22Pour_une_recherche_engag=C3=A9e_ethnopr?= =?utf-8?q?atique=22=2C_Fabien_GRANJON=2C_mercredi_10_mars_2021=2C_de_9h30?= =?utf-8?q?_=C3=A0_midi_=28heure_normale_de_l=27Est=29?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Pour une recherche engag?e ethnopratique Le mercredi 10 mars 2021, de 9h30 ? midi (heure du Qu?bec) S?minaire organis? par le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t? (CRICIS) Fabien GRANJON est sociologue. Professeur des universit?s ? Paris 8, il enseigne actuellement au sein du d?partement des sciences de l??ducation et de la formation. Ses recherches portent sur l??pist?mologie des sciences sociales et de la critique, sur les cultures et les m?dias alternatifs, sur les usages des TNIC en contexte de mobilisation, ou encore sur les apprentissages critiques. Il termine actuellement la r?daction d?un ouvrage sur les in?galit?s sociales-num?riques. Dans le cadre de ce s?minaire, Fabien Granjon nous invitera ? d?couvrir ce qu?il qualifie de d?marche engag?e ethnopratique et ? r?fl?chir sur cette mani?re de faire recherche ? partir notamment d?un terrain d?enqu?te sp?cifique s?appuyant sur une ethnographie au long cours d'un village fran?ais, Uzeste, situ? ? une soixantaine de km au sud de la ville de Bordeaux, connu pour son festival transartistique : la Hestejada de las Arts. Front culturel de r?sistance populaire, Uzeste est un lieu o? se croisent critiques th?oriques, sociales et sensibles ? partir d?un d?sir d?invention d?une ruralit? critique. Depuis cette d?marche engag?e ethnopratique, Fabien Granjon se propose de d?passer les vieilles oppositions entre d?marches hypoth?tico-d?ductives et analytico-inductives, de remettre en cause la traditionnelle s?paration entre science et politique, de revendiquer des sciences sociales engag?es et d?aborder les rapports entre les diff?rents types de savoirs et d?exp?riences partag?s dans ce cadre. Pour pr?parer le s?minaire : Granjon Fabien, 2020, Enqu?ter sur/avec/pour Uzeste Une sociologie ? vivre au risque du d?gagement, Agencements, n? 5 Granjon Fabien, 2021, ? Pour une recherche engag?e ethnopratique ?, Le s?minaire est ouvert. Merci de contacter ?ric GEORGE pour toute participation : -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rbuiani at Wed Mar 3 19:03:03 2021 From: rbuiani at (roberta buiani) Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 21:03:03 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Invitation to : The Mutant Project, with Eben Kirksey, Monday, Mar 15 6 pm EDT Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] I am very thrilled to invite you to The Mutant Project A talk and discussion with Eben Kirksey -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Kirksey.png Type: image/png Size: 44744 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: meeting-85660057113.ics Type: text/calendar Size: 1910 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ben_scholl at Tue Mar 2 11:12:12 2021 From: ben_scholl at (Ben Scholl) Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2021 18:12:12 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] [Call for Proposals Deadline Extension] Simon Fraser University School of Communications Graduate Student Conference Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi All, I am contacting you on behalf of the planning committee for the 2021 SFU School of Communications Graduate Student Conference Please note that the call for proposals deadline has been extended by 2 weeks, to March 15th, for the 2021 Graduate Student Virtual Conference. March 15th, 2021 - The extended proposal deadline April 1st, 2021 - Applicants will be informed of their approval May 7th, 2021 - We look forward to seeing you all (virtually) for this year's conference! As a reminder, Please submit all questions and proposals, including either the phrase ?CMNS GSC-21 Question? or ?CMNS GSC-21 Submission? in the subject-line, to: Conference Chair Ben Scholl : ben_scholl at Regards, Ben Scholl | PhD Student Simon Fraser University | School of Communications ben_scholl at | 226 344-7677 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CMNS-GSC-2021 - Call for Proposals.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 80283 bytes Desc: CMNS-GSC-2021 - Call for Proposals.pdf URL: From kmo at Mon Mar 8 08:53:20 2021 From: kmo at (Archive/Counter-Archive Knowledge Mobilization Officer) Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 10:53:20 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Fwd: Call for Applications: MITACS Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Hybrid Media Publication Platforms In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] ***FRENCH VERSION BELOW*** ***VERSION FRAN?AISE CI-DESSOUS*** MITACS Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Hybrid Media Publication Platforms Archive/Counter-Archive and Public Journal are pleased to announce a competition for a two-year MITACS Accelerate Post-Doctoral Fellowship position hosted by York University and Public Access Journal of interdisciplinary art. Please share widely with your networks. TIMELINE: Expected to begin June 1st, 2021 LOCATION: Toronto, Ontario Canada SUPPORT: $45,000.00, office space at York University, use of a computer, and full access to York University Library APPLY BY FRIDAY MARCH 19, 5PM EST - full details: + see attached PDF Candidates must have defended their dissertation by May 1st 2021. (This is a firm deadline) The successful candidate is expected to focus on research into emerging hybrid media publication platforms that integrate print and online media in creative, engaging and critical ways. A focus on Knowledge Mobilization for Archive/Counter-Archive?s case studies, working group outputs and artist residencies will be the primary means for testing content through diverse social media platforms and interfaces. Research outcomes will directly inform the future publishing practices of Public as the journal evolves with online readership and engagement. We invite applications from, in particular, interdisciplinary scholars who have earned a doctorate in communications, media studies, archival or information studies, digital media, or art history, and have expertise in such fields such as creative publishing, online outreach/engagement, communications, and digital media design. The position requires that the candidate has strong skills and experience in research creation, knowledge translation, community arts engagement, and familiarity with social media, video hosting and marketing platforms. An understanding of open-source web content management systems is an asset. Required soft skills include outstanding writing and communication skills, a strong collaborative working style, good time management, and adaptability. This Post-Doc position will include opportunities to produce publications, participate in conference presentations and directly contribute to content design for Archive/Counter-Archive?s hybrid publications. It is expected that the candidate will divide their time between York University and Public, also housed at York University?s campus. If you have any questions, please contact Aim?e Mitchell at aimee19 at ************************************************************************************* Bourse Postdoctorale MITACS sur les plateformes de publications m?diatiques hybrides Archive/Contre-Archive et le collectif Public Journal sont fiers??res d?annoncer le concours d?une bourse postdoctorale de MITACS Acc?l?ration d?une dur?e de deux ans, un poste offert par l?Universit? York et par Public Access Journal sur les arts interdisciplinaires. Veuillez circuler sur vos r?seaux. DATE: Commencement le 1er juin 2021 LIEU: Toronto, Ontario Canada FINANCEMENT: 45 000$, un espace de bureau ? l?Universit? York, l?utilisation d?un ordinateur et un acc?s complet aux biblioth?ques de l?Universit? York Les soumissions doivent ?tre d?pos?es avant le VENDREDI 19 MARS 2021 ? 17h00 HNE. Pour plus de d?tails: + consulter le PDF ci-joint. Les candidats?es doivent avoir d?fendu leur th?se d?ici le 1er mai 2021. (Il s?agit d?un d?lai ferme) Il est pr?vu que le travail de recherche du ou de la candidat?e choisi?e se concentre sur les plateformes de publications m?diatiques hybrides qui int?grent la publication ?crite et num?rique de fa?on cr?ative, int?ressante et critique. Une emphase sur La mobilisation du savoir sur les ?tudes de cas d?Archive/Contre-Archive et sur les r?sultats de leur groupe d??tude, ainsi que sur leurs artistes en r?sidences sera pr?conis?e afin de mettre ? l?essai du contenu sur diff?rentes interfaces et plateformes de m?dias sociaux. Les r?sultats de recherche informeront directement Public sur les prochaines pratiques de publication ? mesure que le journal ?volue avec la fid?lit? du lectorat en ligne. Nous invitons les chercheurs?euses interdisciplinaires qui d?tiennent un doctorat en communication, en ?tudes m?diatiques, archivistique ou de l?information, en m?dia num?rique, ou en histoire de l?art, et ceux et celles qui poss?dent une expertise dans des champs tels que la publication cr?ative, le rayonnement en ligne, les communications et le design de m?dia num?rique. Le ou la candidat?e retenu?e pour le poste doit poss?der de fortes comp?tences et une excellente exp?rience en recherche-cr?ation, dans l?application de connaissances et la transmission du savoir, un engagement dans les arts communautaires, ainsi qu?une familiarit? avec les r?seaux sociaux et l?h?bergement de vid?os et les diff?rentes plateformes de marketing. Une bonne compr?hension de la gestion de syst?mes de contenus web en code ouvert est un atout. Les comp?tences personnelles requises incluent une habilet? exceptionnelle dans l??criture et la communication, un style de travail faisant davantage appel ? la collaboration, une bonne gestion du temps et une facilit? d?adaptation. Cette opportunit? de postdoctorat offrira des possibilit?s de publications, de participer ? des conf?rences et de contribuer directement ? la conception de contenu pour les publications hybrides d?Archive/Contre-Archive. Il est pr?vu que le ou la candidat?e divisera son temps entre l?Universit? York et Public, qui est ?galement situ? sur le campus de l?Universit? York. Pour toute question, veuillez contacter Aim?e Mitchell: aimee19 at AXELLE DEMUS (they/she) ? Knowledge Mobilization Officer SSHRC Partnership Grant, Archive/Counter-Archive YORK UNIVERSITY | 2001E Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building 4700 Keele Street ? Toronto ON ? Canada M3J 1P3 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: EN - MITACS Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Hybrid Media Publication Platforms.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 135102 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: FR - Bourse Postdoctorale MITACS sur les plateformes de publications me?diatiques hybrides.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 258431 bytes Desc: not available URL: From daniel.pare at Mon Mar 8 13:08:34 2021 From: daniel.pare at (=?utf-8?B?RGFuaWVsIFBhcsOp?=) Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 20:08:34 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Table_ronde_=232_-=C2=A0Financement_des_un?= =?utf-8?q?iversit=C3=A9s_francophones_au_Canada?= References: <> Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] PVI / FYI [] Financement des universit?s francophones au Canada Le temps d'une r?forme est-il venu ? Mardi 23 mars 2021 12h00 ? 13h30 HE Cette table ronde porte sur le financement des universit?s francophones ou bilingues en milieu minoritaire au Canada. Cet enjeu est ?troitement li? ? celui de la vitalit? des communaut?s francophones, de l?attractivit? du postsecondaire en fran?ais et donc des inscriptions, mais ?galement du r?le des divers paliers de gouvernement dans le maintien d?un mod?le d??ducation original qui tire sa l?gitimit? de l?histoire de la province, du droit et de la complexit? de la soci?t? ontarienne. Les intervenants ? cette table ronde sont : * Denis Prud?homme, Recteur, Universit? de Moncton. * Pierre-Yves Mocquais, Professeur titulaire, Doyen du Campus Saint-Jean, Universit? de l'Alberta. * Normand Labrie, Professeur titulaire, Universit? de Toronto. * Genevi?ve Tellier, Professeure titulaire, Universit? d?Ottawa. * Sanni Yaya, Vice-recteur ? l?international et ? la Francophonie, Universit? d?Ottawa. Pour donner suite ? la premi?re table ronde du 2 mars, il sera important de poser un regard sur les mod?les de financement pour l?enseignement en fran?ais en milieu minoritaire, notamment dans un contexte technologique en rapide ?volution. Cliquer ici pour vous inscrire ? la table ronde Vous pouvez ?galement partager ce lien dans vos r?seaux : Inscription : Le Coll?ge des chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone regroupe 11 chaires de recherche dont l'objectif est de contribuer activement ? la diffusion, au d?veloppement et au rayonnement de la recherche sur la francophonie et sur les r?alit?s du monde francophone. [Facebook] [Twitter] [Website] [LinkedIn] [] Copyright ? CCRMF 2020 Tout droit r?serv?. Politique de confidentialit? Vous pouvez vous d?sabonner de cette liste en ?crivant ? ccrmf at View this email in your browser Daniel J. Par?, Ph.D., Associate Professor / Professeur agr?g? Department of Communication, School of Information Studies (?SIS), and Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP) Graduate Program Co-ordinator, ISSP University of Ottawa / Universit? d?Ottawa 55 Laurier Ave East, Rm 10154, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5, Canada Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext/poste: 2052 Fax: (613) 562-5854 Twitter: @DJ_Pare English Language Book Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Communication -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kmo at Mon Mar 8 13:43:19 2021 From: kmo at (Archive/Counter-Archive Knowledge Mobilization Officer) Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 15:43:19 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Fwd=3A_Apply_Now!_May_18-June_17=3A_Archiv?= =?utf-8?q?e/Counter-Archive_Summer_School_2021=3A_=E2=80=9CLocatin?= =?utf-8?q?g_Media_Archives=E2=80=9D?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] The Graduate Program in Film, Cinema and Media Studies, School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University announces: Archive/Counter-Archive Summer School 2021: "Locating Media Archives? May 18-June 17, 2021 | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST on Zoom [Mailchimp ACA Summer School final.png] Archive/Counter-Archive Summer School 2021 is comprised of two intensives that will introduce graduate students to critical issues in activist media and archival methodologies. The Summer School will feature numerous guest speakers including artists, archivists, theorists and activists. Students are expected to attend both intensives. May 18- 27, 2021 : The Practice of Indigenous Metadata and Knowledge Organization convened by Dr. Stacy Allison-Cassin In this two week intensive, participants will explore a range of topics related to Indigenous knowledges in the context of libraries, archives, and memory and culture institutions. Participants will have an opportunity to learn from guest speakers and engage with key readings and other materials. Dr. Stacy Allison-Cassin holds a contractually-limited appointment as Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto where she teaches in the Library and Information Studies stream. She is on leave from her position as Associate Librarian, Dept. of Student Learning and Academic Success at York University Libraries. A citizen of the M?tis Nation of Ontario, Allison-Cassin works on issues related to Indigeneity, libraries and digital culture, with a specific focus on knowledge organization and metadata. Allison-Cassin recently completed her PhD in Humanities at York University. Her dissertation is on love as an information system and utilized the information theory of Niklas Luhmann and psychoanalytic theory to analyze the music of Arcade Fire. June 8-17, 2021: AIDS Activist Media Research within Canada convened by Dr. Ryan Conrad This two week intensive offers participants the opportunity to engage with the vast corpus of Canadian AIDS activist film and video, leading researchers in the field, as well as film and video makers from the early epidemic to the present. The intensive will include access to curated readings, introductions to numerous archives, video screenings, guest speakers, panels, and public lectures. Dr. Ryan Conrad is a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in the Cinema & Media Studies at York University where he is working on a manuscript entitled Radical VIHsion: Canadian AIDS Film & Video. He is also part-time faculty in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality program at Concordia University and the Women?s and Gender Studies program at Carleton University. He previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at Carleton University with the AIDS Activist History Project and he earned a PhD from the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture at Concordia University. He also holds an MFA from Maine College of Art and is an active film and video maker. REGISTRATION INFO: - Open to graduate students enrolled at any institution - Students are required to attend both intensives - Applications due by March 25, 2021, 5:00PM EST - Click here to apply - Please note that the Summer School capacity is limited - More information about how to enroll for course credit at your host institution will be provided upon acceptance - York students will be asked to enroll in FA5700 If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Axelle Demus at kmo at AXELLE DEMUS (they/them) ? Knowledge Mobilization Officer SSHRC Partnership Grant, Archive/Counter-Archive YORK UNIVERSITY | 2001E Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building 4700 Keele Street ? Toronto ON ? Canada M3J 1P3 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Mailchimp ACA Summer School final.png Type: image/png Size: 292922 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Archive_Counter-Archive Summer School 2021.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 376868 bytes Desc: not available URL: From IrenaKnezevic at CUNET.CARLETON.CA Mon Mar 8 14:02:12 2021 From: IrenaKnezevic at CUNET.CARLETON.CA (Irena Knezevic) Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 21:02:12 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP Food Policy Environments: Discursive Effects, Material Consequences In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Topic: Food Policy Environments: Discursive Effects, Material Consequences Journal: Frontiers in Science and Environmental Communication Open access? Yes (see fee schedule at Editors: Myriam Durocher, Irena Knezevic, Caitlin Scott, and Johanna Wilkes Abstract deadline: April 23, 2021 Paper deadline: August 21, 2021 Inquiries: irena.knezevic at Guidelines and submissions: Food systems are complex and intersect with a range of policy spheres. Policy communicates values and thus shapes public perceptions and understandings of the issues any policy aims to address. Whether we talk about the cost of food in terms of ?consumer price index? or ?food affordability? makes all the difference in how policy priorities are set, and how policy implementation is perceived by the public. A food item can be described as fatty, which is descriptive, or fattening, which conjures assumptions around body weight that can have implications for nutrition and food labelling policy, and for population health. ?Agri-food industry? and ?food systems? frames can invite very different approaches to policy. Food scholars have repeatedly drawn attention to the disjointed nature of food policy. In most jurisdictions, there is no coherent food policy. Instead, food policy is segmented into other policy areas, such as agriculture, health, and trade. The consequences of this, critical scholarship notes, are far-reaching. We see obesity as a matter of individual lifestyle, rather than a result of environmental factors that include access to healthful foods and opportunities for physical exercise. We see peasant struggles as a failure of ?development?, conveniently ignoring the role of agri-food conglomerates in influencing agricultural, environmental and trade policy around the globe. Because food intersects with so many policy areas, like health, education, land use & regional planning, environment, poverty-reduction, equity & inclusion, and rural & business development, food scholars have highlighted the need for integrated (or systems) thinking, and critical analysis of complex policy environments. Those environments include the social, economic, and political discourses that delineate policy possibilities in any given jurisdiction. This topic aims to gather papers that critically examine food policy environments and the discursive power they carry, as they define priorities and policy boundaries. We are specifically interested in inquiries that delve into material consequences of policy environments on food producers, harvesters, processors, distributors, institutions, and eaters. This topic call welcomes submissions that use a communication/discourse studies approach to address any aspect of food-related policy and its material implications. Examples of promising policy models, critiques of existing food policy, and explorations of alternative possibilities are all welcome. Themes may include: nutrition, food security, food charity, agricultural supports, agriculture research programs, institutional procurement, municipal food policy councils, food systems research programs, agro-tourism, food literacy/education, and zoning laws. Collectively, the contributions will provide a well-rounded and diverse set of insights into the communicative power of policy in the realm of food. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review. This email contains links to content or websites. Always be cautious when clicking on external links or attachments. If in doubt, please forward suspicious emails to phishing at -----End of Disclaimer----- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From celat at Mon Mar 8 15:57:05 2021 From: celat at (CELAT-UQAM) Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 22:57:05 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] International conference Monuments on The Move. Contesting Heritage on a Global Scale le mercredi 17 mars Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Organis?e dans le cadre de la s?rie de conf?rences internationales Les temps qui viennent au CELAT-UQAM : Monuments on The Move. Contesting Heritage on a Global Scale Julie Deschepper, assistante scientifique au Kunsthistorisches Institut? Max-Planck-Institut ? Florence This talk will address the recent global phenomenon of contesting ?monuments? that glorify colonial and racist legacies. From small alteration to total dismantlement, these transformation?s processes of the public space according to new considerations on the past and the future are far from being new. The lecture will explore the striking similarities through space and time of these monumental decommemorations, and will encourage a collective reflection on the afterlives of these newly contested heritage. Le mercredi 17 mars, de 12h30 ? 14h (Montreal), par zoom. Inscription : celat at CELAT-UQAM Centre de recherche Cultures-Arts-Soci?t?s Coordinatrice : Estelle Grandbois-Bernard 279, rue Ste-Catherine Est Local DC-2210 Montr?al (Qu?bec) H2X 1L5 514-987-3000 poste 1664 Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @CelatUqam -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hubner.lena_alexandra at Tue Mar 9 06:27:07 2021 From: hubner.lena_alexandra at (=?UTF-8?Q?Lena_Alexandra_H=C3=BCbner?=) Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 08:27:07 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Fwd=3A_Lancement_de_la_s=C3=A9rie_de_s?= =?utf-8?b?w6ltaW5haXJlcyDCq0dlbnJlKHMpIGV0IG3DqXRob2Rlc8K7IGNvLW9y?= =?utf-8?q?ganis=C3=A9e_par_le_CRICIS_et_le_LabSIC?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour ? toutes et ? tous, Ceci est un rappel cordial. La premi?re s?ance a lieu en ce vendredi! J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue d'une s?rie de trois s?minaires intitul?e Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM). Cette s?rie de s?minaires est co-organis?e par le LabSIC (Laboratoire des Sciences de l?information et de la communication, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) et le CRICIS (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t?, Qu?bec, Canada). Voici un aper?u de la programmation: 12 mars 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : D?construire le genre et d?autres rapports de minoration en ?tudes t?l?visuelles * Sarah L?cossais : ?Du genre ? l??cran : m?thodologies crois?es pour analyser les repr?sentations des rapports sociaux de genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es fran?aises? * St?fany Boisvert : ?Enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles? 9 avril 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : ?tudier la migration : de l?ethnographie ? la recherche collaborative * Claire Cosquer : ?Conditions ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques d?une ethnographie de migrant.e.s blanc.he.s? * Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau : ?Recherche collaborative et approches f?ministes : apports et tensions de la recherche par, pour et avec les femmes? 21 mai 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : M?thodologies et d?colonisation : enjeux, d?bats et outils * Sandeep Bakshi : ?Queeritude d?coloniale. Quels objets, quelles possibilit?s ?? * Na?ma Hamrouni : ?Ignorance ?pist?mique, vuln?rabilit? et participation? Vous trouverez le descriptif complet et les r?sum?s des interventions ci-bas. L?ensemble des s?minaires aura lieu sur Zoom. Ils sont gratuits et ouverts ? toutes et ? tous. L?inscription est requise en ?crivant ? cricis at (SVP mentionnez le nom et la date du ou des s?minaire(s) au(x)quel(s) vous voulez participer). Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site web. Au plaisir, Lena Alexandra H?bner ?tudiante au doctorat conjoint en communication (UQAM, UdeM, Concordia) Coordonnatrice des activit?s scientifiques du CRICIS Charg?e de cours ? l'?cole des m?dias Genre(s) et m?thodes Co-organis? par le LabSIC (Laboratoire des Sciences de l?information et de la communication, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) et le CRICIS (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t?, Qu?bec, Canada), le s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM) s?attache ? ?tudier les questions f?ministes, intersectionnelles et de genre(s) en termes de m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies. Concept transdisciplinaire fluide et non fig?, le genre ? ou les genres, pour ?chapper ? un fonctionnement social binaire ? a fait l?objet de travaux qui, en proposant un d?centrement radical, ont transform? le paysage des sciences sociales et humaines tout au long du XXe si?cle. Ce s?minaire a pour objectif de proposer un espace pour discuter des apports de ces ?tudes ? la pratique scientifique. Nous y discutons des fa?ons de faire de la recherche lorsqu?on travaille sur le(s) genre(s), de ses / leurs articulations avec d?autres formes de minoration, et du pouvoir critique de cet outil pour d?sessentialiser le monde social. Cherchant ? soustraire la r?flexion ? la pens?e universaliste, nous y d?centrons les regards pour aborder les questions de luttes, de r?sistances, ? l?exemple de celles de corps racis?s qui subissent diff?rents rapports de domination. Nous r?fl?chissons ? la fa?on dont sont op?r?s les d?centrements des concepts et aux d?marches mises en ?uvre pour d?construire les normes dominantes sur les identit?s de genre, les sexualit?s et d?autres rapports de pouvoir comme la classe ou la race. Pluriels, les questionnements portent sur la capacit? ? penser le positionnement de la chercheuse ou du chercheur, son engagement, sa subjectivit?, le d?voilement de biais en termes de production ou d?interpr?tation de donn?es, la r?flexivit? sur ces biais en tant que ressources heuristiques, ?pist?miques ou politiques, les questions ?thiques soulev?es par des objets per?us comme impurs, ou encore l?historiographie ou l?analyse du caract?re genr? d?un objet ou d?un dispositif d?enqu?te? Il s?av?re pertinent de mettre au jour et d?analyser les fa?ons dont le(s) genre(s) ? ainsi que les concepts qui lui / leur sont rattach?(s) ? sont travaill?s et reconstruits par le terrain? Enfin, cet espace de dialogue a aussi pour vocation d?interroger la possible singularit? des m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies des approches par le genre et des ?tudes f?ministes et intersectionnelles. Ce s?minaire met en lumi?re des travaux s?inscrivant dans les champs des m?dias et de la communication, et plus largement en sciences humaines et sociales (sociologie, histoire, anthropologie, sciences politiques ou philosophie?). Programmation 12 mars 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : D?construire le genre et d?autres rapports de minoration en ?tudes t?l?visuelles ?Du genre ? l??cran : m?thodologies crois?es pour analyser les repr?sentations des rapports sociaux de genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es fran?aises? Sarah L?cossais Afin d?interroger les dynamiques de repr?sentation du genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es, je propose de travailler aussi bien sur les contenus (analyse de corpus) qu?? partir d?entretiens avec des sc?naristes. Apr?s avoir rappel? ce qui m?a amen?e ? enqu?ter sur les objets longtemps m?pris?s que sont les s?ries fran?aises, je pr?senterai donc dans cette communication les enjeux de l?articulation de ces deux m?thodologies et le d?veloppement d?une approche f?ministe des politiques des repr?sentations (Hall, 2008). En termes th?oriques, mes recherches s?appuient ainsi sur une conception du genre comme performance it?rative (Butler, 2006) dont la repr?sentation est la construction (de Lauretis, 2007). Les s?ries peuvent alors ?tre entendues comme ? territoires du genre ? (L?cossais, 2020), via une relecture de Butler, de Lauretis, Foucault et Hall. ?Enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles? St?fany Boisvert Cette communication proposera une r?flexion sur le potentiel de la th?orie queer pour le renouvellement des ?tudes de genre (gender studies) portant sur la t?l?vision. L?approche queer est ici d?finie comme une approche fondamentalement critique et anti-essentialiste qui vise ? questionner, d?naturaliser, subvertir et probl?matiser les savoirs normatifs ainsi que les conceptions fixes et binaires des identit?s et sexualit?s (Sullivan 2003 ; Chambers 2009 ; Joyrich, 2014). Partant de cette d?finition, je montrerai comment l?approche des queer television studies permet de surmonter un ?cueil encore fr?quent, soit celui d?une lecture ? binaire ? des repr?sentations t?l?visuelles, tout en mobilisant plus concr?tement une approche intersectionnelle. Afin de r?fl?chir au potentiel d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles, je ferai r?f?rence ? certains de mes r?cents projets de recherche, lesquels avaient pour objectif d?analyser les repr?sentations de personnages non-binaires et trans dans certaines s?ries t?l?vis?es r?centes, mais aussi de mieux comprendre les m?canismes de r?ception reli?s ? l?inclusion de personnages LGBTQ+ dans des fictions t?l?visuelles. Ces recherches permettront ainsi d?aborder les enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques reli?s ? la mobilisation des queer studies, que ce soit dans le cadre d?une analyse qualitative de contenu ou d?une ethnographie en ligne. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. 9 avril 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : ?tudier la migration ? de l?ethnographie ? la recherche collaborative ?Conditions ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques d?une ethnographie de migrant.e.s blanc.he.s? Claire Cosquer Je reviendrai dans cette communication des conditions ?thiques et ?pist?mologiques de l?ethnographie des migrations fran?aises ? Abu Dhabi (?mirats arabes unis). Cette ethnographie analysait en particulier la position de ces migrant.e.s dans les rapports sociaux de race, en l?appr?hendant par le concept de blanchit?. La communication explorera les avantages et les tensions m?thodologiques associ?s ? l?usage de l?entretien biographique et de l?observation non-d?clar?e, en prenant au s?rieux leur sp?cificit? et leur plus-value ?pist?mologique respectives, mais ?galement en nuan?ant leur opposition terme ? terme. J?y r?fl?chis ? l?indissociabilit? des choix ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques, en ce qu?il n?est pas de parti pris ?thique qui n?ait de cons?quence ?pist?mologique, et inversement. ?Recherche collaborative et approches f?ministes : apports et tensions de la recherche par, pour et avec les femmes? Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau Dans le cadre du s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes organis? par le CRICIS et le LabSIC, je propose d?aborder les enjeux m?thodologiques et ?thiques qui caract?risent la recherche collaborative f?ministe men?e par, pour et avec les femmes. Ces enjeux concernent l?ensemble des ?tapes de la recherche; de la d?finition des objectifs, ? la diffusion des r?sultats, en passant par la construction des outils de collecte et l?analyse des donn?es. Au c?ur de cette communication, je m?attarderai aux d?fis li?s ? l?importance de reconnaitre et de valoriser les diff?rents types de savoirs, ? la n?cessit? d?identifier et de nommer les relations de pouvoir et ? l?engagement visant ? s?assurer que les apports et retomb?es de la recherche collaborative f?ministe profitent ? toutes les actrices de la d?marche. ? travers quelques exemples de projets de recherche, j?illustrerai de plus les enjeux sp?cifiques qui caract?risent la recherche collaborative avec les femmes immigrantes et r?fugi?es. Si cette communication propose des pistes de r?flexion sur la posture de la personne chercheuse, elle s?int?resse aussi aux principales actrices de la recherche collaborative f?ministe : les professionnel.lle.s des groupes partenaires, les intervenant.e.s et les femmes elles-m?mes, actrices au c?ur de ces d?marches. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. 21 mai 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : M?thodologies et d?colonisation : enjeux, d?bats et outils ?Queeritude d?coloniale. Quels objets, quelles possibilit?s ?? Sandeep Bakshi Visant ? ouvrir le champ d?colonial et les ?tudes queer aux possibilit?s d?une lecture crois?e, cette pr?sentation prend appui sur deux th?ories, deux analytiques v?ritables d??tudes critiques ?uvrant pour la transformation des relations sociales tout en relevant l?absence d?articulation d?un cadre de queeritude d?coloniale. Il convient de souligner que les deux outils th?oriques ne peuvent s?ignorer pendant longtemps car m?me si les deux champs de recherche demeurent rigoureusement disciplinaires, voire disciplin?s, les possibilit?s de croisement restent souvent nombreuses et mal exploit?es. Situant les questions sur le positionnement ?thique de la recherche et les objets de recherche dans le cadre ?pist?mologique, l?exemple phare de cette pr?sentation tend vers une analyse g?o-culturelle, aspirant ? formuler une critique du mouvement queer indien domin? par l??lite et la langue anglaise ? une des six langues imp?riales dans le monde, selon les ?tudes d?coloniales. En se d?centrant de la langue anglaise, cette recherche amende l??quilibre des pratiques culturelles queer indiennes de fa?on ? renouveler la probl?matique queer dans la r?gion. Cette approche interdisciplinaire embrasse ? la fois les grilles de lecture ?tablies par les th?ories queer et d?coloniales dans le but de proposer des outils pour une critique d?coloniale des ?nonciations transnationales de queeritude. ?Ignorance ?pist?mique, vuln?rabilit? et participation? Na?ma Hamrouni Plus d?informations ? venir. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From m.flisfeder at Sun Mar 14 10:38:13 2021 From: m.flisfeder at (Matthew Flisfeder) Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2021 16:38:13 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Reminder CFP: What does the algorithm want? Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Matthew Flisfeder Subject: Reminder CFP: What does the algorithm want? Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2021 16:38:13 +0000 Size: 56827 URL: From ggow at Sun Mar 14 11:37:27 2021 From: ggow at (Gordon Gow) Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2021 11:37:27 -0600 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Upcoming webinar - Communications policy and power: relational sovereignty with Dr. Sara Bannerman Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Communications policy and power: relational sovereignty with Dr. Sara Bannerman, Canada Research Chair in Communication Policy and Governance, McMaster University Online Wednesday, March 17 at 11:30-12:30 Mountain Time. Hosted by Digital Synergies and Media & Technology Studies at the University of Alberta Dr. Bannerman will discuss the power relations embedded in communication and law and policy: the ways that freedom of expression, intellectual property, defamation, and privacy law have historically and internationally fostered both imperialism and platform imperialism. In part two, she will discuss the concepts of relational autonomy and relational sovereignty. The concept of relational sovereignty is useful for describing the forms of complex sovereignty that states hold today. As a normative concept, however, relational sovereignty would require significant restructuring, to redraw the circuitry of the historically unequal relations that communications and media law has sustained. Finally, she will discuss what communications scholars bring to the study of communication policy and law. Sara Bannerman, Canada Research Chair in Communication Policy and Governance, is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at McMaster University. She researches and teaches on communication policy and governance and directs McMaster?s Communications Governance Observatory. Dr. Bannerman has published three books: Canadian Communication Policy and Law (Canadian Scholars, 2020), International Copyright and Access to Knowledge (Cambridge University Press, 2016), and The Struggle for Canadian Copyright: Imperialism to Internationalism, 1842-1971 (UBC Press, 2013). She has published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on communication policy, privacy, international copyright, and other topics in new media, traditional media, and communications theory in journals such as Communication Theory, New Political Economy, the Canadian Journal of Communication, Futures, and Information, Communication & Society. Mar 17, 2021 11:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Register on Zoom in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gordon A. Gow, PhD Professor, Sociology/Media & Technology Studies Graduate Coordinator, Communications and Technology Graduate Program (MACT) Adjunct Professor, Peter Lougheed Leadership College University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada The University of Alberta is located in ???????????? (Amiskwac?w?skahikan) on Treaty 6 territory and the territory of the Papaschase and the M?tis Nation -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Colette.Brin at Wed Mar 17 06:36:56 2021 From: Colette.Brin at (Colette Brin) Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 12:36:56 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Journalisme=2C_m=E9dias_sociaux_et_?= =?windows-1252?q?int=E9r=EAt_public=2E_Enqu=EAte_aupr=E8s_de_393_journali?= =?windows-1252?q?stes_qu=E9b=E9cois?= In-Reply-To: References: , , , Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, L?ouvrage de Judith Dubois, professeure de journalisme ? l?UQ?M, est disponible en librairie d?s aujourd?hui. Vous pouvez aussi le commander en ?dition papier ou num?rique sur le site des Presses de l?Universit? Laval. Le Centre d??tudes sur les m?dias (en particulier Jean Charron et S?bastien Charlton) ainsi que l?UQ?M ont soutenu la production de cet ouvrage. Bonne lecture! Colette [id:image001.png at 01D22B1B.78159F40] Colette Brin Professeure titulaire et directrice du Centre d??tudes sur les m?dias D?partement d'information et de communication T?l.: (418) 656-2131, poste 406736 Courriel : colette.brin at Publications en libre acc?s sur CorpusUL Avant d'imprimer, pensez ? l'environnement. [id:image002.png at 01D22B1B.78159F40] Avis relatif ? la confidentialit? Ce message contient des renseignements qui peuvent ?tre confidentiels ou prot?g?s. Il s'adresse au destinataire pr?vu ou ? une personne autoris?e ? le recevoir en son nom. Si vous l'avez re?u par erreur, nous vous prions d'en informer l'auteur dans les meilleurs d?lais, de ne pas divulguer son contenu et de le supprimer de votre syst?me. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 282 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.png Type: image/png Size: 2971 bytes Desc: image002.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image003.png Type: image/png Size: 121 bytes Desc: image003.png URL: From Tanner.Mirrlees at Wed Mar 17 07:11:11 2021 From: Tanner.Mirrlees at (Tanner Mirrlees) Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 13:11:11 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Canada Research Chair Tier II in Indigenous Studies at The University of Waterloo Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] New position: Canada Research Chair Tier II in Indigenous Studies, Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts, at the The University of Waterloo. From rbuiani at Wed Mar 17 07:40:19 2021 From: rbuiani at (roberta buiani) Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 09:40:19 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Invitation: ArtSci Salon/LASER TO Thursday, March 25, 10 am - Inside Dogma Lab - exploring new ecologies - with Benjamin Bacon & Vivian Xu Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] FYI, apologies for repeats best Roberta [cid:04B7498B-6B97-44E4-9A6D-099072841055] Benjamin Bacon & Vivian Xu - Inside Dogma Lab - exploring new ecologies Thursday, March 25 10 am EST, 4 pm GST, 10 pm CST This session will stream on Zoom and Youtube Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. see more here: or on facebook: Description This ArtSci Salon /LASER morning event is inspired by the NewONE, Learning without borders, a program at the University of Toronto dedicated to interdisciplinary pedagogies and ecological learning experiences. Art technology and science are waved together and inform each other. The arts here are not simply used to illustrate or to narrate, but to transmit, and make sense of complexity without falling into given disciplinary and instrumental containers. The artistic medium becomes simultaneously a catalyst for interrogating nature and a new research tools able to display and communicate its complexity. With this event, we welcome interdisciplinary artists Benjamin Bacon and Vivian Xu. Their transdisciplinary design lab, the Dogma Lab (, not only combines a diverse range of mediums (including software, hardware, networked systems, online platforms, raw data, biomaterials and living organisms), but also considers ?the entanglement of technological systems with other realities, including surveillance, sensory, bodily, environmental, and living systems. They are interested in complex hybrid networks that bridge the digital with the physical and biological realms, speculating on possible synthesized futures?. Their research outcomes both individually and collectively have taken the form of interfaces, wearables, toolkits, machines, musical instruments, compositions and performances, public installations, architectural spectacles and educational programs. Situated in China, they have an invested interest in understanding and participating in local design, technology and societal discourse, as well how China as a local actor affects the dynamic of the larger global system. Bios Benjamin Bacon is an inter-disciplinary artist, designer and musician that works at the intersection of computational design, networked systems, data, sound, installation and mechanical sculpture. He is currently Associate Professor of Media and Art and Director of Signature Work at Duke Kunshan University. He is also a lifetime fellow at V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam, Netherlands. He has exhibited or performed his work in the USA, Europe, Iran, and China such as the National Art Museum of China (Beijing), Gallery Ho (NYC), Wave Gotik Treffen (Germany), Chelsea Museum (NYC), Millennium Museum (Beijing), Plug-In Gallery (Switzerland), Beijing Design Week, Shenzhen Bay Science Technology and Arts Festival, the Shanghai Symphony Hall. Most recently his mechanical life and AI sculpture PROBE - AVERSO SPECILLO DI DUCENDUM was collected by the UNArt Center in Shanghai, China. Vivian Xu is a Beijing-born media artist, designer, researcher and educator. Her work explores the boundaries between bio and electronic media in creating new forms of machine logic, speculative life and sensory systems often taking the form of objects, machines, installations and wearable. Her work has been presented at various institutions in China, the US, Europe and Australia. She is an Assistant Professor of Media and Arts at Duke Kunshan University. She has lectured, held research positions at various institutions including Parsons New School for Design, New York University Shanghai, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). this event is hosted by ArtSci Salon @ The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, the NewOne @ UofT and is part of Leonardo/ISAST LASER TALKS. LASER is a program of international gatherings that bring artists, scientists, humanists and technologists together for informal presentations, performances and conversations with the wider public. The mission of the LASERs is to encourage contribution to the cultural environment of a region by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and opportunities for community building to over 40 cities around the world. To learn more about how our LASER Hosts and to visit a LASER near you please visit our website: @lasertalks roberta buiani -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: dogma new time-8.png Type: image/png Size: 434271 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hubner.lena_alexandra at Wed Mar 17 09:38:34 2021 From: hubner.lena_alexandra at (=?UTF-8?Q?Lena_Alexandra_H=C3=BCbner?=) Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 11:38:34 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?b?UHJvY2hhaW4gc8OpbWluYWlyZSDCq0dlbnJlKHMp?= =?utf-8?b?IGV0IG3DqXRob2Rlc8K7IChDUklDSVMgJiBMYWJTSUMpOiAyMy8wNCAi?= =?utf-8?q?=C3=89tudier_la_migration_=3A_de_l=E2=80=99ethnographie_?= =?utf-8?q?=C3=A0_la_recherche_collaborative=22?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour ? toutes et ? tous, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que la premi?re s?ance ? D?construire le genre et d?autres rapports de minoration en ?tudes t?l?visuelles ? du s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM) co-organis?e par le LabSIC (Laboratoire des Sciences de l?information et de la communication, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) et le CRICIS (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t?, Qu?bec, Canada) le vendredi 12 mars 2021 est d?sormais en ligne sur le site web du CRICIS. Un grand merci aux participant?e?s. Nous attirons par ailleurs votre attention sur la date de la deuxi?me s?ance qui aura finalement lieu le vendredi 23 avril 2021 (au lieu du 9 avril 2021). Programmation : 23 avril 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : ?tudier la migration : de l?ethnographie ? la recherche collaborative * Claire Cosquer (ICM-Ined) : ?Conditions ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques d?une ethnographie de migrante?s blanc?he?s? * Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau (UQ?M ? GERACII) : ?Recherche collaborative et approches f?ministes : apports et tensions de la recherche par, pour et avec les femmes?. 21 mai 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : M?thodologies et d?colonisation : enjeux, d?bats et outils * Sandeep Bakshi (Universit? de Paris - LARCA) : ?Queeritude d?coloniale. Quels objets, quelles possibilit?s ?? * Na?ma Hamrouni (UQTR ? CRIDAQ) : ?Rechercher pour r?parer - desiderata en vue d?une ?thique f?ministe de la recherche? Vous trouverez le descriptif complet et les r?sum?s des interventions ci-dessous. L?ensemble des s?minaires aura lieu sur Zoom. Ils sont gratuits et ouverts ? toutes et ? tous sous r?serve d?inscription pour recevoir le lien : cricis at (SVP mentionnez le nom et la date du ou des s?minaire(s) au(x)quel(s) vous souhaitez participer). Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site web du CRICIS / du LabSIC. Au plaisir de vous retrouver, L?na H?bner et H?l?ne Bourdeloie Lena Alexandra H?bner ?tudiante au doctorat conjoint en communication (UQAM, UdeM, Concordia) Coordonnatrice des activit?s scientifiques du CRICIS Charg?e de cours ? l'?cole des m?dias Genre(s) et m?thodes Co-organis? par le LabSIC (Laboratoire des Sciences de l?information et de la communication, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) et le CRICIS (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t?, Qu?bec, Canada), le s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM) s?attache ? ?tudier les questions f?ministes, intersectionnelles et de genre(s) en termes de m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies. Concept transdisciplinaire fluide et non fig?, le genre ? ou les genres, pour ?chapper ? un fonctionnement social binaire ? a fait l?objet de travaux qui, en proposant un d?centrement radical, ont transform? le paysage des sciences sociales et humaines tout au long du XXe si?cle. Ce s?minaire a pour objectif de proposer un espace pour discuter des apports de ces ?tudes ? la pratique scientifique. Nous y discutons des fa?ons de faire de la recherche lorsqu?on travaille sur le(s) genre(s), de ses / leurs articulations avec d?autres formes de minoration, et du pouvoir critique de cet outil pour d?sessentialiser le monde social. Cherchant ? soustraire la r?flexion ? la pens?e universaliste, nous y d?centrons les regards pour aborder les questions de luttes, de r?sistances, ? l?exemple de celles de corps racis?s qui subissent diff?rents rapports de domination. Nous r?fl?chissons ? la fa?on dont sont op?r?s les d?centrements des concepts et aux d?marches mises en ?uvre pour d?construire les normes dominantes sur les identit?s de genre, les sexualit?s et d?autres rapports de pouvoir comme la classe ou la race. Pluriels, les questionnements portent sur la capacit? ? penser le positionnement de la chercheuse ou du chercheur, son engagement, sa subjectivit?, le d?voilement de biais en termes de production ou d?interpr?tation de donn?es, la r?flexivit? sur ces biais en tant que ressources heuristiques, ?pist?miques ou politiques, les questions ?thiques soulev?es par des objets per?us comme impurs, ou encore l?historiographie ou l?analyse du caract?re genr? d?un objet ou d?un dispositif d?enqu?te? Il s?av?re pertinent de mettre au jour et d?analyser les fa?ons dont le(s) genre(s) ? ainsi que les concepts qui lui / leur sont rattach?(s) ? sont travaill?s et reconstruits par le terrain? Enfin, cet espace de dialogue a aussi pour vocation d?interroger la possible singularit? des m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies des approches par le genre et des ?tudes f?ministes et intersectionnelles. Ce s?minaire met en lumi?re des travaux s?inscrivant dans les champs des m?dias et de la communication, et plus largement en sciences humaines et sociales (sociologie, histoire, anthropologie, sciences politiques ou philosophie?). Programmation 12 mars 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : D?construire le genre et d?autres rapports de minoration en ?tudes t?l?visuelles ?Du genre ? l??cran : m?thodologies crois?es pour analyser les repr?sentations des rapports sociaux de genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es fran?aises? Sarah L?cossais Afin d?interroger les dynamiques de repr?sentation du genre dans les s?ries t?l?vis?es, je propose de travailler aussi bien sur les contenus (analyse de corpus) qu?? partir d?entretiens avec des sc?naristes. Apr?s avoir rappel? ce qui m?a amen?e ? enqu?ter sur les objets longtemps m?pris?s que sont les s?ries fran?aises, je pr?senterai donc dans cette communication les enjeux de l?articulation de ces deux m?thodologies et le d?veloppement d?une approche f?ministe des politiques des repr?sentations (Hall, 2008). En termes th?oriques, mes recherches s?appuient ainsi sur une conception du genre comme performance it?rative (Butler, 2006) dont la repr?sentation est la construction (de Lauretis, 2007). Les s?ries peuvent alors ?tre entendues comme ? territoires du genre ? (L?cossais, 2020), via une relecture de Butler, de Lauretis, Foucault et Hall. ?Enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles? St?fany Boisvert Cette communication proposera une r?flexion sur le potentiel de la th?orie queer pour le renouvellement des ?tudes de genre (gender studies) portant sur la t?l?vision. L?approche queer est ici d?finie comme une approche fondamentalement critique et anti-essentialiste qui vise ? questionner, d?naturaliser, subvertir et probl?matiser les savoirs normatifs ainsi que les conceptions fixes et binaires des identit?s et sexualit?s (Sullivan 2003 ; Chambers 2009 ; Joyrich, 2014). Partant de cette d?finition, je montrerai comment l?approche des queer television studies permet de surmonter un ?cueil encore fr?quent, soit celui d?une lecture ? binaire ? des repr?sentations t?l?visuelles, tout en mobilisant plus concr?tement une approche intersectionnelle. Afin de r?fl?chir au potentiel d?une queerisation des ?tudes t?l?visuelles, je ferai r?f?rence ? certains de mes r?cents projets de recherche, lesquels avaient pour objectif d?analyser les repr?sentations de personnages non-binaires et trans dans certaines s?ries t?l?vis?es r?centes, mais aussi de mieux comprendre les m?canismes de r?ception reli?s ? l?inclusion de personnages LGBTQ+ dans des fictions t?l?visuelles. Ces recherches permettront ainsi d?aborder les enjeux ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques reli?s ? la mobilisation des queer studies, que ce soit dans le cadre d?une analyse qualitative de contenu ou d?une ethnographie en ligne. Lien vers l'enregistrement de la s?ance. 23 avril 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : ?tudier la migration ? de l?ethnographie ? la recherche collaborative ?Conditions ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques d?une ethnographie de migrant.e.s blanc.he.s? Claire Cosquer Je reviendrai dans cette communication des conditions ?thiques et ?pist?mologiques de l?ethnographie des migrations fran?aises ? Abu Dhabi (?mirats arabes unis). Cette ethnographie analysait en particulier la position de ces migrant.e.s dans les rapports sociaux de race, en l?appr?hendant par le concept de blanchit?. La communication explorera les avantages et les tensions m?thodologiques associ?s ? l?usage de l?entretien biographique et de l?observation non-d?clar?e, en prenant au s?rieux leur sp?cificit? et leur plus-value ?pist?mologique respectives, mais ?galement en nuan?ant leur opposition terme ? terme. J?y r?fl?chis ? l?indissociabilit? des choix ?pist?mologiques et ?thiques, en ce qu?il n?est pas de parti pris ?thique qui n?ait de cons?quence ?pist?mologique, et inversement. ?Recherche collaborative et approches f?ministes : apports et tensions de la recherche par, pour et avec les femmes? Caterine Bourassa-Dansereau Dans le cadre du s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes organis? par le CRICIS et le LabSIC, je propose d?aborder les enjeux m?thodologiques et ?thiques qui caract?risent la recherche collaborative f?ministe men?e par, pour et avec les femmes. Ces enjeux concernent l?ensemble des ?tapes de la recherche; de la d?finition des objectifs, ? la diffusion des r?sultats, en passant par la construction des outils de collecte et l?analyse des donn?es. Au c?ur de cette communication, je m?attarderai aux d?fis li?s ? l?importance de reconnaitre et de valoriser les diff?rents types de savoirs, ? la n?cessit? d?identifier et de nommer les relations de pouvoir et ? l?engagement visant ? s?assurer que les apports et retomb?es de la recherche collaborative f?ministe profitent ? toutes les actrices de la d?marche. ? travers quelques exemples de projets de recherche, j?illustrerai de plus les enjeux sp?cifiques qui caract?risent la recherche collaborative avec les femmes immigrantes et r?fugi?es. Si cette communication propose des pistes de r?flexion sur la posture de la personne chercheuse, elle s?int?resse aussi aux principales actrices de la recherche collaborative f?ministe : les professionnel.lle.s des groupes partenaires, les intervenant.e.s et les femmes elles-m?mes, actrices au c?ur de ces d?marches. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. 21 mai 2021, 9h-12h au Qu?bec et 15h-18h en France : M?thodologies et d?colonisation : enjeux, d?bats et outils ?Queeritude d?coloniale. Quels objets, quelles possibilit?s ?? Sandeep Bakshi Visant ? ouvrir le champ d?colonial et les ?tudes queer aux possibilit?s d?une lecture crois?e, cette pr?sentation prend appui sur deux th?ories, deux analytiques v?ritables d??tudes critiques ?uvrant pour la transformation des relations sociales tout en relevant l?absence d?articulation d?un cadre de queeritude d?coloniale. Il convient de souligner que les deux outils th?oriques ne peuvent s?ignorer pendant longtemps car m?me si les deux champs de recherche demeurent rigoureusement disciplinaires, voire disciplin?s, les possibilit?s de croisement restent souvent nombreuses et mal exploit?es. Situant les questions sur le positionnement ?thique de la recherche et les objets de recherche dans le cadre ?pist?mologique, l?exemple phare de cette pr?sentation tend vers une analyse g?o-culturelle, aspirant ? formuler une critique du mouvement queer indien domin? par l??lite et la langue anglaise ? une des six langues imp?riales dans le monde, selon les ?tudes d?coloniales. En se d?centrant de la langue anglaise, cette recherche amende l??quilibre des pratiques culturelles queer indiennes de fa?on ? renouveler la probl?matique queer dans la r?gion. Cette approche interdisciplinaire embrasse ? la fois les grilles de lecture ?tablies par les th?ories queer et d?coloniales dans le but de proposer des outils pour une critique d?coloniale des ?nonciations transnationales de queeritude. ?Rechercher pour r?parer - desiderata en vue d'une ?thique f?ministe de la recherche? Na?ma Hamrouni Dans Moral Repair, Reconstructing Moral Relations After Wrongdoing (2006), la philosophe Margaret Urban Walker propose une th?orie de la justice r?paratrice guid?e par l?exigence de r?parer les relations morales intergroupes d?grad?es par une histoire de violence, d?exploitation et d?oppression. Dans cette pr?sentation exploratoire, nous proposons de poser les premi?res bases d?une approche ?thique f?ministe de la recherche qui s?inscrirait dans un paradigme de justice r?paratrice. Lien vers l'?v?nement Facebook. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tanner.Mirrlees at Wed Mar 17 10:23:43 2021 From: Tanner.Mirrlees at (Tanner Mirrlees) Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 16:23:43 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?CCA_Executive_and_Board_open_letter_in_sup?= =?utf-8?q?port_of_the_BCSA_/_Lettre_ouverte_de_l=27ex=C3=A9cutif_et_du_co?= =?utf-8?q?nseil_d=27administration_de_la_CCA_en_faveur_de_la_BCSA?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear CCA members, The CCA executive and the Members-at-Large would like to re-share our open letter in support of the Black Canadian Studies Association's decision not to participate in Congress 2021. We initially published and circulated the letter on February 26th, but we've been informed that some CCA members did not yet receive the letter, so we are resharing it now. Please share the letter far and wide! (letter text below, and pdf attachment to follow) Best wishes, Tanner (on behalf of the CCA executive and board) Chers membres de la CCA, L'ex?cutif de la CCA et les membres ? titre individuel aimeraient partager ? nouveau notre lettre d'appui ? la d?cision de l'Association des ?tudes canadiennes noires de ne pas participer au Congr?s 2021. Nous avons initialement publi? et distribu? la lettre le 26 f?vrier, mais nous avons ?t? inform?s que certains membres de la CCA n'ont pas encore re?u la lettre, donc nous la partageons ? nouveau maintenant. Merci de la diffuser largement! (texte de la lettre ci-dessous, et pi?ce jointe en pdf ? suivre)? Meilleurs voeux, Tanner (au nom de l'ex?cutif et du conseil d'administration de la CCA) --- February 25 2021 Open Letter to the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) Dear FHSS Leadership: We, on the Executive and Board of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA), would like to express our support for the BCSA?s decision not to participate in the 2021 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) annual conference. We think the BCSA?s two demands were important and reasonable, as it is incumbent upon the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) and all associations to ensure Congress is an accessible, inclusive and safe space for BIPOC colleagues. We also applaud the BCSA?s efforts to raise consciousness about anti-Black racism and the important work it does to challenge racism in Canada. We recognize that the FHSS recently decided to meet the BCSA?s demands, but we are disappointed that it initially refused to do so and that this action followed the BCSA?s decision to no longer participate in Congress 2021. Had the FHSS met the BCSA?s demands, this unfortunate situation could have been avoided, and Congress 2021 would still have the benefit of being enriched by the BCSA?s presence and contribution. We know that the FHSS has publicly apologized to the BCSA ?for not doing enough to give the BCSA confidence? in its ?commitment to fight anti-Black racism.? We are heartened by the FHSS?s pledge to make Congress more ?equitable, accessible, and inclusive?, to prioritize ?Black and Indigenous experience and scholarship in Canada,? and to work toward ?a future face-to-face Congress theme centered on this, building on the advocacy of the BCSA and developed in consultation with Black scholars, First Nations, Inuit and M?tis scholars and communities, and with scholarly associations.? We are pleased that the FHSS has waived Congress 2021 fees ?for students who self-identify as Black or Indigenous? and will provide complimentary ?community passes for members of the general public who self identify as Black or Indigenous.? Moving forward, we encourage the FHSS to engage in substantive continuous dialogue with the BCSA and all Congress member associations with the goal of foregrounding scholarship and action oriented to eliminating racism in Canada. We hope that this process, and the ongoing work of the Congress Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (CACEDID), will bring about positive institutional reforms. We will monitor the situation carefully in the years ahead. We recognize that some additional associations and their members have opted to not participate in Congress 2021. While we respect the decisions made by other associations, the CCA will proceed with its plan to hold its annual conference as part of Congress 2021, at least in part because we are going to address last year's theme and don't want to miss the opportunity to do so. Last year, the CCA executive and Board decided to carry the Congress 2020 theme of ?Confronting Colonialism and Anti-Black Racism? forward to Congress 2021 in our Call for Papers alongside the important ?Northern Relations? theme. All papers from last year, including a series of panels and numerous individual papers on the topic of racism in communication studies and in the broader mediascapes of Canada, were automatically accepted. The keynote from last year?s annual conference was re-invited to join us this year, and agreed to do so. The CCA executive and Board want to emphasize that research on communication, media, digital technology and racism will always be encouraged and showcased by CCA?s annual conference, regardless of Congress?s annual ?theme.? Over the past three years, ?Race, Ethnicity and Media,? ?Representation, Identity and Culture?, "Black Communication and Media Studies,? and ?Empire, Colonialism and Communications,? were added as permanent topic clusters in the CCA?s annual conference, and our 2021 Conference programme includes over seventy papers that engage these and related topics. We recognize our ongoing responsibility to ensure that this programming will continue to be part of future CCA conferences, and we are immensely proud of the tremendously important research CCA members continue to achieve in these areas. Sincerely, Tanner Mirrlees, President CCA On behalf of the CCA Executive and Board (Members-at-Large) -- 25 f?vrier 2021 Lettre ouverte ? la F?d?ration des sciences humaines et sociales (FHSS) Chers dirigeants de la FHSS : Nous, membres de l'ex?cutif et du conseil d'administration de l'Association canadienne de communication (ACC), souhaitons exprimer notre soutien ? la d?cision de la BCSA de ne pas participer ? la conf?rence annuelle du Congr?s des sciences humaines et sociales (CHSS) de 2021. Nous pensons que les deux demandes du BCSA ?taient importantes et raisonnables, car il incombe ? la F?d?ration des sciences humaines et sociales (FHSS) et ? toutes les associations de veiller ? ce que le Congr?s soit un espace accessible, inclusif et s?r pour les coll?gues du BIPOC. Nous applaudissons ?galement les efforts du BCSA pour sensibiliser au racisme anti-Noir et l'important travail qu'il accomplit pour lutter contre le racisme au Canada. Nous reconnaissons que la FHSS a r?cemment d?cid? de r?pondre aux demandes du BCSA, mais nous sommes d??us qu'elle ait initialement refus? de le faire et que cette action fasse suite ? la d?cision du BCSA de ne plus participer au Congr?s 2021. Si la FHSS avait satisfait aux exigences de la BCSA, cette situation regrettable aurait pu ?tre ?vit?e et le Congr?s 2021 aurait encore l'avantage d'?tre enrichi par la pr?sence et la contribution de la BCSA. Nous savons que la FHSS a pr?sent? des excuses publiques au BCSA "pour ne pas avoir fait assez pour donner confiance au BCSA" dans son "engagement ? lutter contre le racisme anti-Noir". Nous sommes encourag?s par la promesse de la FHSS de rendre le Congr?s plus "?quitable, accessible et inclusif", de donner la priorit? ? "l'exp?rience et la recherche des Noirs et des autochtones au Canada" et de travailler ? "un futur th?me de Congr?s centr? sur cette question, en s'appuyant sur le plaidoyer de la BCSA et d?velopp? en consultation avec des universitaires noirs, des universitaires et des communaut?s des Premi?res nations, inuits et m?tis, et avec des associations savantes". Nous sommes heureux que la FHSS ait renonc? aux droits d'inscription au Congr?s 2021 "pour les ?tudiants qui s'identifient comme Noirs ou indig?nes" et fournira des "laissez-passer communautaires gratuits pour les membres du grand public qui s'identifient comme Noirs ou indig?nes". Pour l'avenir, nous encourageons la FHSS ? s'engager dans un dialogue substantiel et continu avec la BCSA et toutes les associations membres du Congr?s dans le but de mettre en avant les bourses d'?tudes et les actions visant ? ?liminer le racisme au Canada. Nous esp?rons que ce processus, ainsi que le travail en cours du Comit? consultatif du Congr?s sur l'?quit?, la diversit?, l'inclusion et la d?colonisation (CACEDID), permettra d'aboutir ? des r?formes institutionnelles positives. Nous suivrons attentivement la situation dans les ann?es ? venir. Nous reconnaissons que certaines associations suppl?mentaires et leurs membres ont choisi de ne pas participer au Congr?s 2021. Tout en respectant les d?cisions prises par d'autres associations, la CCA poursuivra son projet de tenir sa conf?rence annuelle dans le cadre du Congr?s 2021, au moins en partie parce que nous allons aborder le th?me de l'ann?e derni?re et que nous ne voulons pas manquer l'occasion de le faire. L'ann?e derni?re, le comit? ex?cutif et le conseil d'administration de la CCA ont d?cid? de faire figurer le th?me du Congr?s 2020 "Confronter le colonialisme et le racisme anti-noir" dans notre appel ? communications, ? c?t? de l'important th?me des "relations avec le Nord", pour le Congr?s 2021. Tous les documents de l'ann?e derni?re, y compris une s?rie de panels et de nombreux documents individuels sur le th?me du racisme dans les ?tudes de communication et dans le paysage m?diatique plus large du Canada, ont ?t? automatiquement accept?s. Le conf?rencier principal de la conf?rence annuelle de l'ann?e derni?re a ?t? invit? ? se joindre ? nous cette ann?e, et a accept? de le faire. La direction et le conseil d'administration de la CCA veulent souligner que la recherche sur la communication, les m?dias, la technologie num?rique et le racisme sera toujours encourag?e et mise en valeur par la conf?rence annuelle de la CCA, quel que soit le "th?me" annuel du Congr?s. Au cours des trois derni?res ann?es, "Race, ethnicit? et m?dias", "Repr?sentation, identit? et culture", "Communication noire et ?tudes m?diatiques" et "Empire, colonialisme et communications" ont ?t? ajout?s comme groupes de sujets permanents dans la conf?rence annuelle de la CCA, et notre programme de la conf?rence 2021 comprend plus de soixante-dix documents qui traitent de ces sujets et de sujets connexes. Nous sommes conscients de notre responsabilit? permanente pour garantir que ce programme continuera ? faire partie des futures conf?rences de la CCA, et nous sommes immens?ment fiers des recherches extr?mement importantes que les membres de la CCA continuent ? r?aliser dans ces domaines. Cordialement, Tanner Mirrlees, pr?sident du CCA Au nom de l'ex?cutif et du conseil d'administration de la CCA (membres ? titre individuel) From Tanner.Mirrlees at Wed Mar 17 10:29:34 2021 From: Tanner.Mirrlees at (Tanner Mirrlees) Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 16:29:34 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?iso-8859-1?q?CCA_Executive_and_Board_open_letter_i?= =?iso-8859-1?q?n_support_of_the_BCSA_/_Lettre_ouverte_de_l=27ex=E9cutif_e?= =?iso-8859-1?q?t_du_conseil_d=27administration_de_la_CCA_en_faveur_de_la_?= =?iso-8859-1?q?BCSA?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear CCA members, The CCA executive and the Members-at-Large would like to re-share our open letter in support of the Black Canadian Studies Association's decision not to participate in Congress 2021. We initially published and circulated the letter on February 26th, but we've been informed that some CCA members did not yet receive the letter, so we are resharing it now. Please share the letter far and wide! (pdf of letter attached) We'v also reposted on CCA Facebook and Twitter CCA members, please follow CCA on Twitter and Facebook! Best wishes, Tanner (on behalf of the CCA executive and board) Chers membres de la CCA, L'ex?cutif de la CCA et les membres ? titre individuel aimeraient partager ? nouveau notre lettre d'appui ? la d?cision de l'Association des ?tudes canadiennes noires de ne pas participer au Congr?s 2021. Nous avons initialement publi? et distribu? la lettre le 26 f?vrier, mais nous avons ?t? inform?s que certains membres de la CCA n'ont pas encore re?u la lettre, donc nous la partageons ? nouveau maintenant. Merci de la diffuser largement! (lettre pdf jointe) Nous l'avons ?galement publi? sur les sites Facebook et Twitter de la CCA. Membres de la CCA, veuillez suivre la CCA sur Twitter et Facebook ! Meilleurs voeux, Tanner (au nom de l'ex?cutif et du conseil d'administration de la CCA) -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CCA - Open Letter to the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 367378 bytes Desc: CCA - Open Letter to the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS).pdf URL: From alison.harvey at Thu Mar 18 07:25:20 2021 From: alison.harvey at (Alison Harvey) Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:25:20 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Design Justice: Practices for Reshaping the Future Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi all, I am pleased to invite you to a roundtable conversation with members of the Design Justice Network steering committee about projects that foster community-led design practices for more inclusive and just futures. Please share widely. Thank you, Alison ________________________________________ Design Justice: Practices for Reshaping the Future April 9, 2021- 3pm, online via Zoom (register here: Please join us for a roundtable discussion about design justice and community-led initiatives engaged in practices for reshaping the future. We are pleased to host a conversation about design justice with Sasha Costanza-Chock, Denise Shant? Brown, and Wesley Taylor, members of the steering committee of the Design Justice Network, an organization at the forefront of community-led design for social justice. The DJN is made up of designers, advocates, educators, and researchers, and is dedicated to reshaping existing practices and collaborative approaches to addressing injustices based on race, class, gender, and ability. The roundtable will explore the work of the organization and the presenters as well as challenges and opportunities posed by designed inequalities disproportionately impacting on already marginalized communities. It will include remarks from Professor Alison Harvey and responses from York and Ryerson graduate students Mina Momeni, Brianna I. Wiens, and Dayna Jeffrey. This event will include ASL interpretation. This roundtable is co-presented with the Wendy Michener Memorial Lecture and Design Justice Dialogue Series, and with the generous support of the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation, the Principal?s Office at Glendon College, the Institute for Research on Digital Literacies, Sensorium, Center for Feminist Research, the Digital Media program in the Department of Computational Art, the Joint Graduate Program in Communication and Culture at York University and Ryerson University, the Department of Design in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, the Department of Communication Studies at Keele campus, the Communications Program at Glendon College and the Department of Social Justice Education, OISE at the University of Toronto. Presenter bios: Sasha Costanza-Chock is a researcher and designer who works to support community-led processes that build shared power, move towards collective liberation, and advance ecological survival. They are known for their work on networked social movements, transformative media organizing, and design justice. Sasha is a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a Senior Research Fellow at the Algorithmic Justice League (, and a Faculty Affiliate with the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Sasha is the author of two books and numerous journal articles, book chapters, and other research publications. Their new book, Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need, was published by the MIT Press in 2020. Sasha is a board member of Allied Media Projects ( and a member of the Steering Committee of the Design Justice Network ( Wesley Taylor is a graphic designer, fine artist, musician and curator. He has spent many years ?scene building? in the Detroit hip-hop community as both an emcee and graphic designer. He is co-founder of Emergence Media, along with Invincible. Taylor?s most recent body of work revolves around the promise of the future; he imagines that ?the future? is his client and he is in charge of marketing for ?the future? and branding its many possibilities. Taylor holds a graduate degree in 2-D Design from Cranbrook Academy of Art and teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University. He also manages a five-person artists? studio collective in Detroit called Talking Dolls. Denise Shant? Brown is a holistic design strategist living in Baltimore whose life?s work centers the wellbeing and brilliance of Black womxn and folx who hold marginalized identities. Wholeheartedly and with no apologies. As the Founding Director of Black Womxn Flourish and creator of Design for the Wellbeing of Black Womxn, she has dedicated her holistic practice to actualizing liberating and vibrant futures through design. She believes that creative, hands-on healing experiences can shape possibility and embolden communities to develop the tools and strategies we need for collective wellbeing. Her processes and practices are grounded in design justice and healing justice principles, emergent strategy, nature, womanism, and the feminine economy. She holds a Masters of Arts degree in Social Design from the Maryland Institute College of Art and has designed unique health interventions, community engagement strategies, and listening session models, facilitated creative dialogue on self-compassion and mindful social practice, and conducted design-led research that emphasizes the lived experiences of the people behind the data. Respondent bios: Dayna Jeffrey is a PhD candidate in the Science & Technology Studies program at York University. Dayna received an MA in Communication and Culture from a joint program between York and Ryerson University and an Honors BA in Social Anthropology with a minor in Religious Studies from York University. Dayna?s academic passions surround techno-utopian ideology or super-intelligence. Dayna?s current work focuses on the implications of techno-utopian ideology, or transhumanist visions of the future, on the design of artificially intelligent technologies. Dayna considers how does past, present, and future inform technological design. Her theoretical approach focuses on the sociology of technological expectations and ideologies surrounding innovative technology. This builds on her MA work focusing on the controversies surrounding the development of strong AI, specifically by analysing how socio-political and economic issues are seemingly erased and yet transpire in contemporary techno-utopian discourses. Brianna I. Wiens (she/her) is a doctoral candidate in Communication and Culture at York University and co-director of the qcollaborative (, a feminist design lab. Her SSHRC-funded research draws on her experience as a mixed-race queer activist-scholar to analyze and apply feminist theories and practices, considering the possibilities and constraints of technologies and feminist methods for digital activisms. Wiens?s collaborative work has recently appeared in Feminist Media Studies, Digital Studies/Le Champ Num?rique, and Leisure Sciences, and she is a co-editor of the forthcoming collection Networked Feminist Activisms (Lexington Press 2021). Mina Momeni is a doctoral candidate in Communication and Culture at Ryerson University and a sessional lecturer at the Department of Media Studies at the University of Guelph-Humber. Her research focuses on digital media, visual culture, human-computer interaction, philosophy of technology, and political activism. Momeni is also an interdisciplinary artist, and her artwork explores the relationship between ancient culture, symbology, monuments and memories. Momeni's artwork, such as photographs, videos, multimedia and installation art have been shown in numerous group and individual exhibitions in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ddi_lab at Thu Mar 18 09:29:56 2021 From: ddi_lab at (Digital Democracies Institute) Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 15:29:56 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Kate Crawford - in conversation with Wendy Chun on April 7, about Kate's new book 'Atlas of AI' Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear all We are really thrilled to announce that registration is open for the book conversation between Kate Crawford and Wendy Chun, about Kate's new book, Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence, released just the day before the event! The virtual event hosted by the Digital Democracies Institute is on April 7th, at 3.30pm PST, and registration is through Eventbrite here. After registering, a link to the event will be emailed to you 24 hours before the event. Details about the event are also on our website here. Registrants will also receive a code for a 25% discount on the book when it is pre-ordered through Yale University Press. Event Information: Prof. Kate Crawford is a leading scholar who has spent the last decade studying the social and political implications of artificial intelligence. She holds the inaugural chair of AI and Justice at the ?cole Normale Sup?rieure in Paris, is a senior principal researcher at MSR, and an Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney. Her new book, The Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence (available here for pre-order) explores the hidden costs of artificial intelligence, from natural resources and energy to labor and data, and reveals how AI systems have saturated political life and depleted the planet. She will be discussing the themes of her book with Wendy Chun. Wendy is Simon Fraser University?s Canada 150 Research Chair in New Media, and leads the Digital Democracies Institute where researchers investigate themes of mis- and disinformation, authenticity, and counterspeech, amongst many others. The conversation will be a wonderful opportunity to hear two leading academics discuss issues that are crucial to our time, with repercussions pertinent to our lives, both online and in our communities. Don?t miss it. Please share the details widely! [cid:0f39c913-9693-4cb8-ba5b-c39ae93463b3] Amy Harris Communications & Research Coordinator | Digital Democracies Institute | School of Communication Simon Fraser University | TASC 2 Room 7807 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 | Website | Facebook | Twitter At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded Traditional Coast Salish Lands of the s?l?ilw??ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), k?ik?????m (Kwikwetlem), S?wx?w?7mesh ?xwumixw (Squamish) and x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: pastedImage.png Type: image/png Size: 1699725 bytes Desc: pastedImage.png URL: From MaddyWarlow at Thu Mar 18 10:14:13 2021 From: MaddyWarlow at (Maddy Warlow) Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 16:14:13 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Carleton University CGC Conference: Transitioning - REGISTER NOW! Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear All, On behalf of the Communication Graduate Caucus at Carleton University, we are excited to announce the official program for our 16th Annual CGC Conference: Transitioning happening this Monday March 22nd and Tuesday March 23rd. Please view the program at this link, by clicking ?CONFERENCE PROGRAM? at the top of the page: We are looking forward to an amazing virtual event, with presenters from universities across Canada. In addition, we will be joined by the wonderful Paul Taylor of FoodShare Toronto, and Dr. David Nieborg of the University of Toronto for two important keynote sessions perfectly tied to our exploration of transitioning. You can register for the event here: This ensures you are kept up to date on all important announcements and events. We cannot wait to ?see? you there, Blue Dong, Britt Greening, Holly Tyson & Maddy Warlow 2020-2021 CGC Conference Co-Chairs, Carleton University cgctransitioningconference2021 at This email contains links to content or websites. Always be cautious when clicking on external links or attachments. If in doubt, please forward suspicious emails to phishing at -----End of Disclaimer----- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arsenault.karelle at Thu Mar 18 12:23:51 2021 From: arsenault.karelle at (Arsenault, Karelle) Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 18:23:51 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Le_M=C3=A9dia_Lab_=3A_pour_des_projets_inn?= =?utf-8?q?ovants_en_m=C3=A9dias_p=C3=A9riodiques?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Cher.?res coll?gues, L??cole des m?dias de l?UQAM s?associe ? La Piscine afin de lancer le M?dia Lab, un programme d?acc?l?ration destin? aux projets innovants en m?dias p?riodiques. Le programme consiste en un stage de 2 mois qui a pour objectif d?aider des professionnel.les des m?dias p?riodiques canadiens, porteurs de projets innovants, ? d?finir et ? exp?rimenter de nouveaux mod?les d?affaires, ? d?velopper de nouveaux produits en information et ? tester de nouvelles technologies. Nous vous invitons ? parler de ce programme ? vos ?tudiantes et ?tudiants francophones de tout cycle! Le M?dia Lab est un programme pancanadien notamment soutenu par Patrimoine canadien. Le M?dia Lab se d?roulera sur une p?riode de 10 semaines. Les participantes et participants devront pr?voir du temps pour des sessions de travail individuel et collectif avec des coachs ou des experts. Au programme : * 2 mois de parcours (mai ? juin 2021) * 2 bootcamps pour 5 projets * 5 ateliers collectifs pour d?velopper le mod?le d?affaires et pr?parer le prototype * 5 blocs d?ateliers pour pr?parer le lancement de la future entreprise (ventes, marketing, ressources humaines, financement, pitch investisseur ou pitch client) * 50 heures de coaching avec un expert en strat?gie et commercialisation, ainsi qu?avec des experts m?tier m?dia, tech, etc. * 2 sessions de pitch et Demo Day devant les clients potentiels et les investisseurs Vos ?tudiantes et les ?tudiants trouveront tous les d?tails du programme ? Session d?information pr?vue le 30 mars : inscription sur Eventbrite. L??quipe du M?dia Lab esp?re recevoir des projets de partout au pays! Bien cordialement, Karelle Arsenault -------- Karelle Arsenault, Ph. D. Agente de communication et de soutien ? la recherche Facult? de communication | UQAM arsenault.karelle at [signature_courriel-Fac-Comm] [Description?: fbook] [Description?: twitt] [Description?: globe] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 3767 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.png Type: image/png Size: 2858 bytes Desc: image002.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image003.png Type: image/png Size: 2836 bytes Desc: image003.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image004.png Type: image/png Size: 2855 bytes Desc: image004.png URL: From quailc at Thu Mar 18 12:39:34 2021 From: quailc at (Quail, Christine) Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 18:39:34 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Job Posting - McMaster: Gender and Global Social Justice Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kmo at Thu Mar 18 11:48:01 2021 From: kmo at (Archive/Counter-Archive Knowledge Mobilization Officer) Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:48:01 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Fwd=3A_Apply_Now!_May_18-June_17=3A_Archiv?= =?utf-8?q?e/Counter-Archive_Summer_School_2021=3A_=E2=80=9CLocatin?= =?utf-8?q?g_Media_Archives=E2=80=9D?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] The Graduate Program in Film, Cinema and Media Studies, School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University announces: Archive/Counter-Archive Summer School 2021: "Locating Media Archives? May 18-June 17, 2021 | Tuesdays and Thursdays | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST on Zoom DEADLINE TO APPLY: MARCH 25, 2021 [Mailchimp ACA Summer School final.png] Archive/Counter-Archive Summer School 2021 is comprised of two intensives that will introduce graduate students to critical issues in activist media and archival methodologies. The Summer School will feature numerous guest speakers including artists, archivists, theorists and activists. Students are expected to attend both intensives. May 18- 27, 2021 : The Practice of Indigenous Metadata and Knowledge Organization convened by Dr. Stacy Allison-Cassin In this two week intensive, participants will explore a range of topics related to Indigenous knowledges in the context of libraries, archives, and memory and culture institutions. Participants will have an opportunity to learn from guest speakers and engage with key readings and other materials. Dr. Stacy Allison-Cassin holds a contractually-limited appointment as Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto where she teaches in the Library and Information Studies stream. She is on leave from her position as Associate Librarian, Dept. of Student Learning and Academic Success at York University Libraries. A citizen of the M?tis Nation of Ontario, Allison-Cassin works on issues related to Indigeneity, libraries and digital culture, with a specific focus on knowledge organization and metadata. Allison-Cassin recently completed her PhD in Humanities at York University. Her dissertation is on love as an information system and utilized the information theory of Niklas Luhmann and psychoanalytic theory to analyze the music of Arcade Fire. June 8-17, 2021: AIDS Activist Media Research within Canada convened by Dr. Ryan Conrad This two week intensive offers participants the opportunity to engage with the vast corpus of Canadian AIDS activist film and video, leading researchers in the field, as well as film and video makers from the early epidemic to the present. The intensive will include access to curated readings, introductions to numerous archives, video screenings, guest speakers, panels, and public lectures. Dr. Ryan Conrad is a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in the Cinema & Media Studies at York University where he is working on a manuscript entitled Radical VIHsion: Canadian AIDS Film & Video. He is also part-time faculty in the Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality program at Concordia University and the Women?s and Gender Studies program at Carleton University. He previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at Carleton University with the AIDS Activist History Project and he earned a PhD from the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture at Concordia University. He also holds an MFA from Maine College of Art and is an active film and video maker. REGISTRATION INFO: - Open to graduate students enrolled at any institution - Students are required to attend both intensives - Applications due by March 25, 2021, 5:00PM EST - Click here to apply - Please note that the Summer School capacity is limited - More information about how to enroll for course credit at your host institution will be provided upon acceptance - York students will be asked to enroll in FA5700 If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Axelle Demus at kmo at AXELLE DEMUS (they/them) ? Knowledge Mobilization Officer SSHRC Partnership Grant, Archive/Counter-Archive YORK UNIVERSITY | 2001E Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building 4700 Keele Street ? Toronto ON ? Canada M3J 1P3 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Mailchimp ACA Summer School final.png Type: image/png Size: 292922 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Archive_Counter-Archive Summer School 2021.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 376868 bytes Desc: not available URL: From celat at Fri Mar 19 14:41:42 2021 From: celat at (CELAT-UQAM) Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 20:41:42 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Colloque_CELAT_=3A_L=27articulation_des_fr?= =?utf-8?q?onti=C3=A8res_de_la_recherche_pour_les_jeunes_chercheur=2Ee=2Es?= =?utf-8?q?_=3A_entre_justice_et_inclusivit=C3=A9?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Colloque CELAT : L'articulation des fronti?res de la recherche pour les jeunes chercheur.e.s : entre justice et inclusivit? L??quipe d?organisation du colloque ?tudiant du CELAT 2021 est heureuse de vous partager le programme de l??v?nement qui se tiendra les 24 et 25 mars prochain, par zoom (inscription : celat at Programme et d?tails : L??dition 2021 du colloque ?tudiant r?unit des ?tudiantes et ?tudiants de diverses disciplines et horizons autour de questions li?es au r?le et ? l?identit? du ou de la jeune chercheur.e dans la recherche acad?mique. Cette th?matique transversale vise ? rassembler et confronter diff?rentes perspectives afin de remettre en question l?identit?, la repr?sentation, la fonction, la l?gitimit? et la responsabilit? des ?tudiant.e.s-chercheur.e.s au sein de l?Universit? et de la soci?t?. Elle a aussi pour objectif d?interroger les enjeux de la justice et de l?inclusivit? dans la recherche acad?mique. CELAT-UQAM Centre de recherche Cultures-Arts-Soci?t?s Coordinatrice : Estelle Grandbois-Bernard 279, rue Ste-Catherine Est Local DC-2210 Montr?al (Qu?bec) H2X 1L5 514-987-3000 poste 1664 Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @CelatUqam -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tanner.Mirrlees at Fri Mar 19 15:03:53 2021 From: Tanner.Mirrlees at (Tanner Mirrlees) Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 21:03:53 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Message_to_Federation_members_regar?= =?windows-1252?q?ding_Congress_2021_-_Message_aux_membres_de_la_F=E9d=E9r?= =?windows-1252?q?ation_concernant_le_Congr=E8s_2021?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear colleagues, A few days ago, the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) invited the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) to share with our members, a dossier of updates pertaining to what it has done and is committed to do to challenge anti-Black racism and support equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization, inside and outside its institution and at the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Please see the FHSS's dossier, attached and below. All my best, Tanner Mirrlees President, CCA [] [Congress 2021 logo] Update Le fran?ais suit [View of University of Alberta Campus | Vue du campus de l'Universit? de l'Alberta] New report on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization: After months of town halls, consultations and reviews, the Congress Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization has completed its Final Report and Recommendations and will present it at the next Federation Board meeting on March 26. The Federation is committed to releasing the full report in early April. We look forward to receiving and sharing their recommendations and working with you on their implementation. * Our February 11 message committing to waive the Congress 2021 fees for students who self-identify as Black or Indigenous, to offer complimentary community passes to members of the general public who self-identify as Black or Indigenous, and to host a future, face-to-face Congress centered around Black and Indigenous experiences and scholarship in Canada. * A fact sheet about the changes we are making to confront anti-Black racism, and support equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization. * Congress 2021 videos: Produced by the University of Alberta, these videos capture the diverse and personal perspectives of University of Alberta scholars? hopes for Congress 2021 and the story behind the Congress 2021 logo. * Learn more about the theme ?Northern Relations?: * Professor Crystal Fraser?s hopes for Congress: * Doctorial candidate Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike?s hopes for Congress: * Professor Shirley-Anne Tate?s hopes for Congress: Thank you for your continued support as we remain committed to working with our entire community to create a more inclusive and diverse Congress experience. Gabriel Miller, President and CEO Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences [Logo du Congr?s 2021] Mise ? jour [View of University of Alberta Campus | Vue du campus de l'Universit? de l'Alberta] * Nouveau rapport sur l??quit?, la diversit?, l?inclusion et la d?colonisation : Apr?s des mois de s?ances de discussion ouverte, de consultations et de revues, le Comit? consultatif du Congr?s sur l??quit?, la diversit?, l?inclusion et la d?colonisation a finalis? son rapport et ses recommandations seront pr?sent?es aux membres du conseil d?administration de la F?d?ration lors de leur prochaine r?union , le 26 mars prochain. La F?d?ration s?est engag?e ? publier le rapport complet au d?but avril. Nous sommes impatients de recevoir et de transmettre leurs recommandations, et de travailler en collaboration avec vous quant ? leurs mises en oeuvre. * Notre message du 11 f?vrier dans lequel la F?d?ration s?engage ? renoncer aux frais du Congr?s 2021 pour les ?tudiants s?identifiant comme Noirs ou Autochtones, ? offrir gratuitement des laissez-passer communautaires aux membres du grand public s?identifiant comme Noirs ou Autochtones, ainsi qu?? tenir un congr?s futur, en personne, ax? sur les exp?riences noires et autochtones, et les bourses d??tudes au Canada. * Une fiche d?information relatant les changements que nous apportons afin de lutter contre le racisme anti-Noirs, et de soutenir l??quit?, la diversit?, l?inclusion et la d?colonisation. * Vid?os du Congr?s de 2021 : Produits par l?Universit? de l?Alberta, ces vid?os saisissent les points de vue diversifi?s et les espoirs de chercheurs de l?Universit? d?Alberta en vue du Congr?s 2021, ainsi que l?histoire derri?re le logo du Congr?s 2021 : * Apprenez-en davantage ? propos du th?me ? Relations nordiques ? : * Les espoirs de la professeure Crystal Fraser pour le Congr?s : * Les espoirs du candidat au doctorat Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike pour le Congr?s : * Les espoirs de la professeure Shirley-Anne Tate pour le Congr?s : Nous vous remercions de votre soutien continu dans nos efforts en vue d?atteindre notre objectif de travailler avec l?ensemble de notre communaut? pour cr?er une exp?rience plus inclusive et plus diversifi?e pour le Congr?s. Gabriel Miller, Pr?sident et Chef de la direction F?d?ration des sciences humaines Organized by | Organis? par : [Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences logo | Logo de la F?d?ration des sciences sociales] In partnership with | En partenariat avec : [University of Alberta logo | Logo de l'Universit? de l'Alberta] [Facebook] ? [Twitter] ? [LinkedIn] ? -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Message to Federation members regarding Congress 2021-Message aux membres de la F?d?ration concernant le Congr?s 2021.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 59744 bytes Desc: Message to Federation members regarding Congress 2021-Message aux membres de la F?d?ration concernant le Congr?s 2021.docx URL: From amonea at Sat Mar 20 12:42:39 2021 From: amonea at (Alexander Monea) Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2021 18:42:39 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP for Amazon Anthology Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] CFC: An Anthology about Amazon Since its founding in 1994, Amazon has steadily and inexorably become probably the most visible and easily recognized e-commerce platform in the world. Amazon websites receive nearly 2.5 trillion visits per annum, and in 2018 Amazon?s share of e-commerce activity in the US hit almost 50%. Even while Amazon has struggled to cope with the unexpected demands of the Covid-19 moment, its dominance in the US and European markets has remained unquestioned and mostly unchallenged as projections and expectations continue to be revised upwards by market analysts. During the two decades or so of its rise, has been at the forefront of the majority of Silicon Valley?s technological innovations: efforts to index the world; simplify and automate e-payments (e.g. 1-Click); facilitate e-reading (e.g. Topaz, Kindle, etc.); stream digital multimedia content (e.g. Audible, Video on Demand, Prime Video, MP3 Store); personalize the internet and implement recommendation engines; incorporate machine learning (e.g. Mechanical Sensei, Amabot); develop voice command through natural language processing (e.g. Alexa); domesticate AI devices (like Echo and the suite of similar devices hosting Alexa technology); scan the world?s books (e.g. Search Inside the Book), implement web analytics and ad sales (e.g. Clickriver); map the world?s roadways and offer street views (e.g. Block View); facilitate the gig economy (e.g. Amazon?s Mechanical Turk, Amazon Fresh); automate hiring, firing, and labor management; develop facial recognition and security software (e.g. Rekognition) for domestic, commercial and governmental use; and, perhaps most importantly, offer server services like web hosting and virtual machines for advanced computation through Amazon Web Services (AWS). For 26 years, Amazon has either been the first to imagine and implement these and other technological innovations, or has been quick to perfect its own versions of new features developed in Silicon Valley by poaching key employees from rivals, acquiring smaller companies, developing in-house versions, and throwing its weight around as the premier e-commerce platform in the United States. We are currently compiling an anthology that will try to give an account of the multifaceted?indeed, omnipresent and ubiquitous?activities and presence of Amazon. The anthology will publish original contributions by major scholars in the field, and also republish crucial or seminal articles about Amazon. And we are about to sign a contract for the anthology with a major publisher. At this moment we would like to solicit new contributions in several areas related to Amazon which we think have been undertreated in scholarship. If you have work, or would like to develop work, or can suggest work, that fits broadly into any of the following themes, please contact us to talk about it. We would want to have finished contributions by the end of 2021 and would like to receive initial communication and inquiries by April 15th. * Direct media production by Amazon and its subsidiaries * The relation of Amazon?s enterprises to on the environment and ecological issues * Amazon and race, especially in regard to Amazon?s labor practices * The story of Amazon post-Covid 19 Paul Smith, Professor of Cultural Studies & Global Affairs, George Mason U Alex Monea, Assistant Professor of English & Cultural Studies, George Mason U Maillim Santiago, Cultural Studies, George Mason U. Please email us: psmith5 at, amonea at, msantia7 at Alexander Monea Assistant Professor English | Cultural Studies George Mason University [1473787391094_GMU] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-1473787391.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 28675 bytes Desc: Outlook-1473787391.jpg URL: From jshtern at Sun Mar 21 12:32:41 2021 From: jshtern at (Jeremy Shtern) Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 14:32:41 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] T-T Position in Music Industries: School of Creative Industries, Ryerson In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi Everyone, We are hiring a tenure track professor in music industries at the School of Creative Industries, Ryerson University. Please see the recruitment blurb below and please share widely within your networks. Best, Jeremy Shtern ----- The School of Creative Industries is looking to hire a Music Industries specialist. If you are passionate about music and have a scholarly career trajectory, we want to talk to you. We are committed to the values of equity, diversity and inclusion, and wish to reflect Toronto's diverse music scene. We especially welcome candidates from Black, Indigenous and racialized communities. Click here to view the job posting. Applications are due Wednesday, April 21st. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jshtern at Sun Mar 21 12:34:18 2021 From: jshtern at (Jeremy Shtern) Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 14:34:18 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] T-T Position in Music Industries: School of Creative Industries, Ryerson In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] HI Tanner, I just wanted to explain..I cced you just in case I don't have posting rights to the CCA list at that address, if it doesn't make it on the list, I would appreciate it if you could either send me instructions or just post yourself. Hope things are going well with you...sorry for the hassle! Best, JS On Sun, 21 Mar 2021 at 14:32, Jeremy Shtern > wrote: Hi Everyone, We are hiring a tenure track professor in music industries at the School of Creative Industries, Ryerson University. Please see the recruitment blurb below and please share widely within your networks. Best, Jeremy Shtern ----- The School of Creative Industries is looking to hire a Music Industries specialist. If you are passionate about music and have a scholarly career trajectory, we want to talk to you. We are committed to the values of equity, diversity and inclusion, and wish to reflect Toronto's diverse music scene. We especially welcome candidates from Black, Indigenous and racialized communities. Click here to view the job posting. Applications are due Wednesday, April 21st. -- [] Jeremy Shtern, PhD (he/him) Associate Professor, School of Creative Industries & Graduate Program Director, The York/Ryerson Joint Graduate Program in Communication and Culture Ryerson University 416-979-5000 ext. 3301 [][] Visit the Creative Industries Website [A joint graduate program in communication and culture with Ryerson University and York University] Visit the ComCult Website -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tanner.Mirrlees at Mon Mar 22 06:40:22 2021 From: Tanner.Mirrlees at (Tanner Mirrlees) Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 12:40:22 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Tenure Track Position in Music Industries Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Hi Everyone, We are hiring a tenure track professor in music industries at the School of Creative Industries, Ryerson University. Please see the recruitment blurb below and please share widely within your networks. Best, Jeremy Shtern ----- The School of Creative Industries is looking to hire a Music Industries specialist. If you are passionate about music and have a scholarly career trajectory, we want to talk to you. We are committed to the values of equity, diversity and inclusion, and wish to reflect Toronto's diverse music scene. We especially welcome candidates from Black, Indigenous and racialized communities. Click here to view the job posting. Applications are due Wednesday, April 21st. FCAD, Creative Industries Posted: March 18, 2021 Deadline to Apply: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Tenure Track Position in Music Industries Located in downtown Toronto, the largest and most culturally diverse city in Canada and on the territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee and the Wendat Peoples, the School of Creative Industries in the Faculty of Communication and Design at Ryerson University welcomes applications for a tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor effective July 1, 2021 subject to final budgetary approval. The successful candidate will teach in the School of Creative Industries and will be one of the first faculty hired to support the new Professional Music program. As the first program of its kind in Canada, Professional Music is designed to inspire talent, enhance creativity and equip emerging artists and entrepreneurs with the skills and experience needed to excel in the modern music industry. The Assistant Professor, Music Industries will be expected to bring expertise related to music industries and markets, music culture and consumption, audience analytics, music entrepreneurship and innovation, and diversity. Their professional and/or Scholarly Research and Creative (SRC) practice will contribute to answering questions about areas such as: the future of music business and creativity models, work, dynamic labour changes affecting careers in music (ie. artists, producers, record labels, publishers, artist managers, bookers, venue managers, etc); the role of digital music platforms and formats, management and urban planning of music venues and cultural scenes, marketing and branding of music, festival organization and live music experiences, and others. The position is housed within the School of Creative Industries and the faculty member will be expected to teach courses in both Professional Music and Creative Industries. The successful candidate will engage in a combination of teaching, scholarly research or creative activity and service duties while maintaining an inclusive, equitable, and collegial work environment across all activities with the Professional Music program. The position will include teaching undergraduate courses, supervision of students? independent studies and curriculum development. The successful candidate will further pursue a strong, innovative research program or creative activity that is externally funded and that produces cutting-edge, high quality results. Successful candidates shall normally have a PhD; however equivalent credentials may also be considered. In addition, the successful candidate must present evidence of: * Innovation and thought leadership for Canada?s music industry. * Record of (or clear potential for) contributing to the field in a leadership capacity through Scholarly Research & Creativity (SRC), with potential for impactful research and external funding. * Minimum of 3 years? experience working within the music sector at a local, national and/or international level. * Teaching experience and effectiveness, as demonstrated by past post-secondary teaching experiences, student evaluations or other relevant achievements. * Commitment to our values of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion as it pertains to service, teaching, and scholarly research or creative activities, including a demonstrated ability to make learning accessible and inclusive for a diverse student population. * An ability and willingness to contribute to the life of the School of Creative Industries and the University through collegial service. Our committee recognizes that scholars have varying career paths and that career interruptions can be part of an excellent academic record. Candidates are encouraged to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions. This position falls under the jurisdiction of the Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA) ( The RFA collective agreement can be viewed here and a summary of RFA benefits can be found here. Ryerson University Serving a highly diverse student population of over 45,000, with 100+ undergraduate and graduate programs built on the integration of theoretical and practical learning and distinguished by a professionally focussed curriculum with a strong emphasis on excellence in teaching, research and creative activities, Ryerson is a vibrant, urban university known for its culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, community engagement and city-building through its award-winning architecture. Creative Industries Our school, Creative Industries offers an undergraduate program to 700 students of diverse backgrounds. The first program of its kind in North America, we cultivate students to become leaders in the discovery of creativity, business, and culture. Our interdisciplinary program develops entrepreneurial skills to innovate creative industries such as media, design, entertainment, arts and culture. Our students enter the workforce with empathy, creative confidence and diverse perspectives.Our faculty prides itself on the excellence of its research, the quality of its teaching and community engagement. We are interested in candidates who will contribute to our existing strengths in research/creativity activity and teaching through academic, professional and diverse lived experiences and perspectives. Working at Ryerson At the intersection of mind and action, Ryerson is on a transformative path to become Canada?s leading comprehensive innovation university. At Ryerson and within our department/school, we firmly believe that equity, diversity and inclusion are integral to this path; our current academic plan outlines each as core values and we work to embed them in all that we do. Dedicated to a people first culture, Ryerson is proud to have been selected as one of Canada?s Best Diversity Employers and a Greater Toronto?s Top Employer. We invite you to explore the range of benefits and supports available to faculty and their family, including access to our diverse faculty and staff networks. Visit us on Twitter: @RyersonU, @RyersonHR and @RyersonECI and our LinkedIn company page. Ryerson is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. To find out more about legal and policy obligations please visit the accessibility and Human Rights websites. Ryerson University welcomes those who have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion and will assist us to expand our capacity for diversity in the broadest sense. In addition, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment in Canada, we encourage applications from members of groups that have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including First Nations, M?tis and Inuit peoples, Indigenous peoples of North America, Black-identified persons, other racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as women and/or 2SLGBTQ+. How to Apply Applicants must submit their application online via the Faculty Recruitment Portal (click on ?Start Application Process? to begin) by April 21, 2021. The application must contain the following: * a letter of application*; * a curriculum vitae; * a statement of research interests; * a sample of your scholarly research or creative activities; * evidence of teaching experience and effectiveness; and * names and contact information of three referees. * A diversity statement, i.e. evidence of commitment to EDI that demonstrates an understanding of EDI principles and evidence of application of those EDI principles, or clearly defined plans of how EDI principles will be applied in research and teaching. * The letter of application should include identification of at least four particular courses that the applicant has the expertise and knowledge to teach within Creative Industries (CRI100, CRI200, CRI700, CRI810) and the Music Program (CRI670, CRI620, RPM401, RPM402). Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority, in accordance with Canadian immigration regulations. Candidates must therefore indicate in their application if they are a permanent resident or citizen of Canada. Contacts Any confidential inquiries about the opportunity can be directed to the DHC Chair Chris Gibbs at cgibbs at Indigenous candidates who would like to learn more about working at Ryerson University are welcome to contact Tracey King, Indigenous Human Resources Lead at t26king at Black identified candidates who wish to learn more about working at Ryerson University are welcome to contact Shurla Charles-Forbes, Black Faculty & Staff Community Network at bfscn at For any confidential accommodation needs in order to participate in the recruitment and selection process and/or inquiries regarding accessing the Faculty Recruitment Portal, please contact Alanna Neshevich, HR Advisor at alanna.neshevich at Faculty Job Postings ? From rdanisch at Mon Mar 22 10:19:37 2021 From: rdanisch at (Robert Danisch) Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:19:37 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Definite Term Lecturer - University of Waterloo, Arts First Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Definite Term Lecturers, Arts First The Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo invites applications for two positions at the rank of Lecturer, for definite-term contracts of three years beginning August 1, 2021. These positions will support a Faculty-wide initiative, ?Arts First? (, designed to help undergraduate students build foundational competencies in communication and analysis in small class settings. To highlight broad areas of research within Arts, faculty in the the Arts First program design seminars around their own interests while being guided by learning outcomes that focus on communication, collaboration, analytical thinking, and reflection. We encourage applications from candidates with PhDs in fields that are represented in the teaching and research of the departments of Sociology and Legal Studies, Communication Arts, Anthropology, Classical Studies, Philosophy, Fine Arts, Spanish and Latin American Studies, German and Slavic Studies, French Studies, Religious Studies and the Stratford School of Interaction Design and business - Moreover, aligned with the President?s Anti-Racism Taskforce, the Univeristy of Waterloo?s Indigenization Strategy, and the commitment at the University of Waterloo to end systemic racism on our campuses, we welcome candidates who are Black, Indigenous or racialized. All candidates will be expected to foreground equitable, anti-racist, and inclusive practices in their teaching. Successful candidates will be appointed to one of the Faculty?s departments, depending on disciplinary background. These positions involve teaching seven courses per academic year in the fall, winter, and spring terms (80% of the appointment), and various service and administrative responsibilities (20% of the appointment). It is anticipated that Definite Term Lecturers will teach several sections of the Arts First seminars (ARTS 130 and ARTS 140) focused on themes related to their pedagogical and intellectual interests and limited to 25 students each, as well as discipline-specific courses in one of the departments in Arts. Strong candidates will have demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching, a commitment to experiential learning, experience liaising with university faculty and staff, and familiarity with equity, anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion in the classroom. Because Arts First prioritizes student-centered learning, communication competencies, and critical thinking, candidates with commitments to practice-based teaching and an interest in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary pedagogy will be prefered. The salary range for this position at the rank of Lecturer is $68,000 to $100,000 and the closing date for applications is April 23, 2021. Application materials, including letters of application, complete CV, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three confidential letters of recommendation will be submitted to: Dr. Katherine Acheson, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs at this website: . If you require an accommodation during the recruitment process, please contact Dr. Acheson. The University of Waterloo is committed to implementing the Calls to Action framed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University of Waterloo is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. The University is a leader in the education of global citizens and values the diverse and intersectional identities of its students, faculty, and staff. The University regards equity as an integral part of academic excellence and is committed to accessibility for all employees. As such, we encourage applications from candidates who identify as First Nations, M?tis and/or Inuit, applications from candidates who identify as Indigenous, Black, racialized, women, LGBTQ2+, and/or a person with a disability. The University of Waterloo seeks applicants who embrace our values of equity, anti-racism and inclusion. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Three reasons to apply: Robert Danisch, Associate Professor Chair, Department of Communication Arts (ML-236B) Director, Arts First University of Waterloo rdanisch at Phone: 519.888.4567, ext. 38603 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Normand.Landry at Thu Mar 25 11:23:54 2021 From: Normand.Landry at (Landry, Normand) Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 17:23:54 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Visual Modeling for Human Rights: Conceptual Maps for the academic Community Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] (French follows) The Canada Research Chair in Media Education and Human Rights is pleased to offer conceptual maps that model international human rights standards to the academic community. These rights are closely associated with complex sociopolitical issues that shape public policies and discourse and are commonly used in the communication rights literature (Padovani & Calabrese, 2014; Raboy & Shtern, 2010). Produced from official interpretations ? known as General Comments - of internationally recognized human rights, these maps make an extensively rich content, whose readership is usually composed of insiders and experts, more accessible and understandable. In sharing them, our team hopes to contribute to the democratization of knowledge about the processes of creating and adopting human rights standards. Concept maps make three major contributions to the conceptualization of human rights standards: they allow for the structuring of knowledge into a detailed schematic representation that facilitates the understanding of the substantive nature of rights; they reveal conceptual limitations and mistakes concealed in General Comments; and they highlight political interests that are embedded in the very structure of international human rights law. Available in English and French, we provide access to seven free online maps highlight rights enshrined in the International Covenants on Human Rights: - The right to education (art. 13, ICESCR); - The right to take part in cultural life (art.15, ICESCR); - The right to protection of the moral and material interests of authors (art. 15(1.c)), ICESCR); - The right to privacy (art. 17, ICCPR); - The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (art. 18, ICCPR); - The right to freedom of opinion and expression (art. 19, ICCPR); - The right of every citizen to take part in the conduct of public affairs, to vote and be elected, and the right of access to public service (Art. 25, ICCPR). For each of these human rights, the modeling work carried out generates detailed and dynamic conceptual maps that highlight: - The constitutive and normative dimensions of the rights; - The conceptual architectures of these rights; - The limits of these rights; - The obligations of states and non-state actors; - The relationship between the rights; - The lexical field associated with each right; [cid:clip_image001.png] Figure 1: Conceptual sub-map specifying state obligations with regard to media diversity and independence (General Comment 34, Right to freedom of opinion and expression) The method used for the graphic modeling is presented in an open access article intitled Conducting Critical Analysis on International Communication Rights Standards: The Contribution of Graphical Knowledge Modeling. This article is written by Normand Landry, Anne-Marie Pilote and Anne-Marie Brunelle and has recently been published in the Journal of Information Policy. To read and browse the maps, please download the multi-editor G-MOT by clicking here. The software is completely free of charge. You can download the concept maps by clicking here. Our team have prepared a manual to help users with the installation and use of the editor on Windows and MacOS. It also contains useful links to download and install G-MOT as well as the Java module, which is necessary for its operation. You can download it here. To discover the functionalities of G-MOT and learn how to use it, click here (In French only) Mod?lisation graphique de droits humains : des cartes conceptuelles offertes ? la communaut? universitaire L??quipe de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en ?ducation aux m?dias et droits humains est heureuse d?offrir ? la communaut? universitaire des cartes conceptuelles qui mod?lisent des normes internationales en mati?re de droits humains. Ces droits sont ?troitement associ?s aux enjeux sociopolitiques de la communication et sont couramment mobilis?s par la litt?rature qui s?int?resse aux ? droits de la communication ? (Padovani & Calabrese, 2014; Raboy & Shtern, 2010). Produites ? partir d?interpr?tations officielles ? appel?es Observations g?n?rales ? de droits humains consacr?s sur la sc?ne internationale, ces cartes permettent de rendre plus accessibles et compr?hensibles des contenus ?toff?s dont le lectorat est habituellement compos? d?initi?s et d?experts. La diffusion de ces cartes participe aux efforts de d?mocratisation des connaissances sur les processus de cr?ation et d?adoption de normes sur les droits humains. Les cartes conceptuelles pr?sentent trois apports majeurs dans la conceptualisation des droits humains : elles permettent de structurer les connaissances en une repr?sentation sch?matique d?taill?e qui facilite la compr?hension de la nature substantive de ces droits; elles rendent explicites des limites et des insatisfactions conceptuelles; et elles mettent en lumi?re des int?r?ts politiques int?gr?s dans la structure m?me des normes juridiques internationales relatives aux droits humains. Disponibles en fran?ais et en anglais, les sept cartes mises gratuitement en ligne font ?tat de droits consacr?s par les Pactes internationaux relatifs aux droits de l?homme : ? Le droit ? l??ducation (art. 13, PIDESC); ? Le droit de prendre part ? la vie culturelle (art.15, PIDESC) ; ? Le droit ? la protection des int?r?ts moraux et mat?riels des cr?ateurs (art. 15(1.c)), PIDESC) ; ? Le droit ? la vie priv?e (art. 17, PIDCP); ? Le droit ? la libert? de pens?e, de conscience et de religion (art. 18, PIDCP) ; ? Le droit ? la libert? d?opinion et libert? d?expression (art. 19, PIDCP) ; ? Le droit de tout citoyen de prendre part ? la direction des affaires publiques, de voter et d??tre ?lu, et le droit d?acc?der aux fonctions publiques (Art. 25, PIDCP). Pour chacun de ces droits humains, le travail de mod?lisation effectu? a g?n?r? des cartes conceptuelles d?taill?es et dynamiques qui mettent en ?vidence: ? Les dimensions constitutives et normatives des droits ; ? Les architectures conceptuelles de ces droits ; ? Les limites de ces droits ; ? Les obligations des ?tats et des acteurs non ?tatiques ; ? Les rapports qu?entretiennent les droits entre eux ; ? Le champ lexical associ? ? chaque droit. [cid:clip_image001.png] Figure 1 : sous-carte conceptuelle sp?cifiant les obligations de l??tat en regard ? la diversit? et l?ind?pendance des m?dias (observation g?n?rale 34, Droit ? la libert? d?opinion et d?expression) La m?thode utilis?e pour la mod?lisation graphique est pr?sent?e dans un article offert en libre acc?s. Ce dernier, r?dig? par Normand Landry, Anne-Marie Pilote et Anne-Marie Brunelle, est intitul? Conducting Critical Analysis on International Communication Rights Standards: The Contribution of Graphical Knowledge Modeling et a ?t? publi? dans la revue Journal of Information Policy. Afin de lire les cartes et les parcourir, il vous faut d?abord t?l?charger le multi-?diteur G-MOT, enti?rement gratuit ? cliquez ici. Ensuite, pour t?l?charger les cartes conceptuelles, il suffit de ? cliquez ici Nous avons confectionn? un manuel afin de vous aider avec l?installation et la prise en main de l??diteur sous Windows et MacOS. Il contient ?galement les liens utiles pour t?l?charger et installer G-MOT ainsi que le module Java, n?cessaire ? son fonctionnement. Vous pouvez le t?l?charger ici. Pour d?couvrir les fonctionnalit?s de G-MOT et apprivoiser son utilisation, cliquez ici Normand Landry, Ph.D. Professeur, TELUQ Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en ?ducation aux m?dias et droits humains Chercheur, Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l'information et la soci?t? (CRICIS) Normand.landry at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: clip_image001.png Type: image/png Size: 343074 bytes Desc: clip_image001.png URL: From ddi_lab at Thu Mar 25 11:29:45 2021 From: ddi_lab at (Digital Democracies Institute) Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 17:29:45 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Spry Memorial Lecture 2021 - Desmond Cole, Tanya Talaga and Candis Callison - April 23 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear all We are delighted to announce panellists Desmond Cole and Tanya Talaga, moderator Candis Callison, and emcee Adel Iskander in the Spry Memorial Lecture 2021. Please see the link here for registration to the Lecture on Friday, April 23rd, at noon PST. The Spry Memorial Lecture has a long history of tackling key issues facing Canadian media and its role in the national conversation. For the 2021 event, Spry joins with Media Democracy Days and the Digital Democracies Institute to bring together leading figures in Canadian media in conversation about race, media and building democracy in Canada. Our panelists Desmond Cole and Tanya Talaga, along with moderator Candis Callison, will consider recent attention over the escalation of commentary on the representation of Indigenous, Black, and people of colour; the structural challenges that currently impede calls for greater diversity; and discuss how institutions and platforms can foster a more constructive dialogue. At a time when violent events internationally, nationally, and locally are making headlines on a frequent basis, the urgency of this panel is incontestable. Not to be missed! Please share widely [cid:33a84abe-2653-4064-b9b0-3a28f88ce148] Amy Harris Communications & Research Coordinator | Digital Democracies Institute | School of Communication Simon Fraser University | TASC 2 Room 7807 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 | Website | Facebook | Twitter At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded Traditional Coast Salish Lands of the s?l?ilw??ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), k?ik?????m (Kwikwetlem), S?wx?w?7mesh ?xwumixw (Squamish) and x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: pastedImage.png Type: image/png Size: 1362810 bytes Desc: pastedImage.png URL: From george.eric at Tue Mar 30 08:31:28 2021 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 14:31:28 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Appel_=C3=A0_contribution=2C_revue_tic=26s?= =?utf-8?q?oci=C3=A9t=C3=A9=2C_=22Transformations_num=C3=A9riques_et_durab?= =?utf-8?q?les_des_mobilit=C3=A9s=22?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Transformations num?riques et durables des mobilit?s Th?matique Mod?les ?conomiques et politiques publiques Innovation sociale Gouvernance de la donn?e Standards et normes Innovations technologiques et transformations Bibliographie Normes et standards Top of page Send by e-mail Dossier coordonn? par Renan Mouren ? Universit? Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (INSA), membre de la Chaire UNESCO Innovation, Transmission, Edition Num?riques (ITEN) Th?matique La co-?volution entre d?placements, transports et technologies num?riques de l?information et de la communication (TNIC) s?inscrit dans une longue histoire commune (Flichy, 1991, Castells, 1998). Elle a depuis les ann?es 1950 globalis? nos ?changes, r?organis? les communaut?s humaines et fa?onn? les formes spatiales de nos soci?t?s (Virilio, 1977, Ballandier, 2001, Aug?, 2009), une urbanisation massive et globale qui transforme le monde en un vaste espace socio-?conomique ? ?chelle plan?taire (Laborit, 1971, Lussault, 2007). Depuis les ann?es 1990, les ? mobilities studies ? ne se limitent plus ? l?analyse des d?placements, du transport des personnes, des biens mat?riels et immat?riels (donn?es, informations, id?es), mais permettent de repenser l?ensemble du social dans ses principes et ses modalit?s de communication dans l?espace (Urry, 2000, Ascher, 2003). La ? mobilit? ?, informationnelle ou physique, est alors appr?hend?e comme une disposition gr?ce ? laquelle individus et soci?t?s construisent leurs relations avec leurs espaces de vie, mais aussi comme un capital, facteur de discrimination et d?exclusion. * 1 Loin d?aller de soi, ce discours sur les TNIC contribue par exemple ? v?hiculer un ? Green by IT ? (...) Dans la perspective des objectifs du ? d?veloppement durable ? (Nations Unies, 2015), les villes et les territoires renouvellent ? de mani?re in?gale et non sans controverses ? leurs modalit?s d?innovation, d?usage et d?appropriation sociale des TNIC, afin d?accompagner ? l??chelle globale comme aux divers ?chelons locaux une dynamique de transformation des mobilit?s : am?lioration de l?intermodalit?, optimisation des flux, innovation sociale, diminution d??mission de CO2 et des risques li?s aux ?nergies fossiles (Tafidis et Al. 2017), modification des comportements, encouragement des mobilit?s dites ? actives ? ou ? douces ?, mais ?galement ? d?mobilit? ? (Damon, 2014), s?dentarit?, travail ? distance, etc. Port?s par cette dynamique, de nombreux mod?les ?conomico-institutionnels l?gitiment l?usage argumentaire de modernisation num?rique des mobilit?s depuis un imaginaire d?mat?rialis? et son id?al de fluidit?. Ces mod?les d?terminent un type de r?alit? qui tend ? invisibiliser les ? immobilit?s ? ? inverse du m?me ? (Flonneau, Guigiueno, 2009) depuis lesquelles s??l?vent co-extensivement nos mobilit?s1 : emprises, extraction et transformation de mati?res premi?res, production d??nergie, construction et entretien des infrastructures, des hubs et des r?seaux etc. La coh?rence de ce syst?me technique (Gille, 1978), ?voluant par hybridations multiples et diff?renci?es entre TNIC, mobilit?s communicationnelles et immobilit?s infrastructurelles, demande alors ? ?tre analys?e et orient?e, au prisme de sa capacit? ? int?grer les finalit?s sociales, politiques et environnementales qui sont au c?ur d??quilibres ?mergents dans les territoires et exig?es par la ? durabilit? ?. Cette capacit? d?int?gration, nomm?e ? intelligence ? (ISO TC 268), devient une condition n?cessaire de r?-articulation coh?rente entre ?volution des mobilit?s et transformation des immobilit?s. Elle soul?ve d?importants enjeux en termes de politiques publiques, d?innovation sociale et technologique, de normes et standards mais aussi de gouvernance. Compte tenu de la complexit? des contextes urbains et territoriaux, des organisations humaines, de leurs variations dans l?espace et le temps, de la diversit? des d?sirs et des besoins sociaux de communication, il n?existe pas de r?ponse simple et universelle au d?ploiement de mobilit?s durables et intelligentes, tant sur le plan des services que des infrastructures. Si les mobilit?s ont longtemps ?t? synonymes de globalisation, dans quelle mesure et selon quels modes les TNIC peuvent-elles aujourd?hui contribuer ? inscrire nos communications, mat?rielles et immat?rielles, dans la singularit? des localisations concr?tes qui les organisent ? L?analyse critique de l?innovation, l?usage, l?appropriation sociale des technologies num?riques, des discours politiques et normatifs pour des transformations ? durables ? et ? intelligentes ? des Mobilit?s, peut s??laborer ? partir des perspectives ci-apr?s propos?es, sans toutefois ?tre exhaustives : Mod?les ?conomiques et politiques publiques De nouveaux mod?les ?conomiques s?affrontent, par exemple l??conomie de la possession contre l??conomie du partage ou de la fonctionnalit? (Rifkin, 2000) : mobilit?s partag?es, co-voiturage, auto-partage, free-floating etc. L?id?al de d?sinterm?diation ou de coop?rativisme, initialement port? par ces mod?les, est progressivement ?clips? par des ph?nom?nes de re-concentration monopolistique, de d?stabilisation du march?, d?envahissement de l?espace public et de ses infrastructures locales, dont les soci?t?s Nord-Am?ricaine Uber et Chinoise Alibaba sont embl?matiques. Ces nouveaux entrants et leurs services num?riques OMO (? Online merge Offline ?), bouleversent certains ?quilibres, induisent des effets de bord inattendus (Courmont, 2018, Erhardt 2019), comme par exemple l?envahissement des routes inadapt?es. Comment les politiques publiques anticipent et accompagnent dans l?int?r?t g?n?ral ces nouvelles mobilit?s, les articulent ? des politiques de r?glementation plus restrictives sans pour autant provoquer de r?ticences de la part des usager.?re.s ? Dans la mesure o? davantage de choix se pr?sentent aux usager.?re.s (multimodalit?), comment les autorit?s organisatrices r?gulent ces effets de balancier entre substitution et addition (effet rebond) ? Quels types de m?diations num?riques sont d?ploy?es pour accompagner ces transformations, tenir compte des besoins des habitants ou modifier les comportements ? De quelle nature sont les nouveaux rapports de force qui apparaissent au sein des partenariats territoriaux publics/priv?s/populations ? Risquent-il d?affaiblir la capacit? des villes ? ma?triser leurs transformations socio-technologiques (Castells, 1998) et ?cologiques ? Innovation sociale Les niveaux d?investissement dans les grandes villes restent sans commune mesure avec les villes moyennes, les territoires p?riurbains, ruraux pour lesquels l?absence d?une masse critique d?utilisateurs n?encourage gu?re les acteurs ?conomiques ? s?implanter (Graham, 2001). C?est pourtant en p?riph?rie que les besoins en mobilit? et les enjeux sociaux sont les plus importants : acc?s ? l?emploi et aux services, distances et temps de parcours qui accentuent la pr?carisation de certaines populations (Aguilera, 2016, Eloi, 2013, Raoul, Casteigts, 2011). Quelles dynamiques de transformation num?rique des mobilit?s pouvons-nous observer dans ces territoires : co-voiturage, commerce itin?rant, transports ? la demande, revalorisation des petites gares, r?appropriation de technologies ouvertes, de communs num?riques et des mod?les autogestionnaires (Scholtz, 2017, Compaign, 2019) ? Comment ces dispositifs contribuent-ils ? redistribuer le local et transformer nos conditions d?habitabilit? du territoire ? Gouvernance de la donn?e Les nouveaux acteur.rice.s comme les nouveaux mod?les ?conomiques complexifient la gouvernance de la donn?e relative aux mobilit?s communicationnelles et aux immobilit?s infrastructurelles. Cette gouvernance se heurte en aval aux inqui?tudes des utilisateur.rice.s en ce qui concerne leur vie priv?e (la valeur marchande de leurs donn?es transforme leur exp?rience v?cue en transactions commerciales), mais se heurte ?galement en amont ? la r?ticence des acteur.rice.s ? mutualiser leurs donn?es respectives, renfor?ant les effets de silo et freinant le d?groupage num?rique, pratiques pourtant essentielles ? int?grer un r?seau unifi? des mobilit?s et mettre en ?uvre l?intermodalit?. Dans ce contexte quels mod?les de gouvernance des donn?es ?mergent, susceptibles d?assurer confiance et interconnaissance entre acteurs, mais aussi s?curit? et souverainet? sur les donn?es territoriales de mobilit?s ? Standards et normes * 2 Interaction des syst?mes, disponibilit? des flottes de mat?riel, ?tat des infrastructures, r?servat (...) L?articulation intelligente et durable de l?intermodalit? repose en grande partie sur la capacit? d?int?grer des donn?es h?t?rog?nes provenant de sources, d?acteurs et de territoires diff?rents. Cette capacit? se cristallise aujourd?hui sur la notion de ? MaaS ? (Mobility as a Service) qui tente d?inscrire les mobilit?s dans une dynamique plus g?n?rale de d?groupage num?rique : logiciel, mat?riel et infrastructurel (Jittrapirom, 2017, Henscher, 2017). Le MaaS vise ? unifier, agr?ger toutes les informations de mobilit? au sein d?une m?me plateforme de donn?es2, afin de soutenir la diffusion de l?information, la coordination de la d?cision, la gestion des actions et l?exploitation des modalit?s de d?placement. Cens? assurer l?interaction ?tre humain-machine dans l?espace de mobilit?, le MaaS place l?usager.?re au c?ur du choix (?l?ments de m?diation, ou de compr?hension concernant sa mobilit?), mais permettrait ?galement aux autorit?s organisatrices d?influencer les comportements des usagers.?re.s en accord avec certaines politiques publiques. La politique de d?groupage num?rique sur laquelle repose la promesse du MaaS peut-elle conduire ? une forme de lib?ralisation du march? de la donn?e de mobilit? et, in fine, ? une reconcentration monopolistique de sa gestion ? Les travaux men?s au sein des instances internationales de normalisation (IEEE, ISO-IEC JTC1 / WG11, ISO TC268) offrent-ils des pistes de mod?les communs de donn?es de mobilit?s (Katsumi, Fox, 2019, Dang, Hoang, 2017) susceptibles d?assurer ? la fois interop?rabilit? entre acteurs et territoires mais aussi un contr?le d?mocratique sur les donn?es ? Innovations technologiques et transformations * 3 Une architecture socio-technique, centralis?e ou d?centralis?e, qui double num?riquement un champ s (...) De nouveaux g?ants du num?rique ou startups sp?cialis?es, ?mergent aux c?t?s des autorit?s publiques et des acteur.rice.s historiques (r?gies de transports, constructeurs d?infrastructures, ?nerg?ticiens, fabricants d?automobiles etc.). Face ? cette concurrence, les acteur.rice.s historiques sont conduits ? transformer leurs m?tiers (Miyata, 2018), ?voluer par exemple vers des ? entreprises de plateforme3 ?, int?grer les m?dias ?mergents (Internet des Objets, 5G, m?thodes d?Intelligence Artificielle, ou encore BlockChains) et conserver ainsi leur place dans une g?ostrat?gie globale des mobilit?s. Quelles formes prennent ces partenariats entre acteurs de mobilit?s et d?infrastructures immobiles, quelles opportunit?s offrent-elles, quelles menaces font-elles peser, sont-elles sources de d?s?quilibres ? Ces continuums d?acteur.rice.s (Latour, 2005) seront-il en capacit? de transformer un syst?me technique afin de l?adapter aux contextes territoriaux, l?inscrire dans des modes de gouvernance diff?renci?s (Akrich, Callon, Latour, 2006) et tisser ainsi des communications durables entre d?veloppement social et espaces de vie ? L??clairage SIC de la th?matique ?tudi?e, pourra se faire ? travers l?analyse des m?diations num?riques, des architectures socio-techniques, de leurs usages, de leurs modalit?s d?appropriation, des pratiques communicationnelles et culturelles, mais aussi des discours politiques, entrepreneuriaux et normatifs. Les auteurs et autrices sont invit?s ? orienter leurs r?flexions dans ce sens. Les contributions doivent ?tre soumises en fran?ais. Les textes doivent comprendre entre 40 000 et 50 000 caract?res espaces compris. Les auteur.rice.s sont invit?.e.s ? respecter les consignes concernant la mise en forme du texte (consignes disponibles sur le site de la revue, ? la page Les manuscrits feront l?objet de deux ?valuations selon la proc?dure d??valuation ? l?aveugle. La date limite de soumission des articles est le 30 juin 2021 Les propositions d?articles sont ? envoyer ? Renan Mouren (rmouren at qui coordonne ce num?ro th?matique. Renan Mouren est ma?tre de conf?rences contractuel en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l?Universit? Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (INSA), membre de la Chaire UNESCO Innovation, Transmission, Edition Num?riques (ITEN), chercheur associ? aux laboratoires DEVISU (UPHF) et PARAGRAPHE (Universit? Paris8), membre des commissions nationale ? Villes Territoires Durables et Intelligents ? (ISO TC268) et europ?enne ? Sustainable and Smart Cities and Communities ? (CEN TC465) Bibliographie Akrich,M., Callon.,M., Latour, B., (2006), Sociologie de la traduction : textes fondateurs, Mines ParisTech, les Presses, ? Sciences sociales ? Asher, F., Godard, F., (2003) Modernit? : la nouvelle carte du temps, ?ditions de l'Aube/DATAR Asher, F., Allemand, S., Levy, J., (2005) Les Sens du mouvement. Modernit? et mobilit?s, ?ditions Belin Aug?, M., (2009), Pour une anthropologie de la mobilit?, Payot & Rivages Ballandier, G.(2001), Le grand syst?me, Paris, Fayard. Bourdin, A. (dir.) Mobilit? et modernit?, Cahiers internationaux de sociologie 2005/1 (n? 118), Presses Universitaires de France Castells, E.(1998), L'?re de l'information. Vol. 1, La Soci?t? en r?seaux, Paris, Fayard Compain, G. (2019). Des plateformes autog?r?es comme alternatives au capitalisme de plateformes?: Le cas des Plateformes en Communs. Courmont, A.(2018), Platform, big data and the reshaping of urban government: The effects of Waze on traffic regulation policies. Revue fran?aise de sociologie, vol. 59(3), 423-449. Damon, J.(2014), La d?mobilit? : travailler, vivre autrement. In. Dominique Reyni? ?d., Innovation politique 2014 (pp. 247-275), Presses Universitaires de France. Dang, T., Hoang, D. (2016), Data Mobility as a Service, IEEE 36th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW) DOI: Erhardt, G. & Al.(2019), Do transportation network companies decrease or increase congestion?, Science Advances, Vol. 5, no. 5 Flichy, P., (1991), Une histoire de la communication moderne ? Espace public et vie priv?e, La D?couverte Flonneau, M., Guigiueno, V., (2009), De l'histoire des transports ? l'histoire de la mobilit? ? Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR) Graham, S., Marvin, S., (2001), Splintering Urbanism, Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition, Routledge Jittrapirom, P (et Al), (2017), Mobility as a Service: A critical review of definitions, assessments of schemes, and key challenges, Urban Planning, vol. 2, Smart Cities ? Infrastructure and Information, pp. 13-25. DOI : https://10.17645/up.v2i2.931 Hensher, D, (2017), Future bus transport contracts under a mobility as a service (MaaS) regime in the digital age: Are they likely to change?, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 98 DOI : Katsumi, M., Fox, M., (2019), An Ontology-Based Standard for Transportation Planning. JOWO Laborit, H., (1971), L?homme et la ville, Flammarion Latour, B. (2005), Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network-theory, Oxford University Press Lussault, M., (2007), L?homme spatial, Seuil Miyata, H. (2018), Digital Transformation of Automobile and Mobility Service, IEEE, International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT). DOI: https://10.1109/FPT.2018.00012 Pitron, J. La guerre des m?taux rares: La face cach?e de la transition ?nerg?tique et num?rique, Les Liens qui Lib?rent. Rifkin, J.(2000), The Age Of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, Where All of Life is a Paid-For Experience, Putnam Publishing Group. Scholz, T.(2017), Le coop?rativisme de plateforme ? 10 principes contre l?ub?risation et le business de l??conomie du partage, FYP Editions Tafidis, P., (2017), Exploring the impact of ICT on urban mobility in heterogenic regions, Transportation Research Procedia 27, 309?316 Urry, J.(2000). Sociology Beyond Societies : Mobilities for the Twenty-first Century. Psychology Press. Urry, J.(2007), Mobilities, Polity Press Normes et standards ISO TC268 Villes Territoires Durables et Communaut?s Intelligentes ISO/IEC JTC1 WG11 / WD 5087-3, Smart City / Information technology ? City data model ? Part 3: Service level concepts -Transportation planning URL : ISO TC204/AG 1 Syst?mes de Transports Intelligents / Donn?es massives et intelligence artificielle URL : Rapports : Aguilera, A., Baptiste, H., Feildel, B., Huyghe, M., MOBITER: MOBILITE ET DYNAMIQUE DES TERRITOIRES RURAUX (RAPPORT FINAL PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE). URL : Bundesministerium f?r Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), ACATECH (2018), Vernetzen, bewegen, transportieren. Auf dem Weg zu einem intelligenten Mobilit?tsraum URL : Commission des Communaut?s Europ?ennes (2018), Plan d?action pour le d?ploiement de syst?mes de transport intelligents en Europe, rapport final URL : Commission Europ?enne, (2019), Le pacte vert pour l'Europe, Communication de la Commission au Parlement Europ?en, au Conseil Europ?en, au Conseil, au Comit? ?conomique et Social Europ?en, au Comit? des R?gions. URL : Eloi,L. (Dir), (2013), Vers l??galit? des territoires, Dynamiques, mesures, politiques URL : Parlement Europ?en (2017), Rapport sur une strat?gie europ?enne pour une mobilit? ? faible taux d??missions, URL : Raoul, E., M. Casteigts, (2011), Rapport sur la mobilit? et les transports dans les territoires ruraux, minist?re de l?Ecologie du D?veloppement Durable, des Transports et du Logement, minist?re de l?Int?rieur, Paris URL : Notes 1 Loin d?aller de soi, ce discours sur les TNIC contribue par exemple ? v?hiculer un ? Green by IT ? qui se contente encore trop souvent de d?localiser la pollution (Pitron, 2018). 2 Interaction des syst?mes, disponibilit? des flottes de mat?riel, ?tat des infrastructures, r?servation, paiement, harmonisation des horaires, recommandation de parcours, analyse et optimisation des flux, des lieux d?interconnexion, hubs et p?les d??changes. 3 Une architecture socio-technique, centralis?e ou d?centralis?e, qui double num?riquement un champ social, afin d?y apparier informations, relations, biens ou services. En organisant la mise en relation entre offre et demande, une plateforme supporte un mod?le d'affaire et en structure l'?cosyst?me. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From inahonse at Wed Mar 31 07:15:40 2021 From: inahonse at (Isaac Nahon-Serfaty) Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 13:15:40 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?cp1258?q?Fw=3A_Reminder=2C_Today-__Forum_C=E9C=3A_?= =?cp1258?q?Challenges_to_Academic_Freedom_in_the_Americas_-_March_31=2C_5?= =?cp1258?q?_pm_=28Ottawa_time=29?= In-Reply-To: References: , Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] [cid:b0bec8e9-de9c-4213-9d72-70c59e2db320] Dear colleagues, This is a friendly reminder about the Forum C?C on the Challenges to Academic Freedom in North America and Latin America, that will take place via Zoom this coming Wednesday March 31, at 5 pm (Ottawa time). This is the first Forum C?C (Critical ?ducation Critique) about the troubling social and political trends menacing academic freedom in North American and Latin American universities. Panelists: Catalina Arango (Coordinator, Regional academic freedom monitoring, Scholars at Risk uOttawa), Fran?ois Charbonneau (Associate professor, School of political studies, University of Ottawa), and Salvador Herencia-Carrasco, (Director, Human Rights Clinic, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa). Moderator: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty. Register here: Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Forum C?C: Challenges to Academic Freedom in North America and Latin America. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. This is the first Forum C?C (Critical ?ducation Critique) about troubling social and political trends menacing academic freedom in North American and Latin American universities. Panelists: Catalina Arango (Coordinator, Regional academic freedom monitoring, Scholars at Risk uOttawa), Fran?ois Charbonneau (Associate professor, School of political studies, University of Ottawa), and Salvador Herencia-Carrasco, Director, Human Rights Clinic, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa. Learn more about C?C here: I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Best, Isaac Isaac Nahon-Serfaty Professeur agr?g?/Associate Professor Communication uOttawa (Canada) Website: Twitter: @narrativaoral [cid:7a47ffcb-5245-4f45-8c7b-5c3cf5b3b1de] ________________________________ From: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty Sent: March 23, 2021 10:58 AM Subject: Forum C?C: Challenges to Academic Freedom in the Americas - March 31, 5 pm (Ottawa time) Dear colleagues, You are cordially invited to the Forum C?C about the Challenges to Academic Freedom in North America and Latin America, that will take place via Zoom on Wednesday March 31, at 5 pm (Ottawa time). This is the first Forum C?C (Critical ?ducation Critique) about the troubling social and political trends menacing academic freedom in North American and Latin American universities. Panelists: Catalina Arango (Coordinator, Regional academic freedom monitoring, Scholars at Risk uOttawa), Fran?ois Charbonneau (Associate professor, School of political studies, University of Ottawa), and Salvador Herencia-Carrasco, (Director, Human Rights Clinic, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa). Moderator: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty. Register here: [https://us02web.zoom.usnull/] Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Forum C?C: Challenges to Academic Freedom in North America and Latin America. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. This is the first Forum C?C (Critical ?ducation Critique) about troubling social and political trends menacing academic freedom in North American and Latin American universities. Panelists: Catalina Arango (Coordinator, Regional academic freedom monitoring, Scholars at Risk uOttawa), Fran?ois Charbonneau (Associate professor, School of political studies, University of Ottawa), and Salvador Herencia-Carrasco, Director, Human Rights Clinic, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa. Learn more about C?C here: Isaac Nahon-Serfaty Professeur agr?g?/Associate Professor Communication uOttawa (Canada) Website: Twitter: @narrativaoral [] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-iqboqy5h.png Type: image/png Size: 36430 bytes Desc: Outlook-iqboqy5h.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ForumCe?C.png Type: image/png Size: 540270 bytes Desc: ForumCe?C.png URL: From Patricia.Elliott at Wed Mar 31 15:08:13 2021 From: Patricia.Elliott at (Patricia Elliott) Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 15:08:13 -0600 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Grad student publishing opportunity - Please alert your students Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear graduate student supervisors, Facts & Frictions is a new journal on contemporary issues in journalism, published by J-Schools Canada. As a journalism education organization, our mandate includes providing an opportunity for graduate students to publish peer-reviewed research articles and substantive works of journalism with a journalism-related focus. With this in mind, we would appreciate it if you could bring Facts & Frictions to the attention of your students, and encourage and assist them to make submissions. We accept works in either English or French, and will provide mentorship feedback to new scholars who are preparing submissions. We are of course also interested in the works of faculty members, including conference papers. The deadline for this round of submissions is June 30. Information and the submission portal may be found on the J-Schools Canada Website: English: Fran?ais: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: