From stacey_copeland at Mon Apr 3 08:17:50 2023 From: stacey_copeland at (Stacey Copeland) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 14:17:50 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Call for Proposals to the Amplify Podcast Network (April 30th) Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Are you a podcaster-scholar? The Amplify Podcast Network invites proposals for new and established podcasts to join our Sustain stream. Amplify is a scholarly podcast network that encourages collaboration and experimentation via the medium of scholarly podcasting, with a focus on podcasts committed to anti-racism, feminist social justice, and community-building. For more on the network, please consult our mandate. We are open to podcasts on a wide range of topics within the humanities and social sciences, but podcasts will be selected for inclusion in the network based on our guiding editorial values: commitment to critical pedagogy and open scholarship. We are open to proposals for new podcasts or new seasons of existing podcasts. For more on submissions, please read our submission guidelines. Submission deadline is Sunday April 30th (Midnight ET/Toronto). Podcasts submitted to the Sustain stream will: * appear as open access publications on the Amplify Podcast Network website, * will be able to take advantage of cross-promotion with other shows in the network, and * will be invited to join Amplify?s community of practice. The podcasts in the Sustain stream are not peer reviewed and do not carry the imprint of WLU Press. Find more information on the Sustain CFP and the Amplify Podcast Network at: For inquiries and submissions, contact the Amplify Podcast Network at amplifyingpodcasts at Stacey Copeland -- co-director + supervising producer @ Amplify Podcast Network Lecturer @ Toronto Metropolitan University SFU School of Communication, Ph.D. alum '22 Phone: 647-290-2721 Amplify Podcast Network . . . At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded territories of the Coast Salish peoples, including the Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Kwikwetlem Nations. [] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Sustain_Publishing-Non-Peer-Reviewed-Scholarly-Podcasts-Submission-Guidelines.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 153647 bytes Desc: Sustain_Publishing-Non-Peer-Reviewed-Scholarly-Podcasts-Submission-Guidelines.pdf URL: From fenwick.mckelvey at Mon Apr 3 15:16:34 2023 From: fenwick.mckelvey at (Fenwick Mckelvey) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 21:16:34 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] The Social Life of Artificial Intelligence May 8 to 26 Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Apologies for cross-posting but I'd like to announce that I'm co- running a Summer Institute @ Concordia from May 8 to 26 This Summer Institute reflects on the rapidly evolving social life of artificial intelligence. Course topics include technical matters of AI?s basic operation as well as theoretical discussions about AI's ethics. Over three weeks, participants work individually and in teams to learn key methods of assessing AI's social impacts. For more details and to apply, see: Other information copied below. Artificial intelligence has gone public. Once a matter of scientific research, AI has become a household name. ChatGPT introduced the public to the experimental large language models while Stable Diffusion and other text-to-image models helped millions imagine how an AI dreams. This Summer Institute reflects on the rapidly evolving social life of artificial intelligence, looking to understand the social impacts of many new applications of artificial intelligence. Students will over the course of the three-week spring school will: Be introduced to the fundamentals of artificial intelligence; Apply emergent methods for AI auditing and impact assessment; Debate the foundations of ethical AI and the relationship between technology and social development; Participate in an international symposium and synthesize key debates in the field over the social shaping of AI The class, like Concordia?s Applied AI Institute, is intentionally interdisciplinary. Course topics include technical matters of AI?s basic operation as well as theoretical discussions about AI?s ethics. Over three weeks, participants work individually and in teams to learn key methods of assessing AI?s social impacts. Methodologies to be introduced include: Datasheets and data provenance; Algorithmic Impact Assessments Ethnopolitical Theory; and, Futures literacy. Students will learn these methods through applied group activities facilitated by the Applied AI Institute. A typical day involves a morning check-in and discussion, a lunch-time keynote, and an afternoon of independent study on class activities applying key methods and readings introduced in the class. Participants can apply to two streams: Social science and humanities students with aptitude in Computer Science Computer Science Students with specialization in Engineering in Society All applicants are expected to submit a CV and complete a short entry form. Participants will be invited to participate in a two-day international symposium gathering leading experts on AI?s public representation of AI. The symposium, (un)Stable Diffusion hosted at the Milieux Institute, involves two days of talks, keynote panels, and arts events meant to question ways to represent AI publicly. Who can apply: Graduate Students. Requirements Participants can apply to two streams: Social science and humanities students with aptitude in Computer Science Computer Science Students with specialization in Engineering in Society All applicants are expected to submit a CV and complete a short entry form. Be good, Fenwick @fenwick at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dorval.justine at Tue Apr 4 12:33:30 2023 From: dorval.justine at (Dorval, Justine) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 18:33:30 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?TR_=3A_GEM=2C_14_avril_-_Genre_et_religion?= =?utf-8?q?=3A_=C3=A9tudier_le_genre_dans_l=27islam=2E?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Cinqui?me s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM) de l'ann?e 2022-2023 14 avril 2023, 9h-12h (15h-18h ? Paris) - Formule hybride Genre et religion: ?tudier le genre dans l'islam [cid:4eacd50c-5acc-4570-91be-d0f35e3bbecf] Le cinqui?me s?minaire de l'ann?e 2022-2023 aura lieu le vendredi 14 avril de 9h ? 12h ? Montr?al (15h ? 18h ? Paris), sous le titre Genre et religion: ?tudier le genre dans l'Islam. Il sera possible d'y assister sur zoom et ?galement en pr?sentiel ? Montr?al (UQAM, salle R-R150). N'oubliez pas de vous inscrire en ?crivant ? cricis at en indiquant si vous serez en Zoom ou en pr?sentiel. Un lien vous sera envoy? la veille du s?minaire. Le s?minaire est gratuit et ouvert ? toustes! ? cette occasion, nous accueillerons : * Azadeh Kian, professeure de sociologie, directrice du CEDREF et des Cahiers du CEDREF, universit? Paris Cit? * Leila Benhadjoudja, Professeure adjointe ? l'?cole d'?tudes sociologiques et anthropologiques de l'Universit? d'Ottawa R?sum?s des communications: Azadeh Kian: ??Genre et islam : d?fis ?pist?mologiques et m?thodologiques Le climat passionnel actuel autour de la question de l?islam en g?n?ral et genre et islam en particulier rend tr?s difficile le travail scientifique consistant ? appr?hender cette probl?matique dans sa complexit?. D?autant que les lois islamiques discriminatoires ? l?encontre des femmes sont en vigueur dans beaucoup de pays musulmans (dont mon pays natal l?Iran) et une confusion entre l?islam et l?islam politique est entretenue tant par les r?gimes et les groupes islamistes que par leurs d?tracteurs. Afin de travailler sur genre et pouvoir en islam (depuis l?av?nement de l?islam jusqu?? aujourd?hui), j?ai ?t? conduite ? relever les d?fis tant m?thodologiques qu??pist?mologiques, travailler sur moi-m?me et apprendre ? d?sapprendre ou me d?faire de mes pr?jug?s li?s ? mon ?ducation et mon v?cu. Leila Benhadjoudja: la double conscience en recherche acad?mique. De quelques enjeux sur la racialisation et la positionnalit? La recherche acad?mique f?ministe reconna?t d?embl?e la positionnalit? comme ?l?ment structurant dans la construction des savoirs et des m?thodologies. D?s lors, les enjeux de subjectivation des chercheur.e.s ne peuvent ?tre dissoci?s de leur rapport aux objets et aux th?orisations qu?iels approchent. ? la lumi?re de ? la double conscience ?, je discuterai particuli?rement les enjeux de racisation dans le cadre de la recherche f?ministe musulmane. A propos des intervenantes Azadeh Kian est professeure de Sociologie (Classe exceptionnelle), Universit? Paris Cit?, directrice du Cedref et des Cahiers du Cedref. Elle a obtenu le Master et le PhD en sociologie politique et historique ? l?universit? de Californie, Los Angeles (UCLA). Ses recherches et enseignements portent sur Genre et islam, politique et soci?t? au Moyen-Orient, genre et th?ories postcoloniales et intersectionnelles. Leila Benhadjoudja est une f?ministe antiraciste. Ses recherches portent sur le racisme et l?antiracisme au Qu?bec, et ses principales publications portent sur l?islamophobie et le f?minisme musulman. Elle est la co-fondatrice du Festival f?ministe d?Ottawa, passionn?e par la justice sociale, le v?lo et la danse. ? propos du s?minaire Co-organis? par le LabSIC (Laboratoire des Sciences de l?information et de la communication, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) et le CRICIS (Centre interuniversitaire sur la communication, l?information et la soci?t?, Qu?bec, Canada), le s?minaire Genre(s) et m?thodes (GEM) s?attache ? ?tudier les questions f?ministes, intersectionnelles et de genre(s) en termes de m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies. Concept transdisciplinaire fluide et non fig?, le genre ? ou les genres, pour ?chapper ? un fonctionnement social binaire ? a fait l?objet de travaux qui, en proposant un d?centrement radical, ont transform? le paysage des sciences sociales et humaines tout au long du XXe si?cle. Ce s?minaire a pour objectif de proposer un espace pour discuter des apports de ces ?tudes ? la pratique scientifique. Nous y discutons des fa?ons de faire de la recherche lorsqu?on travaille sur le(s) genre(s), de ses / leurs articulations avec d?autres formes de minoration, et du pouvoir critique de cet outil pour d?sessentialiser le monde social. Cherchant ? soustraire la r?flexion ? la pens?e universaliste, nous y d?centrons les regards pour aborder les questions de luttes, de r?sistances, ? l?exemple de celles de corps racis?s qui subissent diff?rents rapports de domination. Nous r?fl?chissons ? la fa?on dont sont op?r?s les d?centrements des concepts et aux d?marches mises en ?uvre pour d?construire les normes dominantes sur les identit?s de genre, les sexualit?s et d?autres rapports de pouvoir comme la classe ou la race. Pluriels, les questionnements portent sur la capacit? ? penser le positionnement de la chercheuse ou du chercheur, son engagement, sa subjectivit?, le d?voilement de biais en termes de production ou d?interpr?tation de donn?es, la r?flexivit? sur ces biais en tant que ressources heuristiques, ?pist?miques ou politiques, les questions ?thiques soulev?es par des objets per?us comme impurs, ou encore l?historiographie ou l?analyse du caract?re genr? d?un objet ou d?un dispositif d?enqu?te? Il s?av?re pertinent de mettre au jour et d?analyser les fa?ons dont le(s) genre(s) ? ainsi que les concepts qui lui / leur sont rattach?(s) ? sont travaill?s et reconstruits par le terrain? Enfin, cet espace de dialogue a aussi pour vocation d?interroger la possible singularit? des m?thodes, m?thodologies et ?pist?mologies des approches par le genre et des ?tudes f?ministes et intersectionnelles. Ce s?minaire met en lumi?re des travaux s?inscrivant dans les champs des m?dias et de la communication, et plus largement en sciences humaines et sociales (sociologie, histoire, anthropologie, sciences politiques ou philosophie?). Au plaisir de vous y retrouver! H?l?ne Bourdeloie, Lena H?bner et Justine Dorval ________________________________ Pour vous d?sabonner de la liste CRICIS-INFOS, envoyez un courriel vide (sans objet ni contenu) ? : CRICIS-INFOS-signoff-request at LISTSERV.UQAM.CA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image.png Type: image/png Size: 251241 bytes Desc: image.png URL: From hirjif at Wed Apr 5 07:19:08 2023 From: hirjif at (Hirji, Faiza) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 13:19:08 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA 2023 Preliminary Conference Program Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From celat at Sun Apr 9 07:47:52 2023 From: celat at (CELAT-UQAM) Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2023 13:47:52 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Projection 13 avril 2023 - Dans l'ombre du Star Wars Kid In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, L??cole des m?dias, le CELAT-UQAM et le LabCMO vous invitent chaleureusement ? la projection du documentaire Dans l?ombre du Star Wars Kid ainsi qu?? la discussion qui suivra le film avec les invit?s d?honneur : Ghyslain Raza et Mathieu Fournier. Dans ce documentaire portant sur le premier ph?nom?ne viral de l??re num?rique et la cyberintimidation, Ghyslain Raza, le ?Star Wars Kid?, sort du silence pour la premi?re fois afin de r?fl?chir ? son histoire. Bande-annonce et d?tails sur le compte Youtube de l?ONF : 13 avril 2023, 17h30, Salle Jean-Claude-Lauzon (J-S1430) de l?UQAM Entr?e gratuite, sans inscription Sous-titrage en anglais et en fran?ais L?interpr?tation LSQ sera disponible sur place et sur demande pour la discussion qui suivra la projection Informations : edm at Au plaisir de vous y retrouver [cid:image001.png at 01D96231.D998F560] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 2487105 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: From Tanner.Mirrlees at Mon Apr 10 07:03:59 2023 From: Tanner.Mirrlees at (Tanner Mirrlees) Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2023 13:03:59 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Webinar_Invitation=3A_=22F=EF=BB=BFueling_?= =?utf-8?q?Extractive_Populism_in_Canada=3A_Social_Media=2C_Subsidized_Pub?= =?utf-8?q?lics_and_Petro-Nationalism=22_with_Shane_Gunster=2C_Robert_Neub?= =?utf-8?q?auer_and_Darren_Fleet?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear colleagues, Join us for "F?ueling Extractive Populism in Canada: Social Media, Subsidized Publics and Petro-Nationalism", a webinar with environmental communication and digital media researchers Shane Gunster, Robert Neubauer and Darren Fleet, Tuesday May 9, 6:30-8:00pm EST. Register here: Over the past decade, the fossil fuel industry and its advocates have built robust social networks on platforms like Facebook that they have used to cultivate populist visions of extractivism as essential to the well-being of Canadians, under attack by progressive elites and imperative to defend through political mobilization. More recently, such appeals have also come to anchor far-right conspiracy narratives that stoke fear and anger about the prospect of a just transition. In this webinar, we will explore the core features of extractive populism, the use of platforms to build self-contained far-right media ecologies that can propagate industry narratives and mobilize supporters, the intersection between religion and petro-nationalism, and thoughts about developing different narratives about the country?s future. Shane Gunster is associate professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University and a research associate with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. His research and teaching focus on news and advocacy communication around the politics of climate and energy, with an emphasis upon how social media platforms and alternative news media outlets engage and mobilize different publics in different ways around the climate crisis. He is the co-author (with Robert Hackett, Susan Forde and Kerrie Foxwell-Norton) of Journalism and Climate Crisis: Public Engagement, Media Alternatives (Routledge, 2017). Robert Neubauer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications at the University of Winnipeg. His research explores the media strategies of Canadian environmental and pro-resource extraction social movements, with a focus on populist discourse, public mobilization around proposed energy infrastructure, and digital platforms. Darren Fleet is a limited term lecturer at Simon Fraser University and Kwantlen Polytechnic University. His research interests include: advertising, environmental discourse, petroculture, religious social movements, and the cultural politics of fossil fuels in Canada. Organized by the Centre on Hate, Bias & Extremism (CHBE). Co-sponsored by Energy Humanities and the Petrocultures Research Group. Links to videos of previous webinars in "The Far Right?s Energy Politics: Carbon Capital, Petro-Nationalisms and Anti-Environmental Media" below: 1) The Petroleum Papers: Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change w / Geoff Dembicki: 2) Overheated: The Far Right, Climate Change Disinformation and Culture Wars w / Jennie King: Best wishes, Tanner Tanner Mirrlees Associate Professor Director, Communication and Digital Media Studies Faculty of Social Science and Humanities Ontario Tech University Faculty Profile -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Webinar-FuelingExtractivePopulisminCanada-.png Type: image/png Size: 2461326 bytes Desc: Webinar-FuelingExtractivePopulisminCanada-.png URL: From george.eric at Thu Apr 13 13:28:06 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 19:28:06 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Prolongation_de_l=27appel_=3A_Transition_n?= =?utf-8?q?um=C3=A9rique_et_transition_=C3=A9cologique_=3A_compl=C3=A9ment?= =?utf-8?q?arit=C3=A9=2C_tension=2C_opposition?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Transition num?rique et transition ?cologique : compl?mentarit?, tension, opposition Plan Pr?sentation Th?mes Informations pratiques Bibliographie Haut de page Pr?sentation L?appel ? contributions de ce dossier commun entre les revues tic&soci?t? et Creis-Terminal traite de deux processus en cours depuis quelques ann?es : la transition num?rique et la transition ?cologique. Signalons que nos deux revues avaient d?j? publi? en 2016 un num?ro th?matique commun intitul? ? Contr?le social, surveillance et dispositifs num?riques ?. En 2022, nous renouvelons cette collaboration ?ditoriale. En ce d?but de 21e si?cle, la plan?te enti?re est confront?e ? un risque majeur, celui de la crise climatique qui dans les prochaines d?cennies pourrait voir se multiplier hausse des temp?ratures et niveaux des mers, incendies et inondations. Ce r?chauffement climatique est annonc? depuis la fin du si?cle dernier par les sp?cialistes r?unis au sein du GIEC sans que les gouvernements aient pris des mesures effectives pour l?enrayer. ? cela s?ajoutent les menaces de rar?faction d?un certain nombre de produits essentiels pour nos ?conomies. En effet, notre mode de production et de consommation est incapable de prendre en compte la finitude de notre plan?te (Steffen et al., 2015). Ainsi, nos soci?t?s sont confront?es ? deux injonctions majeures : la transition ?cologique et la transition num?rique (Monnoyer-Smith, 2017). La premi?re concerne le respect des limites plan?taires, dont celles li?es aux changements climatiques r?sultant de nos modes de vie, de production, de consommation et de transport dans la perspective d?un ? d?veloppement soutenable ? (Rapport Meadows, 1972). La seconde vise ? d?mat?rialiser la mise en relation afin de r?duire les co?ts de production, de commercialisation, en favorisant une vie ? distance. Pour les uns, la transition num?rique est un outil au service du d?veloppement soutenable. Pour les autres, elle est parfois une r?ponse, mais en tout cas pas la r?ponse appropri?e, puisque le num?rique engendre des r?percussions tr?s cons?quentes : extraction de terres rares (Pitron, 2019), pollution de l?eau et de l?air, consommation ?nerg?tique de plus en plus importante, d?chets ?lectroniques entre autres (Santarius et al., 2022 ; ARCEP, 2020 ; Desbois et al., 2010). L?industrie num?rique prosp?re gr?ce ? une recette simple, ? savoir extraire les donn?es personnelles et vendre aux annonceurs des pr?dictions sur le comportement des utilisateurs et utilisatrices et in fine, de plus en plus, tendre ? orienter et ? piloter celui-ci. Certains d?noncent ainsi la transformation de notre mode de production en un ? capitalisme de surveillance ? (Zuboff, 2019). Rappelons que pour les Nations-Unies, la contribution des technologies num?riques ? la poursuite des objectifs du ? d?veloppement durable ? s?appuie sur la mise en place d?infrastructures, la s?curisation des investissements, la promotion de l?innovation et le d?veloppement de strat?gies inclusives. Toutefois, les technologies num?riques ne s?av?rent pas toujours favorables ? la mise en ?uvre d?un d?veloppement soutenable (Ademe, 2019). D?o? la n?cessit? d?interroger l?interconnexion entre ces deux types de transition tant d?un point de vue technique, ?conomique, social, environnemental que culturel. Favorise-t-elle une hybridation ? Une compl?mentarit? ? Une opposition ? Davantage d?analyses circonstanci?es et de travaux plus approfondis sont n?cessaires pour appr?cier la situation. D?autant que les nouveaux modes de production, de consommation et de socialisation port?s par la transition num?rique viennent impacter les syst?mes complexes au sein desquels ces innovations technologiques ?mergent, en particulier les cha?nes d?approvisionnement et les r?seaux sociaux. L??conomie de plateformes y joue sa partition sp?cifique orchestr?e par une cr?ation de valeur davantage fond?e sur la production, la circulation et l?analyse de donn?es que sur la production directe de biens, am?nit?s et services tant ?conomiques que sociaux (Bacache-Beauvallet & Bourreau, 2022). Th?mes La publication se propose d?accueillir, soit des textes proposant une r?flexion th?orique ; soit des textes d?veloppant des analyses plus contextualis?es ou circonstanci?es. L?objectif est de mener une r?flexion sur les opportunit?s offertes, les limites impos?es et les r?sistances induites par cette vie ? distance en examinant compatibilit?s et incompatibilit?s entre transition num?rique et transition ?cologique. Elle s?attachera (entre autres) ? explorer les questionnements qui suivent, tout en accordant une place, dans la mesure du possible, aux enjeux communicationnels : 1. La transition num?rique implique une num?risation ? marche forc?e de la soci?t? : cela suppose plus de mat?riels, de logiciels, de r?seaux, de connexions donc plus d??nergie, de mati?res premi?res et de d?chets (Ademe, 2019). Est-ce compatible avec la transition ?cologique ? Comment rendre compte de leurs interactions ? Ce questionnement traite des repr?sentations sociales, des relations et des n?gociations entre industriels et usagers, ainsi que de la croissance des infrastructures et ?quipements de communication en regard de l?environnement (Iddri, FING, WWF France,, 2018) ; 2. La transition ?cologique n?cessite un ancrage dans le territoire favorisant le local, les circuits courts et la sobri?t? : cela suppose de nouveaux modes de production et de commercialisation (Baschet, 2021). Sont-ils compatibles avec la transition num?rique ? Ce questionnement porte plus particuli?rement sur le retour des sociabilit?s physiques (face ? face) dans un m?me lieu, l?apport du num?rique, dans l?ancrage territorial ou pour sortir du local, et de son impact socio?conomique en termes de strat?gies d?acteurs, d?am?nagement du territoire et de d?veloppement ?conomique et social (Haut Conseil pour le Climat, 2020) ; 3. Les transitions num?rique et ?cologique suscitent, l?une comme l?autre, un complexe d?innovations technologiques et organisationnelles dont les profils sont parfois disparates et jusqu?? un certain point contradictoires : des technologies ? haute intensit? capitalistique et ? forte valeur ajout?e (High Tech) telles que reconnaissance faciale, intelligence artificielle, ou communication satellitaire, c?toient des innovations plus frugales en capital, comme en technique (Low-Tech), sobres en ?nergie, plus facilement appropriables, ou r?silientes au r?chauffement-d?r?glement climatique (Vidalenc, 2019). Peut-on concilier voire articuler High-Tech et Low-Tech au sein d?un d?veloppement soutenable afin d?abaisser notre empreinte environnementale ? Ce questionnement aborde l?innovation num?rique (conception et d?ploiement de dispositifs et d?applications, nouveaux mod?les d?affaires, etc.) au prisme du possible, du d?sirable et d?une sobri?t? communicationnelle (The Shift Project, 2020) ; 4. Les transitions num?rique et ?cologique partagent un grand app?tit de donn?es (r?colte, traitement, production, commercialisation, etc.) de toutes natures, en particulier des donn?es personnelles. Mais, si les donn?es sur l??tat de la plan?te ont permis de comprendre les transformations du climat et de l?environnement (Cirac Claveras et Gossart, 2015), celles compil?es, stock?es par les grandes entreprises du num?rique, en particulier les GAFAM, visent avant tout la mise en place de nouveaux monopoles ? l??chelle du monde ainsi que le suivi et la pr?diction des comportements des utilisateurs et utilisatrices. Au-del? du R?glement g?n?ral sur la Protection des Donn?es (RGPD) de l?Union europ?enne, faut-il fuir, r?sister, r?duire ou esquiver l?envahissement du r?el par le num?rique ? Ce questionnement s?int?resse, aux usages, ? l?hyperconnectivit? (Carr? & Vidal, 2018), ? l??conomie de l?attention, aux sollicitations communicationnelles incessantes et ? la r?gulation des infrastructures num?riques et des donn?es tant d?un point de vue sociotechnique, socio?conomique que juridique (Gouvernement fran?ais, 2021). Informations pratiques Tous les articles seront soumis ? un processus d??valuation en double aveugle et devront respecter les crit?res de publication de tic&soci?t?. Les contributions doivent ?tre soumises en fran?ais. Les textes doivent comprendre entre 30 000 et 50 000 caract?res, espaces inclus. La date limite de soumission des articles est le 15 mai 2023. Les propositions d?articles sont ? envoyer conjointement ? Dominique Carr? - LabSic, Universit? Sorbonne Paris-Nord ? (dominique.carre at et ? Dominique Desbois - AgroParisTech-Inrae, Universit? Paris-Saclay ? (dominique.desbois at ? tout moment, il est ?galement possible de proposer des textes hors th?me pour tic&soci?t? ou Terminal. Dans ce cas, merci d?envoyer votre texte ? l?adresse ?ditoriale de votre choix de soumission : respectivement ticetsociete at ou redaction at Les textes re?us seront ?valu?s selon la proc?dure d??valuation en double aveugle sp?cifique ? la revue choisie en vue d?une publication. Les textes ayant pass? le processus d??valuation seront conserv?s soit pour un prochain dossier th?matique de l?une ou l?autre des revues ou, dans le cas de tic&soci?t?, ce pourrait ?tre pour un num?ro ? Varia ?. Bibliographie Ademe. (2019). La face cach?e du num?rique, 19 p., ARCEP. (2020). Pour un num?rique soutenable. Rapport disponible en ligne sur Bacache-Beauvallet M., Bourreau, M. (2022). ?conomie des plateformes, La D?couverte, Paris, 126 p. Baschet, J. (2021). Basculements. Mondes ?mergents possibles d?sirables, La D?couverte, Paris, 256 p. Carr? D., Vidal, G. (2018). Hyperconnectivit?. Enjeux ?conomiques, sociaux et environnementaux, ISTE ?ditions, Londres, 130 p. Cirac Claveras G., Gossart, C. (2015) , ? Enjeux et perspectives des donn?es environnementales massives ?, Terminal, 117. Desbois D., Gossart C., Jullien, N., Zimmermann, J.B. (2010). Le d?veloppement durable ? l??preuve des TIC, Terminal, 106-107, Haut Conseil pour le Climat (2020). Ma?triser l?impact Carbone de la 5G, 32 p. Iddri, FING, WWF France, (2018). Livre blanc Num?rique et Environnement, 34 p. Gouvernement fran?ais (2021). Feuille de route Num?rique & Environnement, 32 p. La RevueDurable, Artisans de la transition, Fribourg, Suisse, Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L., Randers, J., Behrens, W.W. (1972). The Limits to Growth, Universe Books, 211 p.. Monnoyer-Smith, L. (2017). Avant-propos. Transition num?rique et transition ?cologique, Annales des Mines - Responsabilit? et environnement, n? 87, pp. 5-7. Pitron, G. (2019). La guerre des m?taux rares, Paris, Les Liens qui Lib?rent, 320 p. Santarius, T., et al. (2022). Digital sufficiency: Conceptual considerations for ICTs on a finite planet. Annals of Telecommunications. Steffen, W., et al. (2015). Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347(736), 1259855. The Shift Project (2020). D?ployer la sobri?t? num?rique, 116 p. Vidalenc, E. (2019). Pour une ?cologie num?rique, Les Petits Matins, 124 p. Zuboff, S. (2019). The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Profile Books, 704 p. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dr.g.voorhees at Mon Apr 17 10:24:27 2023 From: dr.g.voorhees at (Gerald Voorhees) Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 12:24:27 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Events at Waterloo Games Institute Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi all, Please join us for two upcoming events (online or in-person) hosted the University of Waterloo Games Institute: 1. On Wednesday April 19 at 1PM EDT/UTC-4 Dr. Andre Brock will give a lecture: The Changing Same: Blackness, Representation, and Video Games. The talk is a discussion of the promise and peril of POC video game character voice acting, focusing primarily on the connections of Black male anger and Black fatherhood in God of War through the voice work of TC Carson and Christopher Judge, contextualized against the audio Brownface of two voice POC women characters in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves. Please register with Eventbrite (for free) to receive the link to the online event. 2. On Tuesday April 25 at 1 PM EDT/UTC-4 Dr. Kishonna Gray, Dr. Liz Nilsen, and Dr. Rhona Hanning will discuss Just Relationships for Research. We are increasingly asked to envision and implement respectful and non-extractive research involving marginalized communities. But we are rarely challenged to bring those principles to bear in our own research groups, where asymmetries of institutional power between colleagues, students, and staff are normalized. This interdisciplinary panel will outline roles and responsibilities as well as best practices for graduate student supervision to frame a discussion of how to foster and maintain just relationships among researchers, with a focus on the principles and practices animating non-extractive student-supervisor relationships. Different panelist will share their knowledge of institutional guidelines for student supervision and/or experience with cultivating and leading non-oppressive research groups. The panelists will encourage conversations about what constitutes just research relationships within and across disciplinary and institutional contexts. Please register with Eventbrite (for free) to receive the link to the online event. Best regards Gerald -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aaron.taylor2 at Mon Apr 17 15:31:09 2023 From: aaron.taylor2 at (Taylor, Aaron) Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 21:31:09 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Tenure-track position: New Media Assistant Professor (Digital Culture), University of Lethbridge In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Tenure-track position: New Media Assistant Professor (Digital Culture), University of Lethbridge Job Title New Media Assistant Professor (Digital Culture) About the University Work where the world comes to create, discover and learn. We are one of Canada?s top universities and leading research institutions. With more than 8,000 undergraduate and graduate students, two campuses (Lethbridge and Calgary), seven faculties and schools, and more than 2,500 employees, ULethbridge is Lethbridge?s second largest employer. Faculty and staff come together to contribute, each in their own way, to establishing ULethbridge as Canada?s destination university. In 2022, Lethbridge was recognized as one of Canada?s top small cities. Rank Assistant Professor Tenure Information Tenure Track Position Details Oki, and welcome to the University of Lethbridge. Our University?s Blackfoot name is Iniskim, meaning Sacred Buffalo Stone. The University is located in traditional Blackfoot Confederacy territory. We honour the Blackfoot people and their traditional ways of knowing in caring for this land, as well as all Aboriginal peoples who have helped shape and continue to strengthen our University community. About the Position: The Department of New Media, Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Lethbridge invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track appointment in Digital Culture, at the rank of Assistant Professor commencing July 1, 2023, subject to budgetary and Board approval. Joining a dynamic team of artists and scholars, the successful candidate will build on existing strengths in New Media by contributing to the decolonization of curriculum through the lens of digital culture studies. Qualifications and Responsibilities: Qualified candidates will have a PhD in Digital Culture or cognate area. Ideally, the candidate?s research trajectory will intersect with issues of reconciliation, decolonization, equity, accessibility. Applicants will be well-versed in the historical contingencies and contemporary complexities of social and cultural phenomena surrounding current and emergent digital technologies (for example: social media, Artificial Intelligence, cryptocurrency, data collection and data-driven decision making, the attention economy) and their ramifications on cultures, the environment, economies, politics, art and design, and everyday life. While not a prerequisite, we are particularly interested in applicants who have a parallel creative practice. Evidence of successful teaching at the post-secondary level is preferred, though not essential. The successful candidate will teach introductory and advanced level courses, as well as develop future course offerings, in Digital Culture studies to students in New Media programs, as well as to students from other disciplines fulfilling the Liberal Education requirements of their degrees. Teaching responsibilities will be determined to align with the candidate?s areas of research expertise. The new faculty member will join a vibrant department which delivers a broad new media curriculum to students from diverse backgrounds. They will also contribute to graduate programs, student supervision, and mentorship. In addition to teaching, the successful candidate will conduct research/creative work in their areas of expertise. Faculty are responsible for teaching, research, and service and play an integral role in the current and future curricular direction of programs. They are expected to participate in collegial governance at the department, faculty, and university levels and to actively engage with broader communities. About the Academic Unit: The Department of New Media offers a New Media major degree (BFA), combined BFA degrees in New Media / Education, New Media / Computer Science, and New Media / Management, as well as Minors in New Media, and New Media Studies. A generalist program, New Media emphasizes experiential learning, technical and creative innovation, critical thought, cross-disciplinarity, and collaboration. Supported by three computer labs equipped with high-end work stations, three specialized video editing and finishing facilities, as well as the Cove Studio (contains a green screen cyclorama, photographic backdrops, and specialized lighting), the department offers core studio and studies courses in a range of areas including, new media history and theory, web design, programming, game design and development, interaction, animation, and video production, as well as a rotating selection of upper-level electives. The Faculty of Fine Arts includes two Canada Research Chairs in Indigenous fields of study (one in Art and one in Music) and supports collaborative, community-oriented scholarship. About the University: The University of Lethbridge, a comprehensive university with approximately 8,000 students from 37 countries, aims to support the spirit of free inquiry and the critical interpretation of ideas. Our University?s work also focuses on fostering an inclusive, equitable, and diverse campus grounded in the principles of truth and reconciliation. Many world-class researchers, visual, sound, and performing artists have made their home here, contributing to a thriving arts community supported by numerous galleries, including the SAAG (Southern Alberta Art Galley Maansiksikaitsitapiitsinikssin), CASA Community Arts Centre, the Trianon Gallery, the University?s Dr. Margaret (Marmie) Perkins Hess Gallery, as well as theatre and music venues. The University is a vital part of Lethbridge, a community of over 100,000 people, located near the Oldman River, close to the Rocky Mountains, and within easy driving distance to Calgary?s International Airport. The many recreational and cultural amenities of the Lethbridge area offer a wonderful quality of life, reflected in its 2022 recognition as one of Canada?s best small cities. Application Instructions: Applications must be submitted through the ULethbridge Careers webpage. Applications should contain the following documents, each uploaded as a single PDF file: * Letter of Interest/Intent * Curriculum Vitae * Statement of Research/Creative Practice * Portfolio of Research/Creative Practice. If applicable: 20 images, links to video/audio files and professional websites if relevant, description of works for context * Statement of Teaching Philosophy * Portfolio of Teaching: two sample syllabi including assignments, documentation of student work, student evaluations, if available You will also be required to provide contact information for three references. References will be contacted directly, with information on how to submit their reference letters. The application submission triggers this request to your references, so please ensure that they are prepared to submit their letters no later than May 19, 2023. All application materials may be addressed to: Dr. Shelley Scott, PhD Interim Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive W, Lethbridge, AB, T1K 3M4 Faculty Faculty of Fine Arts Campus Lethbridge Open Date 03/04/2023 Close Date 05/12/2023 Open Until Filled Desired Start Date 07/01/2023 Position End Date (if temporary) Special Instructions to Applicants Employment Equity The University acknowledges the potential impact that career interruptions can have on a candidate?s record of achievement. We encourage applicants to explain in their application the impact that career interruptions have had on their record. The University of Lethbridge invites applications from all qualified candidates; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference. The University of Lethbridge is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, including through all aspects of the hiring process. If you require support during the hiring process, please contact Human Resources at human.resources at so that accommodations can be put in place to support you. All private information received in relation to your request for support will be kept confidential, only information required to facilitate the accommodation will be shared with the selection committee. Required Documents 1. Curriculum Vitae 2. Statement of Teaching Philosophy 3. Statement of Research/Creative Practice 4. Portfolio of Research/Creative Practice 5. Letter of Intent Optional Documents 1. Additional Documents 2. Portfolio of Teaching Dr. Aaron Taylor (He/Him/His) University of Lethbridge | Drama Department Centre for the Arts W544 | 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, Alberta, T1K 3M4 |Phone: (001) 403 394-3922 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 175 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: From meesherson at Tue Apr 18 09:50:38 2023 From: meesherson at (Michele Anderson) Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 15:50:38 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Poste=3A_Sp=C3=A9cialiste_des_communicatio?= =?utf-8?q?ns_et_de_l=E2=80=99engagement_=28bilingue=29?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Communications & Engagement Specialist (Bilingual) (le fran?ais suit) Please note that all applications for this position need to be completed directly on the McMaster Careers Website at the following address, which expires on May 4th at midnight: Responsible for assisting team and staff with duties related to identifying, planning, and executing communications and engagement initiatives: ? Design projects, events, communications and perform translations, such as: ? Analyze project requirements and work with various staff and external contacts to determine project needs. ? Write and review documents, articles for newsletters, posts and promotional materials, for web, email, social media, reports, forms, platforms, or correspondence. ? Post content to social media, including researching, writing, posting, tagging, etc. ? Update and maintain the department website ensuring the accuracy of online content, new additions and deletions, with a focus on French. ? Assist the Program Manager and Director, or others as needed, with projects. ? Copy edit for grammar, spelling, logic and tone, with final approval from management. ? Host the video-conference software for webinars and events and maintaining the translation software for webinars and events. ? Consult graphics designers and external translators, as needed, for larger or technical presentations or promotional material for distribution online or in print. ? Exchange advice and information with staff on communications, engagement, translation and other technical or logistical requirements ? Plan and coordinate a variety of small or large events and activities. ? Arrange, attend, and facilitate occasional meetings with faculty, staff, and researchers. ? Respond to and direct general inquiries via telephone, email, and in person. ? Complete literature searches relevant to current projects. ? Remain current with the activities of other teams to ensure coordination of projects and deadlines are met. ? Be accountable for deadlines and planning time in the task, publishing or events planners, respectively, while working closely with the Program Manager to assure tasks and publications timelines, deadlines and deliverables are met. ? Provide direction to volunteers on how to carry out work tasks. ? Ensure adherence to quality standards and procedures for short-term staff and volunteers. Education Bachelor?s degree in a relevant field of study (degree in language, communications, journalism, translation, or linguistics will be prioritised). ? Requires 3 years of relevant experience in a similar role. ? Must be bilingual in English and French where demonstration of bilingual writing, editing and translation skills will be required. Other Information Education will also be accepted from a Quebec c?gep or equivalent combination from Quebec, France, or other French-speaking country. Fran?ais Sp?cialiste des communications et de l?engagement (bilingue) Veuillez noter que toutes les candidatures pour ce poste doivent ?tre soumises directement sur le site Web de McMaster Careers ? cette adresse, qui expire le 4 mai ? minuit : Assister l??quipe et le personnel dans les t?ches li?es ? l?identification, ? la planification et ? l'ex?cution des initiatives de communications et d?engagement. * Concevoir des projets, des ?v?nements, des communications, et effectuer des traductions, par exemple?: * Analyser les exigences d?un projet et collaborer avec divers contacts ? l?interne et ? l?externe pour pr?ciser les besoins du projet. * R?diger et r?viser des documents, des articles pour des bulletins d?information, des publications et du mat?riel promotionnel pour : le web, pour les courriels ?lectroniques, les m?dias sociaux, des rapports, des formulaires, des plateformes ou de la correspondance. * Publier du contenu sur les m?dias sociaux, ce qui comprend la recherche, la r?daction, la publication, le taggage, etc. * Mettre ? jour et entretenir le site web du d?partement en veillant ? l?exactitude du contenu en ligne, des ajouts et des suppressions, avec une attention particuli?re accord?e au fran?ais. * Assister, pour des projets, le directeur et le gestionnaire de programme ou, au besoin, toute autre personne. * R?viser les textes pour en v?rifier la grammaire, l?orthographe, la coh?rence et le style, avant approbation finale par la direction. * H?berger le logiciel de visioconf?rence et g?rer le logiciel de traduction pour les webinaires et les ?v?nements. * Consulter des graphistes et des traducteurs externes, le cas ?ch?ant, pour des pr?sentations techniques ou plus cons?quentes, ou pour du mat?riel promotionnel ? diffuser en ligne ou sur papier. * ?changer avec le personnel des conseils et des informations sur les communications, l?engagement, la traduction et d?autres exigences techniques ou logistiques. * Planifier et coordonner divers ?v?nements et activit?s de petite ou grande envergure. * Organiser, assister et faciliter des r?unions occasionnelles avec le corps enseignant, le personnel et les chercheurs. * R?pondre ? et orienter les demandes de renseignements g?n?raux par t?l?phone, par courriel ?lectronique et en personne. * Effectuer des recherches documentaires ou bibliographiques en rapport avec les projets en cours. * Se tenir au courant des activit?s des autres ?quipes afin d?assurer la coordination des projets et le respect des ?ch?ances. * ?tre responsable de la programmation des ?ch?ances et des d?lais dans les planificateurs de t?ches, de publications ou d??v?nements, respectivement, tout en collaborant ?troitement avec le gestionnaire de programme afin de garantir le respect des calendriers de t?ches et de publications, des ?ch?ances et des livrables. * Orienter les b?n?voles dans l?ex?cution de leurs t?ches. * Veiller au respect des normes et proc?dures de qualit? par les b?n?voles et le personnel ? court terme. Qualifications * Baccalaur?at dans un domaine d??tudes pertinent (priorit? sera donn?e aux dipl?mes en langues, en communications, en journalisme, en traduction ou en linguistique). * Trois ans d?exp?rience pertinente dans une fonction similaire sont requis. * ?tre bilingue en anglais et en fran?ais et faire preuve de comp?tences bilingues en mati?re de r?daction, de r?vision et de traduction. Informations suppl?mentaires Les dipl?mes d?un c?gep qu?b?cois ou d?une combinaison ?quivalente du Qu?bec, de la France ou d?un autre pays francophone sont ?galement accept?s. Mich?le Anderson (? ? ? She/her/mom MA, BA, GradCertA, DipChin, PRK) Director of Communications and Engagement / Directrice des communications et de l'engagement Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN / RCCDR) 1280 Main Street West (Wilson Hall, 3019) McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L8 Phone: 905 525 9140 ext 23202 McMaster University recognizes and acknowledges that it is located on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations, and within the lands protected by the ?Dish with One Spoon? wampum agreement. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Bilingual JD1446 Communications and Engagement Specialist (Bilingual) links.docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 37506 bytes Desc: not available URL: From jfinn at Fri Apr 21 03:30:53 2023 From: jfinn at (Jonathan Finn) Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 09:30:53 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Call for Nominations: Surveillance Studies Network Arts Prize 2024 Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Surveillance Studies Network Arts Prize 2024 The Surveillance Studies Network (SSN) is dedicated to the study of surveillance in all its forms. It promotes innovative and multidisciplinary work on surveillance, including research that bridges different academic fields, furthers the understanding of surveillance in wider society, and informs information policy and political debate. As a registered charitable company, the SSN is committed to the free distribution of scholarly products, including the publication of Surveillance & Society, the leading peer-reviewed journal dedicated to surveillance studies. As part of its mandate, the SSN seeks to encourage creative and artistic practices engaging with the topic of surveillance. As such, the Surveillance Studies Network Arts Prize is a bi-annual award that recognizes and publicly supports artwork centred on critical readings of surveillance. Following the success of its previous Arts Prizes in 2018, 2020, and 2022, the SSN is delighted to announce the call for nominations to the 2024 competition. Award All submissions are adjudicated by a committee composed of members of the SSN board. The award for first prize is ?250 and up to three honourable mentions will receive ?100. Additionally, the winner and each honourable mention will receive a fee waiver for conference registration at the forthcoming SSN Conference (location and date TBA) in summer 2024, as well as coverage in a Surveillance & Society forum and the blink blog discussing the work. Travel support may also be available, funds permitting. Winning artists will also receive an invitation to showcase their work, or a representation of it, in a virtual exhibition during SSN?s 2024 conference. Please note that, due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the format of the 2024 SSN conference and thus the administration of the Arts Prize may be subject to change to accommodate changing public health measures. The nominated work must be an original art project that was produced or exhibited in the 2020, 2021, or 2022 calendar years. The following criteria will be used to adjudicate the nominations: ? demonstrates a thematic fit with the critical orientation of the Surveillance Studies Network and Surveillance & Society; ? exhibits theoretical sophistication; ? produces new and unique ways of thinking about modes of surveillance; ? and promotes audience engagements. Deadlines and Forms The call for nominations closes on 15 July 2023 at 11:59pm EST, with the selected artworks announced in December 2023. To nominate an artwork for the upcoming competition, please download and complete the following form: Self-nominations are welcome. For further information, please contact Julia Chan, Arts Committee Co-Chair at julia.chan at and include the heading ?SSN Arts Prize.? *Submission forms are hosted by Google. For a PDF version, please send a request to julia.chan at with the heading ?SSN Arts Prize form?PDF request.? -- Julia Chan, PhD (she/her) Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Media and Film University of Calgary e: julia.chan at t: @juliaschan w:, Recent publication: Chan, Julia. ?Something to (Not) See: Reading Whiteness through Voyeurism in the Desktop Horror.? Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 14 February 2023. The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut?ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to the M?tis Nation of Alberta Region 3. Dr. Jonathan Finn Professor, Department of Communication Studies Wilfrid Laurier University Associate Editor, Surveillance & Society 519.884.0710 x3190 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fvjones at Fri Apr 21 13:11:56 2023 From: fvjones at (Fred Vallance-Jones) Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 19:11:56 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Opportunity--Rogers Chair in Journalism at King's Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi everyone, We are hiring for the position of Rogers Chair in Journalism at the University of King's College in Halifax. This is a three-year, limited term appointment, with the possibility of renewal for a second three-year term. We are in an exciting period of faculty renewal at King's, and the person in this position will have the opportunity to help shape journalism education at King's in the years to come. King's offers programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels and is one of the country's leading schools of journalism. This is a great opportunity for an experienced and accomplished journalist, with preference to be given to those with a graduate degree and classroom experience. King's is a great place to work with a supportive and collegial faculty. Halifax is a lively, rapidly growing and diversifying city located amidst stunning natural beauty. The details are in the attached ad. Please circulate widely to your networks. Thanks so much, Fred Vallance-Jones (he/him) Associate Professor, Director of Journalism University of King's College Halifax, Nova Scotia 902-422-1271 ext 147 King's and Halifax (Kjipuktuk) sit on unceded Mi'kmaw land in Mi?kma?ki. African Nova Scotians are a distinct people whose histories, legacies and contributions have enriched Mi?kma?ki and Nova Scotia for over 400 years. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: finalRogersChairAd.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 95516 bytes Desc: finalRogersChairAd.pdf URL: From katherine_reilly at Sun Apr 23 21:16:02 2023 From: katherine_reilly at (Katherine Reilly) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 03:16:02 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] How are communities using podcasting to build knowledge about data colonialism? Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear Canadian Communications Association Community - Please join us for a Tierra Comun Data Colonialism Network ( event this Thursday. This event will be in Spanish with simultaneous translation in English. How are communities using podcasting to build knowledge about data colonialism? Thursday April 27 at 10 AM (CDT) (1 hour) For a long time, sound and voice have been powerful media for communities in Latin America. For example, community radio has been used to engage in educational and informational efforts across different territories and contexts. Nowadays, podcasting offers a vast range of possibilities to expand on these affordances. This session seeks to explore how communities build on an established depth of knowledge to mobilize podcasting as a medium to obtain, build, and share knowledge. Panellists: Ernesto Lamas, University of Buenos Aires Jose Luis Aguirre, WACC and the Radio and Television Capacity-Building Service of the Catholic University of Bolivia Monica Valdes, World Association of Community Radio, Colombia Leyla Noriega, Ayni Radio Program, Chile For more details and to sign up: Please share this event in your networks. Best regards, Katherine Dr. Katherine Reilly Associate Professor | School of Communication Associate Dean Research | Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 [] At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From katherine_reilly at Sun Apr 23 21:18:43 2023 From: katherine_reilly at (Katherine Reilly) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 03:18:43 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: 4S Open Panel "Data in motion for a more-than-human world" Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] We're excited to invite proposals for an open panel at 4S on data and new materialism! Please see the CFP below. Data in motion for a more-than-human world Katherine Reilly, Simon Fraser University; Gillian Russell, Simon Fraser University; Rachel Horst, University of British Columbia; These panels will feature papers that rethink the notion of 'data' as the driver of knowledge. Data is usually positioned as discoverable fact, a container of meaning, or a solidified agreement about what's assumed to be true. These visions of data suggest a world contained, like a butterfly pinned to a board, ready for inspection. In contrast, relational approaches to data understand the world to be in constant motion and focus on processes of meaning making surrounding observations or experiences. For example, citizen science often uses positivist approaches to count and classify anthropocentric marine debris. In contrast, relational approaches might consider how beach trash makes us feel; imagine our relationships to the ocean under different 'truth' conditions; or explore representations of different marine species in struggles over how to 'know' the world. Relational approaches tell us that the truth of garbage on a beach is not in its existence, but in our mutual and collective subsistence; that data isn't about plastic but rather is plastic; and that data isn't a discrete entity, but rather is enmeshed in human relations. We seek papers about more-than-human approaches to data, information systems, research-creation and knowledge production with a particular focus on human relationships with natural and built environments. We are particularly interested in papers that challenge social processes based in 'containment' views of data (such as data repositories, citizen science, open government, etc.) and papers that explore and experiment with alternative ways of 'doing data.' Details: Conference Info: Contact: kreilly at, gillianr at, rachel.horst at Keywords: Method and Practice, Data and Quantification, Environmental/Multispecies Studies Dr. Katherine Reilly Associate Professor | School of Communication Associate Dean Research | Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 [] At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. Dr. Katherine Reilly Associate Professor | School of Communication Associate Dean Research | Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 [] At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pooley at Mon Apr 24 10:33:13 2023 From: pooley at (Jeff Pooley) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 12:33:13 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] A Rosetta Stone for Erving Goffman: A Free Online Discussion, 5 May Message-ID: <238ea38b-5a55-466a-8f2c-4d8876848dcf@Spark> [?EXTERNAL] Please join us for a free online discussion of Erving Goffman?s 1953 dissertation, ?Communication Conduct in an Island Community??newly published as an open access book. * A Rosetta Stone for Erving Goffman: An Online Discussion on Goffman?s Newly Published Dissertation (1953) * 5 May 2023, 15:00 UTC (11am EDT/4pm BST/5pm CET) [45 minutes] ## Registration link (free) ## Discussants: * Yves Winkin, *University of Li?ge* * Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz, *University of Wisconsin-Parkside* * Peter Lunt, *University of Leicester* * Greg Smith, *University of Salford* * Filipa Subtil, *Instituto Polit?cnico de Lisboa* ## Open access book ## More info ## Description Join Yves Winkin, Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz, Peter Lunt, Greg Smith, and Filipa Subtil for a discussion of Erving Goffman?s 1953 dissertation, ?Communication Conduct in an Island Community,? recently published as an open access book with a new introduction by Winkin. This free Zoom session, sponsored by, marks the dissertation?s publication with a discussion of the work?s significance by Winkin and other leading Goffman scholars. Canadian-born Erving Goffman (1922?1982) was the twentieth century?s most important sociologist writing in English. His 1953 dissertation, based on fieldwork on a remote Scottish island, presents in embryonic form the full spread of Goffman?s thought. Framed as a ?report on a study of conversational interaction,? the dissertation lingers on the modest talk of island ?crofters.? It is trademark Goffman: ambitious, unconventional in form, and brimmed with big-picture insight. The thesis is that social order is made and re-made in communication?the ?interaction order? he re-visited in a famous and final talk before his 1982 death. The dissertation is, as Winkin writes in the new introduction, the ?Rosetta stone for his entire work.? It was here, in 360 dense pages, that Goffman revealed, quietly, his peerless sensitivity to the invisible wireframes of everyday life. ( is a scholar-led, nonprofit, no-fee open access publisher in the media, film, and communication studies fields. Questions? Email press at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From yousif at Mon Apr 24 13:05:10 2023 From: yousif at (Yousif Hassan) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 15:05:10 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] 4S 2023 Open panel - Decolonizing Data Infrastructures: Pluralizing Imaginaries and Histories of Datafication (due May 26) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] ** Please feel free to share and circulate to your networks ** -- * Submission Instructions: * Deadline for Abstract Submissions: May 26, 2023 (notification of acceptance on June 9) 90. Decolonizing Data Infrastructures: Pluralizing Imaginaries and Histories of Datafication Yousif Hassan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Jane Yeahin Pyo, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Paola Ricuarte, Tecnologico de Monterrey; Anita Chan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Discourses of decolonization have become salient in the field of AI/Big Data and global circles of responsible innovation. These discourses often take a universalist view of ethics, or imply a vision of AI mono-futurism based on Euro-American centric understandings of the social, political, and economic implications of data-driven developments across different geographies of the Global South and North. This panel attempts to problematize such trends by recovering the pluralistic histories of decolonization across different geographies of knowledge production. We seek nuanced discussions of surveillance, prediction, and segregation economies and resistances to them that are underpinned by alternative ways of knowing and being in the world. We invite methodological, theoretical, and empirical contributions that engage with alternative future imaginations to remake or refuse dominant data-driven imperatives and look for past and present practice from places that have been historically excluded from knowledge-making. This includes work that: * Open up spaces for solidarity and reimagination of shared human futurities that confront and seek to dismantle systems of oppression * Problematize notions of intelligence and ethics based on Western understandings of human difference. * Explore colonial ideologies reproduced through information ecologies and their impacts on marginalized communities * Illuminate Southern epistemologies that contribute to more inclusive and accountable practices or policy around data infrastructures. * Address feminist, racial and social justice approaches to technology to interrogate relations of power across situated data ecologies. * Examine communal approaches to technology and their implications for political economies Contact: asaychan at, yousif at, forrain526 at, pricaurt at Keywords: Social Movements and STS, Decolonial and Postcolonial STS, Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning, decolonization infrastructures, data/AI colonialism, data solidarities, AI mono-futurisms, socio-technical pluri-histories, political economy of technology, datafication, Indigenous STS, Feminist STS, Race/Black Studies and STS, Social Movements and STS, Transnational STS, coloniality, decolonial computing and media technologies, critical race and media studies, infrastructure studies []? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kmo at Tue Apr 25 09:14:43 2023 From: kmo at (Archive/Counter-Archive Knowledge Mobilization Officer) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:14:43 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Archival Atelier Summer 2023 Workshop Series Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hello all, Archive/Counter-Archive is pleased to announce three upcoming events in this year's Archival Atelier Summer 2023 Workshop Series. Archival Atelier is an ongoing series of free online workshops and talks where we invite artists, archivists, and researchers to walk us through a specific aspect of their work and explain how they professionally engage with processes of preservation, documentation, restoration, digitization, and/or archiving. Please feel free to share widely within your networks and/or contact me at kmo at for more information. -------------------------------------------------- "Up Close and Personal: Documenting Design with the Method for Design Materialization" Workshop Leader: Pippin Barr (Concordia University) Thursday, May 4th, 2023. 4:30-6 PM EST. Free. Online / Zoom. In this workshop, we will introduce the Method for Design Materialization (MDM), an approach to documenting digital design processes at all levels. We will focus on the software engineering technology of version control, a way to track and recover the history of a software development project, showing how it can be used to rigorously track not just changes to software, but the entire design and development lifecycle. Pippin Barr is an experimental game designer and Associate Professor of Computation Arts at Concordia University. He is a prolific maker of videogames, producing work addressing everything from airplane safety instructions to the nature of videogames and videogame technologies. He is a well-known figure in the independent and artistic videogame scenes, makes his source code and process documentation publicly available via his presence on GitHub, and his forthcoming book, The Stuff Games Are Made Of (2023, MIT Press), discusses videogame design from the perspective of its materials. Click the following link to register for this free workshop on Eventbrite: NOTE: The Zoom link will be emailed to all who register on May 3. -------------------------------------------------- "Archiving Websites with Webrecorder" Workshop Leaders: H?l?ne Brousseau and Sarah Lake (Concordia University) Thursday, May 18th, 2023. 4:30-6 PM EST. Free. Online / Zoom. As our collective cultural output becomes increasingly web-based, how can artists and researchers preserve at-risk websites of enduring value? This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to Webrecorder, a suite of free and open-source web archiving tools. Participants will have the opportunity to practice preserving interactive online content like web-based artworks, virtual exhibitions, and digital publications. H?l?ne Brousseau is the digital media and visual resources librarian at Concordia University, subject librarian for Cinema, Contemporary dance and Music. She was formerly the digital collections and systems librarian at Artexte where she lead Artexte?s Web archiving initiatives, including introductory workshops using Webrecorder and Conifer. Sarah Lake is the digital preservation librarian at Concordia University, where she leads the library?s web archiving initiatives and delivers web archiving workshops for students and faculty. Click the following link to register for this free workshop on Eventbrite: NOTE: The Zoom link will be emailed to all who register on May 17. -------------------------------------------------- "Net Art Restoration with Cheryl L'Hirondelle's ohci askiy" Roundtable Participants: Callum Beckford, Anna Douglas, Jeremy Heil, Jennifer Kennedy, Cheryl L'Hirondelle, and Susan Lord *Summer 2023, Date/Time TBA. Free. Online / Zoom. *Please be sure to keep an eye on the main Archival Atelier 2023 page for more details about this exciting upcoming hybrid workshop/roundtable as they become available! -------------------------------------------------- Andrew Bailey (he/him) ? Knowledge Mobilization Officer SSHRC Partnership Grant, Archive/Counter-Archive York University | 2001E Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building 4700 Keele Street ? Toronto ON ? Canada M3J 1P3 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From MerlynaLim at CUNET.CARLETON.CA Tue Apr 25 09:41:15 2023 From: MerlynaLim at CUNET.CARLETON.CA (Merlyna Lim) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:41:15 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] 4S Open Panel "Rethinking Platform Studies in and With Asia" Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] We're excited about our panel at 4S in Honolulu, Hawai'i, 8-11 November 2023 and would like to invite scholars working on platforms in/with Asia to submit your abstract. Please see CFP below. Rethinking Platform Studies in and With Asia Panel info: Conference Info: The 'platform turn' introduced a new framework to comprehend the technological, economic, and discursive practices of the post-industrial digital economy. The understanding of platforms as the new frontiers of the globalized digital economy, however, has only gained further depth and nuances when situated outside the epicenter of Silicon Valley in other parts of the world, especially Asia, the world's fastest growing region. The variegated local experiences, dynamism and heterogeneity of platform economies in Asia both complement and challenge Silicon Valley-centered narratives. They interrogate mainstream platform studies' assumptions and position 'platform capitalism' within the extension and convergence of long-term tendencies in the history of global capitalism and in diverse local social and cultural contexts. This 'politics of imagining Asia' has become increasingly contested recently with a surge in Anti-Asian sentiments during the Covid-19 pandemic and the intensification of a 'new Cold War' centered around the US and China. Digital platforms and technologies are at the center of these confrontations: from supply chain disruption and restructuring, inter-regional flows of capital, goods, technologies, and labor, new restrictions of foreign capital and businesses, to discursive battles over racism and xenophobia, and debates about different models of political governance and economic development. This panel aims to facilitate productive discussions and dialogue for scholars working at the intersection of platform studies and Asian studies. What could we gain by rethinking platform studies in and with Asia? How could our engagement with platforms help advance Asian studies at the new conjuncture? Contact: linzhang966 at, eyuan at, Merlyna.Lim at, Asmita.bhutani at Keywords: Asia, Platforms, Politics, Information, Computing and Media Technology, Transnational STS, Economics, Markets, Value/Valuation ----------------------- Merlyna Lim Canada Research Chair in Digital Media & Global Network Society A/ Professor of Communication and Media Studies Director & Founder of ALiGN (Alternative Global Network) Media Lab School of Journalism & Communication, Carleton University Merlyna.Lim at | publications can be downloaded from: This email contains links to content or websites. Always be cautious when opening external links or attachments. Please visit for information on reporting phishing messages. When in doubt, the ITS Service Desk can provide assistance. -----End of Disclaimer----- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From at Tue Apr 25 19:48:46 2023 From: at (Dunlop, Benjamin) Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 01:48:46 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA Member - Master's Student Research Thesis - Call for participants Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Hello, My name is Ben Dunlop and I am a Master of Educational Psychology student at the University of Saskatchewan. I am a recent member of CCA I am conducting my research thesis on workplace incivility in academia in Canada. The reason for my email today is to post my invitation to participate in research amongst the CCA members. Please post the following: Dear Colleagues, You are receiving this email because you are a faculty member or student at a Canadian college or university. You are being contacted to participate in a survey on workplace incivility in academia in Canada. This project is run by Benjamin Dunlop (Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan), Dr. Laureen McIntyre (Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan), and Dr. Laurie-Ann Hellsten (Faculty of Education, The University of Winnipeg). The purpose of this study, ?Workplace Incivility in Academia? is to gather information about faculty experiences of workplace incivility. This research is a requirement for the completion of Ben?s Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Measurement and Evaluation in Educational Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan. This survey, which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, will investigate the working and social conditions within the academic setting to establish the link between the working and social conditions of academics and the behavioural phenomenon of workplace incivility. This research has the potential to lead to an enhanced understanding of workplace incivility and an improved understanding of how workplace incivility begins, develops, and permeates the academic working environment. Your participation would involve taking a 15-minute survey that you can complete at your convenience. You may drop out at any time without facing any retribution or penalty. The survey is available until May 31, 2023. All responses will be anonymized and kept strictly confidential. Follow this link to the Survey: If you have any questions or would like to request further details, please let me know. Regards, Ben -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mariane_bourcheix-laporte at Thu Apr 27 16:17:12 2023 From: mariane_bourcheix-laporte at (Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 22:17:12 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Call_for_nominations=3A_CCA_Student_Repres?= =?utf-8?q?entative_=7C_Appel_=C3=A0_candidatures=3A_Repr=C3=A9sentant=28e?= =?utf-8?b?KSDDqXR1ZGlhbnQoZSkgcG91ciBsJ0FDQw==?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Please forward to graduate students ***Version fran?aise ci-dessous*** Dear CCA student members, We hope that your transition to the spring/summer semester is going smoothly! The 2023 CCA conference is fast approaching and we are sending out a call for nominations for a new student representative to join the CCA Board of Directors. A new student representative will be elected during the Graduate Students Caucus Meeting (currently scheduled on Tuesday May 30th, 12:30-1:30 pm). If you wish to nominate yourself, please fill out this short nomination form in advance of the Caucus meeting. Nominations from the floor at the meeting will also be welcomed. As defined by the Graduate Representatives Terms of Reference, the representative?s tasks are as follows: 1.1. Student representatives are part of the Board of Directors and participate in its meetings. They shall serve on committees of the Board as required, and assume responsibility for any other duties assigned by the Board. 1.2. Organize the student caucus meeting held at the annual conference of the Association. 1.3. Hold the election of incoming student representatives (see Article 3). 1.4. To raise issues and topics of student interest at the CCA Board of Directors. 1.5. Communicate with the student membership on CCA matters. 1.6. Student Representatives shall work with the Board of Directors to recruit new members and encourage participation in the annual CCA conference. 1.7. Any scholarly graduate student communications output which may come from the CCA conference during a representative?s term will carry forward past the June 30th bylaw end date. We encourage anyone interested in getting involved to nominate themselves! This said, in alignment with the Graduate Representatives Terms of Reference and to ensure diversity, we particularly encourage students who meet one or more of these criteria to apply, as balance with the second Graduate Representative (Dana Cramer, 2022-2024): * Speaks French fluently * Lives outside of Ontario * Is not affiliated with Toronto Metropolitan University or York University Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte and Dana Cramer CCA Student Representatives **** Veuillez partager avec les ?tudiants des cycles sup?rieurs Chers membres ?tudiants de l'ACC, Nous esp?rons que votre transition vers la session printemps-?t? se passe bien ! La conf?rence 2023 de l'ACC approche ? grands pas et nous lan?ons un appel ? candidatures pour un nouveau ou une nouvelle repr?sentant(e) ?tudiant(e) qui rejoindra le conseil d'administration de l'ACC. Un nouveau ou une nouvelle repr?sentant(e) ?tudiant(e) sera ?lu(e) lors de la r?union du caucus des ?tudiants de l?ACC (actuellement pr?vue le mardi 30 mai, de 12h30 ? 13h30). Si vous souhaitez vous porter candidat(e), veuillez remplir ce court formulaire de candidature avant la r?union du caucus. Les nominations provenant de l'assembl?e lors de la r?union seront ?galement les bienvenues. Conform?ment aux termes de r?f?rences des repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s, les t?ches des des repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s sont les suivantes: 1.1. Les repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s font partie du Conseil d'administration et participent ? ses r?unions. Ils/elles/iels peuvent participer aux comit?s du Conseil d'administration, le cas ?ch?ant, et assument la responsabilit? de toute autre t?che confi?e par le Conseil d'administration. 1.2. Ils/elles/iels organisent la r?union du caucus ?tudiant lors de la conf?rence annuelle de l'Association. 1.3. Ils/elles/iels organisent l'?lection des nouveaux repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s (voir article 3). 1.4. Ils/elles/iels soumettent au Conseil d'administration de l'ACC les questions et les sujets d'int?r?t pour les ?tudiants. 1.5. Ils/elles/iels communiquent avec les membres ?tudiants sur les questions relatives ? l'ACC. 1.6. Les repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s travaillent avec le Conseil d'administration pour recruter de nouveaux membres et encourager la participation ? la conf?rence annuelle de l'ACC. 1.7. Toute communication savante d'un ?tudiant dipl?m? issue de la conf?rence de l'ACC pendant le mandat d'un repr?sentant sera report?e au-del? de la date d'expiration pr?vue dans le r?glement, soit le 30 juin. Nous encourageons tous ceux et celles qui souhaitent s'impliquer ? proposer leur candidature! Cela dit, conform?ment au mandat des aux termes de r?f?rences des repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s et dans un souci de diversit? et de repr?sentativit? par rapport ? l?autre repr?sentante ?tudiante en poste (Dana Cramer, mandat 2022-204), nous encourageons tout particuli?rement les ?tudiant(e)s qui r?pondent ? un ou plusieurs des crit?res suivants ? poser leur candidature : * Parle couramment le fran?ais * Habite ? l'ext?rieur de l'Ontario * N'est pas affili?(e) ? l'Universit? m?tropolitaine de Toronto ou ? l?Universit? York N'h?sitez pas ? nous contacter si vous avez des questions. Amicalement, Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte et Dana Cramer Repr?sentantes ?tudiantes, ACC Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte (she/her) PhD Candidate, School of Communication, Simon Fraser University Student Researcher, Cultural Policy Working Group, Archive/Counter-Archive Graduate Student Representative (2021-2023), Canadian Communication Association mbourche at | I respectfully acknowledge the x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam), S?wx?w?7mesh ?xwumixw (Squamish), s?l?ilw??ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), q??c??y? (Katzie), k?ik?????m (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen peoples on whose traditional territories our three campuses reside. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dr.g.voorhees at Fri Apr 28 12:23:34 2023 From: dr.g.voorhees at (Gerald Voorhees) Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 14:23:34 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Fall 2023 Sessional Instructor at Waterloo (in person) Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear Colleagues, The Department of Communication Arts at the University of Waterloo invites applications for an instructor to teach DAC 305 Designing and Evaluating Digital Games in Fall 2023. The class meets for 3 hours/week on the Waterloo campus, Sept to Dec (first class Sept 6) MW 1-2:30 (time to be confirmed by Registrar). Enrollment is expected to be 25 students; contract is contingent on adequate enrollment. This class is an elective for students in the department?s interdisciplinary Communication Arts and Design Practice major and Digital Arts Communication minor. To apply, please send cover letter, CV, and either a copy of one relevant publication or a link to creative portfolio to Adrian Buchanan at adrian.buchanan at Course Description This course introduces fundamental design skills for two-dimensional interactive video games and provides the theoretical knowledge of the emotional and cognitive effects of video game play. Students will understand the importance of user experience assessment for video games as part of iterative design and development. Students will learn to theorize, design, prototype, and test digital games with a special focus on exploring the impact that video games have on human experience. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From inahonse at Mon May 1 12:37:19 2023 From: inahonse at (Isaac Nahon-Serfaty) Date: Mon, 1 May 2023 18:37:19 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Conf=E9rence/Lecture=3A_Methodologi?= =?windows-1252?q?cal_challenges_when_social_issues_are_mixed_up_with_cult?= =?windows-1252?q?ure?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Conf?rence : Des difficult?s m?thodologiques quand les sciences se m?lent ? la culture Elle aura lieu le 24 mai ? 13h00 au SMD 125. La conf?rence sera en anglais. QR dans les deux langues Daniel RAICHVARG est Professeur ?m?rite ? l?Universit? de Bourgogne (Lab. CIMEOS) et Pr?sident d?Honneur de la Soci?t? Fran?aise des Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication. Ses travaux portent sur la vulgarisation des sciences, la communication et la culture scientifique. Il est missionn? par l?Acad?mie des sciences pour accompagner l??tablissement Public de Coop?ration Culturelle Terre de Louis Pasteur. Il a publi? Les vies de la pasteurisation ? r?cits, savoirs, actions (1865-2015) aux ?ditions Universitaires de Dijon. Il a dirig? les Lettres ? Loulou dit Pasteur (?ditions Thierry Marchaisse, 2022) et a la responsabilit? de la s?rie Les aventures fantastico-scientifique de Rapha?l (?ditions Universitaires de Dijon). ---------------------------------------------------------- Lecture: Methodological challenges when social issues are mixed up with culture May 24, 1:00 pm SMD 125. Daniel RAICHVARG is Professor Emeritus at the University of Burgundy (Lab CIMEOS) and Honorary President of the French Society of Information and Communication Sciences (Sfsic). He has been commissioned by the Acad?mie des Sciences to assist the Etablissement Public de Coop?ration Culturelle Terre de Louis Pasteur (France). He published "Les vies de la pasteurisation - r?cits, savoirs, actions (1865-2015)" at ?ditions Universitaires de Dijon. He was executive editor for "Letters to Loulou dit Pasteur" (Thierry Marchaisse editions, 2022) and is the head the series "Les aventures fantastico-scientifique de Rapha?l" (?ditions Universitaires de Dijon). [cid:c64cd41e-93d0-4e99-9a6d-c14fdba42016] Isaac Nahon-Serfaty Professeur agr?g?/Associate Professor Communication uOttawa (Canada) Website: Twitter: @narrativaoral [cid:35eda912-68fb-46a5-a446-b0ee22583b21] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Design.png Type: image/png Size: 528662 bytes Desc: Design.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Outlook-fv4l1v3q.png Type: image/png Size: 36430 bytes Desc: Outlook-fv4l1v3q.png URL: From brownles at Tue May 2 12:26:21 2023 From: brownles at (Shannon Brownlee) Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 18:26:21 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] 10-month 50% Limited Term Position: Cinema and Media Studies, Dalhousie University Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Hello All, Please let me know if you have any questions about this position: For the complete information about this opportunity, please visit: Position Title Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Cinema & Media Studies (50%) Posting Number F488P Type of position Limited Term Department/Unit Fountain School of Performing Arts Location Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada About the opportunity The Fountain School of Performing Arts (FSPA) at Dalhousie University invites applications for a ten-month (50% FTE) limited-term appointment in Cinema & Media Studies, at the rank of Lecturer/Assistant Professor, commencing August 1, 2023. The position is subject to budgetary approval. The successful candidate?s may duties include but are not limited to teaching three undergraduate classes; the candidate will also be expected to contribute to administrative service within the Fountain School of Performing Arts. The classes will mostly likely be in the Fall semester (September to December), although it might be possible to spread teaching out over the full academic year (September to April) at the candidate?s request. The successful candidate will have the option of working remotely for some of the time, although in-person presence at Dalhousie University is strongly preferred for at least one teaching semester. Applicants must have or be near completion of a PhD in Cinema and Media Studies or a related field; a completed PhD is preferred. They must also have an active research profile and evidence of effective teaching at the post-secondary level. Applications will include a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests and philosophies, evidence of teaching effectiveness (formal course evaluations), and the contact information for three referees (applicants selected for further consideration will be notified before referees are contacted). While most courses have been scheduled for next year, there is some flexibility around the specific classes the successful applicant will teach; therefore, please include in you application a cover letter that indicates the topic you would choose for a 4th-year Special Topics in Cinema and Media Studies course. Please also indicate which of the following courses you would feel comfortable teaching, and of these, which two you would be most interested in teaching: Animated Film; Film History Since 1955; Indigenous Representation in Film; Popular Cinema; Studies in Film Directors; and Topics in Black and African Diaspora Cinemas. Please also include a statement describing a demonstrated commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility within your cover letter. Applications are to be submitted online here. The deadline for applications is May 22, 2023. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi?kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit Shannon Brownlee (she/they) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, CINEMA AND MEDIA STUDIES/GENDER AND WOMEN?S STUDIES FOUNTAIN SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dalhousie Arts Centre, Room 505 902.494.3772 | shannon.brownlee at DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY Dalhousie University is located in Mi?kma?ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi?kmaq. We are all Treaty people. We recognize that African Nova Scotians are a distinct people whose histories, legacies, and contributions have enriched that part of Mi?kma?ki known as Nova Scotia for over 400 years. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Tue May 2 16:39:17 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 22:39:17 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Conf=C3=A9rence_d=C3=A9bat_=22Propositions?= =?utf-8?q?_pour_un_d=C3=A9bat_autour_de_la_question_du_web3_=3A_entre_dis?= =?utf-8?q?ruption=2C_prolongement_et_r=C3=A9actualisation=22_Mardi_30_mai?= =?utf-8?q?_2023_apr=C3=A8s-midi_UQAM_Jacob_Matthews_et_David_Pucheu?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour ? toutes et ? tous, Nos coll?gues Jacob Matthews et David Pucheu seront en visite ? Montr?al fin mai et d?but juin. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques lignes sur le th?me de l??change avec nos coll?gues, une br?ve notice biographique les pr?sentant ainsi qu?une pi?ce-jointe comprenant plus d?informations sur le th?me de leur intervention. Merci de me faire part de votre int?r?t ? participer (george.eric at L??v?nement se tiendra en pr?sence ? l?UQAM. Il serait envisageable de le rendre disponible aussi ? distance pour les personnes ne r?sidant pas dans la m?tropole. Merci pour votre attention ?ric ----------------------------------------------- Propositions pour un d?bat autour de la question du web3 : entre disruption, prolongement et r?actualisation Mardi 30 mai en apr?s-midi, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, salle ? suivre Cette conf?rence-d?bat propose d?interroger les soubassements id?ologiques du "web 3" en examinant les trajectoires historiques ambivalentes du web de confiance (blockchain) et du web s?mantique (IA). Impuls? par les travaux pr?liminaires de deux programmes de recherche, cet ?v?nement est ?galement l'occasion de confronter les pistes de r?flexion et interrogations port?es par d'autres travaillant sur les ?volutions du web. Enseignant chercheur en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication au sein de l?axe ?tudes Digitales (E3D) du MICA de l?Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne, David Pucheu interroge les imaginaires et les id?ologies qui pr?sident au d?veloppement technologique occidental. A mi-chemin entre sociologie et philosophie des techniques, ses travaux ont port? notamment sur l?histoire du design de l?interaction Humain-Machine et plus r?cemment sur l?ing?nierie exploratoire associ?e au mouvement transhumaniste californien. Il questionne par ailleurs les recompositions du croire ? l?oeuvre dans notre hypermodernit? et plus particuli?rement aux Etats-Unis. Jacob Matthews est professeur de Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l'Universit? Paris 8 et membre du LabSIC, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord. Ses recherches portent sur la socio-?conomie du web et des industries de la culture et de la communication (ICC) ainsi que sur les liens entre production id?ologique et leadership. Il est auteur de nombreux articles et chapitres analysant les ?volutions du web et mutations des ICC, les usages et strat?gies de plateformes d?interm?diation num?rique. Il est co-auteur de Platform economics. Rhetoric and reality in the ?sharing economy? (en collaboration avec Cristiano Codagnone et Athina Karatzogianni), 2018. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dr.g.voorhees at Wed May 3 08:46:42 2023 From: dr.g.voorhees at (Gerald Voorhees) Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 10:46:42 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Lecture: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear Colleagues, Please join the Games Institute at the University of Waterloo for a Lecture ?From Custer's Revenge to Red Dead Redemption: Changing the Language of Indigenous Representation in Video Games? with Dr. Ashley Bird on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 ? 1:00 PM TO 2:00 PM EDT/UTC-4. This is a free and hybrid event! Registration is required. Dr. Bird will emphasize the two types of language taking place in video games: mechanical, coded language, and visual, representational language. She presents the importance of teaching the history of Indigenous representation in games and will break down various examples from Custer?s Revenge to the Mortal Kombat and Red Dead Redemption series to demonstrate these types of gamic language. Building upon these examples, she centers on the problematic ways players have historically translated the messages they are being presented within the digital medium of the video game. She illustrates how these translations result in harmful narratives about Indigenous avatars becoming cemented within the overarching discourse and design of games. Finally, she will look at new Indigenous works and how inclusive and decolonial game design and practices like ROM hacking can push back against these established narratives and the ways in which players read them, and instead create sovereign digital spaces for Indigenous peoples. About the Speaker: Dr Bird is a Native American game designer and PhD in Native American Studies. She is Western Abenaki and originally hails from the Champlain Valley of Vermont. Her work theorizes digital sovereignty, drawing on Native American studies, media studies, and game studies to address representations of Native American characters in video games. The work analyzes specific colonial methodologies being replicated within game spaces in order to then replace these with decolonial methods of game design being undertaken by herself and fellow Native game designers with a focus on what she terms ?synthetic Indigenous identity,? oriented around promoting Indigenous futures. Her work has been featured in the InDigital Space at the ImagineNATIVE Film & Media Festival in 2018 and 2019 respectively. She is also a founding member of the UC Davis ModLab, an experimental laboratory for media research and digital humanities. ________________________________ Gerald Voorhees, Ph.D. (he/him) Associate Professor Department of Communication Arts University of Waterloo 257A ML, Waterloo ON, N2L 3G1 President, Canadian Game Studies Association ________________________________ I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University of Waterloo is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes ten kilometers on each side of the Grand River. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From zeffiroa at Wed May 3 11:28:20 2023 From: zeffiroa at (Zeffiro, Andrea) Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 17:28:20 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Sessional Posting: Crisis Communications and Issues Management Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From BethanyBerard at Mon May 8 06:30:59 2023 From: BethanyBerard at (Bethany Berard) Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 12:30:59 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP "Platforms & Visual Art" - Session at UAAC Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] CFP: Platforms & Visual Art - Session at UAAC (Banff, 19-21 Oct 2023) Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity, May 1?Oct 31, 2023 Deadline: May 31, 2023 We welcome proposals for presentations in our session "Platforms and Visual Art" at the annual University Art Association Conference (UAAC), which will take place Oct. 19-21, 2023 at the Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity. Art 2.0: Platforms and Visual Art Platforms are increasingly noticeable in the art world, where they facilitate engagement with artworks, artists, galleries, museums, and art fairs, building individual and institutional brands, enabling sales and networking. As Alison Hearn and Sarah Banet-Weiser (2020) argue, platforms ?mediate our cultural lives, setting the terms of valuable visibility and influence.? While scholars are addressing how culture is facilitated by platforms (Poell et. al 2021), studies to date focus on user-generated content, where materials are created exclusively on and for digital platforms. How does art created offline figure into the discussion? While social media platforms Instagram and TikTok are image-intensive, others like Artsy, Etsy, Google Arts and Culture, and the European Media Art Platform, are tailored to visual art created offline and experienced through the platform. Exploring these dynamics, this session invites contributions on how artists and institutions utilize platforms and how platforms shape the terrain in which artists produce and circulate work. Session chairs: Sarah E.K. Smith, Western University, sarah.smith at Bethany Berard, Carleton University, bethany.berard at To submit a proposal, please complete the Call for Papers form at and submit it to the session chairs at sarah.smith at and bethany.berard at Submissions are due by May 31, 2023. Conference regulations and the full list of sessions can be found at This email contains links to content or websites. Always be cautious when opening external links or attachments. Please visit for information on reporting phishing messages. When in doubt, the ITS Service Desk can provide assistance. -----End of Disclaimer----- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From katherine_reilly at Mon May 8 10:54:10 2023 From: katherine_reilly at (Katherine Reilly) Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 16:54:10 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Thursday: What is the role of Academics in the Podcast Public Sphere Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Please join us for the third webinar in the Tierra Comun data colonialism network's series on 'Podcasting Data Power'. We are exploring podcasting as a medium for community resistance to data colonialism. This session asks What is the role of Academics in the Podcast Public Sphere? As podcasting enables researchers to engage with multiple audiences in creative and collaborative ways, there is much to explore about how academics could make the most out of these spaces. Indeed, it is uncertain how knowledge production, dissemination and power dynamics are expanded or transformed through academic podcasting. In this session, participants will explore and discuss the role of academics in the new public sphere enabled by podcasting. Panelists * Hannah McGregor (Simon Fraser University) * Lori Beckstead (Toronto Metropolitan University) * Katherine Reilly (Simon Fraser University) Thursday, May 11 at 10am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern This event will be in English. Translation to Spanish will be provided. Este panel ser? en ingl?s. Se proporcionar? traducci?n al espa?ol. Dr. Katherine Reilly Associate Professor | School of Communication Associate Dean Research | Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 [] At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Alfred.Hermida at Mon May 8 14:00:22 2023 From: Alfred.Hermida at (Hermida, Alfred) Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 20:00:22 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Limited spaces at ICA Post-Conference Novel Directions in Media Innovation and Funding May 29-30 Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Friends There are just a few spaces left for the ICA post-conference, Novel Directions in Media Innovation and Funding, May 29th and 30th. We are bringing together scholars and journalists to share their expertise on journalism funding, media policy and digital news start-ups globally. Registration is still open and the preliminary program is available too. We have a mix of sessions planned to allow plenty of time for discussion and networking. The conference runs from May 29, 6.00 ? 8:30 pm and May 30 from 8:30 am ? 4:30 pm, 2023. It will be held at the Gladstone House at 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, which is a short ride by streetcar from the location of ICA 2023. Registration is CAD$75 for academics and professionals, and CAD$25 for students, including evening canap?s, breakfast, lunch and snacks. If you have any questions, please get in touch with organizers Mary Lynn Young and Alfred Hermida at journalisminnovationlab at Alfred Alfred Hermida PhD Professor, UBC School of Journalism, Writing, and Media On the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the h?n?q??min??m? speaking Musqueam (x?m??k??y??m) people -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Emmanuelle.Caccamo at Thu May 11 11:04:11 2023 From: Emmanuelle.Caccamo at (Caccamo, Emmanuelle) Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 17:04:11 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Rencontre_=AB_Imaginaires_technolog?= =?windows-1252?q?iques_extr=EAmes_=BB_-_12_mai_=28UQAM/Zoom=29?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Cher?e?s coll?gues, J?organise avec Marie-Julie Catoir-Brisson (Audencia, Nantes) une courte rencontre, demain, vendredi 12 mai, autour des imaginaires technologiques ? extr?mes ?. La rencontre se d?roule dans le cadre d?un chantier de recherche transatlantique que nous menons sur les imaginaires des d?veloppements technologiques. La rencontre se tiendra en mode hybride : 9h30-12h (heure du Qu?bec)/15h30-18h (heure de France), en pr?sence du professeur Nicolas Le D?v?dec (HEC Montr?al) et de l?artiste franco-canadien Gr?gory Chatonsky. Lieu : UQAM, Pavillon du Faubourg, 2e ?tage, salle DC-2300, CELAT-UQAM (279, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montr?al, Qu?bec). Pour y assister ? distance : ID de r?union : 825 7464 6199 Mot de passe : 035673 --- Au programme : Nicolas Le D?v?dec ? Le transhumanisme et l?imaginaire technoscientifique de l?humain augment? Le transhumanisme est un courant de pens?e qui milite depuis plus d?une vingtaine d?ann?es pour utiliser les avanc?es technoscientifiques et biom?dicales afin d?augmenter radicalement l?esp?rance de vie humaine et optimiser nos capacit?s physiques, intellectuelles autant qu??motionnelles. L?objectif de cette conf?rence sera non seulement de pr?senter les dimensions centrales de cet imaginaire d?un humain augment? par les technosciences, mais aussi et surtout d?en interroger la port?e politique. En nous appuyant sur plusieurs revendications du mouvement, notamment en ce qui concerne les enjeux de sant? publique, les risques existentiels globaux et l??cologie, nous montrerons que le transhumanisme, dans la diversit? de ses expressions, concourt ? une d?politisation forte des probl?matiques sociales et ?cologiques auxquelles nous sommes aujourd?hui confront?s. Centr? sur l?ambition et le projet de changer l??tre humain plut?t que de changer de monde, le mouvement porte une vision techno-bio-solutionniste du monde qui pousse ? son extr?me, au lieu de le remettre en cause, l?imaginaire prom?th?en de la ma?trise et du contr?le h?rit? de la modernit? occidentale capitaliste. Gr?gory Chatonsky ? Imagination artificielle et extinction Notre ?poque est moins marqu?e par une ? crise ? climatique dont nous pourrions esp?rer la r?solution que par une sixi?me extinction allant ? une vitesse inconnue dans l?histoire de la plan?te. L?intelligence artificielle (IA) semble constituer au premier abord un luxe et une vanit? entra?nant un dangereux extractivisme et une inutile d?pense ?nerg?tique qui nous ?loigne de la n?cessit? de transformation politique. L?IA n?est-elle pas pr?cis?ment le dernier avatar du monde de la volont? de puissance dont nous devons sortir? ? partir de certaines de certaines de mes expositions pass?es ? T?lofossiles ? (2013), ? Des m?moires ?teintes ? (2015), ? Terre seconde ? (2019) et de mes recherches pr?sentes et futures, je tenterai de montrer que les d?bats ouverts par la g?n?ration d?images statistiques avec Dall-E ou Stable Diffusion et l?impossible dialogue avec l?oracle chatGPT concernent tr?s directement la relation actuelle entre terre, monde et plan?te. --- En savoir plus sur le projet : Au plaisir de vous voir, ? Emmanuelle Caccamo, Ph. D. Professeure en ?tudes s?miotiques D?partement de lettres et communication sociale Universit? du Qu?bec ? Trois-Rivi?res Directrice du Cygne noir, revue d'exploration s?miotique Membre du CELAT | Centre de recherche Cultures - Arts - Soci?t?s -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tanner.Mirrlees at Thu May 11 12:02:42 2023 From: Tanner.Mirrlees at (Tanner Mirrlees) Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 18:02:42 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Creators4Change-ICA Pre-Conference: Registration closing soon! Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear colleagues, I hope you are well and excited for CCA 2023. I am! If you are in Toronto the week before CCA and feel like checking out an ICA pre-conference, please attend Creators4Change. I had fun co-organizing this, and the day's schedule of fireside chats and research presentations with creators, platform cultural production researchers, activists, and policy thinkers is super. Register online at: All the best, Tanner Creators 4 Change - International Communication Association (ICA) 2023 Co-sponsored by ICA Media Industry Studies Interest Group and Popular Media & Culture research group. WHEN: May 24th, 2023, 8:30AM-5PM WHERE: Tartu College Event Space, 310 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Canada, M5S 1W4, Entrance on Madison Ave WHAT: A full day of fireside chats and research presentations with creators, researchers, activists and policy experts across web series, podcasts, streaming and games, and vlogs exploring collaborations, best practices, strategies, tactics and challenges in creating social good on online platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Twitch and others. Register online at: We hope to see you there! Tanner Mirrlees Associate Professor Director, Communication and Digital Media Studies Faculty of Social Science and Humanities Ontario Tech University Faculty Profile From hirjif at Thu May 11 21:57:06 2023 From: hirjif at (Hirji, Faiza) Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 03:57:06 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA23 Updates Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From oakanbi at Thu May 11 14:53:28 2023 From: oakanbi at (Opeyemi Akanbi) Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 16:53:28 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] LaborTech Nominations Call Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Labor Tech Research Network (LaborTech) invites submissions for our second annual Book and Graduate Student Paper Awards, and first annual Social Justice Award. *About Us* LaborTech is an interdisciplinary and transnational group of experts concerned with the intersection of technology and labor. We aim to reframe conversations about technology and labor towards issues of power, inequality, and social justice, and incorporate themes of feminism, anti-racism, and transnationalism. We also seek to foster an interdisciplinary, cross-regional, and community-oriented space for discussion, collaboration, and empowerment. For a deeper discussion of our mission, please see the 'About Us' page on our website as well as examples of topics in our decade-long Speaker Series. *Call for Nominations* As part of our mission to promote scholarship and activism towards more equitable forms of labor and technology, LaborTech is announcing a call for three awards -- Book, Graduate Student Paper, and Social Justice. These will honor projects which: - have distinctive intellectual merit or activist impact; - advance the knowledge about labor and technology in the global society; and - address our core focus on labor and technology, which may simultaneously address feminism, anti-racism, and/or transnationalism. *Eligibility*: Works from all disciplines and methodologies are eligible for nomination. Nominations are open to members and non-members of LaborTech. We welcome self-nominations especially, but also nominations from publishers, colleagues, and others familiar with the projects. We encourage submissions from women, people of color, queer communities, and those from the global south. *Prizes*: Winners receive a small cash award and a certificate (which we hope to expand further in years ahead, as we are still a growing nonprofit organization :). In addition, we offer our infrastructural supports at LaborTech to promote visibility of your projects: by connecting with our 400+ expert members; by making a video of winners and distributing it both in and outside of our network to enhance public attention and exposure; and by creating a space and opportunity for sharing your work at out end of year virtual celebration. Winners will be announced in December. *Deadline and Contact*: The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2023. Send questions to labortechresearchnetwork at See below for separate criteria and instructions for the various awards. BOOK AND GRADUATE STUDENT PAPER AWARDS *Submission Details*: Please submit the following items in English to labortechresearchnetwork at 1. An electronic version in PDF format (contact us if only print form is available for books) 2. The author's contact email address 3. A one-page nomination letter stating the significance and contribution of the work 4. For Graduate Student Paper, please also include in the cover letter: a) when the PhD was started and, if applicable, granted b) if the paper was published, then state when and in what journal c) if co-authored with faculty/advisors/other PhDs, please include a paragraph attesting to the student's dominant role in generating the paper (such as working on its theoretical components, doing the research, and writing it up). In addition, we ask that the cover letter is signed (digitally, or otherwise) by all co-authors, so that they are aware of this submission. *Book Award Criteria*: - Monographs only (no edited volumes or anthologies) - Multiple authors accepted - Published in the last three years (2021-23) *Graduate Student Paper Award Criteria*: - Written by students currently enrolled in a graduate program or who have graduated in 2023 - Single-authored pieces are preferred, but co-authored pieces will be accepted with the above conditions in Submission Details - Papers may be published within the last three years (2021-23) or unpublished - Page length: 25-40 pages, double-spaced SOCIAL JUSTICE AWARD *Submission details*: - Fill out this online form, which includes a few short questions of 400-700 words each, regarding the significance and contribution of your social justice activities - Please submit all items in English. If you have a submission in another language, contact us and we'll attempt to find a translator in our group. *Criteria*: - Those who are interfacing with technology in the course of their organizing, or who are organizing against inequitable technologies, in the context of labor, feminism, anti-racism, transnationalism struggles. This may include: * tech workers * labor organizers, whether in unions or other workers' associations * feminist, immigrant, community, and ethnic rights activists * scholar-activists. For this, we are not looking for purely academic work (i.e., scholars who are studying activism), but rather those who are participating in activism themselves, or who are promoting collaborations between activists and scholars. * people creating design alternatives for social justice, like engineers and designers - Open to individuals, small groups, and if appropriate, organizations - Focus will be on a particular campaign or project that is done with the aim of social justice regarding labor and/or technology. These projects may be broad (such as educating the public on a social justice issue) or specific (such as organizing a protest for higher wages). They may use a variety of strategies (e.g., art, design, social media, marches and strikes, policy interventions, etc.). We'd like to honor activists who, through these projects, have developed novel approaches or who are pioneers in the fight for more equitable relations of technology and/or labor. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fenwick.mckelvey at Fri May 12 08:00:00 2023 From: fenwick.mckelvey at (Fenwick Mckelvey) Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] (de)Stabilizing Diffusions, Art Exhibit, May 15-23 Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] For folks in Montreal, please come to our (de)Stabilizing Diffusions exhibit Taking place May 15 to May 24 (de)Stabilizing Diffusions is not an exhibition of ?AI Art?. It is a behind the scenes look into the creative strategies that artists employ when critically dealing with AI. The artists Ali M. Demirel, Debashis Sinha, Evan Light, Craig Fahner, Ellouise McGeachie & Quinn MacNeil, Isabella Salas & Hexorcismos, Tim Murray-Browne share documentation of their works giving us a glimpse into not only how these systems work but also how they might be creatively undone. Join us for the Finissage on May 23 from 18h~ for an evening of artist talks, performances, and encounters at the Society for Arts and Technology. The exhibition is an extension of the two-day critical AI symposium (un)Stable Diffusions, which takes place on May 23 and 24 at Concordia University?s Milieux Institute. Thanks goes to Machine Agencies, MUTEK, the Society for Arts and Technology, and Anteism Books for their generous support on this! More info here: RSVP here for attending the Finissage: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alison.harvey at Fri May 12 11:28:49 2023 From: alison.harvey at (Alison Harvey) Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 17:28:49 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Creating Worlds Otherwise Book Launch Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] I am pleased to invite you to an exciting upcoming book talk by Dr Paula Serafini, who has recently published Creating Worlds Otherwise (Vanderbilt University Press). Please join us to hear more about this exciting interdisciplinary work and celebrate the book?s release. When: May 19 at 2pm Where: The Living Room at the Tranzac and Zoom (invite below) What: Creating Worlds Otherwise examines the narratives that subaltern groups generate around extractivism, and how they develop, communicate, and mobilize these narratives through art and cultural practices. It reports on a six-year project on creative resistance to extractivism in Argentina and builds on long-term engagement working on environmental justice projects and campaigns in Argentina and the UK. It is an innovative contribution to the fields of Latin American studies, political ecology, cultural studies, and art theory, and addresses pressing questions regarding what post-extractivist worlds might look like as well as how such visions are put into practice. Creating Worlds Otherwise received an Honourable Mention in the Latin American Studies Association Visual Cultures Studies 2023 Book Awards. Who: Paula Serafini is Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Creative and Cultural Industries at Queen Mary University of London. Her research is situated in the field of cultural politics, and her interests include extractivism, social movements, art activism, cultural labour and policy and socioecological transitions. She is author of Performance Action: The Politics of Art Activism (Routledge 2018) and Creating Worlds Otherwise: Art, Collective Action, and (Post)Extractivism (Vanderbilt University Press, 2022), and co-editor of artWORK: Art, Labour and Activism (Rowman & Littlefield Int, 2017) and Arte y Ecolog?a Pol?tica (IIGG-CLACSO, 2020). You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: May 19, 2023 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: cover vup page - Copy.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 1696221 bytes Desc: cover vup page - Copy.jpg URL: From helene.bourdeloie at Sat May 13 07:10:46 2023 From: helene.bourdeloie at (=?utf-8?Q?Helene_BOURDELO=C4=B0E?=) Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 09:10:46 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?AAC_=22Le_podcast_natif_=3A_comprendre_son?= =?utf-8?q?_essor=2C_interroger_son_avenir=22__14-15_d=C3=A9c=2E_2023_Pari?= =?utf-8?q?s_Panth=C3=A9on-Assas?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, une annonce que je diffuse.. ? Colloque international ? Le podcast natif : comprendre son essor, interroger son avenir Les 14-15 d?cembre 2023 ? l'Universit? Paris-Panth?on-Assas, salle 214. O? va le podcast en France et en Europe ? Pourquoi, alors qu?il ne pr?sente pas une innovation de rupture majeure et qu?il existe depuis longtemps, le podcast s?est-il r?cemment d?velopp? aussi rapidement et aussi fortement ? Comment expliquer les ressorts et les enjeux sociaux, ?conomiques, technologiques de ce succ?s et de ses ambivalences ? Nous attendons des communications, quelles que soient leur th?matique et approche m?thodologique, qu'elles apportent des ?l?ments de r?ponses aux deux questions qui portent ce colloque : Comment expliquer l'essor du podcast natif ? Quel avenir pour ce m?dia (rester de niche ou se g?n?raliser) ? Les propositions attendues sont d?une longueur de 3 000 signes maximum (hors bibliographie). Merci de joindre ? votre proposition une br?ve notice biographique pr?cisant votre affiliation. Les propositions sont ? envoyer au plus tard pour le 10 juin 2023 ? l?adresse suivante : obcast.carism at Texte de l'appel ici et appel en Pj : -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: aac_colloque_obcast_12_2023_copie-3.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1562269 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dorval.justine at Mon May 15 09:50:10 2023 From: dorval.justine at (Dorval, Justine) Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 15:50:10 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?Appel_=E0_contribution_-_La_d=E9sin?= =?windows-1252?q?formation_scientifique=3A_un_probl=E8me_public_transnati?= =?windows-1252?q?onal?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] La d?sinformation scientifique: un probl?me public transnational Un colloque consacr? ? la d?sinformation scientifique se tiendra ? Qu?bec du 28 f?vrier au 1er mars 2024. L?appel ? contribution est ouvert. Les vaccins, la pand?mie de Covid-19, les changements climatiques et l?intelligence artificielle se r?v?lent des terrains o? fait rage la d?nonciation de la d?sinformation scientifique, consid?r?e comme ?l?ment de disruption de la circulation des contenus scientifiques vers le public ?largi (Oliveira, 2020). Cette d?nonciation repose sur une forte mobilisation de nombreux acteurs des mondes scientifique, politique et journalistique dans plusieurs pays, et appara?t comme un probl?me public transnational. Le pr?sent appel ? propositions est centr? sur la mobilisation des ?nonciateurs du ph?nom?ne, et sur le caract?re transnational de l??mergence du probl?me d?nonc?. Nous souhaitons attirer l?attention sur le caract?re socialement construit des probl?mes publics (Best, 2010, Gusfield, 1989, Hassenteufel, 2010 ; Neveu, 2015), sur le fait qu?ils n??mergent pas naturellement dans les soci?t?s, mais qu?ils sont le r?sultat du travail de promotion fait par un ensemble d?entrepreneurs de cause (claim makers), dont dans ce cas-ci des acteurs transnationaux, int?ress?s par la mise en visibilit? sur les agendas public (m?diatique, politique et gouvernemental) d?une situation consid?r?e par eux comme ? probl?matique ?. Ainsi, l??mergence d?un probl?me d?pend fondamentalement des ressources mobilis?es par ces acteurs pour en faire un d?bat public. Les communications propos?es pour ce Colloque peuvent donc porter sur les quatre axes suivants : 1. La repr?sentation m?diatique du probl?me de la d?sinformation scientifique. 2. La participation des journalistes en tant qu?entrepreneurs de cause. 3. Les strat?gies d?ploy?es par les autres entrepreneurs de cause, en particulier ceux du niveau transnational aupr?s des m?dias et des journalistes. 4. La circulation transnationale du probl?me de la d?sinformation Au plaisir de vous lire, F?bio Pereira Universit? Laval -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Appel_Colloque_D?sinformationScientifique_FR.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 792152 bytes Desc: Appel_Colloque_D?sinformationScientifique_FR.pdf URL: From fenwick.mckelvey at Mon May 15 13:48:45 2023 From: fenwick.mckelvey at (Fenwick Mckelvey) Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 19:48:45 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Online seats left for next weeks (un)Stable Diffusions Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi all Please share widely. Next Tuesday May 23, please join us for a two-day international symposium on AI's publics, publicities, and publicizations at Milieux Institute, Tiohti?:ke/Montr?al. We still have some space left. (un)Stable Diffusions May 23 to May 24, 9am to 5pm EST Online and in person at Milieux Institute EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W Montreal Quebec Details: Registration is free to attend in person and online. Please register here: Description 21st-century AI is very much in its formative stage: It is still unsettled, and is continually being both stabilised and contested by diverse sets of actors: from technologists, startup founders and global companies to policy makers, journalists, and civil society. For some, AI is being positioned as a fix to our social problems, which in turn will change how we live, communicate, work and travel. Others raise substantive concerns that these developments might reinforce inequality, exacerbate the opacity of decision-making processes, and ultimately question human autonomy. We are thus living in a time when the infrastructures and institutions of our everyday lives are being (re)built at the hands of techniques which already elude popular and professional understanding; but while the controversies about the specific pathways to be taken are still visible, we can already perceive elements of closure and institutionalization. Our symposium invites contributions from an international audience to interrogate the shaping of AI. Building on an international collaboration between research teams from Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Canada, we invite presentations that pursue critical engagements with AI?s media representations, policy framings, and scientific debates. Crucially, we also invite epistemic reflections in how we are all Shaping AI, including practice-based research or research-creation. The event is hosted at the Milieux Institute at Concordia University by the Machine Agencies Research Group and is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From helene.bourdeloie at Mon May 15 09:52:17 2023 From: helene.bourdeloie at (=?utf-8?Q?Helene_BOURDELO=C4=B0E?=) Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 11:52:17 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Programme_=26_Inscription_-_Colloque_=22Le?= =?utf-8?q?_num=C3=A9rique_comme_m=C3=A9thodes_et_terrains_=3A_perspective?= =?utf-8?q?s_f=C3=A9ministes=22_29-30_juin_2023_-_Hybride_=3A_CIS_CNRS_Pou?= =?utf-8?q?chet_Paris_et_en_ligne?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Ch?res et chers coll?gues, Nous vous prions de bien vouloir trouver le programme du colloque "Le num?rique comme m?thodes et terrains : perspectives f?ministes" (NuMFem) qui se tiendra les 29-30 juin 2023 en ligne et au Centre Internet et Soci?t? (CIS) sur le site Pouchet du CNRS (Paris): L?inscription en ligne est ? effectuer avant le 9 juin 2023. Au plaisir d??changer, H?l?ne, pour le comit? **** H?l?ne Bourdeloie Centre Internet et Soci?t? (CIS) CNRS, d?l?gation Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord / Paris Nord Sorbonne University LabSIC & chercheuse associ?e au CARISM (Universit? Paris II Panth?on-Assas) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Thu May 18 02:07:27 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 08:07:27 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?=22Propositions_pour_un_d=C3=A9bat_autour_?= =?utf-8?q?de_la_question_du_web3_=3A_entre_disruption=2C_prolongement_et_?= =?utf-8?q?r=C3=A9actualisation=22=2C_David_Pucheu_et_Jacob_Matthews=2C_Ma?= =?utf-8?q?rdi_30_mai_2023=2C_Montr=C3=A9al?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Propositions pour un d?bat autour de la question du web3 : entre disruption, prolongement et r?actualisation Conf?rence - d?bat avec David Pucheu, enseignant chercheur en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l?Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne et Jacob Matthews, professeur en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l'Universit? Paris 8 Mardi 30 mai 2023, 15h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al Cette conf?rence-d?bat propose d?interroger les soubassements id?ologiques du "web 3" en examinant les trajectoires historiques ambivalentes du web de confiance (blockchain) et du web s?mantique (IA). Impuls? par les travaux pr?liminaires de deux programmes de recherche, cet ?v?nement est ?galement l'occasion de confronter les pistes de r?flexion et interrogations port?es par d'autres travaillant sur les ?volutions du web. Enseignant chercheur en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication au sein de l?axe ?tudes Digitales (E3D) du MICA de l?Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne, David Pucheu interroge les imaginaires et les id?ologies qui pr?sident au d?veloppement technologique occidental. A mi-chemin entre sociologie et philosophie des techniques, ses travaux ont port? notamment sur l?histoire du design de l?interaction Humain-Machine et plus r?cemment sur l?ing?nierie exploratoire associ?e au mouvement transhumaniste californien. Il questionne par ailleurs les recompositions du croire ? l?oeuvre dans notre hypermodernit? et plus particuli?rement aux Etats-Unis. Jacob Matthews est professeur de Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l'Universit? Paris 8 et membre du LabSIC, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord. Ses recherches portent sur la socio-?conomie du web et des industries de la culture et de la communication (ICC) ainsi que sur les liens entre production id?ologique et leadership. Il est auteur de nombreux articles et chapitres analysant les ?volutions du web et mutations des ICC, les usages et strat?gies de plateformes d?interm?diation num?rique. Il est co-auteur de Platform economics. Rhetoric and reality in the ?sharing economy? (en collaboration avec Cristiano Codagnone et Athina Karatzogianni), 2018. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jessalynn.keller at Thu May 18 08:08:12 2023 From: jessalynn.keller at (Jessalynn Keller) Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 14:08:12 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Console-ing Passions 2023 @ UCalgary Message-ID: Dear CCA colleagues, The Department of Communication, Media & Film at the University of Calgary is hosting the 2023 Console-ing Passions Conference, an international feminist media studies conference that will be taking place from June 22 ? 24, 2023 at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning on the UCalgary campus. Despite having a 30+ year history, CP has not been hosted by a Canadian institution since 1997 (!!!) and so we?re very excited to welcome the CP community to Calgary next month. Keynotes and panels promise to initiate important discussions about topics that include far-right media cultures, TikTok trends, queer media politics, and hashtag feminisms. We have three exciting keynotes: Sarah Sharma, University of Toronto, Talk title TBA Simidele Dosekun, London School of Economics, ?Beyond ?Reifying Whiteness? in Feminist Media Studies? Vivek Shraya, University of Calgary, multidisciplinary artist, ?Vivek Shraya?s Feminist Lens? (Vivek?s talk is free and open to the public!) On the evening of Friday, June 23 we?ll also be hosting the Calgary premiere of Marusya Bociurkiw?s (Toronto Metropolitan University) new feature-length documentary, Analogue Revolution: How Feminist Media Changed the World, an event which is also free and open to the public. Please see our attached poster for further information about the conference or visit our conference website: Information about Console-ing Passions can be found here: It is not too late to join us for CP 2023? the deadline for conference registration is June 11, 2023. I hope to see some of you next month at the conference! Cheers, Jessalynn CP Board Member Chair of CP 2023 @ UCalgary on behalf of the organizing committee: Alora Paulsen Mulvey, Tamara Shepherd, Samantha Thrift Jessalynn Keller, Ph.D. (she/her) Associate Professor Department of Communication, Media and Film University of Calgary, Canada jessalynn.keller at @jessalynn_marie CP 2023 @ U of C: The University of Calgary is located on traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprising the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut?ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to M?tis Nation of Alberta, Region III. The traditional Blackfoot name of the place we now call Calgary is ?Moh?kins?tsis? . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CP 2023 UCalgary digital poster.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1454456 bytes Desc: CP 2023 UCalgary digital poster.pdf URL: From fenwick.mckelvey at Mon May 22 09:16:00 2023 From: fenwick.mckelvey at (Fenwick Mckelvey) Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 15:16:00 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] (un)Stable Diffusions symposium happening tomorrow Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi all Please share widely. Tomorrow! May 23, please join us for a two-day international symposium on AI's publics, publicities, and publicizations at Milieux Institute, Tiohti?:ke/Montr?al. We have had an unprecedented interest so we've opened a waitlist. If you've registered and don't plan to attend, please cancel your ticket on Eventbrite to make space for others. (un)Stable Diffusions May 23 to May 24, 9am to 5pm EST Online and in person at Milieux Institute EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W Montreal Quebec Details: Registration is free to attend in person and online. Please register here: Description 21st-century AI is very much in its formative stage: It is still unsettled, and is continually being both stabilised and contested by diverse sets of actors: from technologists, startup founders and global companies to policy makers, journalists, and civil society. For some, AI is being positioned as a fix to our social problems, which in turn will change how we live, communicate, work and travel. Others raise substantive concerns that these developments might reinforce inequality, exacerbate the opacity of decision-making processes, and ultimately question human autonomy. We are thus living in a time when the infrastructures and institutions of our everyday lives are being (re)built at the hands of techniques which already elude popular and professional understanding; but while the controversies about the specific pathways to be taken are still visible, we can already perceive elements of closure and institutionalization. Our symposium invites contributions from an international audience to interrogate the shaping of AI. Building on an international collaboration between research teams from Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Canada, we invite presentations that pursue critical engagements with AI?s media representations, policy framings, and scientific debates. Crucially, we also invite epistemic reflections in how we are all Shaping AI, including practice-based research or research-creation. The event is hosted at the Milieux Institute at Concordia University by the Machine Agencies Research Group and is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Be good, Fenwick @fenwick at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From katherine_reilly at Mon May 22 17:08:42 2023 From: katherine_reilly at (Katherine Reilly) Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 23:08:42 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: Data in motion for a more-than-human world Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] CFP: Data in motion for a more-than-human world Blended (in person & virtual) panel at 4S in Honalulu, November 8-11 2023 These panels will feature papers that rethink the notion of 'data' as the driver of knowledge. Data is usually positioned as discoverable fact, a container of meaning, or a solidified agreement about what's assumed to be true. These visions of data suggest a world contained, like a butterfly pinned to a board, ready for inspection. In contrast, relational approaches to data understand the world to be in constant motion and focus on processes of meaning making surrounding observations or experiences. For example, citizen science often uses positivist approaches to count and classify anthropocentric marine debris. In contrast, relational approaches might consider how beach trash makes us feel; imagine our relationships to the ocean under different 'truth' conditions; or explore representations of different marine species in struggles over how to 'know' the world. Relational approaches tell us that the truth of garbage on a beach is not in its existence, but in our mutual and collective subsistence; that data isn't about plastic but rather is plastic; and that data isn't a discrete entity, but rather is enmeshed in human relations. We seek papers about more-than-human approaches to data, information systems, research-creation and knowledge production with a particular focus on human relationships with natural and built environments. We are particularly interested in papers that challenge social processes based in 'containment' views of data (such as data repositories, citizen science, open government, etc.) and papers that explore and experiment with alternative ways of 'doing data.' Organizers: Katherine Reilly, Simon Fraser University; Gillian Russell, Simon Fraser University; Rachel Horst, University of British Columbia; Contact: kreilly at, gillianr at, rachel.horst at Submission Deadline: Friday, May 26 For more information or to submit please visit Dr. Katherine Reilly Associate Professor | School of Communication Associate Dean Research | Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 [] At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kmo at Tue May 23 08:37:40 2023 From: kmo at (Archive/Counter-Archive Knowledge Mobilization Officer) Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 10:37:40 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Worth More Standing Screening/Performance - Lindsay McIntyre | May 28th Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hello CCA Network, *Please feel free to share widely* This Sunday evening is Worth More Standing, a screening and expanded cinema performance event featuring the work of Vancouver-based artists Lindsay McIntyre and Peter Bussigel. This event is being co-presented by Archive/Counter-Archive and the Film and Media Studies Association of Canada in conjunction with the upcoming Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The event will take place at Artscape Sandbox in downtown Toronto on Sunday, May 28th, from 7:30-11 pm. Tickets are free for FMSAC members and Analogue Resilience: Film Labs Gathering participants and $10 for the general public. There is limited seating, so preregistration is recommended. See the copied program text below and/or click the following Eventbrite link for full details: ----------------------------------------------------- Worth More Standing Screening and Performance Lindsay McIntyre and Peter Bussigel Artscape Sandbox (301 Adelaide St W, Toronto, ON M5V 2E8) Sunday, May 28, 2022, 8-11 pm EST. Doors open at 7:30 pm Tickets are free for FMSAC members and Analogue Resilience: Film Labs Gathering participants. $10 for the general public. *Tickets will be available at the door, but there is limited seating, so pre-registration on our Eventbrite is highly encouraged: EVENT PROGRAM 7:30 pm Doors open. 8:00 pm Part I - Screening of her silent life and seeing her 8:40 pm Part II - Expanded cinema performance of Worth More Standing 9:15 pm Q&A with Lindsay McIntyre and Peter Heil 9:45 pm Reception. The process of finding one?s place in fractured familial histories is the starting point for a series of films and performances produced by McIntyre. Between 2007 and 2012, she produced a series of five short films under the title Bloodline concerned with some of the lost histories and intergeneration traumas of her Inuit matrilineal heritage. The program opens with her silent life (31 min, 2012), an experimental documentary which seeks to understand the complex life of her Inuk great-grandmother Kumaa?naaq. seeing her (3 min, 2020), made several years later, offers a sparkling repose presenting an analogue experimental animation that builds on elements explored in the previous film, animating Kumaa?naaq?s beautiful beadworks. The second half of the program is an expanded cinema performance featuring several 16mm projectors (Lindsay McIntyre) and digital and live sound (Peter Bussigel). Worth More Standing (40 min, 2022) is ?a looping 16 mm performance exploring the framework of tree/human relationships on unceded Pacheedaht territory at Fairy Creek. A site of civil disobedience, it is also a place of recognition, passion, and dedication for the more-than-human beings with whom we share the planet. High contrast images are hand-processed, optically printed, contact printed and altered, creating a portrait of this landscape and its employ at the hands of humans? (69th International Short Film Festival of Oberhausen 2022: 349). ARTIST BIOGRAPHIES Lindsay McIntyre is a filmmaker and artist of Inuk and settler descent born on Treaty Six territory in Edmonton, Alberta. She works primarily with analogue film, exploring place-based knowledge, portraiture, and personal histories. Process cinema techniques, celluloid manipulation, and handmade emulsions support her autoethnographic explorations, which often extend to film performances. Her current projects are concerned with land use and resource extraction in the circumpolar north. She is an Associate Professor of Film + Screen Arts at Emily Carr University of Art + Design on unceded Coast Salish territory in Vancouver, Canada. Peter Bussigel is a composer and intermedia artist working with sound, video, and performance. His projects include audiovisual instruments, interactive software systems, sound installations, experimental videos, and concert games. He is an Assistant Professor in New Media + Sound Arts at Emily Carr University of Art + Design on the unceded lands of the Coast Salish Peoples. SPONSORS This event is made possible by the generous support of Archive/Counter-Archive, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Film and Media Studies Association of Canada (FMSAC), and the York University Office of the VPRI's Indigenous Scholarly Events and Outreach Activities Fund. Andrew Bailey (he/him) ? Knowledge Mobilization Officer SSHRC Partnership Grant, Archive/Counter-Archive York University | 2001E Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building 4700 Keele Street ? Toronto ON ? Canada M3J 1P3 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ACA_Worth More Standing-Digital_1080x1080_20230515.png Type: image/png Size: 1145910 bytes Desc: not available URL: From fenwick.mckelvey at Wed May 24 06:06:18 2023 From: fenwick.mckelvey at (Fenwick Mckelvey) Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 12:06:18 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Day Two of (un)Stable Diffusions starts 10am EST, online tickets available Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi all Last email I promise. Please join us for the second day of international symposium on AI's publics, publicities, and publicizations at Milieux Institute, Tiohti?:ke/Montr?al. If anyone want to add attend, please add your name to the waiting list, we should have spots today. If you're in Montreal, please come by. (un)Stable Diffusions May 23 to May 24, 9am to 5pm EST Online and in person at Milieux Institute EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W Montreal Quebec Details: Description 21st-century AI is very much in its formative stage: It is still unsettled, and is continually being both stabilised and contested by diverse sets of actors: from technologists, startup founders and global companies to policy makers, journalists, and civil society. For some, AI is being positioned as a fix to our social problems, which in turn will change how we live, communicate, work and travel. Others raise substantive concerns that these developments might reinforce inequality, exacerbate the opacity of decision-making processes, and ultimately question human autonomy. We are thus living in a time when the infrastructures and institutions of our everyday lives are being (re)built at the hands of techniques which already elude popular and professional understanding; but while the controversies about the specific pathways to be taken are still visible, we can already perceive elements of closure and institutionalization. Our symposium invites contributions from an international audience to interrogate the shaping of AI. Building on an international collaboration between research teams from Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Canada, we invite presentations that pursue critical engagements with AI?s media representations, policy framings, and scientific debates. Crucially, we also invite epistemic reflections in how we are all Shaping AI, including practice-based research or research-creation. The event is hosted at the Milieux Institute at Concordia University by the Machine Agencies Research Group and is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Take care Fenwick -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dr.g.voorhees at Wed May 24 08:06:55 2023 From: dr.g.voorhees at (Gerald Voorhees) Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 10:06:55 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Panel: Indigenous Research and Epistemology - a discussion Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear Colleagues, Please join the Games Institute at the University of Waterloo for a discussion panel on Indigenous Research and Epistemology on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 10:30AM-12PM (EDT/UTC-4). This is a free online event! Registration is required. How should we conduct research in cooperation and partnership with Indigenous communities? What does it mean for Indigenous scholars and students to do research within the colonial structures and settler epistemologies of Western universities? The panelists, consisting of Indigenous students and researchers as well as settlers working with and for Indigenous communities, will share their perspectives and experiences on these questions. They will begin a conversation to help us consider these and other issues related to Indigeneity in the context of Western academic cultures and practices, and invite questions and discussion to develop our capacity to Indigenize research and scholarship. About the Speakers: Jaydum Hunt is Mohawk on her father's side and mixed European on her mother?s side. She is currently the Director of Indigenous Initiatives at Laurier University. Jaydum has 8 years experience of progressive leadership and community engagement with the Indigenous community within the Waterloo Region and at the University of Waterloo. Has a passion for organizational change, wholistic evaluations, community based research, Indigenous leadership, Indigenous entrepreneurship, strategic planning, Indigenous initiatives, and Indigenous research. Kelly Laurila is an Indigenous S?mi and Irish woman with close to 30 years of Anishinaabe knowledges and experiences; songcarrier of an Indigenous women and girls? drum circle in community and in a federal penitentiary; social worker, and educator. She is also an advocate for ideological and social policy change pertaining to systemic social and justice practices impacting Indigenous peoples. Dialogue, decolonization, and movement towards action is at the forefront of her work with reconciliation initiatives. Hector Perez is a postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Health at the University of Waterloo. He works under the supervision of Lili Liu and Antonio Miguel-Cruz. Supported by the Games Institute, Hector is co-developing gamified training materials for Indigenous First Responders in collaboration with two First Nations Communities. Hector?s current research explores data from police and search and rescue organizations across Canada to determine risk factors associated with missing incidents involving persons living with dementia. His research employs Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to determine models to predict risk and inform prevention. Hector?s interests include exploring the acceptance and adoption of innovations and digital health technologies for older adults and caregivers. Marisa Benjamin is a JD student at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Class of 2024. She is a Senior Associate Editor for the Indigenous Law Journal and a Research Assistant with the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights. From the University of Waterloo, Marisa obtained her BA in Psychology and Business, and her MA in Rhetoric and Communication Design. Last year, Marisa worked in the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines at the Ministry of the Attorney General, preparing legal research about the government's obligations to consult and accommodate Indigenous land interests in Northern Ontario. Starting in May, Marisa will be working at Torys LLP in Toronto. (Optional to read: Of course, and most importantly, Marisa is the former Research Communications Officer at the Games Institute, and is happy to be back for this event!) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Wed May 24 09:12:35 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 15:12:35 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?b?Q29uZsOpcmVuY2UgLSBkw6liYXQsICJMJ2Fkb3B0?= =?utf-8?q?ion_du_projet_de_loi_C-11_=3A_une_longue_s=C3=A9rie_=C3=A0_rebo?= =?utf-8?q?ndissements=E2=80=A6=22_=2C_Simon_Claus=2C_Vendredi_2_juin_2023?= =?utf-8?q?=2C_10h00=2C_Salle_J-1060=2C_Pavillon_Judith_Jasmin=2C_Universi?= =?utf-8?b?dMOpIGR1IFF1w6liZWMgw6AgTW9udHLDqWFs?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements? Conf?rence - d?bat avec Simon Claus, directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur associ? au CRICIS Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Montr?al R?sum? : Le 23 avril dernier, le projet de loi C-11 visant ? moderniser la Loi sur la radiodiffusion a re?u la sanction royale, soit 32 ans apr?s la derni?re r?forme. Entre le d?p?t du projet de loi C-10 le 3 novembre 2020 (finalement tomb? au feuilleton) et l?adoption de C-11, il s?est ?coul? 2 ans et demi qui se sont caract?ris?s par d??pres d?bats durant lesquels se sont mat?rialis?s des rapports de forces particuli?rement antagonistes. Durant sa pr?sentation, Simon Claus reviendra sur les diff?rentes ?tapes menant ? l?adoption C-11 et pr?sentera les principales modifications apport?es ? la Loi sur la radiodiffusion, en particulier concernant les nouvelles responsabilit?s des entreprises de radiodiffusion en ligne. Ce s?minaire vise ? ouvrir les premi?res discussions sur ce processus de r?forme de la Loi sur la radiodiffusion avec un regard situ? ayant ?t? au c?ur des ?v?nements. Pr?sentation : Titulaire d?un doctorat de la facult? de communication de l?UQAM, Simon Claus est directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur associ? au CRICIS. Il s?int?resse ? l??tude des industries de la culture et la communication avec une approche d?ordre socio?conomique. L'UQAM est situ?e en territoire autochtone non c?d?. Tiohti?:ke (Montr?al) est historiquement un lieu de vie, de rencontres et d??changes entre les peuples autochtones. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Wed May 24 10:06:45 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 16:06:45 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Appel_=C3=A0_communication=2C_=C2=AB_Les_s?= =?utf-8?q?ciences_de_l=E2=80=99information_et_de_la_communication=3A_Vues?= =?utf-8?b?IGTigJlhaWxsZXVycywgdnVlcyBk4oCZQWZyaXF1ZSDCuyAyMiwgMjMgZXQg?= =?utf-8?q?24_novembre_2023=2C_Dakar_=26_Saint-Louis_=28S=C3=A9n=C3=A9gal?= =?utf-8?q?=29?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Colloque international COMSEN2023 ? Les sciences de l?information et de la communication: Vues d?ailleurs, vues d?Afrique ? 22, 23 et 24 novembre 2023, Dakar & Saint-Louis (S?n?gal) 1. Argumentaire Le manque de visibilit? des travaux scientifiques africains ancr?s dans les sciences de l?information et de la communication (SIC) est un s?rieux frein pour l?institutionnalisation de la discipline sur le continent. Il appara?t d?s lors n?cessaire de cr?er des espaces d??changes propices aux partages de connaissances et d?exp?riences, afin de rem?dier ? cette situation. C?est dans ce contexte que le colloque Communication S?n?gal (COMSEN) a ?t? con?u. Cette premi?re ?dition multisite du Colloque COMSEN sera conjointement h?berg?e par le Centre des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI) de l?universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar, S?n?gal) et l?Unit? de formation et de recherche Civilisations, Religions, Arts et Communication (UFR CRAC) de l?universit? Gaston Berger (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal), deux importants p?les de la formation, de la recherche et de la production scientifique francophone en communication sur le continent africain. Intitul? ? Les sciences de l?information et de la communication : Vues d?ailleurs, vues d?Afrique ?, le colloque se tiendra conjointement ? Dakar et ? Saint-Louis les 22, 23 et 24 novembre 2023. Le colloque COMSEN ambitionne de devenir un rendez-vous incontournable de la recherche, dans l?agenda scientifique des sciences sociales et plus singuli?rement des SIC ? l??chelle internationale. Il s?agit de r?unir autour d?un ?v?nement scientifique pluridisciplinaire les chercheurs en sciences de l?information et de la communication ou travaillant dans des disciplines connexes des sciences humaines et sociales et int?ress?s par l??tude des ph?nom?nes de communication. Le colloque sera ?galement ouvert aux artistes, aux praticiens de la communication et de l?information ainsi qu?au grand public. Il s?agit de discuter de mani?re ?largie des enjeux informationnels et communicationnels qui sont centraux dans les soci?t?s contemporaines en laissant une large place aux perspectives et aux r?alit?s africaines. Cette manifestation in?dite est l?occasion d?interactions pour rendre compte de la richesse des SIC et de leur singularit? et permettra de conjuguer les savoirs, les visions et les perspectives en vue de comprendre ad?quatement les ressorts multiples (technologiques, juridiques, culturels, ?conomiques, etc.) de la communication dans les soci?t?s actuelles. 2. Objectif g?n?ral Le colloque a pour objectif principal de faire d?couvrir, en terre s?n?galaise, les SIC dans leur diversit?, notamment en promouvant les travaux enracin?s dans les contextes africains et leur dialogue avec des travaux issus d?autres contextes et ancr?s dans d?autres terrains. Il s?agit de favoriser des ?changes soutenus autour de th?matiques disciplinaires importantes de mani?re ? permettre une interf?condation des perspectives, des objets, des terrains et des ?pist?mologies. 3. Axes du colloque ?tant donn? le caract?re de discipline carrefour des SIC, les propositions s?inscrivant en communication ou ancr?es plus largement dans les sciences humaines et sociales sont bienvenues, dans la mesure o? elles s?int?ressent d?une mani?re ou d?une autre aux ph?nom?nes et aux processus informationnels et communicationnels dans leurs diff?rentes dimensions. Ainsi, le colloque est structur? autour de sept axes de r?flexion. 3.1 Contributions des sciences humaines et sociales aux ?tudes en communication L?acte de re-penser l?objet communicationnel ne saurait ?tre ?puis? au sein des sciences de l?information et de la communication, et encore moins dans les sciences sociales. Il s?agit, dans cet axe, de poursuivre les nombreuses r?flexions (Laflamme, 2002) consacr?es ? l??tude des connexions de l?interf?condit? disciplinaire entre le sous-champ de l??tude du ph?nom?ne communicationnel et les traditions de recherches des sciences sociales. 3.2 Terrains, th?ories, m?thodes, objets Cet axe est destin? ? ?clairer la mani?re dont les diff?rentes formes de savoir (notamment la science et les savoirs traditionnels) arrivent ? se structurer et ? entrer en relation les uns avec les autres. Il s?agit, en d?autres termes, de complexifier les rapports au monde en ?vitant de concevoir les savoirs traditionnels comme des savoirs d?ficients, mais plut?t comme des formes de connaissance susceptibles d?apporter un ?clairage tout aussi valide bien que diff?rent sur le monde, son fonctionnement et le sens que les acteurs sociaux lui donnent (Mudimbe, 1982 ; Hountondji, 1990 ; Diagne, 2013). 3.3 Penser l?objet information-communication ? l?aune des pratiques professionnelles Cet axe interpelle les chercheurs et praticiens qui sont confront?s ? la r?alit? des connexions entre la r?flexion th?orique, le travail conceptuel et l?action professionnelle dans leurs environnements organisationnels. Il s?agit notamment de prendre en consid?ration les permanences et les mutations qui affectent les milieux de pratique tant du point de vue des acteurs que des institutions. Les enjeux technologiques, juridiques, ?thiques, ?conomiques, etc. pourront ?tre abord?s ? l?aune de leurs implications pour les pratiques professionnelles, notamment pour le journalisme et le secteur m?diatique. 3.4 Communication et enjeux ?cologiques Les Nations unies ont reconnu le droit ? un environnement sain et durable comme un droit humain fondamental. Pourtant, les obstacles ? une prise de conscience ?cologique et ? un changement des pratiques font face ? de nombreux obstacles (de nature psychologique, culturelle, ?conomique, etc.). Cet axe s?int?resse aux d?fis de la communication portant sur les questions ?cologiques (gouvernance, risques, acteurs, strat?gies, d?fis, bonnes pratiques, etc.) quel que soit le niveau d?intervention envisag?. 3.5 Ce que le num?rique fait ? la communication (et vice versa) Dans un environnement m?diatico-social de plus en plus soumis ? de fortes mutations au point qu?on parle d?sormais d?une ? num?risation g?n?rale de la soci?t? ? (Selim, 2012 ; George, 2019), la communication n?cessite d??tre scrut?e pour avoir une bonne compr?hension des dynamiques nouvelles qui affectent les soci?t?s contemporaines pour le meilleur ou pour le pire. Cet axe invite par cons?quent des contributions explorant ces dimensions ou certains aspects connexes. 3.6 Communication et d?veloppement international Cet axe s?int?resse ? la jonction conceptuelle entre communication et d?veloppement qui remonte au fameux discours de Truman sur l??tat de l?Union le 20 janvier 1949 qui marque le d?but de la communication pour le d?veloppement. Il s?agit de probl?matiser les questions nouvelles et les enjeux qui surgissent au gr? des ?volutions technologiques et soci?tales propres ? la soci?t? de l?information et ? la mondialisation ?conomique. 3.7 M?dias, droits humains et d?mocratie M?dias et d?mocratie entretiennent une relation soutenue, en ce sens qu?il est difficile d?envisager le pluralisme des opinions sans une presse libre et ind?pendante (Gingras,1999). Si cette derni?re est le barom?tre de la d?mocratie dans un pays, il faut dire que l?av?nement des m?dias sociaux a contribu? ? multiplier les lieux de prise de parole, fragilisant davantage la fonction de journaliste, acteur cl? dans la r?alisation et la consolidation de l?id?al d?mocratique (Wolton, 2000). L?essor des communications num?riques est donc porteur d?enjeux importants li?s ? la viralit? des contenus, ? la fiabilit? de l?information et plus largement aux questions de d?sinformation et de m?sinformation. L?usage courant du terme fake news, dans la qu?te permanente d?une information fiable et de qualit?, est l? pour en attester. Dans cet axe pourront ?tre abord?s les questionnements li?s ? l??ducation aux m?dias de m?me que les enjeux normatifs li?s ? la d?mocratie, aux droits humains, ? la justice sociale et ? la libert? d?expression dans diff?rents contextes. 4. Modalit?s d?envoi des propositions Les propositions de communication sous format Word, contiendront : 1. Le nom et l?affiliation institutionnelle 2. l?axe auquel la proposition est rattach?e 3. un titre 4. un r?sum? d?environ 350 mots 5. 3 ? 5 mots cl?s 6. Une courte bibliographie. Les propositions seront envoy?es au plus tard le lundi 31 juillet 2023 ? l?adresse : Comsen2023 at Dates importantes ? Lancement de l?appel ? communications : mardi 23 mai 2023 ? Date limite de r?ception des propositions : lundi 31 juillet 2023 ? Annonce des r?sultats : lundi 21 ao?t 2023 ? Tenue du Colloque : du 22 au 24 novembre 2023 5. Bibliographie CASILLI, Antonio, 2010, Les liaisons num?riques. Vers une nouvelle sociabilit? ?, Paris, Seuil. CASTELLS, Manuel, 2001, La soci?t? en r?seaux, 3 tomes, Paris, Fayard. CRAIG, Robert T., 1993, ?Why Are There So Many Communication Theories??, Journal of Communication, Volume 43, No 3, 26?33. DIAGNE, Mamouss?, 2005, Critique de la raison orale. Les pratiques discursives en Afrique noire, Paris, Karthala. DIAGNE, Souleymane B., 2013, L?encre des savants. R?flexions sur la philosophie en Afrique, Paris, Pr?sence africaine. DIAGNE, Souleymane B., 2022, De langue ? langue. L?hospitalit? de la traduction, Paris, Albin Michel. DIOP, Amadou Sarr., 2020, Pour une d?sali?nation des ?tudes africaines. Repenser l'africanisme postcolonial, Dakar, Harmattan. GEORGE, ?ric (dir.), 2019, Num?risation de la soci?t? et enjeux sociopolotiques. 2 tomes. ISTE ?ditions. GOODY, Jack, 1994, Entre l?oralit? et l??criture, Paris, PUF. HOUNTONDJI, Paulin J., 1990, ? Pour une sociologie des repr?sentations collectives ?, in Horton et al. La Pens?e m?tisse : croyances africaines et rationalit? occidentale en questions, Paris/Gen?ve, PUF/Cahiers de l'IUED, pp. 187-192. MOTTIN-SYLLA, Marie-H?l?ne, 2005, Fracture num?rique de genre en Afrique francophone : une inqui?tante r?alit?, Dakar, ENDA Tiers-Monde. MUDIMBE, Valentin. Y. 1982, L?odeur du P?re. Essai sur les limites de la science et de la vie en Afrique noire, Paris, Pr?sence africaine. SELIM, Monique. (2012). ? La production num?rique du r?el, perspectives anthropologiques ?. Variations. Revue internationale de th?orie critique, 16. THIOUNE, Ramata Molo (dir.), 2003, Technologies de l?information et de la communication pour le d?veloppement en Afrique : potentialit?s et d?fis pour le d?veloppement communautaire, Dakar, CRDI. TRAOR?, Dj?n?ba, 2007, ? Int?gration des TIC dans l??ducation au Mali : ?tat des lieux, enjeux et ?valuation ?, Distances et savoirs, 5(1), 67-82. 6. Comit? scientifique Ahmed AL-RAWI, Simon Fraser University (Canada) Abderrahmane AMSIDDER, Universit? Ibn Zohr (Maroc) Isaac BAZI?, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (Canada) Anouk B?LANGER, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (Canada) Jean-Jacques BOGUI, Universit? F?lix Houphou?t-Boigny (C?te d?ivoire) Farrah B?RUB?, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Trois-Rivi?res (Canada) Fabien BONNET, Universit? de Bourgogne (Bourgogne, France) H?l?ne BOURDELOIE, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord (France) Fathallah DAGHMI, Universit? de Poitiers (France) Alioune DIENG, Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (S?n?gal Giovandro Marcus FERREIRA, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Br?sil) Mahamat Foudda DJOURAB, Universit? de N?Djam?na (Tchad) ?ric GEORGE, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (Canada) Romain HU?T, Universit? Rennes 2 (France) Alain KIYINDOU, Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne (France Aur?lie LABORDE, Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne (France) Julien Atchoua NGUESSAN, Universit? Houphou?t Boigny (C?te d?ivoire) Anne PIPONNIER, Universit? de Lorraine (France) Carmen RICO, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (Canada) Mouhamed SAKHO-JIMBIRA, Universit? de Lorraine (France) Kalidou Seydou SY, Universit? Gaston Berger (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal) El Hadj Malick SY CAMARA, Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (S?n?gal) Cheick Oumar TRAOR?, Soci?t? malienne de transmission et de diffusion (Mali) Anne WIMEZ, Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne (France) Namoin YAO-BAGLO, Universit? de Lom? (Lom?, Togo) 7. Comit? d?organisation Aim?-Jules BIZIMANA, D?partement des sciences sociales, Universit? du Qu?bec en Outaouais (UQO) (Qu?bec, Canada) Mouminy CAMARA, Centre d??tude des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI), Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) (Dakar, S?n?gal) Patrice CORREA, D?partement Communication UFR des Civilisations, Religions, Arts et Communication (CRAC), Universit? Gaston Berger (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal) Yacine DIAGNE, Centre d??tude des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI), Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) (Dakar, S?n?gal) Mamadou Diouma DIALLO, D?partement Communication UFR des Civilisations, Religions, Arts et Communication (CRAC), Universit? Gaston Berger (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal) Papa DIENG, Centre d??tude des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI), Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), (Dakar, S?n?gal) Mor FAYE, D?partement Communication UFR des Civilisations, Religions, Arts et Communication (CRAC), Universit? Gaston Berger, (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal) Sahite GAYE, Centre d??tude des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI), Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), (Dakar, S?n?gal) Oumar KANE, D?partement de communication sociale et publique (DCSP), Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al (UQAM), (Qu?bec, Canada) Ndiaga LOUM, D?partement des sciences sociales, Universit? du Qu?bec en Outaouais (UQO), (Qu?bec, Canada) Mamadou NDIAYE, Centre d??tude des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI), Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), (Dakar, S?n?gal) Mari?me Poll?le NDIAYE, D?partement Communication UFR des Civilisations, Religions, Arts et Communication (CRAC), Universit? Gaston Berger, (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal) Moustapha SAMB, Centre d??tude des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI), Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), (Dakar, S?n?gal) Seydou Nourou SALL, D?partement Communication UFR des Civilisations, Religions, Arts et Communication (CRAC), Universit? Gaston Berger, (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal) Sokhna Fatou SECK SARR, D?partement Communication UFR des Civilisations, Religions, Arts et Communication (CRAC), Universit? Gaston Berger, (Saint-Louis, S?n?gal) Ibrahima SARR, Centre d??tude des sciences et techniques de l?information (CESTI), Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), (Dakar, S?n?gal) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dana.cramer at Thu May 25 07:01:31 2023 From: dana.cramer at (Dana Cramer) Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 13:01:31 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA Grad Student Events/Items Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] ***Please forward to graduate students*** Dear CCA Graduate Students, The Graduate Student Caucus has a few events we would like to alert you about at the conference next week. CCA Graduate Student Social, Wednesday, 31 May 2023 Please join us at the Thirsty Fox Pub at 6 p.m. for dinner, drinks, pool, ping pong, and board games. Located a close 650-metres walk from Eglington West subway station (along the 1/yellow line), we hope to see you there. The Pub has vegetarian, vegan (pizza without cheese), and gluten free options (no halal foods, though). It also has a wheelchair accessible entrance. Please email dana.cramer at if you require an Uber due to accessibility reasons which we will organize for you to get from York University to the Thirsty Fox Pub. Call for Nominations, CCA Student Representative Students interested in becoming a CCA Graduate Student Representative may fill a short nomination form in advance of our Graduate Student Caucus meeting on Tuesday, 30 May 2021, 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. CCA Graduate Students WhatsApp Group We have opened a CCA Graduate Students WhatsApp group for during the conference. You may access the group through this link. The purpose of this WhatsApp group is to allow graduate students to connect with one another to introduce themselves, virtually meet one another, foster community, and allow a ?quick questions? place (e.g., shout outs for anyone looking to grab dinner or go site-seeing after a day during the conference). We look forward to seeing you next week! All the best, Dana Cramer and Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte CCA Student Representatives Dana Cramer (she/her/elle) PhD Student | Communication and Culture Toronto Metropolitan University [York University and Toronto Metropolitan University logo for the Joint Graduate Program in Communication and Culture.] w: e: dana.cramer at s: @DanaCramer96 cal.: [Logo for LinkedIn.] [Logo for Twitter.] Research Interests: Internet Governance; Internet Fragmentation; Splinternet; Multiple Public Internets; Internet Infrastructure & Standards; Broadband; Telecommunications & Technology Policy; Geopolitical Competition; Political Economy of Communication; Internet Usage; Sustainable Development New Publication: Cramer, Dana (2022). Internets: The changing role of Internet Protocols in evolving broadband technologies. SSRN. Available open access. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 66690 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image002.png Type: image/png Size: 17948 bytes Desc: image002.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image003.png Type: image/png Size: 206271 bytes Desc: image003.png URL: From yousif at Thu May 25 07:37:13 2023 From: yousif at (Yousif Hassan) Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 08:37:13 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Reminder: 4S 2023 Open panel - Decolonizing Data Infrastructures: Pluralizing Imaginaries and Histories of Datafication (due May 26) In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] ** Please feel free to share and circulate to your networks ** -- * Submission Instructions: * Deadline for Abstract Submissions: May 26, 2023 (notification of acceptance on June 9) 90. Decolonizing Data Infrastructures: Pluralizing Imaginaries and Histories of Datafication Yousif Hassan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Jane Yeahin Pyo, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Paola Ricuarte, Tecnologico de Monterrey; Anita Chan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Discourses of decolonization have become salient in the field of AI/Big Data and global circles of responsible innovation. These discourses often take a universalist view of ethics, or imply a vision of AI mono-futurism based on Euro-American centric understandings of the social, political, and economic implications of data-driven developments across different geographies of the Global South and North. This panel attempts to problematize such trends by recovering the pluralistic histories of decolonization across different geographies of knowledge production. We seek nuanced discussions of surveillance, prediction, and segregation economies and resistances to them that are underpinned by alternative ways of knowing and being in the world. We invite methodological, theoretical, and empirical contributions that engage with alternative future imaginations to remake or refuse dominant data-driven imperatives and look for past and present practice from places that have been historically excluded from knowledge-making. This includes work that: * Open up spaces for solidarity and reimagination of shared human futurities that confront and seek to dismantle systems of oppression * Problematize notions of intelligence and ethics based on Western understandings of human difference. * Explore colonial ideologies reproduced through information ecologies and their impacts on marginalized communities * Illuminate Southern epistemologies that contribute to more inclusive and accountable practices or policy around data infrastructures. * Address feminist, racial and social justice approaches to technology to interrogate relations of power across situated data ecologies. * Examine communal approaches to technology and their implications for political economies Contact: asaychan at, yousif at, forrain526 at, pricaurt at Keywords: Social Movements and STS, Decolonial and Postcolonial STS, Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning, decolonization infrastructures, data/AI colonialism, data solidarities, AI mono-futurisms, socio-technical pluri-histories, political economy of technology, datafication, Indigenous STS, Feminist STS, Race/Black Studies and STS, Social Movements and STS, Transnational STS, coloniality, decolonial computing and media technologies, critical race and media studies, infrastructure studies []? []? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jshtern at Thu May 25 15:16:19 2023 From: jshtern at (Jeremy Shtern) Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 17:16:19 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Meeting for Grad Program Directors at CCA Conference: In Person/ Online Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear Colleagues, After some discussion between a number of grad program directors and then with the CCA leadership, we have organized an informal meeting/discussion space for grad program directors from any and all Canadian Communications MA/PhD programs as part of this year's CCA conference. We hope that each program will send their grad director or a faculty member as a delegate. The meeting will take place in person at York, but we will run a zoom link as well. The meeting will be held Tuesday May 30th (The first day of the CCA conference), from 1230-1330 in DB 1016. The zoom link for anyone attending online is: There will be sandwiches provided by the CCA for in person attendees. The intention of this initiative is to create an informal space for discussion of graduate education in Communication Studies in Canada, compare notes and collaborate on recruitment initiatives and on confronting issues of concern to all grad programs and students. There is no binding commitment to any programs or faculty attending. Next steps: Each Canadian grad program in Communication studies and/or cognate fields is invited to send its program director (or a faculty member delegate), preferably in person if someone will be onsite (but online if needed). Please RSVP by adding your program and attendee to this google doc. On the same google doc, please also feel free to edit or add to the draft agenda, which was sketched out of some very informal conversations held a few months ago. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ghislain and I off-list. The meeting will be informal, and both English and French language interventions will be welcomed. Kind regards, Jeremy -- [][] [] Jeremy Shtern, PhD (he/him) Professor and Interim Chair School of Creative Industries, The Creative School & Graduate Program Director Joint Graduate Program in Communication and Culture The Yeates School of Graduate Studies Toronto Metropolitan University (Formerly Ryerson University*) 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 (jshtern at (+001)416-979-5000 ex. 553301 Office: KH-S-349-F In April 2022, the university announced our new name of Toronto Metropolitan University, which will be implemented in a phased approach. Learn more about our next chapter. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From calendar-notification at Thu May 25 20:46:03 2023 From: calendar-notification at (Google Calendar) Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 02:46:03 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Invitation=3A__Conf=C3=A9rence_-_d=C3=A9ba?= =?utf-8?q?t=2C_Simon_Claus=2C_Vendredi_2_j=2E=2E=2E_=40_Thu_25_May?= =?utf-8?q?_23=3A00_-_Fri_26_May_2023_00=3A00_=28GMT-04=3A00=29_=28?= =?utf-8?q?acc-cca-l=40mailman=2Eucalgary=2Eca=29?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] [acc-cca-l] Conf?rence - d?bat, Simon Claus, Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al Join with Google Meet ? [?EXTERNAL] L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements? Conf?rence - d?bat avec Simon Claus, directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur Join with Google Meet Meeting link [?EXTERNAL] L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements? Conf?rence - d?bat avec Simon Claus, directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur associ? au CRICIS Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Montr?al R?sum? : Le 23 avril dernier, le projet de loi C-11 visant ? moderniser la Loi sur la radiodiffusion a re?u la sanction royale, soit 32 ans apr?s la derni?re r?forme. Entre le d... When Thursday 25 May ? 23:00 ? Friday 26 May 2023 ? 00:00 (Eastern Time - Toronto) Guests siavashrokni at - organiser george.eric at acc-cca-l at View all guest info Reply for acc-cca-l at Yes No Maybe More options Invitation from Google Calendar You are receiving this email because you are an attendee of the event. To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to the organiser, be added to the guest list, invite others regardless of their own invitation status or modify your RSVP. Learn more -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/calendar Size: 5139 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: invite.ics Type: application/ics Size: 2671 bytes Desc: not available URL: From siavashrokni at Thu May 25 20:46:14 2023 From: siavashrokni at (siavashrokni at Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 02:46:14 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Cancelled_event=3A__Conf=C3=A9rence_-_d?= =?utf-8?b?w6liYXQsIFNpbW9uIENsYXVzLCBWZW5kcmVkaSAyIGouLi4gQCBUaHUg?= =?utf-8?q?25_May_23=3A00_-_Fri_26_May_2023_00=3A00_=28GMT-04=3A00?= =?utf-8?b?KSAoYWNjLWNjYS1sQG1haWxtYW4udWNhbGdhcnkuY2Ep?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] [acc-cca-l] Conf?rence - d?bat, Simon Claus, Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al This event has been cancelled. Join with Google Meet Meeting link [?EXTERNAL] L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements? Conf?rence - d?bat avec Simon Claus, directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur associ? au CRICIS Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Montr?al R?sum? : Le 23 avril dernier, le projet de loi C-11 visant ? moderniser la Loi sur la radiodiffusion a re?u la sanction royale, soit 32 ans apr?s la derni?re r?forme. Entre le d... When Thursday 25 May ? 23:00 ? Friday 26 May 2023 ? 00:00 (Eastern Time - Toronto) Guests siavashrokni at - organiser george.eric at acc-cca-l at Invitation from Google Calendar You are receiving this email because you are an attendee of the event. To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to the organiser, be added to the guest list, invite others regardless of their own invitation status or modify your RSVP. Learn more -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/calendar Size: 2852 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: invite.ics Type: application/ics Size: 2083 bytes Desc: not available URL: From calendar-notification at Thu May 25 20:47:20 2023 From: calendar-notification at (Google Calendar) Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 02:47:20 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Invitation=3A__Conf=C3=A9rence_-_d=C3=A9ba?= =?utf-8?q?t=2C_=22L=27adoption_du_projet_de_=2E=2E=2E_=40_Fri_2_Ju?= =?utf-8?q?n_2023_10=3A00_-_11=3A00_=28GMT-04=3A00=29_=28acc-cca-l?= =?utf-8?b?QG1haWxtYW4udWNhbGdhcnkuY2Ep?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] [acc-cca-l] Conf?rence - d?bat, "L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements?" , Simon Claus, Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al Join with Google Meet ? [?EXTERNAL] L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements? Conf?rence - d?bat avec Simon Claus, directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur Join with Google Meet Meeting link [?EXTERNAL] L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements? Conf?rence - d?bat avec Simon Claus, directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur associ? au CRICIS Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Montr?al R?sum? : Le 23 avril dernier, le projet de loi C-11 visant ? moderniser la Loi sur la radiodiffusion a re?u la sanction royale, soit 32 ans apr?s la derni?re r?forme. Entre le d... When Friday 2 Jun 2023 ? 10:00 ? 11:00 (Eastern Time - Toronto) Guests siavashrokni at - organiser george.eric at acc-cca-l at View all guest info Reply for acc-cca-l at Yes No Maybe More options Invitation from Google Calendar You are receiving this email because you are an attendee of the event. To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to the organiser, be added to the guest list, invite others regardless of their own invitation status or modify your RSVP. Learn more -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/calendar Size: 5282 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: invite.ics Type: application/ics Size: 2748 bytes Desc: not available URL: From katherine_reilly at Thu May 25 21:29:10 2023 From: katherine_reilly at (Katherine Reilly) Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 03:29:10 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Podcasting Data Power Series: Enabling a Podcasting Commons Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Hello! Please join us on Thursday, June 1 at 8am Vancouver time / 11am Toronto time for the fourth talk in the Podcasting Data Power series. This time we'll talk consider whether and How to Enable the Podcasting Commons. This session will be in Spanish and English. Translation will be available. Podcasting was first conceived to be a space where both producers and audiences could escape the narrow structures afforded by traditional media. Nevertheless, companies and platforms are expanding their presence in digital environments?including creating and co-opting podcasting. In this context, reflecting on how podcasting could be used for the common good is increasingly necessary. Accordingly, in this panel, we will reflect on how we can enable podcasting commons. Esta sesi?n ser en espa?ol e ingl?s. Habr? traducci?n disponible. El podcasting se concibi? en un principio como un espacio en el que tanto los productores como el p?blico podian escapar de las estrechas estructuras que ofrecen los medios de comunicaci?n tradicionales. Sin embargo, las empresas y plataformas est?n ampliando su presencia en los entornos digitales, incluyendo la creaci?n y cooptaci?n del podcasting. En este contexto, cada vez es m?s necesario reflexionar sobre c?mo utilizar el podcasting para el bien com?n. Por ello, en este panel reflexionaremos sobre c?mo podemos hacer posible el podcasting como una estrategia para el bien com?n. Our panelists are: Dr. Katherine Reilly Associate Professor | School of Communication Associate Dean Research | Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 [] At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From katherine_reilly at Thu May 25 21:34:19 2023 From: katherine_reilly at (Katherine Reilly) Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 03:34:19 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Podcasting Data Power Series: Enabling a Podcasting Commons Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Hello! (And apologies for the fumble a moment ago. Here's the complete email.) Please join us on Thursday, June 1 at 8am Vancouver time / 11am Toronto time for the fourth talk in the Podcasting Data Power series featuring: * Ranjit Singh (Data & Society) * Stacey Copeland (Simon Fraser University - Amplify Podcast Network) * Gast?n Montells (Universidad de Buenos Aires) This time we'll talk consider whether and How to Enable the Podcasting Commons. Podcasting emerged as a space where both producers and audiences could escape the narrow structures afforded by other forms of media. Nevertheless, companies and platforms are expanding their presence in digital environments?including creating and co-opting podcasting. In this context, reflecting on how podcasting could be used for the common good is increasingly necessary. Accordingly, in this panel, we will reflect on how we can enable podcasting commons. El podcasting se concibi? en un principio como un espacio en el que tanto los productores como el p?blico podian escapar de las estrechas estructuras que ofrecen los medios de comunicaci?n tradicionales. Sin embargo, las empresas y plataformas est?n ampliando su presencia en los entornos digitales, incluyendo la creaci?n y cooptaci?n del podcasting. En este contexto, cada vez es m?s necesario reflexionar sobre c?mo utilizar el podcasting para el bien com?n. Por ello, en este panel reflexionaremos sobre c?mo podemos hacer posible el podcasting como una estrategia para el bien com?n. This session will be in Spanish and English. Translation will be available. Esta sesi?n ser en espa?ol e ingl?s. Habr? traducci?n disponible. For more information, or to register, please visit See you next Thursday! Katherine Dr. Katherine Reilly Associate Professor | School of Communication Associate Dean Research | Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 [] At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Skwxw?7mesh (Squamish), and S?l??lw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From maxigas at Fri May 26 06:43:37 2023 From: maxigas at (maxigas at Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 14:43:37 +0200 Subject: [acc-cca-l] DEADLINE TODAY: 4S open panel 133. | Overcoming Sociotechnical Imaginaries: infrastructural ideologies and materialities? Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear critical STS scholars and fellow travellers, The deadline for paper submission to 4S open panels is today, 2023-05-26 Friday 03:30 UTC on Thank for everyone who already submitted to our panel and there is still time to submit! ????,??,????`????,?,??????,??,????`????,??,????`????,?,??????,??,????`????,? 133. Overcoming Sociotechnical Imaginaries: infrastructural ideologies and materialities? ????,??,????`????,?,??????,??,????`????,??,????`????,?,??????,??,????`????,? Maxigas, University of Amsterdam, Critical Infrastructure Lab Niels ten Oever, University of Amsterdam, Critical Infrastructure Lab; The concept of sociotechnical imaginaries is very popular in STS research, yet we suggest that has reached the limits of its explanatory powers. Sociotechnical imaginaries insufficiently account for power imbalances in the design, standardisation, production, and maintenance of infrastructures and their governing institutions. To overcome this problem, we invite contributions that foreground power and technological materiality, and do not solely, or mainly, take identities, opinions, and visions as a starting point for arguments. Technological materialities are not merely a reflection of aligned interests, expertises, or identities. Material affordances of technology can subvert the influence of actors. Such a process is not necessarily intentional, but can emerge in the use and maintenance of a technology. The concept of ideology can explain who exerts power, how such power is exerted and subverted, and what is at stake in social conflicts around material configurations. We build on Althusser and Humphrey in saying that ideology is not simply a linguistic phenomenon; it also appears in material structures, discourses, institutions, and practices. We want to further explore what this notion can do to explain how social conflicts are articulated through struggles over shaping materiality, often under the guise of a (co-)production process. We call for contributions from researchers who are interested in exploring conceptual frameworks that can better account for the role of materiality and power in the social conflicts around technological innovation, standardisation, deployment, and maintenance, including but not limited to renewed interest in ideology as a conceptual framework. Contact: maxigas at, niels at Keywords: Information, Computing and Media Technology, Method and Practice, Infrastructure, socio-technical imaginaries infrastructural ideologies In solidarity, -- Maxigas Senior Lecturer in Media and Culture Department of Media University of Amsterdam NEW BOOK =>>> Resistance to the Current: The Dialectics of Hacking by Johan S?derberg and Maxigas, foreword by Richard Barbrook Catalog: === I love long emails | === From mariane_bourcheix-laporte at Mon May 29 18:59:28 2023 From: mariane_bourcheix-laporte at (Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte) Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 00:59:28 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?CCA_Graduate_Caucus_meeting_and_other_even?= =?utf-8?q?ts_//_R=C3=A9union_du_caucus_des_=C3=A9tudiants_de_l=E2=80=99AC?= =?utf-8?q?C_et_plus?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] ***version fran?aise ci-dessous*** Dear CCA student members, Happy Congress! We hope you are as excited as we are for the coming days. Please join us Tuesday, May 30 from 12:30 to 13:30 in DB 1016 for the Graduate Caucus meeting. This is a great opportunity to meet peers and get involved in CCA. We will elect a new student representative will be elected during the Graduate Caucus Meeting. There is still time to nominate yourself. Please fill out this short nomination form in advance of the Caucus meeting. Nominations from the floor at the meeting will also be welcomed. The representative?s role is outlined in the Graduate Representatives Terms of Reference. 2023 Graduate Caucus Meeting Documents: ? Agenda ? 2022 Graduate Caucus Meeting Minutes We hope to see you there and at these other CCA events: CCA Graduate Student Social, Wednesday, 31 May 2023 Please join us at the Thirsty Fox Pub at 6 p.m. for dinner, drinks, pool, ping pong, and board games. Located a close 650-metres walk from Eglington West subway station (along the 1/yellow line), we hope to see you there. The Pub has vegetarian, vegan (pizza without cheese), and gluten free options (no halal foods, though). It also has a wheelchair accessible entrance. Please email dana.cramer at if you require an Uber due to accessibility reasons which we will organize for you to get from York University to the Thirsty Fox Pub. Grad Caucus Roundtable: Career Avenues to Pursue Research Post-Graduation Thursday, June 1, 9:00 to 10:30, DB 0009 Panelists: ME Luka, Guy Hoskins, and Nicolette Little We look forward to seeing you soon! Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte and Dana Cramer CCA Student Representatives Chers membres ?tudiants de l'ACC, Bienvenue au congr?s! Nous esp?rons que vous avez aussi h?te que nous de voir ce que les prochains jours nous r?servent! Joignez-vous ? nous mardi le 30 mai, de 12h30 ? 13h30 dans la salle DB 1016 la r?union du caucus des ?tudiants de l?ACC. C?est une bonne occasion pour rencontrer d?autres ?tudiants et pour s?impliquer dans l?ACC. Nous ?lierons un nouveau ou une nouvelle repr?sentant(e) ?tudiant(e) qui rejoindra le conseil d'administration de l'ACC. Veuillez remplir ce court formulaire de candidature avant la r?union du caucus. Les nominations provenant de l'assembl?e lors de la r?union seront ?galement les bienvenues. Les t?ches des des repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s sont d?crites dans les termes de r?f?rences des repr?sentant(e)s ?tudiant(e)s. Documents pour la r?union du caucus des ?tudiants de l?ACC 2023 ? Agenda ? Proc?s-verbal de la rencontre de 2022 Nous esp?rons vous y voir, ainsi qu?aux ?v?nements suivants : Soir?e des ?tudiants did l?ACC, mercredi 31 mai 2023 Rejoignez-nous au Thirsty Fox Pub ? 18 heures pour un d?ner, des boissons, du billard, du ping-pong et des jeux de soci?t?. Situ? ? 650 m?tres ? pied de la station de m?tro Eglington West (sur la ligne 1/jaune), nous esp?rons vous y voir. Le Pub propose des plats v?g?tariens, v?g?taliens (pizza sans fromage) et sans gluten (pas d'aliments halal, cependant). Il dispose ?galement d'une entr?e accessible aux fauteuils roulants. Veuillez envoyer un courriel ? dana.cramer at si vous avez besoin d'un Uber pour des raisons d'accessibilit?, que nous organiserons pour vous permettre de vous rendre de l'Universit? de York au Thirsty Fox Pub. Pistes de Carri?re Pour Poursuivre La Recherche Apr?s l'Obtention Du Dipl?me : Table Ronde Sur Les Opportunit?s ? l'Int?rieur Et ? l'Ext?rieur Jeudi le 1er juin, 9:00 to 10:30, DB 0009 Pan?listes: ME Luka, Guy Hoskins, and Nicolette Little Au plaisir de vous y voir! Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte et Dana Cramer Repr?sentantes ?tudiantes, ACC Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte (she/her) PhD Candidate and Instructor School of Communication, Simon Fraser University Student Researcher, Cultural Policy Working Group, Archive/Counter-Archive Graduate Student Representative (2021-2023), Canadian Communication Association mbourche at | I respectfully acknowledge the x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam), S?wx?w?7mesh ?xwumixw (Squamish), s?l?ilw??ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), q??c??y? (Katzie), k?ik?????m (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen peoples on whose traditional territories our three campuses reside. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Mon May 29 19:36:33 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 01:36:33 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Dernier_rappel_--_Propositions_pour_un_d?= =?utf-8?q?=C3=A9bat_autour_de_la_question_du_web3_=3A_entre_disruption=2C?= =?utf-8?q?_prolongement_et_r=C3=A9actualisation_--_David_Pucheu_et_Jacob_?= =?utf-8?q?Matthews_--_Mardi_30_mai_2023=2C_15h00=2C_Salle_J-1060=2C_UQAM?= =?utf-8?q?=2C_Montr=C3=A9al_et_en_ligne?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Propositions pour un d?bat autour de la question du web3 : entre disruption, prolongement et r?actualisation Conf?rence - d?bat avec David Pucheu, enseignant chercheur en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l?Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne et Jacob Matthews, professeur en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l'Universit? Paris 8 Mardi 30 mai 2023, 15h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al En ligne ?galement : Cette conf?rence-d?bat propose d?interroger les soubassements id?ologiques du "web 3" en examinant les trajectoires historiques ambivalentes du web de confiance (blockchain) et du web s?mantique (IA). Impuls? par les travaux pr?liminaires de deux programmes de recherche, cet ?v?nement est ?galement l'occasion de confronter les pistes de r?flexion et interrogations port?es par d'autres travaillant sur les ?volutions du web. Enseignant chercheur en Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication au sein de l?axe ?tudes Digitales (E3D) du MICA de l?Universit? Bordeaux Montaigne, David Pucheu interroge les imaginaires et les id?ologies qui pr?sident au d?veloppement technologique occidental. A mi-chemin entre sociologie et philosophie des techniques, ses travaux ont port? notamment sur l?histoire du design de l?interaction Humain-Machine et plus r?cemment sur l?ing?nierie exploratoire associ?e au mouvement transhumaniste californien. Il questionne par ailleurs les recompositions du croire ? l?oeuvre dans notre hypermodernit? et plus particuli?rement aux Etats-Unis. Jacob Matthews est professeur de Sciences de l?Information et de la Communication ? l'Universit? Paris 8 et membre du LabSIC, Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord. Ses recherches portent sur la socio-?conomie du web et des industries de la culture et de la communication (ICC) ainsi que sur les liens entre production id?ologique et leadership. Il est auteur de nombreux articles et chapitres analysant les ?volutions du web et mutations des ICC, les usages et strat?gies de plateformes d?interm?diation num?rique. Il est co-auteur de Platform economics. Rhetoric and reality in the ?sharing economy? (en collaboration avec Cristiano Codagnone et Athina Karatzogianni), 2018. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hirjif at Tue May 30 10:49:43 2023 From: hirjif at (Hirji, Faiza) Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 16:49:43 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Welcome to CCA23! Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dr.g.voorhees at Wed May 31 09:43:13 2023 From: dr.g.voorhees at (Gerald Voorhees) Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 11:43:13 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Canadian_Game_Studies_Association_2023_Con?= =?utf-8?q?ference_=28June_6-9=29_Canadian_Game_Studies_Association?= =?utf-8?q?_is_happening_soon=2E_The_conference_theme_is_=E2=80=9CS?= =?utf-8?q?ustainable_Action/Sustaining_Action=22?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear Colleagues, The fully online annual conference of the Canadian Game Studies Association is happening soon. The conference theme is ?Sustainable Action/Sustaining Action,? which both expresses CGSA?s continued commitment to anti-racism and decolonization and signals our concern for the ecological impact of games and academic conferencing. Recorded paper presentations can be accessed now and between June 6-9 there are live discussion panels with paper authors, workshops, and special events including keynotes by Gabrielle Tr?panier-Jobin (Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al) on ?What Ecofeminism and Decolonial Studies Have to Teach Us About Raising Ecological Awareness Though Games,? and Alenda Y. Chang (University of California, Santa Barbara) on sustainably developed games ?Animal, Digital, Vegetable, Mineral: An Unsustainable Guessing Game.? In all, the conference features 80+ papers, lectures, and workshops from critical, humanities, and social-science approaches (see the online program for more information and details about workshops, play sessions, and special events). To attend the live panels and gain access to recorded paper presentations, you will need to register for the conference here. Note that you can either become a CGSA member and register for the conference at a discount rate or purchase a non-member conference registration. Black and/or Indigenous students who are members of CGSA can register for the conference for free. We hope you?ll join us for an amazing online conference! ________________________________ Gerald Voorhees, Ph.D. (he/him) President, Canadian Game Studies Association Associate Professor Department of Communication Arts University of Waterloo 257A ML, Waterloo ON, N2L 3G1 ________________________________ I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University of Waterloo is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes ten kilometers on each side of the Grand River. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From commpositerevue at Wed May 31 09:48:02 2023 From: commpositerevue at (Revue COMMposite) Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 11:48:02 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?RAPPEL_-_Appel_COMMposite_Vol=2E_23=2C_n?= =?utf-8?q?=2E_2=2C_Organisations_et_pouvoir_=3A_vers_un_nouveau_pa?= =?utf-8?q?radigme_postpand=C3=A9mique?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] RAPPEL La revue COMMposite, la revue des chercheures et chercheurs de la rel?ve en communication, lance son prochain appel (v23, n2), Organisations et pouvoir : vers un nouveau paradigme postpand?mique. La date limite de soumission sur le site Internet de la revue ( est le 3 juillet 2023. Au plaisir, Le comit? ?ditorial de COMMposite Appel d?taill? : L?objet de cet appel est d?e?tudier les nouvelles dynamiques de pouvoir dans les organisations dans un monde postpand?mique, et ce, sous un prisme communicationnel. Concernant les organisations de travail, ces enjeux sont le plus souvent abord?s par la litt?rature manage?riale, comme l?atteste le champ d?e?tude e?mergent sur les ?new ways of working? (Ajzen, 2021 ; Mitev et al., 2021 ; Taskin, Ajzen et Donis, 2017) ou celui, plus ancien, des critical management studies, dites CMS (Alvesson et Willmott, 1992) qui invite ? comprendre les enjeux de pouvoir dans les organisations (post)modernes. Toutefois, il existe aussi des avenues int?ressantes en communication et en sociologie du travail pour appr?hender les nouvelles configurations de pouvoir en organisation. Pendant la pande?mie de la COVID-19, l?engagement au monde s?est effectue? a? travers un usage intense des technologies nume?riques (Mukherjee, 2021), ce qui justifie en soit l?inte?r?t port? ? une explication communicationnelle. Par ailleurs, selon une perspective foucaldienne, le pouvoir n?est pas une proprie?te? mais une pratique, qui op?re gr?ce au savoir et de mani?re discursive (Bratu, 2000 ; Foucault, 1970). Enfin, si le travail est constitutif de l?identit? (Mumby, 2013, 2019) et repr?sente le domaine par excellence pour comprendre comment la communication prend part aux organisations, le monde corporatif n?a pas l?exclusivite? des probl?matiques de pouvoir. Pensons aux organisations communautaires (Fortier et al., 2022), alternatives (Del Fa et V?squez, 2019), b?n?voles (Del Fa, Lamoureux et Vasquez., 2021) ou encore militantes (Myles, 2019) et ? tous les ph?nom?nes organisationnels en ligne (Fortin, 2016) qui, comportent e?galement des dynamiques d?un groupe sur d?autres Suite en pi?ce jointe. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Appel COMMPosite VolCom&pouvoir (1).pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 716859 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hirjif at Wed May 31 10:20:04 2023 From: hirjif at (Hirji, Faiza) Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 16:20:04 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA23 Day 2 Reminders In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From george.eric at Wed May 31 10:24:14 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 16:24:14 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Dernier_rappel_-_Conf=C3=A9rence_-_d=C3=A9?= =?utf-8?q?bat=2C_=22L=27adoption_du_projet_de_loi_C-11_=3A_une_longue_s?= =?utf-8?b?w6lyaWUgw6AgcmVib25kaXNzZW1lbnRz4oCmIiAsIFNpbW9uIENsYXVzLCBW?= =?utf-8?q?endredi_2_juin_2023=2C_10h00_=28HAE=29=2C_Salle_J-1060=2C_Pavil?= =?utf-8?q?lon_Judith_Jasmin=2C_Universit=C3=A9_du_Qu=C3=A9bec_=C3=A0_Mont?= =?utf-8?q?r=C3=A9al_et_en_ligne?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] L'adoption du projet de loi C-11 : une longue s?rie ? rebondissements? Conf?rence - d?bat avec Simon Claus, directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur associ? au CRICIS Vendredi 2 juin 2023, 10h00, Salle J-1060, Pavillon Judith Jasmin, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al, Montr?al En ligne : R?sum? : Le 23 avril dernier, le projet de loi C-11 visant ? moderniser la Loi sur la radiodiffusion a re?u la sanction royale, soit 32 ans apr?s la derni?re r?forme. Entre le d?p?t du projet de loi C-10 le 3 novembre 2020 (finalement tomb? au feuilleton) et l?adoption de C-11, il s?est ?coul? 2 ans et demi qui se sont caract?ris?s par d??pres d?bats durant lesquels se sont mat?rialis?s des rapports de forces particuli?rement antagonistes. Durant sa pr?sentation, Simon Claus reviendra sur les diff?rentes ?tapes menant ? l?adoption C-11 et pr?sentera les principales modifications apport?es ? la Loi sur la radiodiffusion, en particulier concernant les nouvelles responsabilit?s des entreprises de radiodiffusion en ligne. Ce s?minaire vise ? ouvrir les premi?res discussions sur ce processus de r?forme de la Loi sur la radiodiffusion avec un regard situ? ayant ?t? au c?ur des ?v?nements. Pr?sentation : Titulaire d?un doctorat de la facult? de communication de l?UQAM, Simon Claus est directeur des affaires publiques et de la recherche ? l?ADISQ et chercheur associ? au CRICIS. Il s?int?resse ? l??tude des industries de la culture et la communication avec une approche d?ordre socio?conomique. L'UQAM est situ?e en territoire autochtone non c?d?. Tiohti?:ke (Montr?al) est historiquement un lieu de vie, de rencontres et d??changes entre les peuples autochtones. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From e-paperworld.epc at Wed May 31 13:00:32 2023 From: e-paperworld.epc at (Eric Le Ray) Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 15:00:32 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Eric_Le_Ray=3A_invitation_=C3=A0_participe?= =?utf-8?q?r_=C3=A0_l=27ouvrage_collectif_de_La_bataille_de_l=27imprim?= =?utf-8?q?=C3=A9_=C3=A0_l=27=C3=A8re_de_l=27intelligence_artificielle?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] LA BATAILLE DE L?IMPRIME? A? L?E?RE DE L?INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE Jean-Paul Lafrance, le fondateur du de?partement de communication de l?UQAM et moi- me?me, e?diteur et spe?cialiste de l?e?volution des supports, de l?imprime? a? l?e?cran, nous avons de?cide? de reprendre l'ouvrage collectif qui avait eu du succe?s en 2008 a? sa sortie qui concernait la bataille de l'imprime? a? l'e?re du papier e?lectronique, publie? aux PUM. L'actualite? d'aujourd'hui n'est plus la nume?risation du papier et la sortie du Kindel (2007) ou de l'iPad (avril 2010) qui avaient oriente? notre re?flexion, mais l'intelligence artificielle, le ChatGPT et le me?tavers. Avec l?internet de 3 ou de 4e ge?ne?rations, la re?alite? virtuelle, la re?alite? augmente?e, l'e?cran et les interfaces nume?riques dominent l'actualite? depuis quelques anne?es. Mais l'imprime?, l'imprimerie, le papier, re?siste, progresse toujours face a? l?e?volution progressive, tout autant, de l?e?cran et des interfaces nume?riques. Comme le rappelait avec inte?re?t Josiane Guay, lors d?un compte rendu d?un de?jeuner du Groupe d?action pour l?avancement technologique de l?Estrie (GATE) du 5 avril 2013sur le blogue de Sherbrooke innopole :? nous sommes a? la croise?e de l?imprime?, des technologies de l?information et de l?e?lectronique via notamment l?e?lectronique imprimable, les papiers intelligents, les puces NFC (Near Field Communication), les encres e?lectroluminescentes, conductrices ou qui re?agissent a? l?environnement et a? la nanocellulose cristalline ?1. Partout a? travers le monde des liens sont tisse?s entre le monde de l?entreprise et le monde de la recherche fondamentale et scientifique pour associer l?expe?rience de la production pratique et l?exploitation des marche?s, avec l?expe?rience de la recherche et du de?passement des limites du connu. Le projet ? d?Impression 2020 ? des acteurs de l?industrie et de la communication graphique au Que?bec nous oriente dans ce sens. Le projet, explique Josiane Guay, ? re?uni sur cinq ans des spe?cialistes de l?ICGQ ? un CCTT (Centre colle?gial de transfert de technologies) ? et d?universite?s a? travers le monde, des chercheurs du Colle?ge Ahuntsic, 28 grandes entreprises et PME que?be?coises ainsi que le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en ge?nie du Canada (CRSNG) ?2. Un me?canisme de transfert entre les partenaires universitaires, axe?s sur la R&D, la plate-forme de l?ICGQ, ou? les applications sont de?veloppe?es, et les partenaires industriels, a e?te? mis en place, rapporte Josiane Guay lors d?une entrevue avec l?ancien ? directeur ge?ne?ral de l?ICGQ, Andre? Dion. Les entreprises de?tiennent la proprie?te? intellectuelle exclusive des projets qui seront mene?s chez eux et elles forment une future main-d??uvre qualifie?e via des offres de stage, explique Josiane Guay. La plate- 1 Guay Josiane, (15 avril 2013) Un avenir branche? pour l?imprimerie ! Blogue sherbrooke innopole. 2 Ibid.cit., Guay Josiane (15 avril 2013) forme de l?ICGQ, ajoute Josiane Guay, fournit des obstacles fondamentaux a? re?soudre ainsi que des sujets de the?ses aux professionnels de la recherche, qui retournent leurs re?sultats en les convertissant en applications. C?est l?occasion d?effectuer une veille technologique et d?en re?pandre les re?sultats au sein des diffe?rents re?seaux professionnels. Cela permet aussi d?acce?der a? des expertises de pointe en vue d?alimenter les orientations futures de l?industrie au Que?bec et ailleurs. Il s?agit de se de?marquer, d?innover et de s?adapter afin de prendre le virage de l?imprime? a? valeur ajoute?e dans les me?tiers de l?e?dition, de la presse et des me?dias imprime?s. Dans le labeur avec les emballages imprime?s, l?impression offset et nume?rique (transactionnel, promotionnel et corporatif) avec un programme d?impression a? donne?es variables, et la gestion des envois postaux avec des bases de donne?es de plus en plus performante. Voici le sommaire de notre projet qui pourra bien entendu e?voluer en fonction de vos re?actions. L?e?cran et les interfaces nume?riques sont-ils l?avenir de la bibliographie mate?rielle ? L?imprimerie et l?imprime? a? valeur ajoute?e, le papier et leurs me?tiers Les enjeux de l?environnement et du de?veloppement durable dans les industries de la communication graphique L?intelligence artificielle a? l?e?re de la septie?me dimension Les enjeux de la formation et de l?e?ducation Le me?tier d?auteur, d?e?crivain et d?e?diteur a? l?e?re du ChatGPT Le livre, l?e?dition et les bibliothe?ques a? l?e?re de l?entrepo?t nume?rique La presse, le journal et le journalisme a? l?e?re des me?dias sociaux nume?riques et du ChatGPT Accepteriez-vous de nous rejoindre afin de mettre a? jour votre re?flexion, si vous avez participe? a? l?aventure de 2008, de la poursuivre ou de nous la soumettre si vous rejoignez notre initiative pour 2024 ? Soyez le bienvenu ! L?intelligence est individuelle, mais aussi collective et l?union fait la force pour mieux appre?hender ensemble les changements technologiques d?aujourd?hui E?ric Le Ray Ph.D. Les E?ditions Liberte?s nume?riques e-paperworld.epc at Cell : 514-605-0392 E?ric Le Ray, Ph. D. A e?te? consultant se?nior pour le CSMO- CGQ pendant plusieurs anne?es. Il a participe? a? la premie?re e?tude sur les enjeux de l?e?dition du livre dans le monde du nume?rique dirige? par Guylaine Beaudry, alors directrice d?E?rudit pour l?ANEL (Association nationale des e?diteurs de livres). Il est e?diteur et intervenant psychosocial. Il est un ancien imprimeur (e?cole Estienne) et posse?de une formation de journaliste (UQAM, profil journalisme). Auteur d?essais et de biographies, sur Marinoni, le fondateur de la presse moderne et sur le journalisme le journal sans journalistes, ou le cinquie?me pouvoir des gens ordinaires. Il a e?te? a? l?initiative du colloque ? La bataille de l?imprime? a? l?e?re du nume?rique ? qui a donne? lieu a? l?ouvrage collectif paru en 2008 sur ? la bataille de l?imprime? a? l?e?re du papier e?lectronique ? qui a re?uni a? l?e?poque plus de 30 auteurs aux PUM. Il a obtenu un premier doctorat en histoire des sciences et des techniques avec l?e?conomiste de l?innovation Franc?ois Caron de l?Universite? Paris IV Sorbonne en association avec le CNAM. Il a obtenu un second doctorat a? l?E?cole Pratique des Hautes E?tudes (EPHE) avec Fre?de?ric Barbier de la IV section en histoire et civilisation du livre. Il est candidat a? la maitrise en bibliothe?conomie et au doctorat en psychope?dagogie a? l?Universite? de Montre?al afin de travailler sur la bibliographie mate?rielle et sur le rapport a? l?e?cran a? l?e?re de l?intelligence artificielle et de l?e?ducation nume?rique. Il contribue a? la re?volution paradigmatique associe?e a? la the?orie de la re?ception active gra?ce a? ses recherches sur des notions qu?il de?veloppe autour de la ? me?canique virtuelle ? et des individus comme porteurs du message et du sens ? individuel and people is the message ? dans le rapport aux technologies et aux me?dias. Jean-Paul Lafrance fut le directeur fondateur du secteur acade?mique des communications a? l?Universite? du Que?bec a? Montre?al de 1969 a? 2005. Il est Ph. D. de la Sorbonne et il fut professeur en sciences de l?information et de la communication. Il fut membre du re?seau de la chaire UNESCO ITEN a? l?UQAM et de l?Universite? Paris VIII. Il fut aussi enseignant invite? aux universite?s Autonome de Barcelone, a? l?universite? Paris VIII et a? celle d?Avignon. Auteur de plus de trente livres sur les me?dias, le de?veloppement et la civilisation du nume?rique, dont 3 traduit en espagnol au Pe?rou par l?Universite? de Lima. THE BATTLE FOR PRINT ? THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Jean-Paul Lafrance, founder of UQAM's communications department, and I, publisher and specialist in the evolution of media, from print to screen, decided to revive the collective work on the battle of print in the age of electronic paper, published by PUM in 2008. Today, the focus is no longer on the digitization of paper and the release of the Kindel (2007) or the iPad (April 2010), but on artificial intelligence, ChatGPT and the metaverse. With the 3rd or 4th generation Internet, virtual reality, augmented reality, the screen and digital interfaces have dominated the news in recent years. But the printed word, printing, paper, is resisting, still progressing in the face of the progressive evolution, just as much, of the screen and digital interfaces. As Josiane Guay interestingly recalled in a report on a Groupe d'action pour l'avancement technologique de l'Estrie (GATE) luncheon held on April 5, 2013, on the Sherbrooke innopole blog: "We're at the crossroads of print, information technology and electronics, via printable electronics, smart papers, NFC (Near Field Communication) chips, electroluminescent, conductive or environmentally responsive inks and crystalline nanocellulose". All over the world, links are being forged between the business world and the world of fundamental and scientific research, to combine the experience of practical production and the exploitation of markets, with the experience of research and going beyond the limits of the known. The "Impression 2020" project launched by players in Quebec's graphic communications industry is a step in this direction. The project, explains Josiane Guay, "brings together, over a five-year period, specialists from the ICGQ - a CCTT (Centre coll?gial de transfert de technologies) - and universities around the world, researchers from Coll?ge Ahuntsic, 28 major Quebec companies and SMEs, as well as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). A transfer mechanism between university partners, focused on R&D, the ICGQ platform, where applications are developed, and industrial partners, has been set up, reports Josiane Guay in an interview with former ICGQ General Manager Andr? Dion. Companies hold the exclusive intellectual propert? of the projects that will be carried out on their premises, and they train a qualified future workforce via internship offers, Josiane Guay explains. The ICGQ platform, adds Josiane Guay, provides fundamental obstacles to solve as well as thesis topics for research professionals, who return their results by converting them into applications. It's an opportunity to keep abreast of the latest technological developments, and to disseminate the results within the various professional networks. It also provides access to cutting-edge expertise to help shape the future direction of the industry in Quebec and elsewhere. It's all about standing out from the crowd, innovating and adapting to make the shift to value-added print in the publishing, press and print media professions. In commercial printing with printed packaging, in offset and digital printing (transactional, promotional and corporate) with a variable data printing program, and in mailing management with increasingly powerful databases. Here's a summary of our project, which can of course evolve according to your feedback. Are screens and digital interfaces the future of physical bibliography? Printing and value-added print, paper and its professions Environmental and sustainable development issues in the graphic communications industry Artificial intelligence in the age of the seventh dimension The challenges of training and education Authors, writers and publishers in the age of ChatGPT Books, publishing and libraries in the age of the digital warehouse Press, newspaper and journalism in the age of digital social media and ChatGPT Would you be willing to join us to update your thinking, if you participated in the 2008 adventure, to continue it or to submit it to us if you join our initiative for 2024? We look forward to hearing from you! Intelligence is individual, but it's also collective, and there's strength in unity if we're to better tackle today's technological changes together. ?ric Le Ray Ph.D. Les ?ditions Libert?s num?riques e-paperworld.epc at Cell : 514-605-0392 ?ric Le Ray, Ph. D. was a senior consultant for the CSMO-CGQ for several years. He participated in the first study on the challenges facing book publishing in the digital world, directed by Guylaine Beaudry, then Director of ?rudit for ANEL (Association nationale des ?diteurs de livres). He is a publisher and psychosocial worker. He is a former printer (?cole Estienne) and trained as a journalist (UQAM, journalism profile). Author of essays and biographies, on Marinoni, the founder of the modern press, and on journalism - the newspaper without journalists, or the fifth power of ordinary people. He initiated the colloquium "La bataille de l'imprim? ? l'?re du num?rique" (The battle of print in the digital age), which gave rise to the collective work "La bataille de l'imprim? ? l'?re du papier ?lectronique" (The battle of print in the electronic paper age), published in 2008 by PUM, bringing together more than 30 authors. He obtained his first doctorate in the history of science and technology with innovation economist Fran?ois Caron at the Universit? Paris IV Sorbonne, in association with the CNAM. He obtained a second doctorate at the ?cole Pratique des Hautes ?tudes (EPHE) with Fr?d?ric Barbier of the IV section in the history and civilization of the book. He is a candidate for a master's degree in library science and a doctorate in psychopedagogy at the Universit? de Montr?al, working on material bibliography and the relationship with the screen in the age of artificial intelligence and digital education. He contributes to the paradigmatic revolution associated with the theory of active reception through his research on notions he develops around "virtual mechanics" and "individuals and people is the message" in relation to technologies and media. [X]Jean-Paul Lafrance was the founding director of the academic communications sector at the Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al from 1969 to 2005. He holds a Ph.D. from the Sorbonne and was a professor of information and communication sciences. He was a member of the UNESCO ITEN chair network at UQAM and Universit? Paris VIII. He was also a guest lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Paris VIII and the University of Avignon. Author of over thirty books on media, development and digital civilization, including 3 translated into Spanish in Peru by the University of Lima. ?ric Le Ray MA. Ph.D. Pr?sident - Directeur g?n?ral Fondateur des ?ditions Libert?s Num?riques EPC @ 5231, Av Trans Island Montr?al, Qc, H3W 2Z9 T?l: 514-383-6868 Cell: 514-605-0392 Courriel: e-paperworld.epc at Les ?ditions Libert?s Num?riques Facebook: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: bataille 2 lettre.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 585843 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: THE BATTLE FOR PRINT A? THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 452920 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Bataille_imprime 2008.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 2345287 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hirjif at Thu Jun 1 08:06:42 2023 From: hirjif at (Hirji, Faiza) Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2023 14:06:42 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA23 Day 3 Reminders Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hirjif at Fri Jun 2 08:28:40 2023 From: hirjif at (Hirji, Faiza) Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 14:28:40 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA 23 Day 4 Notes Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From helene.bourdeloie at Sun Jun 4 16:26:53 2023 From: helene.bourdeloie at (=?utf-8?Q?Helene_BOURDELO=C4=B0E?=) Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 00:26:53 +0200 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Colloque_=3A_rappel_inscription=2E=22Le_nu?= =?utf-8?q?m=C3=A9rique_comme_m=C3=A9thodes_et_terrains_=3A_perspectives_f?= =?utf-8?q?=C3=A9ministes=22_=28NuMFem=29_-_29-30_juin_2023_-_Hybride_=3A_?= =?utf-8?q?CIS_CNRS_Pouchet_=C3=A0_Paris_et_en_ligne?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Ch?res et chers coll?gues, Nous vous prions de bien vouloir trouver via le lien suivant le programme. du colloque "Le num?rique comme m?thodes et terrains : perspectives f?ministes" (NuMFem) qui se tiendra les 29-30 juin 2023 en ligne et au Centre Internet et Soci?t? (CIS) sur le site Pouchet du CNRS (Paris). L?inscription en ligne (ici) est ? faire avant le 9 juin 2023. Le colloque est gratuit mais l?inscription est obligatoire en pr?sentiel ou en visioconf?rence. Carrie Rentschler (Institute for Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies, Universit? McGill) sera notre invit?e pour une conf?rence intitul?e ?Write it Down! The Work that Templates Do in Making Feminist Media? le jeudi 29 juin de 16h30 ? 18h. Au plaisir de vous voir fin juin. Audrey Baneyx, H?l?ne Bourdeloie et M?lanie Lallet - Comit? d?organisation NuMFem 2023 [ Pour toutes questions, envoyez un courriel ? contact at ] **** H?l?ne Bourdeloie Centre Internet et Soci?t? (CIS) CNRS, d?l?gation Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord / Paris Nord Sorbonne University LabSIC & chercheuse associ?e au CARISM (Universit? Paris II Panth?on-Assas) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ogbornd at Tue Jun 6 09:03:55 2023 From: ogbornd at (Ogborn, David) Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 15:03:55 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Sessional postings in Communications and Media Arts, McMaster Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear all, My department (Communication Studies and Media Arts) at McMaster University has posted a number of sessional teaching jobs for Fall 2023. Due dates for applications are June 16 2023 (except for MEDIAART 1A03 where it is June 17 2023). Applications will be accepted online only - details of the postings and the online application system can be found here: These are the courses that are available: CMST 2TM6 - Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods CMST 3II3/POLSCI 3IP3 - Intellectual Property CMST 3WR3 - Professional Writing CMST 4D03 - International Communication CMST 4E03 - Media and Promotionalism CMST 4N03 - News Analysis: Theory and Practice MEDIAART 1A03 - Media Arts MEDIAART 2A06 - Design & Code MEDIAART 3BB3 - New Media Art Practices MEDIAART 3K03 - Game Studies Yours truly, David Dr. David Ogborn Associate Professor, Dept. of Communication Studies and Media Arts Graduate Chair, MA in Communication and New Media Graduate Chair, PhD in Communication, New Media, and Cultural Studies Associate Member, School of the Arts Associate Member, Dept. of Computing and Software McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada From davewillpark at Tue Jun 6 11:31:45 2023 From: davewillpark at (dave park) Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 12:31:45 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] submission window for book manuscripts open from 1 June-30 July, 2023 Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] We at are happy to announce the opening of our annual proposal window from 1 June to 30 July, 2023. During this date window, authors are encouraged to submit a proposal for review. welcomes submissions from scholars across media, communication, and film studies. We currently publish in four series: * Media Manifold series ? monographs and other book-length works of contemporary media scholarship * Public Domain series ? reprints of neglected classics, in new critical editions anchored by framing introductions * Open Reader series ? themed collections of openly licensed, public domain, and linked materials curated and introduced by leading experts * History of Media Studies series ? monographs and other original scholarly works centered on history of media, communication, and film studies We are small and artisanal by mission, and aim to publish just five books a year. Given the volume of proposals that we receive?and with our production schedule in mind?we maintain an annual proposal window (1 June to 30 July), for the review of manuscripts slated for publication in the following calendar year. You are welcome to send informal queries outside these dates, but our general practice is to only consider proposals within the annual window. Each year, we review proposals with an initial reply by August 15, with the aim to conduct peer review of proposals of expressed interest by the end of September. is an open-access publisher for the media and communication studies fields. The press is nonprofit and scholar-led. We publish living works, with iterative updates stitched into our process. And we encourage multi-modal submissions that reflect the mediated environments our authors study. Publishing with is free on principle. Our aim is to demonstrate, on a small scale, an open-access publishing model supported by libraries rather than author fees. Open access for readers, we believe, should not be traded for new barriers to authorship. All our published works are rigorously peer-reviewed, and receive unusual editorial attention. We prioritize discoverability through careful metadata, library records, and directory listings. As a scholar-run operation, our publicity outreach is uncommonly informed by the fields? intellectual contours. We kindly ask that proposals be submitted as a single PDF, via this URL: Proposals should include the following elements, in addition to at least one draft chapter: 1. Proposed title and subtitle 2. A 500- to 1000-word narrative description of the book 3. Short bios of author(s) and/or editor(s) 4. Proposed series (see above) 5. Tentative table of contents, preferably annotated 6. Estimated word-length 7. Multi-modal components, if any 8. Status of the book (i.e., expectation of completion date, the portion now complete) 9. At least one draft chapter If you have any questions at all about the proposal process for books, please contact us at press at Jeff Pooley, director of Dave Park, associate director of -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fenwick.mckelvey at Wed Jun 7 10:14:31 2023 From: fenwick.mckelvey at (Fenwick Mckelvey) Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 16:14:31 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?CFP=3A_=28un=29Stable_Diffusions=3A?= =?windows-1252?q?_General-purpose_artificial_intelligence=92s_publicities?= =?windows-1252?q?=2C_publics=2C_and_publicizations?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Please circulate widely and consider applying. CFP: (un)Stable Diffusions: General-purpose artificial intelligence?s publicities, publics, and publicizations Edited by Fenwick McKelvey, Joanna Redden, Jonathan Roberge, and Luke Stark (names in alphabetical order) To be published in the open access Journal of Digital Social Research. Please submit your abstracts here: The recent release of so-called ?general-purpose artificial intelligence? (GPAI) systems have prompted a public panic that AI-generated fiction is now indistinguishable from fact. General-purpose AI refers to systems ?intended by the provider to perform generally applicable functions such as image and speech recognition, audio and video generation, pattern detection, question answering, translation and others? (Artificial Intelligence Act, Council of the European Union, Procedure File: 2021/0106(COD), Title 1, Article 3(1b)). Contemporary technologies referred to as GPAI include OpenAI?s ChatGPT as well as numerous text-to-image generation software such as DALL-E and Stable Diffusion. GPAI systems are already being deployed to support and entrench existing asymmetries of power and wealth. For instance, the online news outlet CNET recently disclosed that it has been publishing stories written by an AI and edited by humans for months (Main, 2023). The current concern over ChatGPT is an important moment in AI?s publicity and publicization (Hansen, 2021), or what Noortje Marres refers to as ?material things? acting as ?crucial tools or props for the performance of public involvement in an issue? (Marres, 2010, p. 179). Amidst countless opinion pieces and hot takes discussing GPAI, this special issue details how scandal, silence, and hype operate to promote and publicize AI. We seek interventions that question AI?s publicity and promotion as well as new strategies of engagement with AI?s powerful social and political influence. Concern over Generative AI, we argue, is limited by publicity around these systems that has been framed by hype, silence, or scandal (Brennen, 2018, 2018; Sun et al., 2020). Publicity refers to the relations between affected peoples and matters of shared concerns (Barney, 2014; Marres, 2015, 2018). Historically, these relations have been mediated by the press (Schudson, 2008), but GPAI?s coincides with uncertainty about journalism?s status and a rise of direct, one-step flow like effects of either citizen-to-citizen or, in the case of ChatGPT, a direct link (Bennett & Manheim, 2006). Scholars have observed that publicity around AI follows several distinct patterns: 1. Hype (Ananny & Finn, 2020; Broussard et al., 2019; Mosco, 2004). This discourse is prominent. Concepts like the fourth industrial revolution and disruption function as self-fulfilling, with the consequence that technology arrives always as good news. The launch of ChatGPT is a hallmark of this hyped mode, fitting into a well-worn mode of a ?normative framework of publicity [that is] drained of its critical value, and convert[ed] from a democratic asset to a democratic liability? (Barney, 2008, p. 92). Opening AI to the public, no matter the consequences for society, as in the case of ChatGPT, is portrayed as a good even as this publicization shifts focus to acceptance and inevitability. 2. Silence. If not positive, AI coverage is marked by gaps and aporias, or in effect, closures when aspects of AI remain too uncontroversial to report as well as larger work into the logics of AI imaginaries (Bareis & Katzenbach, 2021). The result is that AI-related issues seldom make the political information cycle, as in the case of ChatGPT?s potential violations of privacy and copyright law, discussed below (Chadwick, 2013). 3. Scandals ? or what we refer to as proofs of social transgressions ? are a pronounced feature of contemporary technological coverage and governance (Bosetta, 2020; Lull & Hinerman, 1998; McKelvey et al., 2018; Trottier, 2017). Scandals, which we stress do not necessity involve opportunities for public engagement nor democratic praxis, result from a mutually reinforcing relationship between newsrooms looking for easy, high-engagement stories (Blanchett et al., 2022; Cohen, 2015; Dodds et al., 2023) and the affordances of social media, largely functioning as a distraction from other tasks (Hall et al., 2018). 4. Inevitability. AI discourses are dominated by technology firms, government representatives, AI investors, global management consultancies, and think tanks. These voices present a faith in data driven systems to address social problems while also increasing efficiency and productivity (Bourne 2019, Beer 2019). Such discourses are used to reinforce the idea that the increasing use of AI applications across all spheres of life is inevitable, while sidelining or ignoring meaningful engagement with the ways these applications cause harm (Walker 2022). Our special issue seeks interventions focused on: 1. Critical and comparative studies of AI?s publicities with regards to the launch and hype of AI. We particularly welcome papers that focus on cases outside the Global North; 2. Ethnographic, discursive, or engaged research with AI?s public such as AutoGPT, HustleGPT, or other publics forming around the use, misuse or resistance to GPAI; 3. Interventions or reflections on critical practices, such as community engagement and mobilization, futures literacy, or capacity building, for better publicizations of AI de-centering the strategic futuring employed by large technology firms. Please submit an extended abstract (1000 words) by 1 August 2023. Accepted full papers due 1 December 2023. Planned publication Spring 2024. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tamara.shepherd at Thu Jun 8 10:12:59 2023 From: tamara.shepherd at (Tamara Shepherd) Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 16:12:59 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA 2023 Student Travel Funding Message-ID: Hi everyone, Graduate students who presented at this year?s CCA conference and who do not have other sources of travel funding (e.g., from their home institutions) are eligible to apply for partial travel funding through the CCA. Details and a link to the online application form can be found here: --- Salut tout le monde, Les ?tudiant.e.s qui ont pr?sent? au congr?s du ACC cette ann?e et qui n'ont pas d'autres sources de financement de voyage (par exemple, de leur universit?) sont ?ligibles pour demander un financement de voyage partiel par le ACC. Les d?tails et un lien vers le formulaire de demande se trouvent ici : Merci! Thanks! Tamara --- Tamara Shepherd CCA Treasurer Associate Professor Communication, Media & Film University of Calgary -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ghislain.thibault at Thu Jun 8 13:00:43 2023 From: ghislain.thibault at (Ghislain Thibault) Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 19:00:43 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CCA23 Round-up / Bilan de l'ACC23 Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Dear CCA colleagues and friends, We wish to thank everyone for their participation to CCA23 at York University last week. It was our first in-person conference since 2019, providing an opportunity for many to reconnect. We were thrilled to witness everyone's enthusiasm in sharing their work and engaging in the CCA annual meeting. As is the tradition, here is a roundup of our conference this year. * The CCA annual conference showcased 297 papers, 77 panels, and 15 Roundtables?434 presenters (!) in total. This was one of our largest annual conference. * I would like to extend, on behalf of everybody at CCA, our deepest appreciation to Faiza Hirji, the Conference Chair and Vice-President, and Anne MacLennan, the Local Arrangements Coordinator and Member-at-large, for their incredible dedication and meticulous efforts in organizing the 2023 CCA. * A warm thank to Dr. Paula Chakravartty (NYU) for delivering the 2023 keynote address ?Decolonization and the Contestation of the Global Color Line.? * Congratulations to all newly elected members of the Board: Nathan Rambukkana (treasurer); and Milena Droumeva and Kirsten Emiko McAllister (members-at-large); and graduate student representative Amanda Zanco. A heartfelt thank you to our outgoing Board members : Tamara Shepherd (treasurer), Alison Harvey, Karen Louise Smith and Cheryl Thompson (members-at-large). We thank you for your contributions to CCA over the past years Congratulations to CCA?s 2023 annual prize winners : * Congratulations to all the nominees for the Gertrude J. Robinson Book Prize, and to this year?s prize winner Jonathan Sterne, for Diminished Faculties: A Political Phenomenology of Impairment (Duke University Press). * CCA-CRTC Prize: Winner in the MA category: Mandy Maier (Mount Saint Vincent University), Public Warning: A Critical Juncture for Canada?s National Public Alerting System; winners in the PhD category : Sydney Forde, Erika Solis and Yasemin Beykont (Pennsylvania State University) Digital Disregard: A Case for Amending Quebec?s Children Advertising Legislation * Congress-CCA Graduate Merit Awards: Lauren Knight (University of Toronto) Sounding Sidewalks: Historicizing and Theorizing this Medial Zone. Shannon Lodoen (University of Waterloo) Analyzing Smartphones as Persuasive Technologies: A Rhetorical Framework * CCA Outstanding Student Essay Prize: Kit Chokly (McGill) Networked note-taking as feminist research method We are excited to see you next year for CCA at Congress 2024, which will be held at McGill University in Montr?al in May. Best regards, Ghislain Thibault President, Canadian Communication Association Nous souhaitons remercier tout le monde pour leur participation ? l?ACC23 ? l?Universit? York la semaine derni?re. Il s?agissait de notre premi?re conf?rence en personne depuis 2019, ce qui a permis ? de nombreuses personnes de reprendre contact. Nous avons ?t? ravi.e.s de constater l?enthousiasme de chacun ? partager son travail ? l?ACC. Comme le veut la tradition, voici un r?sum? de notre conf?rence de cette ann?e. * La conf?rence annuelle a compt? 297 communications, 77 panels et 15 tables rondes, soit un total de 434 pr?sentateurs.trices (!). Il s?agit de l?un de nos plus grands colloques. * Je tiens ? exprimer, en notre nom ? tous, notre profonde gratitude ? Faiza Hirji, pr?sidente de la conf?rence et vice-pr?sidente, et ? Anne MacLennan, coordinatrice des arrangements locaux, pour leur incroyable d?vouement et leurs efforts m?ticuleux dans l?organisation de l?ACC23. * Nous remercions chaleureusement la professeure Paula Chakravartty (NYU) d?avoir prononc? le conf?rence pl?ni?rel de 2023 ?Decolonization and the Contestation of the Global Color Line? * F?licitations ? tous.tes les membres nouvellement ?lu.e.s du conseil d?administration : Nathan Rambukkana (tr?sorier), Milena Droumeva et Kirsten Emiko McAllister (membres) et Amanda Zanco, repr?sentante des ?tudiant.e.s aux cycles sup?r. Nous remercions chaleureusement les membres sortantes du conseil d?administration : Tamara Shepherd (tr?sori?re), Alison Harvey, Karen Louise Smith et Cheryl Thompson (membres ? titre individuel). Nous vous remercions pour votre contribution ? l?ACC au cours de ces derni?res ann?es. * F?licitations aux laur?ats du prix annuel 2023 de l?ACC : * F?licitations ? tou.tes les candidat.e.s au prix du livre Gertrude J. Robinson et au laur?at de cette ann?e, Jonathan Sterne, pour Diminished Faculties : A Political Phenomenology of Impairment (Duke University Press). * Prix CCA-CRTC : Gagnant dans la cat?gorie MA : Mandy Maier (Mount Saint Vincent University), Public Warning : A Critical Juncture for Canada?s National Public Alerting System ; laur?ats dans la cat?gorie PhD : Sydney Forde, Erika Solis et Yasemin Beykont (Pennsylvania State University) Digital Disregard * Prix du m?rite du Congr?s-CCA : Lauren Knight (Universit? de Toronto) Sounding Sidewalks : Historiser et th?oriser cette zone m?diane. Shannon Lodoen (Universit? de Waterloo) Analyzing Smartphones as Persuasive Technologies : Un cadre rh?torique * Prix de la meilleure communication ?tudiante de l?ACC : Kit Chokly (McGill) Networked note-taking as feminist research method Au plaisir de vous retrouver l?ann?e prochaine au Congr?s 2024 et ? l?ACC, qui se tiendra ? l?Universit? McGill, ? Montr?al. Cordialement, Ghislain Thibault Pr?sident, Association canadienne de communication -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ghislain.thibault at Thu Jun 8 13:12:39 2023 From: ghislain.thibault at (Ghislain Thibault) Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 19:12:39 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Winning_book_for_Emerging_Book_Prize_/_Pri?= =?utf-8?q?x_du_livre_de_la_rel=C3=A8ve?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Hi again everyone, bonjour tout le monde, And my apologies, we forgot in the CCA23 roundup the winner of the new CCA Emerging Book Prize! The winning book for 2023 is Red Mitten Nationalism: Sport, Commercialism, and Settler Colonialism in Canada by Est?e Fresco, at McGill-Queen?s University Press. Nous avons oubli? dans le r?capitulatif le laur?at du Prix du livre de la Rel?ve, toutes nos excuses. Congrats, Est?e ! Ghislain Thibault, President / Pr?sident ACC-CCA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From annepasek at Fri Jun 9 07:34:38 2023 From: annepasek at (Anne Pasek) Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2023 13:34:38 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: Journal of Environmental Media Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] The Journal of Environmental Media (JEM)?s new editorial team invites submissions for both full length peer-reviewed articles (7000 words), shorter commentary pieces (1000-2000 words), and book/media reviews (1000-2000 words). JEM offers a scholarly platform to bridge work in environmental studies, social justice, the environmental humanities, social sciences and media and communication studies, focusing on the role of media in our understanding and perception of the environment, environmental politics, and related social issues. It takes a pluralistic and interdisciplinary approach to these topics, soliciting contributions from media, film, and cultural studies, environmental justice, infrastructure and materiality studies, STS, media anthropology, and science, environmental, health and risk communication. Its scope includes a range of environmental issues such as climate change, environmental racism, energy infrastructures, health effects, biodiversity, climate migration, and e-waste. JEM?s new editorial team includes Juliet Pinto and Patrick Brodie (editors), Alix Johnson and Anne Pasek (associate editors), and Lisa Han and Rachel Jekanowski (reviews editors). We are excited to see formally innovative submissions that blur disciplinary boundaries, trouble the line between nature and culture, and surface latent or sidelined conversations and methodologies in the field. We invite scholars working in the arts, industry, or applied fields, as well as academia, to consider placing their research here. JEM is published through Intellect and offers indexing through International Bibliography of the Social Sciences and the option of Open Access publication with a variety of Creative Commons licences. We are pleased, going forward, to also offer Online First availability for all articles in our publication queue. The journal?s editors invite notes of interest and full submissions at jemintellect at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Joelle.Basque at Fri Jun 9 13:05:14 2023 From: Joelle.Basque at (=?utf-8?B?QmFzcXVlLCBKb8OrbGxl?=) Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2023 19:05:14 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Affichage_d=27un_poste_de_professeure=2C_p?= =?utf-8?q?rofesseur_en_communication_-_Analyse_des_m=C3=A9dias?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] L?universit? T?LUQ recrute! Poste ? Montr?al ou Qu?bec (ma?trise du fran?ais essentielle). Venez travailler avec nous! [cid:image001.jpg at 01D99AE3.CB43C450] Bonjour, Pour votre information, vous trouverez en pi?ce jointe un affichage pour un poste de professeure ou professeur r?gulier en communication (analyse des m?dias). Le poste sera affich? jusqu?au 13 ao?t 2023. Bien cordialement, Jo?lle Basque, PhD Professeure de communication D?partement de Sciences humaines, Lettres et Communication ? Universit? T?LUQ 1 800 665-4333 p. 2857 joelle.basque at | AVIS DE CONFIDENTIALIT? Ce courriel et les documents joints sont confidentiels et r?serv?s ? l?usage de leur destinataire. Si vous avez re?u ce message par erreur, veuillez le supprimer sans d?lai et en aviser la personne qui vous l?a exp?di?. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 3967 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Affichage_poste_prof en analyse des m?dias.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 148605 bytes Desc: Affichage_poste_prof en analyse des m?dias.pdf URL: From olasiebert at Fri Jun 9 17:04:25 2023 From: olasiebert at (Ola Siebert) Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2023 23:04:25 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Affichage_d=27un_poste_de_professeure=2C_p?= =?utf-8?q?rofesseur_en_communication_-_Analyse_des_m=C3=A9dias?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Bonjour, Je me sp?cialise en ?tudes m?diatiques, surtout avec l'approche f?ministe et queer, et plus particuli?rement en ?tudes des r?seaux sociaux (l'observation ethnographiques des groupes Facebook, etc.) et en nouvaux m?dias (comme l'intelligence artificielle), je suis int?ress?e par votre poste de professeure en communication - Analyse des m?dias. Je suis ? la fin de mon parcours doctorale, mais je n'aurai encore mon doctorat au moment de l'envoie de ma candidature - est-ce que mon application sera prise en consid?ration? Merci d'avance pour votre aide. Bien ? vous, Ola Siebert Candidate au doctorat en communication (ABD) Membre-?tudiante du CELAT (Cultures-Arts-Soci?t?s: Member of International Media and Nostalgia Network ; Memory Studies Association Membre-?tudiante du R?QEF (R?seau qu?b?cois en ?tudes f?ministes: Membre-?tudiante du Hexagram (R?seau de recherche-cr?ation en arts, cultures et technologies: Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al --------------------------------------------- Envoy? du territoire traditionnel non-c?d? des Premi?res Nations Kanien'keh? et Anishinaabeg, Tio'tia:ke et Mooniyaang. Sent from the unceded traditional territory of Kanien'keh? and Anishinaabeg Nations, Tio'tia:ke and Mooniyaang. ________________________________ From: acc-cca-L on behalf of Basque, Jo?lle Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 3:05 PM To: acc-cca-l at Subject: [acc-cca-l] Affichage d'un poste de professeure, professeur en communication - Analyse des m?dias [?EXTERNAL] L?universit? T?LUQ recrute! Poste ? Montr?al ou Qu?bec (ma?trise du fran?ais essentielle). Venez travailler avec nous! [cid:image001.jpg at 01D99AE3.CB43C450] Bonjour, Pour votre information, vous trouverez en pi?ce jointe un affichage pour un poste de professeure ou professeur r?gulier en communication (analyse des m?dias). Le poste sera affich? jusqu?au 13 ao?t 2023. Bien cordialement, Jo?lle Basque, PhD Professeure de communication D?partement de Sciences humaines, Lettres et Communication ? Universit? T?LUQ 1 800 665-4333 p. 2857 joelle.basque at | AVIS DE CONFIDENTIALIT? Ce courriel et les documents joints sont confidentiels et r?serv?s ? l?usage de leur destinataire. Si vous avez re?u ce message par erreur, veuillez le supprimer sans d?lai et en aviser la personne qui vous l?a exp?di?. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 3967 bytes Desc: image001.jpg URL: From Nicolas.Bencherki at Mon Jun 12 06:15:33 2023 From: Nicolas.Bencherki at (Bencherki, Nicolas) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 12:15:33 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?iso-8859-1?q?Poste_en_analyse_des_m=E9dias_=E0_la_?= =?iso-8859-1?q?T=C9LUQ?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] [The advertised position requires knowledge of French] Bonjour, L?Universit? T?LUQ est ? la recherche d?un.e professeur.e en analyse des m?dias. Il s?agit d?un poste r?gulier menant ? la permanence, destin? ? une personne qui valorise l?enseignement, la recherche et le service ? la collectivit?. En termes d?enseignement, la personne retenue sera responsable de cours au premier cycle, et devra participer au d?veloppement de cours de deuxi?me cycle. Il est ? noter que l?enseignement ? l?Universit? T?LUQ se fait enti?rement ? distance, de fa?on asynchrone. Le poste peut ?tre bas? ? Montr?al ou ? Qu?bec. Venez rejoindre une ?quipe dynamique, qui a plein de projets excitants devant elle! L?affichage complet est en pi?ce jointe. Si vous avez des questions, n?h?sitez pas ? me contacter. Nicolas ------ Nicolas Bencherki, PhD Professeur de communication organisationnelle D?partement Sciences humaines, lettres et communication Universit? T?LUQ | Professeur associ? D?partement de communication sociale et publique Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al International Affiliate Faculty Audencia Business School, Nantes, France c. nicolas.bencherki at t. 514-843-2015 poste 2372 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Affichage_poste_prof en analyse des m?dias.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 148605 bytes Desc: Affichage_poste_prof en analyse des m?dias.pdf URL: From Patricia.Elliott at Mon Jun 12 11:55:27 2023 From: Patricia.Elliott at (Patricia Elliott) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 11:55:27 -0600 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Facts & Frictions new issue and open call Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] THE SPRING 2023 ISSUE OF FACTS & FRICTIONS HAS BEEN PUBLISHED. TABLE OF CONTENTS * "There will be no further explanation": Celebrity journalism and Taylor Swift's Reputation. - V. Sands. * Roles, values, and qualifications: An initial data snapshot of post-secondary journalism educators and their perspectives on where journalism is going. - J. Leask, S. Harada, D. Rieger * Journalism startups as networks in transition: The case of The Hoser. - T. Weinstein * Land acknowledgements and knowledge rematriation: Considerations of place, and respecting Indigenous Intellectual property in podcasts - M. Wilcox, K. Napier, G. Pyska, E. Tanner, E. Ward * Unpaid journalism internships: Education or exploitation? - A. Bosley, S. Harada, T. Tailleur, C. Vallender SPECIAL ISSUE FALL 2023 - FORCED CHANGE: PANDEMIC PEDAGOGY AND JOURNALISM EDUCATION (the deadline is ended) SPRING 2024 ISSUE SUBMISSIONS Abstracts: June 30 Complete manuscript: Aug. 15 _________________________________________________ Le num?ro du printemps 2023 de Faits & frictions a ?t? publi? TABLE DES MATI?RES * ?Il n?y aura pas d?autre explication? : Le journalisme des c?l?brit?s et l?album Reputation de Taylor Swift - V. Sands * R?les, valeurs, et qualifications en transition : Un premier aper?u des donn?es sur les enseignants du journalisme au niveau post-secondaire au Canada et leurs perspectives sur l?avenir du journalisme - J.Leask, S. Harada, D. Rieger * Les startups du journalisme comme r?seaux en transition : Le cas de The Hoser - T. Weinstein * Reconnaissance des terres et r?appropriation des connaissances : Consid?rations sur le lieu et le respect de la propri?t? intellectuelle autochtone dans les podcasts M. Wilcox, K. Napier, G. Pyska, E. Tanner, and E. Ward * Stages non pay?s en journalisme : ?ducation ou exploitation? - A. Bosley, S. Harada, T. Tailleur, and C. Vallender Num?ro special l?automne 2023 - CHANGEMENT FORC? : P?DAGOGIE DE LA PAND?MIE ET ENSEIGNEMENT DU JOURNALISME (La date limite est termin?e) PRINTEMPS 2023 SOUMISSIONS Abstract: 30 juin 2023 Manuscrit complet: 15 ao?t 2023 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kobbard at Mon Jun 12 12:01:54 2023 From: kobbard at (Kiera Obbard) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:01:54 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Canadian Instagram Poetry Online Survey Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear all, I am looking for participants to take part in an online survey of Instagram users who follow Canadian Instapoets (e.g., Rupi Kaur) on Instagram. The survey is open to Instagram users (18+) who follow Canadian Instagram poets on Instagram. The purpose of this survey is to understand what Instagram means to readers of Instapoetry and determine if online reading practices are connected to purchasing habits. The results of the survey will form part of my dissertation, which examines the complex social, cultural, economic, and technological developments that have enabled the success of Instagram poetry in Canada. I have attached a poster with more information. The survey can be accessed here: The survey will be open until June 24, 2023. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for considering participating in the online survey and sharing with your networks. If you have any questions about this study, please contact: Susan Brown School of English and Theatre Studies University of Guelph Phone: 519-824-4120 x53266 (takes messages) Email: sbrown at Kiera Obbard School of English and Theatre Studies University of Guelph Email: kobbard at Sincerely, Kiera Kiera Obbard Ph.D. Candidate, Literary Studies School of English and Theatre Studies Twitter: @kieraobbard LinkedIn: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Canadian Instagram Poetry Survey Poster.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 2138641 bytes Desc: Canadian Instagram Poetry Survey Poster.pdf URL: From meesherson at Mon Jun 12 12:38:31 2023 From: meesherson at (Michele Anderson) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:38:31 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [acc-cca-l] Reposted Job: Communications & Engagement Specialist (Bilingual) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Please distribute to your networks. Thank you! JOB REPOSTED Communications & Engagement Specialist (Bilingual) (le fran?ais suit) Please note that all applications for this position need to be completed directly on the McMaster Careers Website at the following address, which expires on June 30th at midnight: Responsible for assisting team and staff with duties related to identifying, planning, and executing communications and engagement initiatives: ? Design projects, events, communications and perform translations, such as: ? Analyze project requirements and work with various staff and external contacts to determine project needs. ? Write and review documents, articles for newsletters, posts and promotional materials, for web, email, social media, reports, forms, platforms, or correspondence. ? Post content to social media, including researching, writing, posting, tagging, etc. ? Update and maintain the department website ensuring the accuracy of online content, new additions and deletions, with a focus on French. ? Assist the Program Manager and Director, or others as needed, with projects. ? Copy edit for grammar, spelling, logic and tone, with final approval from management. ? Host the video-conference software for webinars and events and maintaining the translation software for webinars and events. ? Consult graphics designers and external translators, as needed, for larger or technical presentations or promotional material for distribution online or in print. ? Exchange advice and information with staff on communications, engagement, translation and other technical or logistical requirements ? Plan and coordinate a variety of small or large events and activities. ? Arrange, attend, and facilitate occasional meetings with faculty, staff, and researchers. ? Respond to and direct general inquiries via telephone, email, and in person. ? Complete literature searches relevant to current projects. ? Remain current with the activities of other teams to ensure coordination of projects and deadlines are met. ? Be accountable for deadlines and planning time in the task, publishing or events planners, respectively, while working closely with the Program Manager to assure tasks and publications timelines, deadlines and deliverables are met. ? Provide direction to volunteers on how to carry out work tasks. ? Ensure adherence to quality standards and procedures for short-term staff and volunteers. Education Bachelor?s degree in a relevant field of study (degree in language, communications, journalism, translation, or linguistics will be prioritised). ? Requires 3 years of relevant experience in a similar role. ? Must be bilingual in English and French where demonstration of bilingual writing, editing and translation skills will be required. Other Information Education will also be accepted from a Quebec c?gep or equivalent combination from Quebec, France, or other French-speaking country. Fran?ais Sp?cialiste des communications et de l?engagement (bilingue) Veuillez noter que toutes les candidatures pour ce poste doivent ?tre soumises directement sur le site Web de McMaster Careers ? cette adresse, qui expire le 30 juin ? minuit : Assister l??quipe et le personnel dans les t?ches li?es ? l?identification, ? la planification et ? l'ex?cution des initiatives de communications et d?engagement. * Concevoir des projets, des ?v?nements, des communications, et effectuer des traductions, par exemple?: * Analyser les exigences d?un projet et collaborer avec divers contacts ? l?interne et ? l?externe pour pr?ciser les besoins du projet. * R?diger et r?viser des documents, des articles pour des bulletins d?information, des publications et du mat?riel promotionnel pour : le web, pour les courriels ?lectroniques, les m?dias sociaux, des rapports, des formulaires, des plateformes ou de la correspondance. * Publier du contenu sur les m?dias sociaux, ce qui comprend la recherche, la r?daction, la publication, le taggage, etc. * Mettre ? jour et entretenir le site web du d?partement en veillant ? l?exactitude du contenu en ligne, des ajouts et des suppressions, avec une attention particuli?re accord?e au fran?ais. * Assister, pour des projets, le directeur et le gestionnaire de programme ou, au besoin, toute autre personne. * R?viser les textes pour en v?rifier la grammaire, l?orthographe, la coh?rence et le style, avant approbation finale par la direction. * H?berger le logiciel de visioconf?rence et g?rer le logiciel de traduction pour les webinaires et les ?v?nements. * Consulter des graphistes et des traducteurs externes, le cas ?ch?ant, pour des pr?sentations techniques ou plus cons?quentes, ou pour du mat?riel promotionnel ? diffuser en ligne ou sur papier. * ?changer avec le personnel des conseils et des informations sur les communications, l?engagement, la traduction et d?autres exigences techniques ou logistiques. * Planifier et coordonner divers ?v?nements et activit?s de petite ou grande envergure. * Organiser, assister et faciliter des r?unions occasionnelles avec le corps enseignant, le personnel et les chercheurs. * R?pondre ? et orienter les demandes de renseignements g?n?raux par t?l?phone, par courriel ?lectronique et en personne. * Effectuer des recherches documentaires ou bibliographiques en rapport avec les projets en cours. * Se tenir au courant des activit?s des autres ?quipes afin d?assurer la coordination des projets et le respect des ?ch?ances. * ?tre responsable de la programmation des ?ch?ances et des d?lais dans les planificateurs de t?ches, de publications ou d??v?nements, respectivement, tout en collaborant ?troitement avec le gestionnaire de programme afin de garantir le respect des calendriers de t?ches et de publications, des ?ch?ances et des livrables. * Orienter les b?n?voles dans l?ex?cution de leurs t?ches. * Veiller au respect des normes et proc?dures de qualit? par les b?n?voles et le personnel ? court terme. Qualifications * Baccalaur?at dans un domaine d??tudes pertinent (priorit? sera donn?e aux dipl?mes en langues, en communications, en journalisme, en traduction ou en linguistique). * Trois ans d?exp?rience pertinente dans une fonction similaire sont requis. * ?tre bilingue en anglais et en fran?ais et faire preuve de comp?tences bilingues en mati?re de r?daction, de r?vision et de traduction. Informations suppl?mentaires Les dipl?mes d?un c?gep qu?b?cois ou d?une combinaison ?quivalente du Qu?bec, de la France ou d?un autre pays francophone sont ?galement accept?s. Mich?le Anderson (? ? ? She/her/mom MA, BA, GradCertA, DipChin, PRK) Director of Communications and Engagement / Directrice des communications et de l'engagement Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN / RCCDR) 1280 Main Street West (Wilson Hall, 3019) McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L8 Phone: 905 525 9140 ext 23202 McMaster University recognizes and acknowledges that it is located on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations, and within the lands protected by the ?Dish with One Spoon? wampum agreement. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mariane_bourcheix-laporte at Mon Jun 12 15:38:10 2023 From: mariane_bourcheix-laporte at (Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 21:38:10 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?Canadian_Independent_Media_in_Education_Sy?= =?utf-8?q?mposium_//_Les_m=C3=A9dias_ind=C3=A9pendants_canadiens_dans_le_?= =?utf-8?q?secteur_=C3=A9ducatif?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] Please circulate widely. Apologies for cross-posting. *Version fran?aise ci-dessous* CANADIAN INDEPENDENT MEDIA IN EDUCATION The distribution of Canadian Independent film, video and media arts is increasingly challenged by large corporate video distribution platforms. This reality leaves many stories, histories and cultures of people from across Canada out of the classrooms. VUCAVU is hosting an English and French language symposium at the end of June 2023 to discuss the challenges of distributing and programming in educational settings. We are bringing together representatives from the academic and the media arts communities to find solutions, create connections and discuss our mutual concerns and goals for educational access. ENGLISH SYMPOSIUM TORONTO, JUNE 22-23, 2023 Free event, In-Person or Virtual attendance (via Zoom) FRENCH SYMPOSIUM MONTREAL, JUNE 26-27, 2023 Free event, In-Person or Virtual attendance (via Zoom) PLEASE NOTE : ? Each symposium will take place in the language listed. ? Live ASL and LSQ Interpretation will be provided on request. If you would like more information please contact VUCAVU Symposium Coordinator, Odile Joron at info at More information: ------------ LES M?DIAS IND?PENDANTS CANADIENS DANS LE SECTEUR ?DUCATIF La distribution des films, vid?os et arts m?diatiques ind?pendants canadiens est de plus en plus contest?e par les grandes plateformes num?riques de distribution de vid?os. Cette r?alit? exclut des salles de classe de nombreux r?cits, histoires et cultures de personnes de partout au Canada. VUCAVU organise deux symposiums, un en anglais et un en fran?ais, ? la fin du mois de juin 2023 pour discuter des d?fis de la distribution et de la programmation dans les milieux p?dagogiques. Nous r?unissons des repr?sentants des communaut?s universitaires et des arts m?diatiques pour trouver des solutions, tisser des liens et discuter de nos pr?occupations et de nos objectifs communs en mati?re d?acc?s pour des fins ?ducatives. COLLOQUE EN ANGLAIS TORONTO, 22-23 JUIN 2023 Participation gratuite. Participation en personne ou virtuelle (par Zoom) COLLOQUE EN FRAN?AIS MONTR?AL, 26-27 JUIN 2023 Participation gratuite. Participation en personne ou virtuelle (par Zoom) VEUILLEZ NOTER : ? Chaque symposium se d?roulera dans la langue indiqu?e. ? L?interpr?tation en direct en ASL ou LSQ sera assur?e sur demande. Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d?informations ou vous inscrire, veuillez contacter Odile Joron ? info at Plus d?information : Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte (she/her) PhD Candidate and Instructor School of Communication, Simon Fraser University Student Researcher, Cultural Policy Working Group, Archive/Counter-Archive Graduate Student Representative (2021-2023), Canadian Communication Association mbourche at | I respectfully acknowledge the x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam), S?wx?w?7mesh ?xwumixw (Squamish), s?l?ilw??ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), q??c??y? (Katzie), k?ik?????m (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen peoples on whose traditional territories our three campuses reside. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: FINAL_EN_Presenters .pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1474010 bytes Desc: FINAL_EN_Presenters .pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: FINALE_FR_Presenters.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1035975 bytes Desc: FINALE_FR_Presenters.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Re?servez les dates_Colloque VUCAVU_2023.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1107230 bytes Desc: Re?servez les dates_Colloque VUCAVU_2023.pdf URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Save The Dates_VUCAVU Symposium_2023.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1114468 bytes Desc: Save The Dates_VUCAVU Symposium_2023.pdf URL: From kmo at Wed Jun 14 10:16:01 2023 From: kmo at (Archive/Counter-Archive Knowledge Mobilization Officer) Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 12:16:01 -0400 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Net Art Restoration With Cheryl L'hirondelle's ohci askiy, June 16th, 11 AM EST Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] *Please feel free to share widely. This Friday, June 16th, between 11:00 am to 12:30 pm EST, Archive/Counter-Archive will be hosting a free online roundtable via Zoom that is focused on a recent net art restoration project at Queen's University. This roundtable will be composed of Callum Beckford, Anna Douglas, Jeremy Heil, Jennifer Kennedy, Cheryl L'Hirondelle, and Susan Lord, all of whom are involved with the ongoing restoration of Cheryl L?Hirondelle?s (Cree/Halfbreed; German/Polish) net art project ohci askiy (2008). Over the course of this presentation, the speakers will discuss how they have approached working together on this process as well as some of the practical and conceptual challenges involved with preserving and maintaining net art, especially those that rely on legacy formats such as Flash that are no longer being officially supported or updated. Click on the following Eventbrite link to see more information and register for this free virtual event: Andrew Bailey (he/him) ? Knowledge Mobilization Officer SSHRC Partnership Grant, Archive/Counter-Archive York University | 2001E Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building 4700 Keele Street ? Toronto ON ? Canada M3J 1P3 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bgillespie at Wed Jun 14 11:23:29 2023 From: bgillespie at (Bruce Gillespie) Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 17:23:29 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Researching LGBTQ2+ journalists in Canada Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] My name is Bruce Gillespie and I am an associate professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Wilfrid Laurier University. I am conducting a research study to learn about the on-the-job experiences of LGBTQ2+ journalists who work in Canada. I?m trying to reach as large and diverse a pool of participants as possible and hope that you will share this invitation with anyone you know who might be interested in participating in this study. I?m interested in speaking with people who work in journalism currently or worked in journalism sometime during the past five years and may have recently retired or moved into a different field. This includes people in a variety of roles?including but not limited to writers, reporters, editors, producers, on-air hosts, photographers, videographers, and podcasters?at all career stages. If you decide to volunteer for this study, your participation will consist of filling out a short online questionnaire. Then, all respondents will be invited to take part in a Zoom or telephone interview to discuss your experiences. In appreciation of your time, you will be entered into a draw to receive a $25 gift certificate. Participation in this study is voluntary and the final decision about participation is yours. This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Wilfrid Laurier University Research Ethics Board (#8518). If you would like to participate in this study, please click on the link below to access the informed consent statement and questionnaire. Sincerely, Bruce BRUCE GILLESPIE (he/him) Associate Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts Laurier Teaching Fellow Wilfrid Laurier University 73 George St., Brantford, ON N3T 2Y3 Office: Research and Academic Centre West, RCW314 Phone: 519-756-8228 ext. 5862, email: bgillespie at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From davewillpark at Wed Jun 14 12:20:07 2023 From: davewillpark at (dave park) Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 13:20:07 -0500 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP: History of Media Studies Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] (Versi?n en espa?ol est? m?s abajo) History of Media Studies ( is a peer-reviewed, scholar-run, diamond OA journal dedicated to scholarship on the history of research, education, and reflective knowledge about media and communication?as expressed through academic institutions; through commercial, governmental, and non-governmental organizations; and through ?alter-traditions? of thought and practice often excluded from the academic mainstream. The journal publishes high-quality, original articles, reviews, and commentary on the history of this inter- and extra-disciplinary area as it has intersected with other fields in the social sciences and humanities?and with social practices beyond the academy. We encourage submissions in any one of our formats, in either Spanish or English: We are committed to a humane, care-based, and developmental review process, with the goal to improve manuscripts through collegial exchange. The journal is published by (, a scholar-led, no-fee nonprofit publisher established in 2019. The journal is edited by three established scholars in the history of media and communication studies field: David W. Park, Peter Simonson, and Jefferson Pooley. See our launch editorial: (versi?n en espa?ol) The journal?s Editorial Board includes scholars from nearly all continents and regions, with the aim to broaden the field?s traditional scope. The journal is affiliated with (1) the Working Group on the History of Media Studies (; and (2) the History of Media Studies Newsletter ( Versi?n en espa?ol History of Media Studies ( es una revista revisada por pares y dirigida por acad?micos, cuyo principal inter?s est? en la historia de la investigaci?n, de la educaci?n y de la reflexi?n sobre los medios y sobre la comunicaci?n. Su foco no est? ?nicamente en el conocimiento producido por las instituciones acad?micas, sino tambi?n por las organizaciones comerciales, gubernamentales y no-gubernamentales, y por las ?tradiciones alternativas? de pensamiento y de pr?ctica, que a menudo quedan excluidas de las corrientes acad?micas dominantes. La revista publica art?culos originales de alta calidad, rese?as y comentarios, sobre la historia de este ?rea interdisciplinar y extra-disciplinar, entendi?ndola como un espacio en di?logo con otros campos de las ciencias sociales y de las humanidades, as? como con pr?cticas sociales m?s all? de la academia. Aceptamos env?os en cualquiera de nuestros formatos, tanto en espa?ol como en ingl?s: Nos comprometemos con un proceso de revisi?n humano, basado en el cuidado y en el desarrollo, cuyo objetivo principal es la mejora de los manuscritos a trav?s del intercambio entre iguales. La revista est? publicada por (, una editorial sin ?nimo de lucro, dirigida por acad?micos, y creada en 2019. Sus editores son tres acad?micos ya establecidos en el campo de la historia de los medios y los estudios de comunicaci?n: David W. Park, Peter Simonson y Jefferson Pooley. Aqu? puede consultar nuestro editorial de lanzamiento: El Consejo Editorial de la revista est? compuesto poracad?micos de casi todos los continentes y regiones, con el objetivo de ampliar el alcance tradicional del campo. La revista est? afiliada con (1) Working Group on the History of Media Studies (; y (2) la History of Media Studies Newsletter ( -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jessalynn.keller at Wed Jun 14 14:33:14 2023 From: jessalynn.keller at (Jessalynn Keller) Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 20:33:14 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Console-ing Passions 2023 online panels Message-ID: <> Dear CCA community, As part of the 2023 Console-ing Passions Conference held at the University of Calgary ( next week, we are hosting three online panels on Friday, June 23 in order for folks who can?t travel to Calgary to participate in the conference. You do not need to be registered for the conference in order to attend a zoom panel. The online panels are as follows (all times in MST): Friday, June 23, 2023 Online Panel 1: Representational and Production Politics Across TV and Celebrity Culture 9:30AM - 10:50AM Chair: Al Marin, University of Miami Britta Hanson: ?The Humor of History: Queer Representation in Period Comedy Series? Stephanie Herold: ?'You Can't Tell This Story Without Abortion:' Television Creators on Narrative Intention and Development of Abortion Stories on their Shows? Danielle Hipkins: ?A Girls' Eye-View: Exploring Italian Girlhood TV Representation Through the Lens of Italian Female Adolescence? Mairead Casey: ?'Hammer Horror!:' Cannibal Capitalism, False Meritocracy, and the Star Persona of Armie Hammer? Online Panel 2: Sovereign Storytelling & Agential Representations 2:00PM - 3:20PM Chair: Alora Paulsen Mulvey, University of Calgary Ian Reilly, Suzanne McCullagh and Michele Forrest: ?Exploring the Decolonial through Feminist Reading Group Collaboration? Cynthia Baron: ?Sydney Freeland's Award-Winning Drunktown's Finest (2014): Recognition of Trans Navajo Women On Screen and Off? Swapnil Rai: ?Soap Operas, Populism and Women's Agency: The Case of Indo-Turkey TV Flows? Victoria Sands: ?'It's Brutal Out Here:' Olivia Rodrigo, Tik Tok, and the Emergent Value of a Sour Girlhood? Online Panel 3: Bad Men and ?She-Devils:? Problematizing Gendered Tech and Reactionary Digital Cultures 3:45PM - 5:05PM Chair: Jacqueline Vickery, University of North Texas Louise Hill: ?'What Colour is Your Bugatti?' Impending the Newest Branch of the Manosphere? Michael Reinhard: ?Parenting a New Moral Panic: Anti-Queer Digital Activism and Reactionary Media Ecologies? Kathryn Claire Higgins: ?Who's Afraid of Trial by Media? Believability, Sexual Violence, and the Digitalization of Doubt? Milly Gunn: ?Voice of the Fembot: An Analysis of the Subservient and Sinister Vocal Depictions of the Gynoid in Sci-Fi Games? If you are interested in attending the online panels, please register on our website: and you?ll be sent the zoom link prior to the conference. Thank you! Jessalynn Jessalynn Keller, Ph.D. (she/her) Associate Professor Department of Communication, Media and Film University of Calgary, Canada jessalynn.keller at @jessalynn_marie CP 2023 @ U of C: The University of Calgary is located on traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprising the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut?ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Wesley First Nations). The City of Calgary is also home to M?tis Nation of Alberta, Region III. The traditional Blackfoot name of the place we now call Calgary is ?Moh?kins?tsis? . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From felan.parker at Thu Jun 15 11:19:13 2023 From: felan.parker at (Felan Parker) Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 17:19:13 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Sessional and TA positions at St. Michael's College, UofToronto Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hello CCA colleagues, Please see the links below for a plethora of sessional instructor, teaching assistant, and writing instructor positions available in the Book & Media Studies program at St. Michael's College, University of Toronto. Great opportunities for grad students! Regards, Felan Course instructorships: TAships: Writing Centre: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From carrie.rentschler at Mon Jun 19 07:34:21 2023 From: carrie.rentschler at (Carrie Rentschler, Prof.) Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 13:34:21 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] CFP for special journal issue on feminist media activism Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "Carrie Rentschler, Prof." Subject: CFP for special journal issue on feminist media activism Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 13:34:21 +0000 Size: 58553 URL: From george.eric at Thu Jun 22 14:08:18 2023 From: george.eric at (=?utf-8?B?R2VvcmdlLCDDiXJpYw==?=) Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 20:08:18 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?FW=3A_Les_professeur=28e=29s_de_l=27Univer?= =?utf-8?q?sit=C3=A9_de_Saint-Boniface_ont_besoin_de_votre_soutien?= Message-ID: <> [?EXTERNAL] De : Patrick No?l > Envoy? : 19 juin 2023 15:13 ? : CAUT / ACPPU >; CAUTgen Discussion List > Cc : David Robinson >; Peter McInnis > Objet : Professors at Universit? de St-Boniface need your support Bonjour, Je vous ?cris au nom de l?Association des professeur.e.s et des professionnel.le.s de l?Universit? de Saint-Boniface (APPUSB) pour solliciter votre soutien et votre solidarit?. L?APPUSB n?gocie maintenant depuis trois ans. Nos efforts pour obtenir des conditions de travail justes et ?quitables ont ?t? jusqu?? pr?sent infructueux et nous nous trouvons aujourd'hui dans une impasse. Ce qui nous pr?occupe particuli?rement, c'est l'impact que cela peut avoir sur l'universit?. Les conditions de travail se sont vraiment d?t?rior?es et si l'on poursuit sur cette voie, il sera toujours plus difficile de faire face aux d?fis de r?tention et recrutement. C'est donc le cadre d'apprentissage des ?tudiants et la p?rennit? de l'institution qui sont mises en p?ril, et ce fait m?me, la vitalit? m?me de la communaut? francophone manitobaine. Vous pouvez nous aider de deux mani?res diff?rentes. * Une campagne dans les m?dias sociaux pour sensibiliser la population sur le fait que les conditions de travail dans les universit?s (en g?n?ral, pas uniquement ? l'USB) se d?t?riorent. Nous appelons tous les dipl?m?s d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, de l'USB et d'ailleurs, de c?l?brer ce que constitue la formation universitaire dans leur vie et dans la soci?t? et de se montrer solidaires pour les ?tudiants de demain. On peut voir des exemples sur Pour y participer, il faut visiter cette page qui explique son fonctionnement. * Une campagne intensive d'envoi de courriels adress?s au rectorat de l'USB pour demander de trouver une issue le plus rapidement possible ? cette situation. Nous esp?rons g?n?rer le plus grand nombre de lettres possible. Pour y participer, il suffit de remplir le formulaire sur cette page. [] Nous comprenons que votre temps est pr?cieux, mais nous avons besoin de votre aide. Nous faisons tout notre possible pour amener la direction de l?USB ? la table des n?gociations et pour ?viter toute mesure qui pourrait avoir un impact sur le d?roulement de l?ann?e universitaire. Merci d?avance de votre soutien. Cordialement, Patrick No?l, PhD Pr?sident de l'APPUSB Professeur agr?g? d'histoire ?diteur francophone de la revue Acadiensis Pr?sident de l'ACFAS-Manitoba [cid:image001.png at 01D9A521.F3BAA6E0] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 26313 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: From at Thu Jun 22 15:06:00 2023 From: at (Dunlop, Benjamin) Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 21:06:00 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Call for participants - workplace incivility Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear Colleagues, You are receiving this email because you are a faculty member or student at a Canadian college or university. You are being contacted to participate in a survey on workplace incivility in academia in Canada. This project is run by Benjamin Dunlop (Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan), Dr. Laureen McIntyre (Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan), and Dr. Laurie-Ann Hellsten (Faculty of Education, The University of Winnipeg). The purpose of this study, ?Workplace Incivility in Academia? is to gather information about faculty experiences of workplace incivility. This research is a requirement for the completion of Ben?s Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Measurement and Evaluation in Educational Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan. This survey, which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, will investigate the working and social conditions within the academic setting to establish the link between the working and social conditions of academics and the behavioural phenomenon of workplace incivility. This research has the potential to lead to an enhanced understanding of workplace incivility and an improved understanding of how workplace incivility begins, develops, and permeates the academic working environment. Your participation would involve taking a 15-minute survey that you can complete at your convenience. You may drop out at any time without facing any retribution or penalty. The survey is available until July 31, 2023. All responses will be anonymized and kept strictly confidential. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. at Regards. Ben -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: recruitment letter (2.0).docx Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Size: 131274 bytes Desc: recruitment letter (2.0).docx URL: From ogbornd at Tue Jun 27 15:56:36 2023 From: ogbornd at (Ogborn, David) Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 21:56:36 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Winter 2024 sessional positions, McMaster University (Communication Studies and Media Arts) Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Dear all, My department (Communication Studies and Media Arts, at McMaster University) has justed posted the following sessional teaching positions for Winter 2024 (applications due July 11th): Job # Course 56014 CMST 1A03 (C02: online) ?Introduction to Communication 56015 CMST 2BB3 ? Culture and Communication 56016 CMST 4D03 ? International Communication 56017 CMST 4E03 ? Media and Promotionalism 56018 CMST 4M03 ? Communication, Culture and Technology 56019 CMST 4P03 ? Social Activism and the Media 56020 CMST 4X03 ? Communications for Campaigns and Elections 56021 MEDIAART 3EE3 ? Graphic Design 56022 MEDIAART 3I03 ? Narrative Strategies Applications are online online, with full postings details available here: Thanks for sharing further with anyone you think might be interested! Yours truly, David Dr. David Ogborn Associate Professor, Dept. of Communication Studies and Media Arts Graduate Chair, MA in Communication and New Media Graduate Chair, PhD in Communication, New Media, and Cultural Studies Associate Member, School of the Arts Associate Member, Dept. of Computing and Software McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada From mgrace.lao at Thu Jun 29 10:51:27 2023 From: mgrace.lao at (Grace Lao) Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 16:51:27 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?windows-1252?q?FW=3A_Open_Statement_of_Solidarity_?= =?windows-1252?q?with_Professor_and_Students_Targeted_in_Violent_Attack_a?= =?windows-1252?q?t_the_University_of_Waterloo=2C_Women=92s_and_Gender_Stu?= =?windows-1252?q?dies_Association_=5Bet_Recherches_F=E9ministes=5D_=28WGS?= =?windows-1252?q?A/RF=29?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hi folks, Please see attached message below from the Women and Gender Studies Association (WGSA/WGSRF). From: WGSRF Membership Date: Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 11:30 AM To: Membership WGSRF Subject: Open Statement of Solidarity with Professor and Students Targeted in Violent Attack at the University of Waterloo, Women?s and Gender Studies Association [et Recherches F?ministes] (WGSA/RF) ** We welcome Faculty Associations, Departments and Programs, and individuals to sign this open letter. Please share widely.** Women?s and Gender Studies Association [et Recherches F?ministes] (WGSA/RF) stands in solidarity with students, faculty, and the broader campus community of the University of Waterloo, especially those who were targeted in a hateful attack on June 28th. We are horrified and collectively enraged by the news of violence encountered by students and professors of ?Philosophy 202: Gender Issues.? The fear and trauma likely experienced by students and the professor is beyond comprehension. Post-secondary institutions should be places for students to learn openly and without fear, and where faculty and staff can expect safe working conditions. While the motivation for this attack has yet to be released to the public, it is essential to note the targets of this violent act: a gender studies professor and a gender-focused classroom. Misogyny, transphobia, and white supremacy are on the rise in the Canadian context. Resistance to the human rights of those who are gender diverse ? the overarching topic of Philosophy 202? has become particularly violent. Calls to ban books that include references to gender and sexual diversity, protests against drag queen story-times, a steep rise in hate crimes reported to police by 2SLGBTQIA+ people, and the ongoing disappearance and murders of trans women and femmes of colour, Two Spirit and Indigiqueer people, point to a broad and insidious threat against those who are, are perceived to be, (or even recognized as an ally of) 2SLGBTQIA+ people. Moreover, gender studies professors, courses, and feminist, anti-racist, and social justice-based curriculum, have become central targets of ?anti-woke? legislation and ?anti-gender? discourses globally. Most recently, Florida?s targeting of Gender Studies, alongside African American Studies, critical race and intersectionality theory, and EDI initiatives, in HB 999 and SB 266 have stoked fears in the general public about ?indoctrination? in institutions of higher education. This right-wing politicization of, and fear-mongering around, the reality of diversity in sex, gender, and sexuality puts the safety of students, faculty, and staff at risk. Courses that aim to deconstruct the gender binary, and those that ask critical questions about the supposed ?nature? of colonial, patriarchal, and cissexist gender systems, are always essential but especially at this moment when misinformation and disinformation about the diversity of sex, gender, and sexuality is so widespread. In the wake of this violence, we call on all Canadian universities and colleges, including administration and faculty unions, to collaborate with faculty of gender studies, and those who teach sex, gender, and sexuality courses in other disciplines, to create meaningful and actionable supports to secure the safety and wellbeing of those who are, and those who are perceived to be, 2SLGBTQIA+ on campus, especially Black, Indigenous, racially minoritized, disabled, and neurodivergent folks who face intersectional forms of violence. We know that we keep each other safe. WGSA/RF is planning to host a workshop on community-based safety planning early Fall 2023. This workshop will be free to our membership, and we welcome faculty and students who teach and learn in social justice-focused courses from all disciplines to join us. If you are interested in this workshop, please join our email list here: WGSA/RF offers our support to all departments and disciplines in the wake of this violent act. For specific requests, please email us directly. Corinne L. Mason & Claire Carter, Co-Presidents of WGSA[RF] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From helene.bourdeloie at Mon Jun 26 15:52:37 2023 From: helene.bourdeloie at (=?utf-8?Q?Helene_BOURDELO=C4=B0E?=) Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 23:52:37 +0200 Subject: [acc-cca-l] =?utf-8?q?AAA_Revue_Communication_sur_l=E2=80=99=22I?= =?utf-8?q?nfluence_et_les_rapports_de_minoration=2E__Faire_et_d=C3=A9fair?= =?utf-8?q?e_les_normes_dominantes_=C3=A0_l=E2=80=99aune_des_logiques_algo?= =?utf-8?q?rithmiques=22?= Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Ch?res et chers coll?gues, Voici ci-dessous (et ci-joint) un appel prolong? (jusqu?au 17 juillet) pour la revue Communication sur l?"influence et les rapports de minoration. Faire et d?faire les normes dominantes ? l?aune des logiques algorithmiques": Bonne r?ception, Sinc?res salutations, H?l?ne Bourdeloie & Alix B?nistant -- H?l?ne Bourdeloie Centre Internet et Soci?t? (CIS) CNRS, d?l?gation Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord / Paris Nord Sorbonne University LabSIC & chercheuse associ?e au CARISM (Universit? Paris II Panth?on-Assas) Skype: Helene.bourdeloie Influence et rapports de minoration. Faire et d?faire les normes dominantes ? l?aune des logiques algorithmiques VOLUME 41/1 Plan Nous invitons ? aborder ces questionnements ? travers trois axes : Axe 1. Repr?sentation des personnes minoris?es et performances Axe 2. Reconduction et d?construction des normes et cat?gories dominantes Axe 3. En qu?te de visibilit? : influenceurs et influenceuses et logiques algorithmiques Soumission d?une proposition d?article Comit? scientifique Haut de page Notes de la r?daction Num?ro th?matique coordonn? par H?l?ne BOURDELOIE (Universit? de Sorbonne Paris Nord) et Alix B?NISTANT (Universit? de Sorbonne Paris Nord) ? travers le monde, depuis les ann?es 2000, la notion d?? influence ? (et d? influenceur?euse ?), a ?merg? avec l?explosion des m?dias sociaux. Tr?s utilis?e en marketing et gagnant peu ? peu de multiples sph?res, l?influence, qui consiste ? ? rallier un auditoire ? ses vues ?, et tend ? ? modifier les dispositions de la personne influenc?e ? l??gard d?une situation pr?sente, ou d??v?nements futurs auxquels elle est susceptible de participer ? (Bremond, 1970, p. 60), n?est pas une activit? nouvelle. Avec l??mergence des blogues, l?activit? d?influence s?est popularis?e puis professionnalis?e sous l?effet d?une expansion des auditoires et gr?ce ? l?appui d?agences publicitaires (? Influenceur num?rique ?, Wikipe?dia, 2022). C?est ensuite avec l?essor des r?seaux sociaux num?riques et du smartphone que le vocable ? influenceur ? s?est r?pandu dans les ann?es 2010 (id.) Les domaines d?influence sont nombreux, allant des th?matiques les plus prosa?ques (beaut?, sport, mode, voyage, etc.) aux plus engag?es (mouvements f?ministes, intersectionnels, ? bodypositivistes ?, antisp?cistes, v?gans...). Selon les domaines, des personnes influenceuses sont davantage repr?sent?es selon leur genre, classe, ?ge ou ? race ? et plus ou moins l?gitim?es ? l?aune de ces cat?gories. D?un point de vue socio?conomique, la question de la valorisation devient pr?gnante d?autant plus que des personnes influenceuses cherchent ? r?mun?rer leur activit? (ou en ont le besoin) ? et ce m?me si cette derni?re se constitue au d?part comme projet ? valeur essentiellement symbolique ? et d?autres la professionnalisent strictement. Toutefois, si la notion d?influence et ses d?riv?s ont ?merg? sous l?emprise du marketing, un certain nombre de professionnel?les ou d?acteurs sociaux d?ploient une activit? d?? influence ? dans l?intention de sensibiliser ou de rallier ? une cause selon une perspective plus ou moins affirm?e de changement social. Labile, la notion elle-m?me d?? influence ? m?rite d??tre interrog?e et discut?e. Elle est en effet aux prises avec des rapports de pouvoir et des ph?nom?nes de hi?rarchisation : l?influence serait du c?t? du marketing et porteuse de valeurs n?olib?rales (Brown, 2018), quand celles du journalisme ou du militantisme seraient associ?es ? des valeurs d?engagement plus humanistes et intellectualistes. Ainsi, des domaines ou ? causes ? d?influence seraient plus nobles que d?autres. Tout laisse ? penser que les rapports de pouvoir se jouent et se rejouent ? tous les niveaux : dans la fa?on dont les personnes se positionnent, par exemple entre celles se pr?sentant comme influenceurs?euses dans une perspective marchande assum?e (valoriser un produit, une marque...), et celles se revendiquant davantage comme journalistes, militant?es ou activistes et rejetant de la sorte une telle appellation pour mettre ? distance toute dimension ?conomique. Cela se retrouverait dans des strat?gies de positionnement, plus ou moins expos?es ? diverses injonctions normatives, et ainsi dans la mani?re dont ces personnes performent leur soi et l?activit? qu?elles d?ploient, mais aussi dans la mani?re dont elles ma?trisent (et s?approprient) les dispositifs sociotechniques et leurs logiques socio?conomiques. Depuis une perspective transnationale, socio?conomique et intersectionnelle (Quemener, 2020) , l?enjeu de ce dossier est d?interroger les rapports de minoration qui se jouent dans le monde de l?? influence ? au regard de contraintes qui pr?sident aux strat?gies de valorisation et aux logiques algorithmiques. Prenant acte des strat?gies ?conomiques qui se trouvent, et parfois m?me se dissimulent derri?re l?activit? d?influence et les contraintes propres aux enjeux de valorisation, la question est double : d?une part, il s?agit de s?interroger sur la fa?on dont les rapports de minoration, c?est-?-dire les rapports sociaux de genre, de race, de classe ou d??ge... contribuent ? ? structurer ? les contenus ; de l?autre, il est question d?interroger le r?le qu?exercent les influenceurs?euses tant dans la reconduction que dans la d?construction des normes et cat?gories (genr?es, raciales ou g?n?rationnelles...) dominantes en faisant cas des industries du num?rique, de la sp?cificit? des plateformes et des logiques algorithmes, per?ues comme autant d?actants dans l??branlement ou la reconduction de ces normes (Garlick, 2020). Nous pouvons d?s lors nous poser la question des caract?ristiques sociod?mographiques ou socioculturelles associ?es aux influenceurs?euses, bien que ce ? r?le ? ne soit aujourd?hui plus r?serv? aux humains (voir p. ex. Lil Miquela : Dans quelle mesure ces caract?ristiques contribuent-elles ? bouleverser ou non certaines normes h?g?moniques, en mati?re de genre, ?ge, classe ou race... ? En fonction de contextes socioculturels et ?conomiques sui generis, des genres, classes, ? races ?, ?ges, ? handicaps ? ou origines ethniques favorisent-ils, voire consacrent-ils, la position de personne influenceuse dans un domaine en particulier et vice versa ? Dans quelle mesure certaines appartenances sociod?mographiques peuvent-elles jouer un r?le dans certains domaines d?influence ? Y a-t-il une corr?lation entre les caract?ristiques sociod?mographiques des personnes influenceuses et leur sph?re d?influence ? Quelle place y occupent les personnes minoris?es et dans quelles sph?res d?influence ? L?appartenance ? une minorit? peut-elle constituer un privil?ge ?pist?mique ou, au contraire, une source d?injustice ?pist?mique et nuire ipso facto aux strat?gies d?influence ? Dans quelle mesure une d?ficience, un handicap ou un stigmate... ne pourraient-ils pas ?tre ? mis ? profit ? pour faire une ? marque de fabrique ? et fonder une notori?t? (Bourdeloie, 2021) ? Inversement, des minorit?s seraient-elles de facto exclues de certaines sph?res car stigmatis?es en raison de leur genre, corps, classe, ethnicit? ou ?ge... domin?s ? Dans quelle mesure la promotion de certaines sph?res est-elle conditionn?e par des appartenances de genre, sexe, classe, race, ?ge ou orientation sexuelle... ? Dans quelle mesure certaines ? sph?res ? sont- elles empreintes de st?r?otypes de genre... ? Dans quelle mesure observe-t-on une r?partition genr?e, raciale, sociale en fonction des sujets et types de contenus ou cr?ations que portent les comptes ? Comment, dans ces espaces, se rejouent des normes sociales qui se trouvent (re)perform?es ou subverties ? Dans quelle mesure les ?carts de r?mun?ration peuvent-ils se produire sur la base de crit?res de sexe / genre, race ou ?ge, etc. ? Quelles strat?gies socio?conomiques se dessinent derri?re les enjeux de reconnaissance symbolique, de mobilisation sociale ou de militantisme ? * 1 En juin 2022 a ?t? lanc?e Ambaza, une ? ?cole ? se pr?sentant comme offrant une ? premi?re formatio (...) De nombreux acteurs socio?conomiques ?tant pris et interagissant dans la cha?ne de production / diffusion / consommation (Bullich et Schmitt, 2019) des vid?os en ligne (cr?ateurs, plateformes, marques, annonceurs, interm?diaires de l?achat de followers ou d?abonn?s, et aujourd?hui m?me ? ?coles d?influenceur ?1), on pourra ?galement se demander de quelle mani?re se positionnent les influenceurs?euses dans cette cha?ne de coop?ration d?acteurs, et les contraintes auxquelles ils et elles font face dans les logiques de valorisation de leurs productions, en fonction de leur(s) cat?gorie(s) d?appartenance, revendiqu?e(s) ou non. Les contraintes peuvent en ce sens ?tre vues comme la difficult? ? ou au contraire la plus grande facilit? ? ? ?tre visible selon la position sociale et discursive emprunt?e ? l?aune d?un champ socioculturel repr?sent? et valoris?. Nous invitons ? aborder ces questionnements ? travers trois axes : Axe 1. Repr?sentation des personnes minoris?es et performances En France comme ? l?international (Mullen, 2020), l?univers de l?influence sur les m?dias sociaux serait majoritairement f?minin (75 % d?influenceuses) et jeune (29 ans en moyenne) ? quoique l??ge varie selon les plateformes (Reech, 2020) : sur Instagram, 84 % des influenceurs?euses seraient des femmes (Buxton, 2017 ; Statista, 2019), mais elles seraient sous-repr?sent?es dans des m?dias sociaux comme YouTube (Wotanis et McMillan, 2014) . Cette diff?rence pourrait notamment s?expliquer par la fa?on de se pr?senter, les hommes se pr?sentant comme cr?ateurs plut?t que comme influenceurs (Grey Ellis, 2019). Dans le monde de l?influence, les femmes souffriraient d?une in?galit? de traitement en mati?re de revenus (Klear, 2019) bien que l? encore, cette observation soit ? nuancer selon les plateformes (Buxton, 2017). Les influenceuses gagneraient en effet en moyenne 31 % de moins que les hommes pour un partenariat (Aubert, 2019) alors que l??cart des salaires est, selon l?INSEE, de 18,5 %. Des ?tudes montrent m?me que des secteurs auraient tendance ? privil?gier les personnes influenceuses en fonction de leur genre (ibid.). Au-del?, il appert que les commentaires suscit?s par les vid?os produites seraient plus n?gatifs quand les vid?os ?manent de femmes, notamment sur YouTube (Wotanis et McMillian, 2014, p. 924), encore que cette observation soit aussi l? ? nuancer selon les activit?s d?influence : les commentaires seraient n?gatifs lorsque les femmes mettent en avant leur sexualit? mais pas lorsqu?elles se conforment aux normes de genre qui leur sont assign?es (D?ring et Rohangis, 2017). En tout ?tat de cause, ces in?galit?s traduiraient des syst?mes de pouvoir plus profonds et des hi?rarchies structurelles enracin?es (Gill, 2014 ; Brooke et Hund, 2019). On pourra donc ici interroger ? l?identit? ? revendiqu?e et assign?e des influenceurs et influenceuses dans un rapport intersectionnel. Qui sont- ils ou elles ? Dans quelle mesure les activit?s d?influence ou de cr?ation sont assign?es ? un genre, une race ou un ?ge... ? Qu?en est-il des personnes ou personnalit?s non binaires ? Dans quelle mesure les personnes minor?es (transes, handicap?es...) sont-elles repr?sent?es ? Et dans quels domaines d?influence ? Dans quelle mesure leurs performances permettent-elles de normaliser ce que la soci?t? voit comme ? stigmates ? ? En quoi l?engagement dans une cause est-il ou non conditionn? par des appartenances d?mographiques et socioculturelles... ? Axe 2. Reconduction et d?construction des normes et cat?gories dominantes * 2 AFP (2022), ? En Arabie saoudite, l?homme mannequin qui bouscule les genres ?, TVA Nouvelles, 17 av (...) * 3 Simone Media, ? Fabian, influenceur make-up, lutte contre les st?r?otypes de genre ?, simone story, (...) Les plateformes num?riques sont des lieux o? les normes h?g?moniques de genre se produisent et se reproduisent, mais constituent aussi des terrains de r?sistance (Quemener, 2020) et de d?construction. Elles sont tout ? la fois investies pour des performances de genre qui confirment certains st?r?otypes (Allard, 2019 ; Balleys, 2016), que pour des logiques qui visent ? subvertir ces normes h?g?moniques de genre (Quemener, 2015). Minor?es, certaines personnalit?s influenceuses sont soutenues par des marques qui voient dans des corps qui troublent le genre ? encore que r?pondant ? des canons esth?tiques ? des aubaines commerciales, ? la mani?re du mannequin noir saoudien Ziad al-Mesfer2 ou de Fabian3, influenceur maquillage sur les r?seaux sociaux. Avec l??mergence des r?seaux socionum?riques, les comptes militants li?s aux f?minismes et ? des questions qui leur sont li?es (misogynoir, intersectionnalit?, race, domesticit?, corps...) se sont multipli?s. Propice au militantisme (Blandin, 2017), l?internet a fait na?tre de nouvelles revendications f?ministes (Frau-Meigs, 2018) port?es par les logiques techniques de ces plateformes (Jou?t, 2022, p. 161). On pourrait ainsi s?interroger sur les sens et effets de ces militantismes qui, en s?appuyant sur la cr?ation individuelle, le talent expressif et les dispositifs socionum?riques, produisent des performances (Jou?t, 2022) qui favorisent le culte de soi et nourrissent l?id?ologie n?olib?rale (Ehrenberg, 1991 ; Jou?t, 2022, p. 173). On pourrait enfin se demander dans quelle mesure les subversions ou reconductions de normes dominantes ne dissimulent pas des enjeux de mon?tisation, mais aussi dans quelle mesure ces performances contribuent ? ? refaire ? le genre. Axe 3. En qu?te de visibilit? : influenceurs et influenceuses et logiques algorithmiques Lesdites ? plateformes ? sur lesquelles les influenceurs et influenceuses d?ploient leurs activit?s sont ? la fois des dispositifs sociotechniques et des agents d?interm?diation num?riques. Ces derniers captent une part de la valeur g?n?r?e par cette mise en relation, tout en d?finissant les modalit?s de ces ?changes et engagements. Les plateformes sont donc porteuses de certaines ? contraintes ? (Agamben, 2014 ; Bullich, 2021 ; Mattelart, 2020) qui orientent les strat?gies de visibilit? (Bouquillion, 2020) de leurs usagers-contributeurs et usag?res-contributrices. Ce faisant, nous pourrions nous demander dans quelle mesure ces dispositifs ne participent pas de la reproduction de normes sociales dominantes, en influant sur la mani?re dont les influenceurs et influenceuses ajustent leurs cr?ations en fonction de la connaissance qu?ils et elles ont de ces dynamiques. Les algorithmes op?rant sur les plateformes ont longtemps ?t? au centre de ce type de r?flexion traitant des ? biais algorithmiques ?. Nick Seaver les pointait par rapport ? la race autour de l?exemple tristement c?l?bre de ? Jacky Alcine ? (2018), ou encore Etlyn J. Kenny et Rory Donnelly (2020) et Susan Leavy (2018) par rapport au genre. On pourrait se questionner sur la mani?re dont les influenceurs et influenceuses construisent, potentiellement collectivement, des connaissances sur ces logiques algorithmiques pour les int?grer ? leur strat?gie de visibilit? sur les plateformes. * 4 Citations traduites de l?anglais par nos soins. L?approche m?thodologique d?velopp?e par Sophie Bishop ? partir de ce qu?elle nomme les ? algorithmic gossip ? (2019) nous semble en ce sens heuristique en ce qu?elle cherche ? saisir la gestion strat?gique de la visibilit? algorithmique comme source de connaissance sur les algorithmes. Cette d?marche permet ainsi de comprendre ? les strat?gies utilis?es par les cr?ateurs de contenu pour n?gocier et maintenir leur visibilit? sur YouTube ?, et ainsi r?v?ler ? comment les perceptions des algorithmes informent [en retour] la production de contenus ? (id.)4 . La nature opaque et changeante des algorithmes faisant qu?il est impossible de conna?tre avec certitude les raisons pour lesquelles les contenus sont ou non promus et gagnent en visibilit?, ne pourrions-nous pas consid?rer ce que Sophie Bishop nomme ? gossip ? (en tant que ? connaissance commune et socialement inform?e sur les algorithmes et la visibilit? algorithmique ?) comme un outil pertinent pour analyser plus largement ? la mani?re dont la gestion des risques influe sur la rationalisation de la production culturelle ? (ibid.) ? Au-del? donc d?une ? f?tichisation ? des algorithmes, ce type de m?thode d?enqu?te nous invite ? nous pencher sur la mani?re dont ces connaissances, fruits d?interactions et de socialisations sp?cifiques, influencent les normes de production ainsi que les dynamiques de reproduction des normes sociales. Soumission d?une proposition d?article Les propositions d?article doivent compter entre 1 200 ? 1 500 mots (bibliographie non comprise). Elles pr?senteront le titre, la probl?matique, la m?thodologie, incluant la base empirique utilis?e, et les principaux r?sultats. La proposition doit ?tre anonyme. L?auteur indiquera ses nom, institution d?appartenance et coordonn?es directement dans le courriel. Merci d?envoyer vos propositions par courrier ?lectronique aux deux coordonnateurs : * H?l?ne BOURDELO?E : Helene.Bourdeloie at * Alix B?NISTANT : alix.benistant at La r?ception de chaque proposition donnera lieu ? un accus? de r?ception par courriel. CALENDRIER 20 mars 2023 Appel aux contributions 17 juillet 2023 Date limite d?envoi des propositions d?articles. Les propositions seront ?valu?es par le comit? scientifique en regard de leur pertinence pour le dossier th?matique et de leur qualit? scientifique 24 juillet 2023 Notification d?acceptation ou de refus des propositions 13 novembre 2023 Les auteurs accept?s envoient leurs articles complets directement ? la revue Communication : revue.communication at La longueur de l?article final, si la proposition est retenue, sera de 40 000 ? 60 000 signes, espaces non comprises (ceci inclut les notes mais exclut la bibliographie). Pri?re d?appliquer les consignes r?dactionnelles de la revue Chaque article sera ?valu? en double aveugle par un comit? de lecture ind?pendant. Le comit? de coordination en consultation avec l??quipe ?ditoriale de la revue Communication d?cidera, ? la lumi?re des ?valuations, de l?acceptation en l??tat, de la demande de modifications ou du rejet. 24 janvier 2024 Retour aux auteurs sur l?article 27 mars 2024 Remise de la nouvelle version de l?article directement ? la revue Communication : revue.communication at Le comit? de coordination v?rifiera si les modifications apport?es r?pondent aux recommandations du comit? de lecture ind?pendant. 17 avril 2024 Retour aux auteurs sur la nouvelle version. Mai ? juillet 2024 R?vision linguistique et retour aux auteurs pour validation et autorisation ? publier ?t? 2024 Publication Comit? scientifique Camille ALLOING (UQAM), S?bastien APPIOTTI (Celsa ? Sorbonne Universit?), Romain BADOUARD (Universit? Paris Panth?on-Assas), Claire BLANDIN (Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord), H?l?ne BREDA (Universit? Sorbonne Paris Nord), Lucile COQUELIN (Universit? Paris 8 Vincennes ? Saint-Denis), Alexandre COUTANT (UQAM), Lucie DELIAS (Universit? Paul Val?ry ? Montpellier 3), Sophie JEHEL (Universit? Paris 8 Vincennes ? Saint-Denis), Tristan MATTELART (Universit? Paris Panth?on ? Assas), Julien MESENGEAU (Universit? de Lille), C?line MORIN (Universit? Paris Nanterre), Nelly QUEMENER (Celsa ? Sorbonne Universit?), Louis WIART (Universit? Libre de Bruxelles). Bibliographie AGAMBEN Giorgio (2014), Qu?est-ce qu?un dispositif ?, Paris, Rivages, Poche. ALLARD Laurence (2019), ? Jeunesse subalterne et boucles de la reconnaissance ? l??ge du stream expressiviste (micro-vid?o, tag, fanbase) ?, dans Abdelfettah BENCHENNA, H?l?ne BOURDELOIE et Zineb MAJDOULI (dir.), Cultures et jeunes adultes en r?gion m?diterran?e. Circulations, pratiques et soft power, Paris, L?Harmattan. AUBERT Patrick (2019). ? ?galit? femme-homme : pas encore ?a chez les influenceurs !?, ZDNet, 11 juin. En ligne : BALLEYS Claire (2016), ? ?Nous les mecs?. La mise en sc?ne de l?intimit? masculine sur YouTube ?, dans Martin OLIVIER (dir.), L?Ordinaire d?internet. Le web dans nos pratiques et relations sociales, Malakoff, Paris, Armand Colin, p. 182-202. En ligne : BISHOP Sophie (2019), ? Managing Visibility on YouTube Through Algorithmic Gossip ?, New Media & Society, 1(18). En ligne : BLANDIN Claire (2017), ? Pr?sentation. Le web : de nouvelles pratiques militantes dans l?histoire du f?minisme ? ?, R?seaux, 201, p. 9-17, BOUQUILLION Philippe (2020), ? Les strat?gies de visibilit?, le r?le des plateformes ?, Enjeux num?riques, 10, Annales des mines, p. 21-26. BOURDELOIE H?l?ne (2021), ? Genre?s et num?rique ?, Publictionnaire. Dictionnaire encyclop?dique et critique des publics, http://publictionnaire.huma-, page consult?e le 17 mars 2023. BREMOND Claude (1970), ? Le r?le d?influenceur ?, Communications, 16, p. 60-69, https://www, consult? le 17 mars 2023. BROOKE Erin Duffy et Emily HUND (2019), ? Gendered Visibility on Social Media: Navigating Instagram?s Authenticity Bind ?, International Journal of Communication, 13,, page consult?e le 17 mars 2023. BROWN Wendy (2018), D?faire le d?mos. Le n?olib?ralisme, une r?volution furtive, Paris, Amsterdam. BULLICH Vincent et Laurie SCHMITT (2019), ? Les industries culturelles ? la conqu?te des plateformes ? ?, tic&soci?t?, 13(1-2),, page consult?e le 22 mars 2023. BULLICH Vincent (2021), ? Plateforme, plateformiser, plateformisation : le p?ril des mots qui occultent ce qu?ils nomment ?, Questions de communication, 40, p. 47-70. BUXTON Madeline (2017), ? Women have long ruled Instagram ? But the boys are catching up ?, Refinery29, 4 mai,, page consult?e le 23 mars 2023. D?RING Nicola et Mohseni ROHANGIS (2017), ? Male dominance and sexism on YouTube: results of three content analyses ?, Feminist Media Studies, 19(4), p. 512-524,, page consult?e le 17 mars 2023. EHRENBERG Alain (1991), Le culte de la performance, Paris, Calmann-L?vy. 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URL: From ssmeltze at Wed Jun 28 08:00:47 2023 From: ssmeltze at (Sandra Christine Smeltzer) Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 14:00:47 +0000 Subject: [acc-cca-l] Community Engaged Learning & Well-Being Workshop - Call for Proposals and Participation Message-ID: [?EXTERNAL] Hello all, Please see this link for our Community Engaged Learning & Well-Being Workshop's Call for Proposals and Participation: This one-day, intensive, praxis-oriented workshop is designed to explore issues related to mental health and well-being for students engaging in community-focused forms of experiential learning. The workshop will take place on Friday November 3, 2023, from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm at Western University (London, Ontario) and is free of charge. Please forward this Call to folx you think might be interested. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me - Sandy Smeltzer (ssmeltze at Best, Sandy Sandra Smeltzer, PhD Associate Professor Faculty of Information and Media Studies Western University ssmeltze at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: